#! /bin/bash # Command-line utility for testing PetaScope WCPS # Usage: ./full-test-online.sh [URL] [testFolder] [outputFolder] # Parameters: # * URL: the URL of the PetaScope implementation. Defaults to the new implementation on kahlua # * testFolder: the folder that contains abstract syntax query test cases (extension ".test") # * outputFolder: the folder where the script should save intermediate and output files. # # WARNING: if you use relative paths for the folders, they should be relative to the project folder, not to the test folder ! CLASSPATH=.:lib/wcps-all.jar:lib/jaxb-api.jar:lib/jaxb-impl.jar:lib/postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc4.jar:lib/jsr173_api.jar:lib/rasj.jar:lib/commons-math-1.1.jar:lib/antlrworks-1.2.3.jar:lib/commons-io-1.3.2.jar # cd .. && make jar && java -cp $CLASSPATH wcps.server.test.FullTestsOnline $1 $2 $3 cd .. && java -cp $CLASSPATH wcps.server.test.FullTestsOnline $1 $2 $3