/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see . * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see * or contact Peter Baumann via . */ package petascope.wcst.transaction.tools; //~--- non-JDK imports -------------------------------------------------------- import org.odmg.DBag; import org.odmg.Database; import org.odmg.Implementation; import org.odmg.ODMGException; import org.odmg.OQLQuery; import org.odmg.Transaction; import rasj.RasGMArray; import rasj.RasImplementation; import rasj.RasMInterval; import rasj.RasResultIsNoIntervalException; import petascope.wcs.server.exceptions.WCSException; //~--- JDK imports ------------------------------------------------------------ import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.util.Iterator; import org.odmg.QueryException; import petascope.wcs.server.exceptions.InternalComponentException; /** * Utility class for doing various tasks that involve the Rasdaman server. * * @author Andrei Aiordachioaie */ public class RasdamanUtils { Implementation myApp = null; Database myDb = null; Transaction myTa = null; private String base; private String server; /** * Simple constructor * * @param s server string * @param b database name */ public RasdamanUtils(String s, String b) { this.server = s; this.base = b; } public void log(String msg) { System.err.flush(); System.out.println("Rasdaman Utils: " + msg); System.out.flush(); } /** * Opens a new connection to the Rasdaman server, and starts a new transaction. * @throws WCSException on connection error */ public void init() throws WCSException { try { if (myApp == null) { myApp = new RasImplementation(server); } if (myDb == null) { myDb = myApp.newDatabase(); log("Opening database..."); myDb.open(base, Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); } if (myTa == null) { log("Beginning new transaction ..."); myTa = myApp.newTransaction(); myTa.begin(); } } catch (ODMGException e) { throw new InternalComponentException("Could not connect to the Rasdaman server !", e); } } public void commitAndClose() throws ODMGException { if (myTa != null) { log("Commiting transaction ..."); myTa.commit(); myTa = null; } if (myDb != null) { log("Closing database..."); myDb.close(); myDb = null; } log("Finished !"); } public void abortAndClose() throws ODMGException { if (myTa != null) { log("Aborting transaction..."); myTa.abort(); myTa = null; } if (myDb != null) { log("Closing database..."); myDb.close(); myDb = null; } log("Finished !"); } public BufferedImage loadCoverage(String name) throws Exception { init(); log("Running Load Coverage " + name + " query!"); OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create("select jpeg(" + name + ") from " + name); DBag resultSet = (DBag) myQu.execute(); if (resultSet != null) { log("Query successful !"); Iterator iter = resultSet.iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { RasGMArray result = (RasGMArray) iter.next(); byte[] ba = result.getArray(); ByteArrayInputStream bas = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba); com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageDecoder decoder = com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(bas); BufferedImage bufImg = null; try { bufImg = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error decoding the image !!!"); } commitAndClose(); return bufImg; } } abortAndClose(); return null; } public RasGMArray createMDD() throws RasResultIsNoIntervalException { // create 2-D MDD with cell length 1, i.e., type “byte”: RasGMArray myMDD = new RasGMArray(new RasMInterval("[1:400,1:400]"), 1); // byte container for array data, matching in size: byte[] mydata = new byte[160000]; // initialize array as grid of gray and black stripes: for (int y = 0; y < 400; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 400; x++) { mydata[y * 399 + x] = (byte) ((y % 4) > 1 ? 80 : 0); } } // now insert byte array into MDD object // (sets only the pointer, no copying takes place!): myMDD.setArray(mydata); return myMDD; } public void insertGrayImageAsArray(String name) throws ODMGException { try { init(); log("Creating grey image ..."); RasGMArray myMDD = createMDD(); // set up query object for collection creation: OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create("create collection " + name + " GreySet"); // set the object type name (used for server type checking): myMDD.setObjectTypeName("GreyImage"); // finally, execute “create collection” statement: log("Creating collection '" + name + "'"); myQu.execute(); // now create the insert statement: myQu.create("insert into " + name + " values $1"); // let the server generate a new OID for the object to be // inserted, and remember this OID locally: String myNewOID = myApp.getObjectId(myMDD); // bind the MDD value which substitutes formal parameter $1: myQu.bind(myMDD); // …and ship the complete statement to the server: log("Inserting data into the collection"); myQu.execute(); log("Done !"); commitAndClose(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); abortAndClose(); } } public void updateGrayImageWithArray(String name, BufferedImage img, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { try { log("Building query for updating gray image ..."); RasGMArray myMDD = createMddFromImage(img); myMDD.setObjectTypeName("GreyImage"); // set up query object for collection creation: OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); // Where to insert new image String interval = String.valueOf(x1) + ":" + String.valueOf(x2) + "," + String.valueOf(y1) + ":" + String.valueOf(y2); // Size of new image String interval2 = String.valueOf(0) + ":" + String.valueOf(x2 - x1) + "," + String.valueOf(0) + ":" + String.valueOf(y2 - y1); myQu.create("update " + name + " AS c SET c[" + interval + "] " + "assign maaray x in [" + interval2 + "] values $1"); // let the server generate a new OID for the object to be // inserted, and remember this OID locally: String myNewOID = myApp.getObjectId(myMDD); // bind the MDD value which substitutes formal parameter $1: myQu.bind(myMDD); // …and ship the complete statement to the server: log("Updating image ..."); myQu.execute(); log("Done !"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void insertGrayImageAsArray(String name, BufferedImage img) throws ODMGException, InternalComponentException { log("Creating grey image ..."); RasGMArray myMDD = createMddFromImage(img); // set up query object for collection creation: OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create("create collection " + name + " GreySet"); // set the object type name (used for server type checking): myMDD.setObjectTypeName("GreyImage"); // finally, execute “create collection” statement: log("Creating collection '" + name + "'"); myQu.execute(); // now create the insert statement: myQu.create("insert into " + name + " values $1"); // let the server generate a new OID for the object to be // inserted, and remember this OID locally: String myNewOID = myApp.getObjectId(myMDD); // bind the MDD value which substitutes formal parameter $1: myQu.bind(myMDD); // …and ship the complete statement to the server: log("Inserting data into the collection"); myQu.execute(); log("Done !"); } public void insertColorImageAsArray(String name, BufferedImage img) throws ODMGException { try { log("Creating grey image ..."); RasGMArray myMDD = createMddFromImage(img); // set up query object for collection creation: OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create("create collection " + name + " RGBSet"); // set the object type name (used for server type checking): myMDD.setObjectTypeName("RGBImage"); // finally, execute “create collection” statement: log("Creating collection '" + name + "'"); myQu.execute(); // now create the insert statement: myQu.create("insert into " + name + " values $1"); // let the server generate a new OID for the object to be // inserted, and remember this OID locally: String myNewOID = myApp.getObjectId(myMDD); // bind the MDD value which substitutes formal parameter $1: myQu.bind(myMDD); // …and ship the complete statement to the server: log("Inserting data into the collection"); myQu.execute(); log("Done !"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void insertImageAsJpeg(String name, byte[] img, int maxX, int maxY) throws ODMGException { try { init(); log("Creating image from bytes ..."); RasGMArray myMDD = createRasArrayFromBytes(img, maxX, maxY); // set up query object for collection creation: OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create("create collection " + name + " GreySet"); // set the object type name (used for server type checking): myMDD.setObjectTypeName("GreyImage"); // finally, execute “create collection” statement: log("Creating collection '" + name + "'"); myQu.execute(); // now create the insert statement: myQu.create("insert into " + name + " values inv_jpeg($1)"); // let the server generate a new OID for the object to be // inserted, and remember this OID locally: String myNewOID = myApp.getObjectId(myMDD); // bind the MDD value which substitutes formal parameter $1: myQu.bind(myMDD); // …and ship the complete statement to the server: log("Inserting data into the collection"); myQu.execute(); log("Done !"); commitAndClose(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.flush(); abortAndClose(); } } private RasGMArray createRasArrayFromBytes(byte[] bytes, int maxX, int maxY) throws RasResultIsNoIntervalException { // create 2-D MDD with cell length 1, i.e., type “byte”: String strX = String.valueOf(maxX), strY = String.valueOf(maxY); String interval = "[1:" + strX + "],1:" + strY + "]"; // FIXME: maybe change cell type? int cellType = 1; // create the RasGMArray object RasGMArray myMDD = new RasGMArray(new RasMInterval(interval), cellType); myMDD.setArray(bytes); return myMDD; } public void deleteCollection(String name) throws ODMGException, ODMGException, ODMGException, Exception { try { // init(); log("Creating query..."); // set up query object for collection creation: OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create("drop collection " + name); // finally, execute “create collection” statement: log("Executing deletion query..."); myQu.execute(); // now create the insert statement: log("Query finished !"); // commitAndClose(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; // abortAndClose(); } } public void printAllCollections() throws ODMGException { String query = "select r from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES as r"; // init(); log("Querying for all available collections ..."); OQLQuery myQu = myApp.newOQLQuery(); myQu.create(query); DBag resultSet = (DBag) myQu.execute(); if (resultSet != null) { Iterator iter = resultSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RasGMArray result = (RasGMArray) iter.next(); byte[] ba = result.getArray(); String name = new String(ba); if (name.endsWith("\u0000")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - (new String("\u0000")).length()); } System.out.println("* " + name); } } // commitAndClose(); } public RasGMArray createMddFromImage(BufferedImage img) throws InternalComponentException { String interval = null; try { int cols = img.getWidth(); int rows = img.getHeight(); // create 2-D MDD with cell length 1, i.e., type “byte”: interval = "[1:" + cols + ",1:" + rows + "]"; int cellType = 1; // create the RasGMArray object RasGMArray myMDD = new RasGMArray(new RasMInterval(interval), cellType); DataBuffer db = img.getData().getDataBuffer(); byte[] bytes = new byte[cols * rows]; System.out.println("Processing image with size: " + interval); System.out.println("Created vector with size: " + cols * rows); System.out.println("Processing data with size: " + db.getSize()); int i = 0; /* * Java image data-types store an image as a 1-D array, reading the * image row-wise. Rasdaman stores the image column-wise. So we need to * convert between the two representations. */ for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) { bytes[i++] = (byte) db.getElem(r * cols + c); } } myMDD.setArray(bytes); return myMDD; } catch (RasResultIsNoIntervalException e) { throw new InternalComponentException("Illegal Interval String: " + interval, e); } } public BufferedImage convertImageToGray(BufferedImage img) { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null); g.dispose(); return image; } }