/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see . * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see * or contact Peter Baumann via . / /** * INCLUDE: akgnet_nbcomm.hh * * MODULE: akg network * CLASS: NbJob, NbServerJob, NbClientJob, NbCommunicator * * COMMENTS: * Namespace akg * */ #ifndef AKGNET_NBCOMM_HH #define AKGNET_NBCOMM_HH #include "akgnet_server.hh" namespace akg { /** Base class for non-blocking communication jobs */ class NbJob { public: /** Static function for setting the current time. Used for marking the last action time, so timeout can be monitorized */ static void setCurrentTime() throw(); /** Static function for setting the timeout interval We use the same timeout for all jobs because the server doesn't do any distinction between jobs */ static void setTimeoutInterval(time_t x) throw(); /// Returns the timeout interval set for the jobs static time_t getTimeoutInterval() throw(); public: /// Status regarding accepting a new job enum acceptStatus { acs_nopending = 0, acs_Iambusy = 1, acs_accepted = 2 }; /// Status during the lifetime of a job enum workingStatus { wks_notdefined = 0, wks_accepting = 1, // job is ready to accept a connection wks_reading = 2, // job is reading data wks_writing = 3, // job is writing data wks_processing = 4 // job is processing the request }; virtual ~NbJob() throw(); /// Returns the working status workingStatus getStatus() throw(); /** Returns true if there is an operation in progress this means reading, writing or processing */ bool isOperationPending() throw(); /// Returns true if the job is ready to accept a connection bool isAccepting() throw(); /// Returns true if the job is reading data bool isReading() throw(); /// Returns true if the job is writing data bool isWriting() throw(); /// Returns true if the job is processing bool isProcessing() throw(); /** Pure function to do initialization when attached to a Selector Don't throw! */ virtual void initOnAttach(Selector *pselector) throw() =0; /** Pure function to do initialization when accepting a connection Returns: - acs_nopending when there is connection pending - acs_Iambusy when the job can't accept this connection - acs_accepted when the connection was accepted Assert: the 'currentBufferPtr' is initialized. This would be a software error Don't throw! */ virtual acceptStatus acceptConnection(ListenSocket& listenSocket) throw() =0; /** Reads as much data as it can. After every read it calls the 'validateMessage()' function and returns whatever this function returns. If there is a read error, other than EINTR or EAGAIN, the function 'executeOnReadError()' is called Returns 'true' if the message is completelly red Returns 'false' if there should be some more data */ bool readPartialMessage() throw(); /** Writes as much data as it can. After writing all data the function 'executeOnWriteReady()' is called. If there is a write error, other than EINTR or EAGAIN, the function 'executeOnWriteError()' is called Returns 'true' if the message is completelly written Returns 'false' if there should be some more data to write */ bool writePartialMessage() throw(); /// Clears the connection - closes the socket and removes it from the Selector void clearConnection() throw(); /// Returns the OS file descriptor for the socket int getSocket() throw(); /// Returns the errno of the last socket operation int getErrno() throw(); //###################################### /** Virtual function to clean up if timeout occured This version returns 'false' if no timeout or no connection If timeout it clears the connection and calls 'specificCleanUpOnTimeout()' Don't throw! */ virtual bool cleanUpIfTimeout() throw(); /** Pure function to process the request It has to set the appropriate status, so the server knows how to continue with this job Don't throw! */ virtual void processRequest() throw() =0; //###################################### protected: /// called after every read, returns 'true' if the message is all here virtual bool validateMessage() throw() =0; /// called when client is accepted, default does nothing virtual void executeOnAccept() throw(); /// called when message is written virtual void executeOnWriteReady() throw() =0; /// called when timeout, it has to set the status apropriate and do other cleanup virtual void specificCleanUpOnTimeout() throw() =0; /// called when a read error occurs, usual a message and clean up virtual void executeOnReadError() throw() =0; /// called when a write error occurs, usual a message and clean up virtual void executeOnWriteError() throw() =0; //###################################### protected: /// Protected constructor, taking a FileDescriptor, usually a Socket NbJob(FileDescriptor&) throw() ; /// Helper function for setting the job in read modus bool setReading() throw(); /// Helper function for setting the job in write modus bool setWriting() throw(); workingStatus status; /** Reference to a FileDescriptor, usually a Socket. It has to be provided by the derived class */ FileDescriptor &fdRef; /** Pointer to a Selector, which has to be provided by the Server object to which this job is attached */ Selector *selectorPtr; /** Pointer to a CommBuffer, which has to be provided by the derived class */ CommBuffer *currentBufferPtr; // for timeout time_t lastActionTime; /// Helper function which marks the current moment, so timeout counter is reset void action() throw(); static time_t timeOutInterv; static time_t currentTime; }; /* Base class for generic non-blocking server jobs */ class NbServerJob : public NbJob { public: /// Default constructor NbServerJob() throw(); /** The version for servers, it just initializes the 'Selector*' It doesn't have to be overloaded, it's OK for servers */ void initOnAttach(Selector *pselector) throw(); /** The version for servers It doesn't have to be overloaded, it's OK for most servers */ acceptStatus acceptConnection(ListenSocket& listenSocket) throw(); /// Returns the SocketAddress of the client SocketAddress getClientSocketAddress() throw(); /// Returns the HostAddress of the client HostAddress getClientHostAddress() throw(); protected: /// helper function, call it in "processRequest" to switch to writing void readyToWriteAnswer() throw(); ServerSocket serverSocket; }; /* Base class for generic non-blocking client jobs */ class NbClientJob : public NbJob { public: /// Default constructor NbClientJob() throw(); /// Returns 'true' if connection succeded bool connectToServer(const char* serverHost, int serverPort) throw(); /** The version for clients, it initializes the 'Selector*' and prepares for writing. It has to be called AFTER the connection to the server succeded! It doesn't have to be overloaded, it's OK for most clients */ void initOnAttach(Selector *pselector) throw(); /** The version for clients. It just returns 'acs_Iambusy' since clients don't accept connections It doesn't have to be overloaded, it's OK for most clients */ acceptStatus acceptConnection(ListenSocket& listenSocket) throw(); protected: /// helper function, call it in 'executeOnWriteReady()' to switch to reading void readyToReadAnswer() throw(); ClientSocket clientSocket; }; /** The heart of the non-blocking communication. It's derived from GenericServer but it is called 'Communicator' since it not only for servers but also for clients You can use this class for most communication purposes, special ones have to reimplement 'executeBeforeSelect()' or 'executeOnTimeout()' A better implementation should use 'vector' Important: new is supposed to throw! */ class NbCommunicator : public GenericServer { public: /// Default constructor NbCommunicator() throw(); /// Constructor setting also the maximal number of simultan jobs NbCommunicator(int newMaxJobs); /// Destructor ~NbCommunicator() throw(); /// Sets the maximal number of simultan jobs bool initJobs(int newMaxJobs); /// returns the maximal number of simultan jobs int getMaxJobs() throw(); /** Attaches a new job. Returns 'true' if succeded, 'false' if the job is already attached or if the maximal number of jobs is already attached */ bool attachJob(NbJob&) throw(); /** Deattach job. Returns 'true' if succeded, 'false' if the job is not attached */ bool deattachJob(NbJob&) throw(); /// This runs the main loop for servers, this means it initializes the listen socket first bool runServer() throw(); /// This runs the main loop for clients, this means without initializing the listen socket bool runClient() throw(); protected: /** Called before select, if it returns 'false' the loop exits. This version just returns 'true' */ virtual bool executeBeforeSelect() throw(); /** Called after select, if it returns 'false' the loop exits. This version just returns 'true' */ virtual bool executeAfterSelect() throw(); /** Called if select times out, if it returns 'false' the loop exits. This version just returns 'true' */ virtual bool executeOnTimeout() throw(); private: typedef NbJob *JobPtr; JobPtr *jobPtr; int maxJobs; /** The main loop of the communication: it waits for clients, dispatches them to the accepting jobs, then offers the jobs the possibility to read, process and write It returns 'false' only if 'executeBeforeSelect()' or 'executeOnTimeout()' return 'false' Otherwise it returns 'true' */ bool mainLoop() throw(); /// Helper function for dispatching read requests void dispatchReadRequest() throw(); /// Helper function for dispatching write requests void dispatchWriteRequest() throw(); /// Helper function for dispatching connect requests void connectNewClients() throw(); /// Helper function which looks for timeouted jobs void lookForTimeout() throw(); /// Helper function which calls 'processRequest()' of all jobs that are processing void processJobs() throw(); /** Helper function which returns 'true' if somebody called 'shouldExit()' and there is no job which processes anything. But it closes the listen socket so no more jobs are accepted and returns 'true' when all jobs finish */ bool mayExit() throw(); }; } //namespace #endif