/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see . * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see * or contact Peter Baumann via . */ /** *********************************************************** *
*********************************************************** */ package rasj.odmg; import org.odmg.*; import rasj.*; import rasj.clientcommhttp.*; import rasj.global.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; /** * This class implements the ODMG OQLQuery interface. * * @version 1.0 (07-Apr-2000) * * @author Peter Zoller */ public class RasOQLQuery implements OQLQuery, RasCommDefs { /** * This variable holds a reference to the RasImplementation object which created * this RasOQLQuery object */ //private RasODMGImplementation rasImplementation=null; private RasImplementationInterface rasImplementation=null; /** * Stores the query string. */ private String queryString = ""; /** * Stores the MDD parameter list */ private LinkedList qParams = null; /** * Stores the number of MDD parameters */ private int numberOfParams = 0; /** * Constructor */ public RasOQLQuery(RasImplementationInterface imp)//RasODMGImplementation imp) { Debug.enterVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.constructor start." ); rasImplementation=imp; Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.constructor done." ); } /** * Defines the query to be executed. * * @param query The OQL query string. */ public void create(String query) throws QueryInvalidException { Debug.talkVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.create query=" + query ); queryString = query; } /** * Binds a parameter to the query. */ public void bind(Object parameter) throws QueryParameterCountInvalidException, QueryParameterTypeInvalidException { Debug.enterVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.bind start." ); // add the parameter to the set if(qParams == null) qParams = new LinkedList(); qParams.add(parameter); numberOfParams++; Debug.enterVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.bind done." ); } /** * Execute the OQL query. */ public Object execute() throws QueryException { Debug.enterVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.execute start." ); BenchmarkTimer rasjQueryTimer = new BenchmarkTimer("rasjQuery"); rasjQueryTimer.startTimer(); String mddData = null; String params = null; String dummy = null; //RasHttpRequest request; Object item; StringBuffer buff; int offset; int buffIndex; Object result = null; try { String errorMsg = "Could not execute OQL-Query: "; // test if database is open if(rasImplementation.dbIsOpen() == 0) { Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasQOLQuery.execute done. database not open." ); throw new DatabaseClosedException(errorMsg + "database not open"); } // test if we have an open transaction params = "ClientID=" + rasImplementation.getClientID() + "&Command=" + RasODMGGlobal.commIsOpenTA; /* request = new RasHttpRequest(); request.execute(rasImplementation.getRasServer(),params);//RasODMGGlobal.getRasServer(),params); if(request.getResultType() == 98) throw new TransactionNotInProgressException(errorMsg + "no open transaction"); */ if(rasImplementation.isOpenTA()==false) { Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasQOLQuery.execute done. Error: no open transaction." ); throw new TransactionNotInProgressException(errorMsg + "no open transaction"); } // test for correct number of query parameters StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(queryString); String token = ""; int counter = 0; while(strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { token = strTok.nextToken(); if(token.charAt(0) == '$') { try { if(Integer.parseInt(token.substring(1, 2)) > counter) counter++; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // should not happen! Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.execute done. number format exception in query parsing." ); throw new QueryParameterCountInvalidException("There are was a NumberFormatException while parsing the query."); } } } if(counter != numberOfParams) { Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.execute done. number of parameters does not match query." ); throw new QueryParameterCountInvalidException( counter + " variable(s) in the query string vs. " + numberOfParams + " parameter(s) bound to the query."); } // process the parameters dummy = queryString.trim(); queryString = dummy; if(numberOfParams > 0) { counter = 0; ListIterator iter = qParams.listIterator(0); while (iter.hasNext()) { counter++; item = iter.next(); if(item instanceof RasGMArray) { // we have a MDD parameter => substitute the $x occurance in // the query string with #MDDx# and get the transfer encoding of // the MDDs. The format is specified in the file // clientcommhttp/RasHttprequest.java. RasGMArray mdd = (RasGMArray)item; if(mddData == null) mddData = utils.getTransferEncoding(mdd); else mddData = mddData + utils.getTransferEncoding(mdd); queryString = utils.substitute(queryString,"$"+counter,"#MDD"+counter+"#"); } else { // no MDD parameter => substitute each occurence of the // corresponding $ parameter in the query string with the // value of this parameter queryString = utils.substitute(queryString,"$"+counter,item.toString()); iter.remove(); numberOfParams--; } } } // what kind of query do we have? // FIXME: this way you don't see it keyword is in comment, and you miss mixed case!! -- PB 2003-jun-15 if((queryString.indexOf("select") != -1) || (queryString.indexOf("SELECT") != -1)) { //select query params = "Command=" + RasODMGGlobal.commQueryExec + "&ClientID=" + rasImplementation.getClientID() + "&QueryString=" + queryString; } else { // update query params = "Command=" + RasODMGGlobal.commUpdateQueryExec + "&ClientID=" + rasImplementation.getClientID() + "&QueryString=" + queryString + "&Endianess=" + BIG_ENDIAN + "&NumberOfQueryParameters=" + numberOfParams; if(numberOfParams > 0) params = params + "&BinDataSize=" + mddData.length() + "&BinData=" + mddData; } //request.execute(rasImplementation.getRasServer(),params);//RasODMGGlobal.getRasServer(),params); //return request.getResult(); result = rasImplementation.queryRequest(params); } catch(RasQueryExecutionFailedException e) { Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.execute done. query execution failed: " + e.getMessage() ); throw new QueryException(e.getMessage()); } catch(IOException e2) { Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.execute done. error while generating transfer encoding: " + e2.getMessage() ); throw new QueryException("Error while generating transfer encoding:\n" + e2.getMessage()); } rasjQueryTimer.stopTimer(); rasjQueryTimer.print(); Debug.leaveVerbose( "RasOQLQuery.execute done. result=" + result ); return result; } // execute() } // RasOQLQuery /* * Utilities */ abstract class utils { static String substitute(final String sourceString, final String oldString, final String newString) { Debug.enterVerbose( "utils.substitute start." ); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(sourceString); int offset = 0; int buffIndex = sourceString.indexOf(oldString,offset); while(buffIndex != -1) { buff.replace(buffIndex,buffIndex+oldString.length(),newString); offset = buffIndex+1; buffIndex = buff.toString().indexOf(oldString,offset); } String result = buff.toString(); Debug.leaveVerbose( "utils.substitute done. result=" + result ); return result; } /** returns a byte array representing the GMArray. This byte array is used for uploading query * parameters to the server. * The exact format of the byte array is described in the documentation of class * @see rasj.clientcommhttp.RasHttpRequest. */ static String getTransferEncoding(RasGMArray mdd) throws IOException { Debug.enterVerbose( "utils.getTransferEncoding start." ); String tileDomain = null; RasMInterval domain = mdd.spatialDomain(); long typeLength = mdd.getTypeLength(); ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dStream = new DataOutputStream(outStream); // get tilingDomain from the storageLayout object if(mdd.getStorageLayout().getSpatialDomain() == null) { tileDomain = getTilingDomain(domain,typeLength,mdd.getStorageLayout()); } else tileDomain = mdd.getStorageLayout().getSpatialDomain().toString(); // write object type //dStream.writeInt((int)getObjectType()); dStream.writeInt(1); dStream.writeBytes(mdd.getObjectTypeName()+String.valueOf('\0')); dStream.writeBytes(mdd.getTypeStructure()+String.valueOf('\0')); dStream.writeInt((int)typeLength); dStream.writeBytes(domain+String.valueOf('\0')); dStream.writeBytes(tileDomain+String.valueOf('\0')); dStream.writeBytes(mdd.getOID().toString()+String.valueOf('\0')); // if we have an MArray of type ulong: test that each cell value does not // exceed 2^32, because the server does only store 4 byte ushorts, and // convert the java-8-byte-long-array to a java-byte-array containing // only the 4 least bytes of each long value. if(mdd instanceof RasMArrayLong) { int arraySize = (int)mdd.getArraySize(); byte[] longArray = mdd.getArray(); // we skip the first 4 bytes of each long => arraySize / 2 dStream.writeInt(arraySize / 2); for(int i=0; i throw exception if(longArray[i+j] != 0) { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(longArray)); dis.skipBytes(i); long illegalValue = dis.readLong(); Debug.leaveVerbose( "utils.getTransferEncoding done. illegal long value." ); throw new RasIllegalULongValueException(illegalValue); } } for(int j=4; j arraySize / 2 dStream.writeInt(arraySize / 2); for(int i=0; i throw exception if(intArray[i+j] != 0) { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(intArray)); dis.skipBytes(i); int illegalValue = dis.readInt(); Debug.leaveVerbose( "utils.getTransferEncoding done. illegal short value." ); throw new RasIllegalUShortValueException(illegalValue); } } for(int j=2; j