/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see . * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see * or contact Peter Baumann via . */ #include "mymalloc/mymalloc.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* childs.c - child process handling. */ /* */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Comments: */ /* - intended purpose: */ /* Keep all functions related to child processes in one place. */ /* - Status: */ /* - Functions to Create and Initialize a child is thrown in. */ /* - Should think over the actual design - looks somewhat */ /* messy now. It should be something more clean and of */ /* generic use, so it can be reused in future projects. */ /* - Nevertheless -- it works, and there should be no creeping */ /* surprises in the code... [FLW Alert... ;-)] */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * RCS: * $RCSfile: childs.c,v $ $Revision: 1.6 $ $State: Exp $ * $Locker: $ */ #include "defs.h" #include "protos.h" #include "types.h" #include "server.h" #include "http-defs.h" #include "http.h" extern struct ServerBase Server; /****** childs/InitChild ***************************************************** * * NAME * InitChild -- data initializition after forking the child process. * * SYNOPSIS * int InitChild( struct ClientBase *Client ); * * FUNCTION * * RESULT * * NOTES * * BUGS * * SEE ALSO * ****************************************************************************** * */ rc_t InitChild( struct ClientBase *Client ) { char *UnknownIP = ""; /* Init ClientBase */ strcpy( Client->Host.IPAddrString, inet_ntoa( Client->Socket.sin_addr ) ); if( Client->Host.IPAddrString == NULL ) strcpy( Client->Host.IPAddrString, UnknownIP ); Client->Host.IPAddress = inet_addr( Client->Host.IPAddrString ); Client->Comm.ConnStatus = CONN_UNDEFINED; InitHTTPMsg( &Client->Response ); InitReqInfo( &Client->Request ); return( OK ); } /****** childs/NewChild ****************************************************** * * NAME * * * SYNOPSIS * * * FUNCTION * * * INPUTS * * * RESULT * * * NOTES * ### Temporary fork() wrapper. * Will be later expanded into something more usefull... * * BUGS * * * SEE ALSO * * ****************************************************************************** * */ pid_t NewChild( struct ChildBase *List, struct FDsets *PDSets, struct ClientBase *Client ) { struct ChildBase *Child; Child = (struct ChildBase*)mymalloc( sizeof( struct ChildBase ) ); if( Child == NULL ) // Failure? => QUIT. ErrorMsg( E_SYS, FAIL, "FAIL: NewChild(): malloc() failed!" ); // Open pipe if( pipe( Child->PD ) < 0 ) { ErrorMsg( E_SYS, ERROR, "ERROR: NewChild(): pipe() failed." ); Child->PipeStatus = PIPE_CLOSED; } else { Child->PipeStatus = PIPE_OPEN; } Child->PId = fork(); if( Child->PId < 0 ) // fork() Error? => QUIT. ErrorMsg( E_SYS, FAIL, "FAIL: NewChild(): fork() failed!" ); if( Child->PId > 0 ) // parent process? { // Add Pipe-Descriptors to PipeSets if( Child->PipeStatus == PIPE_OPEN ) { FD_SET( Child->PD[0], &PDSets->Read ); if( Child->PD[0] > PDSets->MaxFD ) PDSets->MaxFD = Child->PD[0]; close( Child->PD[1] ); } // Add Child to List AddChild( List, Child ); } else // child process { InitChild( Client ); // Remember PD to parent Client->Pipe = Child->PD[1]; close( Child->PD[0] ); free( Child ); } return( Child->PId ); } void CleanupChild( struct ChildBase *List, struct FDsets *PDSets, pid_t PId ) { struct ChildBase *Ptr; struct ChildBase *Tmp; LogMsg( LG_SERVER, DEBUG, "DEBUG: Begin CleanupChild ..." ); if(PDSets == NULL) LogMsg( LG_SERVER, DEBUG, "DEBUG: ########### PDSets is NULL!" ); if(PId == (pid_t)0) LogMsg( LG_SERVER, DEBUG, "DEBUG: ########### ChildPid is NULL!" ); if(List == NULL) LogMsg( LG_SERVER, DEBUG, "DEBUG: ########### ChildBase is NULL!" ); if( List->PId > 0 ) { for( Ptr = List; Ptr->next != List; Ptr = Ptr->next ) { if( Ptr->next->PId == PId ) { Tmp = Ptr->next; break; } } // Close pipe close( Tmp->PD[0] ); // Remove Pipe-Descriptors from PipeSets FD_CLR( Tmp->PD[0], &PDSets->Read ); RemChild( List, Tmp ); } } void AddChild( struct ChildBase *List, struct ChildBase *Child ) { Child->next = List->next; Child->prev = List; List->next->prev = Child; List->next = Child; List->PId++; } void RemChild( struct ChildBase *List, struct ChildBase *Child ) { Child->prev->next = Child->next; Child->next->prev = Child->prev; List->PId--; free( Child ); } struct ChildBase *GetChild( struct ChildBase *List, pid_t PId ) { struct ChildBase *Ptr; if( List->PId > 0 ) { for( Ptr = List; Ptr->next != List; Ptr = Ptr->next ) { if( Ptr->next->PId == PId ) return( Ptr->next ); } return( NULL ); } else return( NULL ); }