From b2119927d072fdd6d99bccceb5fd3fd68771f4d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Baumann Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 09:05:14 +0200 Subject: PB: more cleanup --- java/src/rasj/Rasj.el | 91 ------------ java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA | 173 ----------------------- java/src/rasj/odmg/ | 146 ------------------- java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html | 109 -------------- 4 files changed, 519 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 java/src/rasj/Rasj.el delete mode 100644 java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA delete mode 100644 java/src/rasj/odmg/ delete mode 100644 java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html diff --git a/java/src/rasj/Rasj.el b/java/src/rasj/Rasj.el deleted file mode 100644 index 3dd7e16..0000000 --- a/java/src/rasj/Rasj.el +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ - - - -(jde-set-project-name "Rasj") -(jde-set-variables - '(jde-use-font-lock t) - '(jde-db-set-initial-breakpoint t) - '(jde-run-option-garbage-collection (quote (t t))) - '(jde-db-option-stack-size (quote ((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes")))) - '(jde-compiler "javac") - '(jde-compile-option-extdirs nil) - '(jde-db-read-vm-args nil) - '(jde-compile-option-bootclasspath nil) - '(jde-run-working-directory "./") - '(jde-compile-option-debug (quote ("selected" (t nil nil)))) - '(jde-db-option-verbose (quote (nil nil nil))) - '(jde-run-option-heap-size (quote ((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes")))) - '(jde-run-read-app-args nil) - '(jde-db-option-java-profile (quote (nil . "./"))) - '(jde-entering-java-buffer-hooks (quote (jde-reload-project-file))) - '(jde-run-option-java-profile (quote (nil . "./"))) - '(jde-gen-window-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Window name: \")" "\".addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}});\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-db-option-vm-args nil) - '(jde-make-program "gmake") - '(jde-compile-option-target (quote ("1.1"))) - '(jde-run-application-class "") - '(jde-global-classpath nil) - '(jde-run-option-verbose (quote (nil nil nil))) - '(jde-db-option-heap-size (quote ((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes")))) - '(jde-db-mode-hook nil) - '(jde-key-bindings (quote (("" . jde-compile) ("" . jde-run) ("" . jde-db) ("" . jde-build) ("" . jde-run-menu-run-applet) ("" . jde-browse-jdk-doc) ("" . jde-save-project) (" " . jde-gen-println)))) - '(jde-db-option-garbage-collection (quote (t t))) - '(jde-run-option-properties nil) - '(jde-compile-option-nowarn nil) - '(jde-compile-option-depend nil) - '(jde-compile-option-vm-args nil) - '(jde-db-read-app-args nil) - '(jde-read-compile-args nil) - '(jde-db-option-properties nil) - '(jde-run-applet-doc "index.html") - '(jde-compile-option-directory "") - '(jde-run-java-vm "java") - '(jde-project-file-name "Rasj.el") - '(jde-db-option-verify (quote (nil t))) - '(jde-gen-property-change-support (quote ("'&" "\"protected PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);\" 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.\" 'n>" "\"* The listener is registered for all properties.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.\" 'n>" "\"* This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered for all properties.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Adds a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.\" 'n>" "\"* The listener will be invoked only when a call on firePropertyChange\" 'n>" "\"* names that specific property.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The name of the property to listen on\" 'n>" "\"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,\" 'n>" "\"PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The name of the property that was listened on\" 'n>" "\"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,\" 'n>" "\"PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners. \" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" 'n>" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" 'n>" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners. \" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around the more general\" 'n>" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object values.\" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" 'n>" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" 'n>" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, int oldValue, int newValue) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners. \" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around the more general\" 'n>" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object values.\" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" 'n>" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" 'n>" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Fires an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.\" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if the given event's old and new values are equal and non-null. \" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent object.\" 'n>\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(evt);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Checks if there are any listeners for a specific property.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent object.\" 'n>" "\"* @return trueif there are one or more listeners for the given property\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public boolean hasListeners(String propertyName) {\" 'n>" "\"return pcs.hasListeners(propertyName);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>"))) - '(jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Component name: \")" "\".addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}});\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-run-option-vm-args nil) - '(jde-gen-console-buffer-template (quote ("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 'n" "\"/**\" 'n" "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * @author \" (user-full-name) 'n" "\" * @version\" 'n" "\" */\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" {\" 'n> 'n>" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"() {\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"}\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public static void main(String[] args) {\" 'n>" "'p 'n>" "\"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"} // \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "'n>"))) - '(jde-jdk-doc-url "") - '(jde-run-option-stack-size (quote ((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes")))) - '(jde-db-option-heap-profile (quote (nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects"))) - '(jde-db-option-classpath nil) - '(jde-run-option-verify (quote (nil t))) - '(jde-db-option-application-args nil) - '(jde-gen-get-set-var-template (quote ("'n>" "(P \"Variable type: \" type) \" \"" "(P \"Variable name: \" name) \";\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Get the value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"* @return Value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public \" (s type) \" get\" (jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"() {return \" (s name) \";}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Set the value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"* @param v Value to assign to \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void set\" (jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"(\" (s type) \" v) {this.\" (s name) \" = v;}\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-gen-println (quote ("'&" "\"System.out.println(\" (P \"Print out: \") \");\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-run-mode-hook nil) - '(jde-compile-option-sourcepath nil) - '(jde-compile-option-depend-switch (quote ("-Xdepend"))) - '(jde-gen-buffer-boilerplate nil) - '(jde-build-use-make nil) - '(jde-db-startup-commands nil) - '(jde-compile-option-verbose-path nil) - '(jde-compile-option-command-line-args "") - '(jde-mode-abbreviations (quote (("ab" . "abstract") ("bo" . "boolean") ("br" . "break") ("by" . "byte") ("byv" . "byvalue") ("cas" . "cast") ("ca" . "catch") ("ch" . "char") ("cl" . "class") ("co" . "const") ("con" . "continue") ("de" . "default") ("dou" . "double") ("el" . "else") ("ex" . "extends") ("fa" . "false") ("fi" . "final") ("fin" . "finally") ("fl" . "float") ("fo" . "for") ("fu" . "future") ("ge" . "generic") ("go" . "goto") ("impl" . "implements") ("impo" . "import") ("ins" . "instanceof") ("in" . "int") ("inte" . "interface") ("lo" . "long") ("na" . "native") ("ne" . "new") ("nu" . "null") ("pa" . "package") ("pri" . "private") ("pro" . "protected") ("pu" . "public") ("re" . "return") ("sh" . "short") ("st" . "static") ("su" . "super") ("sw" . "switch") ("sy" . "synchronized") ("th" . "this") ("thr" . "throw") ("throw" . "throws") ("tra" . "transient") ("tr" . "true") ("vo" . "void") ("vol" . "volatile") ("wh" . "while")))) - '(jde-gen-code-templates (quote (("Get Set Pair" . jde-gen-get-set) ("toString method" . jde-gen-to-string-method) ("Action Listener" . jde-gen-action-listener) ("Window Listener" . jde-gen-window-listener) ("Mouse Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-listener) ("Mouse Motion Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener) ("Inner Class" . jde-gen-inner-class) ("println" . jde-gen-println) ("property change support" . jde-gen-property-change-support)))) - '(jde-compile-option-classpath nil) - '(jde-gen-boilerplate-function (quote jde-gen-create-buffer-boilerplate)) - '(jde-gen-class-buffer-template (quote ("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 'n" "\"/**\" 'n" "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * @author \" (user-full-name) 'n" "\" * @version\" 'n" "\" */\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" \" (jde-gen-get-super-class) \" {\" 'n> 'n>" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"() {\" 'n>" "'p 'n>" "\"}\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"} // \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "'n>"))) - '(jde-gen-action-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Component name: \")" "\".addActionListener(new ActionListener() {\" 'n>" "\"public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {\" 'n>" "\"}});\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode nil) - '(jde-quote-classpath t) - '(jde-run-option-application-args nil) - '(jde-run-java-vm-w "javaw") - '(jde-run-read-vm-args nil) - '(jde-run-applet-viewer "appletviewer") - '(jde-gen-inner-class-template (quote ("'& \"class \" (P \"Class name: \" class)" "(P \"Superclass: \" super t)" "(let ((parent (jde-gen-lookup-named 'super)))" "(if (not (string= parent \"\"))" "(concat \" extends \" parent))) \" {\" 'n>" "\"public \" (s class) \"() {\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> \"}\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-compile-option-deprecation nil) - '(jde-db-marker-regexp "^Breakpoint hit: .*(\\([^$]*\\).*:\\([0-9]*\\))") - '(jde-db-debugger (quote ("jdb" . "Executable"))) - '(jde-db-source-directories (quote ("./"))) - '(jde-gen-jfc-app-buffer-template (quote ("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 'n" "\"import java.awt.*;\" 'n" "\"import java.awt.event.*;\" 'n" "\"import*;\" 'n 'n" "\"/**\" 'n" "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * @author \" (user-full-name) 'n" "\" * @version\" 'n" "\" */\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" extends JFrame {\" 'n> 'n>" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"() {\" 'n>" "\"super(\\\"\" (P \"Enter app title: \") \"\\\");\" 'n>" "\"setSize(600, 400);\" 'n>" "\"addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}});\" 'n>" "\"}\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public static void main(String[] args) {\" 'n>" "'n>" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" f = new \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"();\" 'n>" "\";\" 'n>" "'p 'n>" "\"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"} // \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "'n>"))) - '(jde-make-args "") - '(jde-gen-mouse-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Component name: \")" "\".addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}});\" 'n>"))) - '(jde-run-option-classpath nil) - '(jde-gen-buffer-templates (quote (("Class" . jde-gen-class) ("Console" . jde-gen-console) ("Swing App" . jde-gen-jfc-app)))) - '(jde-compile-option-verbose nil) - '(jde-compile-option-optimize nil) - '(jde-compile-option-encoding nil) - '(jde-run-option-heap-profile (quote (nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects"))) - '(jde-gen-to-string-method-template (quote ("'&" "\"public String toString() {\" 'n>" "\"return super.toString();\" 'n>" "\"}\" 'n>")))) diff --git a/java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA b/java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA deleted file mode 100644 index 10ea687..0000000 --- a/java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -/* -* This file is part of rasdaman community. -* -* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -* (at your option) any later version. -* -* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -* GNU General Public License for more details. -* -* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -* along with rasdaman community. If not, see . -* -* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / -rasdaman GmbH. -* -* For more information please see -* or contact Peter Baumann via . -*/ -/** *********************************************************** - *
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- *********************************************************** */ -package rasj.odmg; - -import org.odmg.*; -import rasj.*; -import*; -import rasj.clientcommhttp.*; - -/** - * This class implements the ODMG Transaction interface. - * - * @version 1.0 (07-Apr-2000) - * - * @author Peter Zoller - */ -public class RasTransaction implements Transaction -{ - /** - * This variable holds a reference to the RasODMGImplementation object which created - * this RasDatabase object - */ - //private RasODMGImplementation rasImplementation=null; - private RasImplementationInterface rasImplementation=null; - - /** - * local state keeper whether TA is open; - * serves to optimize OQL queries: special method isOpenLocally() does not require server calls - */ - private boolean isOpenTA = false; - - public RasTransaction(RasImplementationInterface imp) - { - rasImplementation=imp; - isOpenTA = false; // local state keeper, maintained by TA methods - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void join() - { - Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::join: not yet implemented." ); - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void leave() - { - Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::leave: not yet implemented." ); - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Begin a transaction. - */ - public void begin() - { - rasImplementation.beginTA(); - isOpenTA = true; // TA is considered open if everything went fine. - } - - /** - * Returns TRUE if a transaction is currently open. - */ - public boolean isOpen() - { - boolean result = rasImplementation.isOpenTA(); - Debug.talkVerbose( "RasTransaction::isOpen: result=" + result ); - return result; - } - - /** - * Returns TRUE if a transaction is supposed to be open as seen from client side. - * This is an optimization to save one server call within query execution, - * it is NOT an official interface method. - */ - public boolean isOpenLocally() - { - boolean result = isOpenTA; - Debug.talkVerbose( "RasTransaction::isOpenLocally: result=" + result ); - return result; - } - - /** - * Commit a transaction. - */ - public void commit() - { - isOpenTA = false; // if commit fails something went wrong, so consider TA closed anyway - rasImplementation.commitTA(); - } - - /** - * Abort a transaction. - */ - public void abort() - { - isOpenTA = false; // if abort tails something went wrong, so consider TA closed anyway - rasImplementation.abortTA(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void checkpoint() - { - Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::checkpoint: not yet implemented." ); - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void lock(Object obj, int mode) throws LockNotGrantedException - { - Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::lock: not yet implemented." ); - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public boolean tryLock(Object obj, int mode) - { - Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::tryLock: not yet implemented." ); - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Returns the errorStatus. - */ - - public String getErrorStatus() - { - String result = rasImplementation.getErrorStatus(); - Debug.talkSparse( "RasTransaction::getErrorStatus: status=" + result ); - return result; - } - -} // RasTransaction diff --git a/java/src/rasj/odmg/ b/java/src/rasj/odmg/ deleted file mode 100644 index 29b7c90..0000000 --- a/java/src/rasj/odmg/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -/* -* This file is part of rasdaman community. -* -* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -* (at your option) any later version. -* -* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -* GNU General Public License for more details. -* -* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -* along with rasdaman community. If not, see . -* -* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / -rasdaman GmbH. -* -* For more information please see -* or contact Peter Baumann via . -*/ -/** *********************************************************** - *
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- *********************************************************** */ -package rasj.odmg; - -import org.odmg.*; -import rasj.*; -import rasj.clientcommhttp.*; -import*; - -/** - * This class implements the ODMG Transaction interface. - * - * @version 1.0 (07-Apr-2000) - * - * @author Peter Zoller - */ -public class RasTransaction implements Transaction -{ - /** - * This variable holds a reference to the RasODMGImplementation object which created - * this RasDatabase object - */ - //private RasODMGImplementation rasImplementation=null; - private RasImplementationInterface rasImplementation=null; - - - public RasTransaction(RasImplementationInterface imp) - { - rasImplementation=imp; - } - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void join() - { - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void leave() - { - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Begin a transaction. - */ - public void begin() - { - - rasImplementation.beginTA(); - } - - /** - * Returns TRUE if a transaction is currently open. - */ - public boolean isOpen() - { - Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::isOpen: calling rasImplementation.isOpenTA()" ); - return rasImplementation.isOpenTA(); - } - - /** - * Commit a transaction. - */ - public void commit() - { - - rasImplementation.commitTA(); - } - - /** - * Abort a transaction. - */ - public void abort() - { - rasImplementation.abortTA(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void checkpoint() - { - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public void lock(Object obj, int mode) throws LockNotGrantedException - { - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Not implemented yet. - */ - public boolean tryLock(Object obj, int mode) - { - throw new NotImplementedException(); - } - - /** - * Returns the errorStatus. - */ - - public String getErrorStatus() - { - return rasImplementation.getErrorStatus(); - } - -} diff --git a/java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html b/java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html deleted file mode 100644 index eea7bf9..0000000 --- a/java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -

rasdaman c/s protocol

-(taken from rasdaman/java/rasj/clientcomm/ -

- -Request structure

- -

    -The rasj HTTP request to the rasdaman server uses the HTTP POST-Format with the following -parameters: -

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Parameter:Description:Required for
    CommandInteger value specifying the desired action (e.g. OpenDB, BT, CT, CloseDB ...)all requests
    DatabaseString value specifying the databaseOpenDB, CloseDB
    ClientTypeInteger value defining the type of the client (at the moment always RasClient)all requests
    ClientIDInteger value specifying the ClientID (currently set to 1 for every client)all requests
    QueryStringString value containing the RasQL queryexecuteQuery
    EndianessInteger value containing the Client Endianessonly insert queries
    NumberOfQueryParametersInteger value specifying the number of query parametersonly insert queries
    QueryParametersByte Array containing the query parameters (MDDs) using the following format:
    - - - - - - -
    objectTypeobjectTypeNametypeStructuretypeLengthdomainstorageLayoutOIDdataSizebinary data
    -/TD> -
    only insert queries


- -Result formats / internal representation:

    -The result of a HTTP request has one of the following forms:

    -MDD Collections:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ByteByteStringLong(4Bytes)resultElement 1 ...
    Result type


    EndianessCollection typeNumber of resultsBaseType descriptionSpatial domainOIDSize of the Binary Data BlockBinary Data Block

    - -Skalar Collections:
    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ByteByteStringLong(4Bytes)resultElement 1 ...
    Result type


    EndianessCollection typeNumber of resultsElementType descriptionSize of the Binary Data BlockBinary Data Block

    - -Errors:
    - - - - - - - - - -
    Result type


    EndianessError numberLine numberColumn numberToken

    - -Single Integer Value:
    - - -
    Result type



    - -OID:
    - - -
    Result type



    - -Acknowledgement:
    - - -
    Result type


    - -

- -- cgit