path: root/relindexif/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'relindexif/')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/relindexif/ b/relindexif/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb44354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/relindexif/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "dbtcindex.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
+#include "reladminif/lists.h"
+#include "reladminif/sqlerror.hh"
+#include "reladminif/externs.h"
+#include "relblobif/blobtile.hh"
+#include "relblobif/inlinetile.hh"
+#include "relblobif/tileid.hh"
+#include "reladminif/objectbroker.hh"
+#include "reladminif/adminif.hh"
+#include "reladminif/dbref.hh"
+#include "storagemgr/sstoragelayout.hh"
+#include "indexmgr/keyobject.hh"
+ {
+ mappingHasChanged = true;
+ }
+ {
+ inlineTileHasChanged = true;
+ }
+DBTCIndex::DBTCIndex(const OId& id)
+ : DBHierIndex(id),
+ _isLoaded(false),
+ inlineTileHasChanged(false),
+ mappingHasChanged(false),
+ hasBlob(false)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "DBTCIndex(" << myOId << ")");
+ throw r_Error(r_Error::r_Error_FeatureNotSupported);
+ readFromDb();
+ _isLoaded = !hasBlob;
+ RMDBGEXIT(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "DBTCIndex(" << myOId << ")");
+ }
+DBTCIndex::getNewInstance() const
+ {
+ return (HierIndexDS*)new DBTCIndex(getDimension(), !isLeaf());
+ }
+DBTCIndex::DBTCIndex(r_Dimension dim, bool isNode)
+ : DBHierIndex(dim, isNode, false),
+ _isLoaded(true),
+ inlineTileHasChanged(false),
+ mappingHasChanged(false),
+ hasBlob(false)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "DBTCIndex(" << dim << ", " << (int)_isLoaded << ") " << myOId);
+ throw r_Error(r_Error::r_Error_FeatureNotSupported);
+ objecttype = OId::DBTCINDEXOID;
+ setPersistent(true);
+ setCached(true);
+ RMDBGEXIT(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "DBTCIndex(" << dim << ") " << myOId);
+ }
+DBTCIndex::printStatus(unsigned int level, std::ostream& stream) const
+ {
+ char* indent = new char[level*2 +1];
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < level*2 ; j++)
+ indent[j] = ' ';
+ indent[level*2] = '\0';
+ stream << indent << "DBTCIndex ";
+ DBHierIndex::printStatus(level + 1, stream);
+ delete[] indent;
+ }
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "~DBTCIndex() " << myOId);
+ if (!isModified())
+ {
+ if (!AdminIf::isReadOnlyTA())
+ {
+ if (isLeaf())
+ decideForInlining();
+ if (mappingHasChanged)
+ updateTileIndexMappings();
+ if (inlineTileHasChanged)
+ {
+ storeTiles();
+ changeBOIdToIOId();
+ }
+ if (isModified())
+ DBHierIndex::updateInDb();
+ if (isLeaf())
+ changeIOIdToBOId();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ validate();
+ currentDbRows = 0;
+ parent = OId(0);
+ RMDBGEXIT(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "~DBTCIndex() " << myOId);
+ }
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "registerIOIds() " << myOId);
+ for (KeyObjectVector::iterator i = myKeyObjects.begin(); i != myKeyObjects.end(); i++)
+ if ((*i).getObject().getOId().getType() == OId::INNEROID)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "registering tileoid " << OId((*i).getObject().getOId().getCounter(), OId::INLINETILEOID) << " indexoid " << myOId);
+ ObjectBroker::registerTileIndexMapping(OId((*i).getObject().getOId().getCounter(), OId::INLINETILEOID), myOId);
+ hasBlob = true;
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(7, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "registerIOIds() " << myOId);
+ }
+ {
+ for (KeyObjectVector::iterator it = myKeyObjects.begin(); it != myKeyObjects.end(); it++)
+ if ((*it).getObject().getOId().getType() == OId::INNEROID)
+ {
+ OId o((*it).getObject().getOId().getCounter(), OId::INLINETILEOID);
+ DBObjectPPair p(o, 0);
+ inlineTiles.insert(p);
+ (*it).setObject(o);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ for (KeyObjectVector::iterator it = myKeyObjects.begin(); it != myKeyObjects.end(); it++)
+ {
+ DBObjectPMap::iterator itit = inlineTiles.find((*it).getObject().getOId());
+ if (itit != inlineTiles.end())
+ {
+ (*it).setObject(OId((*it).getObject().getOId().getCounter(), OId::INNEROID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+DBTCIndex::removeInlineTile(InlineTile* it)
+ {
+ DBObjectPMap::iterator itit = inlineTiles.find(it->getOId());
+ if (itit != inlineTiles.end())
+ {
+ inlineTiles.erase(itit);
+ setMappingHasChanged();
+ setInlineTileHasChanged();
+ ObjectBroker::deregisterTileIndexMapping(it->getOId(), myOId);
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGONCE(0, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "deregisterInlineTile(" << it->getOId() << ") it not found")
+ }
+ }
+DBTCIndex::addInlineTile(InlineTile* it)
+ {
+ if (!_isLoaded)
+ readInlineTiles();
+ DBObjectPPair p(it->getOId(), it);
+ inlineTiles.insert(p);
+ ObjectBroker::registerTileIndexMapping(it->getOId(), myOId);
+ setMappingHasChanged();
+ setInlineTileHasChanged();
+ }
+DBTCIndex::insertInDb() throw (r_Error)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "insertInDb() " << myOId);
+ if (isLeaf())
+ {
+ decideForInlining();
+ if (inlineTileHasChanged || mappingHasChanged)
+ {
+ updateTileIndexMappings();
+ insertBlob();
+ storeTiles();
+ changeBOIdToIOId();
+ }
+ }
+ DBHierIndex::insertInDb();
+ if (isLeaf())
+ changeIOIdToBOId();
+ RMDBGEXIT(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "insertInDb() " << myOId);
+ }
+DBTCIndex::readFromDb() throw (r_Error)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "readFromDb() " << myOId);
+ DBHierIndex::readFromDb();
+ if (isLeaf())
+ {
+ registerIOIds();
+ changeIOIdToBOId();
+ }
+ inlineTileHasChanged = false;
+ mappingHasChanged = false;
+ RMDBGEXIT(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "readFromDb() " << myOId);
+ }
+DBTCIndex::updateInDb() throw (r_Error)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "updateInDb() " << myOId);
+ if (isLeaf())
+ decideForInlining();
+ if (mappingHasChanged)
+ updateTileIndexMappings();
+ if (inlineTileHasChanged)
+ storeTiles();
+ if (inlineTiles.size() != 0)
+ changeBOIdToIOId();
+ DBHierIndex::updateInDb();
+ if (isLeaf())
+ changeIOIdToBOId();
+ RMDBGEXIT(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "updateInDb() " << myOId);
+ }
+DBTCIndex::getInlineTile(const OId& itid)
+ {
+ InlineTile* retval = 0;
+ DBObjectPMap::iterator itit;
+ if (!_isLoaded)
+ {
+ readInlineTiles();
+ }
+ itit = inlineTiles.find(itid);
+ if (itit != inlineTiles.end())
+ {
+ retval = (InlineTile*)(*itit).second;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+DBTCIndex::readyForRemoval(const OId& id)
+ {
+ if (id.getType() == OId::INLINETILEOID)
+ {
+ DBObjectPMap::iterator itit;
+ itit = inlineTiles.find(id);
+ if (inlineTiles.end() != itit)
+ {
+ if (!_isLoaded)
+ {
+ readInlineTiles();
+ itit = inlineTiles.find(id);
+ ((*itit).second)->setCached(false);
+ ((InlineTile*)(*itit).second)->outlineTile();
+ }
+ else {
+ ((*itit).second)->setCached(false);
+ ((InlineTile*)(*itit).second)->outlineTile();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+DBTCIndex::removeObject(const KeyObject& entry)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "removeObject(" << entry << ") " << myOId);
+ if (isLeaf())
+ readyForRemoval(entry.getObject().getOId());
+ bool found = DBHierIndex::removeObject(entry);
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "removeEntry(" << entry << ") " << myOId << " " << found);
+ return found;
+ }
+DBTCIndex::removeObject(unsigned int pos)
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(4, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "removeObject(" << pos << ") " << myOId);
+ if (isLeaf())
+ if (pos <= myKeyObjects.size())
+ readyForRemoval(myKeyObjects[pos].getObject().getOId());
+ bool found = DBHierIndex::removeObject((unsigned int)pos);
+ RMDBGEXIT(4, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "removeEntry(" << pos << ") " << myOId << " " << found);
+ return found;
+ }
+ {
+ RMDBGENTER(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "decideForInlining() " << myOId);
+ if (isLeaf())
+ {
+ InlineTile* itile = NULL;
+ KeyObjectVector::iterator it;
+ for (it = myKeyObjects.begin(); it != myKeyObjects.end(); it++)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", " we do oid " << (*it));
+ if ((*it).getObject().getOId().getType() == OId::INLINETILEOID)
+ if ((itile = (InlineTile*)ObjectBroker::isInMemory((*it).getObject().getOId())) != 0)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "in memory");
+ //decide for inlineing
+ if (itile->isInlined())
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "inlined");
+ if (itile->getSize() > StorageLayout::DefaultPCTMax)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "needs to be outlined");
+ itile->outlineTile();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "outlined");
+ if (itile->getSize() < StorageLayout::DefaultMinimalTileSize)
+ {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "needs to be inlined");
+ itile->inlineTile(myOId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ RMDBGMIDDLE(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "not in memory");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RMDBGEXIT(5, RMDebug::module_indexif, "DBTCIndex", "decideForInlining() " << myOId);
+ }