path: root/qlparser/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qlparser/')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qlparser/ b/qlparser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e994f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qlparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+#include "mymalloc/mymalloc.h"
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************/
+static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)qlparser, QtMDD: $Header: /home/rasdev/CVS-repository/rasdaman/qlparser/,v 1.44 2003/12/27 20:51:28 rasdev Exp $";
+#include "qlparser/qtmdd.hh"
+#include "qlparser/qtscalardata.hh"
+#include "qlparser/qtmintervaldata.hh"
+#include "qlparser/qtoperation.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/mddobj.hh"
+#include "tilemgr/tile.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/mddcoll.hh"
+#include "catalogmgr/typefactory.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
+#include "relcatalogif/mdddimensiontype.hh"
+#include <iostream>
+#ifndef CPPSTDLIB
+#include <ospace/string.h> // STL<ToolKit>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+#include <iostream>
+extern MDDColl* mddConstants;
+QtMDD::QtMDD( MDDObj* ptr )
+ : QtData(),
+ mddObject( ptr )
+ if( ptr && ptr->isPersistent() )
+ setLifetime( QtData::QT_PERSISTENT );
+ else
+ setLifetime( QtData::QT_TRANSIENT );
+ if( ptr )
+ loadDomain = ptr->getDefinitionDomain();
+QtMDD::QtMDD( MDDObj* ptr, string name )
+ : QtData( name ),
+ mddObject( ptr )
+ if( ptr && ptr->isPersistent() )
+ setLifetime( QtData::QT_PERSISTENT );
+ else
+ setLifetime( QtData::QT_TRANSIENT );
+ if( ptr )
+ loadDomain = ptr->getCurrentDomain();
+QtMDD::QtMDD( QtOperation* mintervalOp, list<QtScalarData*>* literalList )
+ : QtData(), mddObject(0)
+ list< QtScalarData* >::iterator elemIter;
+ QtScalarData* scalarElem=NULL;
+ //
+ // evaluate domain
+ //
+ if( mintervalOp )
+ {
+ QtData* operand = mintervalOp->evaluate(NULL);
+ if( operand->getDataType() != QT_MINTERVAL )
+ {
+ RMInit::logOut << "Error: QtMDD( QtOperation*, list<QtScalarData*>* ) - Can not evaluate domain expression to an minterval." << endl;
+ ParseInfo errorInfo = getParseInfo();
+ errorInfo.setErrorNo(401);
+ throw errorInfo;
+ }
+ r_Minterval domain = ((QtMintervalData*)operand)->getMintervalData();
+ // delete old operand
+ if( operand ) operand->deleteRef();
+ //
+ // determine base type
+ //
+ if( literalList->size()!=0 )
+ {
+ scalarElem = *(literalList->begin());
+ const BaseType* baseType = scalarElem->getValueType();
+ //
+ // allocate memory and fill it with cell values of the list
+ //
+ unsigned long cellCount = 0;
+ unsigned long cellSize = baseType->getSize();
+ char* cellBuffer = (char*)mymalloc( domain.cell_count()*cellSize );
+ char* bufferOffset = cellBuffer;
+ for( elemIter = literalList->begin(); elemIter != literalList->end(); elemIter++ )
+ {
+ scalarElem = *elemIter;
+ cellCount++;
+ // do not write beyond array boundary
+ if( cellCount <= domain.cell_count() )
+ {
+ if( scalarElem->getValueType() != baseType )
+ {
+ RMDBGONCE(2, RMDebug::module_qlparser, "QtMDD", "Error: QtMDD() - All cell values of an MDD must be of the same type." )
+ free( cellBuffer );
+ cellBuffer=NULL;
+ ParseInfo errorInfo = getParseInfo();
+ errorInfo.setErrorNo(301);
+ throw errorInfo;
+ }
+ memcpy( (void*)bufferOffset, (void*)(scalarElem->getValueBuffer()), (unsigned int)cellSize );
+ bufferOffset += cellSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // delete literal list - done by caller
+ // delete literalList;
+ if( cellCount != domain.cell_count() )
+ {
+ RMDBGONCE(2, RMDebug::module_qlparser, "QtMDD", "Error: QtMDD() - Number of cells specified does not match the number of cells of the given spatial domain." )
+ free( cellBuffer );
+ cellBuffer=NULL;
+ ParseInfo errorInfo = getParseInfo();
+ errorInfo.setErrorNo(302);
+ throw errorInfo;
+ }
+ //
+ // create transient tile
+ //
+ Tile* tile = new Tile( domain, baseType, cellBuffer, 0 );
+ //
+ // create transiend mddObject and attach created tile
+ //
+ MDDDimensionType* mddDimensionType = new MDDDimensionType( "tmp", baseType, domain.dimension() );
+ TypeFactory::addTempType( mddDimensionType );
+ mddObject = new MDDObj( mddDimensionType, domain );
+ mddObject->insertTile( tile );
+ loadDomain = domain;
+ }
+ else
+ RMInit::logOut << "Internal Error: QtMDD( domain, literalList ) - list of literal lists is empty" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RMInit::logOut << "Error: QtMDD( QtOperation*, list<QtScalarData*>* ) - Domain of MDD constructor has to be defined." << endl;
+ ParseInfo errorInfo = getParseInfo();
+ errorInfo.setErrorNo(400);
+ throw errorInfo;
+ }
+QtMDD::QtMDD( int constantNo )
+ : QtData(),
+ mddObject( NULL )
+ RMDBGONCE(2, RMDebug::module_qlparser, "QtMDD", "QtMDD() - constant no " << constantNo )
+ if( mddConstants )
+ {
+ MDDCollIter* mddIter = mddConstants->createIterator();
+ //for( mddIter->reset(); mddIter->notDone(); mddIter->advance() )
+ mddIter->reset();
+ // take the MDD object
+ mddObject = mddIter->getElement();
+ // remove it from the constant list
+ mddConstants->remove( mddObject );
+ delete mddIter;
+ mddIter = NULL;
+ if( mddObject )
+ loadDomain = mddObject->getCurrentDomain();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RMInit::logOut << "Error: QtMDD() - Unsatisfied MDD constant parameter." << endl;
+ ParseInfo errorInfo = getParseInfo();
+ errorInfo.setErrorNo(373);
+ throw errorInfo;
+ }
+QtMDD::QtMDD( const QtMDD& obj )
+ : QtData( obj ),
+ mddObject( obj.mddObject )
+ //this causes problems when passing more than one trans mddobj
+ if( mddObject && getLifetime() == QtData::QT_TRANSIENT )
+ {
+ RMDBGONCE( 2, RMDebug::module_qlparser, "QtMDD", "~QtMDD() - transient MDD object " << mddObject << " deleted" )
+ delete mddObject;
+ mddObject = NULL;
+ }
+QtMDD::getCellType() const
+ return (BaseType*)mddObject->getCellType();
+unsigned long
+QtMDD::getCellSize() const
+ return mddObject->getCellType()->getSize();
+QtMDD::getDataType() const
+ return QT_MDD;
+QtMDD::equal( const QtData* /*obj*/ ) const
+ int returnValue = false; // not equal by initialization
+ // Later on, MDD constants can be compared.
+ return returnValue;
+QtMDD::getSpelling() const
+ string result;
+ // no spelling right now
+ return result;
+char* QtMDD::getTypeStructure() const
+ if( mddObject )
+ return mddObject->getMDDBaseType()->getTypeStructure();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+QtMDD::printStatus( ostream& stream ) const
+ if( mddObject )
+ stream << "MDD object: load domain: " << loadDomain << endl;
+ else
+ stream << "<no object>" << endl;
+ QtData::printStatus( stream );
+RMDBGIF(3, RMDebug::module_qlparser, "QtMDD", mddObject->printStatus(0, stream); )
+RMDBGIF(30, RMDebug::module_qlparser, "QtMDD", \
+ vector<Tile*>* vec = mddObject->getTiles(); \
+ for( int i = 0; i<vec->size(); i++ ) \
+ ((*vec)[i])->printStatus(); \
+ delete vec; vec=NULL; )