path: root/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml
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Diffstat (limited to 'petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml')
9 files changed, 637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/2dIdentityConversion.xml b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/2dIdentityConversion.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..994917e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/2dIdentityConversion.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<Conversion xmlns=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=""
+ gml:id="IdentityConversion2D">
+ <!-- Example for a 2-D CRS identity conversion as defined in the GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for WCS 2.0 -->
+ <!-- Last updated 2010-01-11 -->
+ <!-- =============================================== -->
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:method:WCS-SWG:2.0:">IdentityConversion2D</identifier>
+ <name>Identity Conversion 2D</name>
+ <remarks>none provided </remarks>
+ <scope>not known</scope>
+ <method xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:method:WCS-SWG:2.0:IdentityMethod2D"/>
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/2dIdentityMethod.xml b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/2dIdentityMethod.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..949036f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/2dIdentityMethod.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<OperationMethod xmlns=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=""
+ gml:id="IdentityMethod2D">
+ <!-- Example for a 2-D CRS identity transformation as defined in the GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for WCS 2.0 -->
+ <!-- Last updated 2010-01-11 -->
+ <!-- =============================================== -->
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:method:WCS-SWG:2.0:">IdentityMethod2D</identifier>
+ <name>Identity Method 2D</name>
+ <remarks>Method for use by a Coordinate Conversion for the identity transformation of two coordinates </remarks>
+ <methodFormula>This coordinate converion shall be as specified by the equations:
+ BaseX = DerivedX
+ BaseY = DerivedY
+ DerivedX, DerivedY are position coordinates in the derived 2D CRS
+ BaseX, BaseY are position coordinates in the 2D base CRS
+ </methodFormula>
+ <sourceDimensions>2</sourceDimensions>
+ <targetDimensions>2</targetDimensions>
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleRangeStructure.xml b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleRangeStructure.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..519a5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleRangeStructure.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:gmlwcs=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" ../gmlwcsAll.xsd">
+ <!-- Example for a coverage range structure as defined in the GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for WCS 2.0 -->
+ <!-- It models the red, green, and blue channel of a Landsat scene. Pixels are defined as unsigned 8-bit quantities where 0 and 255 denote null values. -->
+ <!-- Last updated 2010-01-11 -->
+ <!-- =============================================== -->
+ <gmlwcs:RangeStructure gml:id="RGB">
+ <gmlwcs:rangeField >
+ <gmlwcs:RangeField gml:id="Red" uom="W/cm^2">
+ <gml:name>red</gml:name>
+ <gmlwcs:dataType>UnsignedChar</gmlwcs:dataType>
+ <gmlwcs:nilValueList>000 255</gmlwcs:nilValueList>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeField>
+ <gmlwcs:rangeField >
+ <gmlwcs:RangeField gml:id="Green" uom="W/cm^2">
+ <gml:name>green</gml:name>
+ <gmlwcs:dataType>UnsignedChar</gmlwcs:dataType>
+ <gmlwcs:nilValueList>000 255</gmlwcs:nilValueList>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeField>
+ <gmlwcs:rangeField >
+ <gmlwcs:RangeField gml:id="Blue" uom="W/cm^2">
+ <gml:name>blue</gml:name>
+ <gmlwcs:dataType>UnsignedChar</gmlwcs:dataType>
+ <gmlwcs:nilValueList>000 255</gmlwcs:nilValueList>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeStructure>
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleRectifiedGridCoverage.xml b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleRectifiedGridCoverage.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9514ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleRectifiedGridCoverage.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:gmlwcs=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" ../gmlwcsAll.xsd"
+ gml:id="Coverage1">
+ <!-- Example for a domain set for a rectified grid coverage as defined in the GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for WCS 2.0 -->
+ <!-- Last updated 2010-01-11 -->
+ <!-- =============================================== -->
+ <gml:domainSet>
+ <gml:RectifiedGrid gml:id="RectifiedGrid1" dimension="2" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
+ <gml:limits>
+ <gml:GridEnvelope>
+ <gml:low>0 0</gml:low>
+ <gml:high>9999 9999</gml:high>
+ </gml:GridEnvelope>
+ </gml:limits>
+ <gml:axisLabels>column row</gml:axisLabels>
+ <gml:origin>
+ <gml:Point gml:id="Origin1" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
+ <gml:pos>99.9 99.9</gml:pos>
+ </gml:Point>
+ </gml:origin>
+ <gml:offsetVector>1 0</gml:offsetVector>
+ <gml:offsetVector>0 1</gml:offsetVector>
+ </gml:RectifiedGrid>
+ </gml:domainSet>
+ <gml:rangeSet>
+ <gml:File>
+ <gml:rangeParameters xlink:href="TBDurl"/>
+ <gml:fileReference>TBDurlOfFile</gml:fileReference>
+ <gml:fileStructure>TBD</gml:fileStructure>
+ </gml:File>
+ </gml:rangeSet>
+ <gmlwcs:rangeStructure>
+ <gmlwcs:RangeStructure gml:id="RangeStructure1">
+ <gmlwcs:rangeField >
+ <gmlwcs:RangeField gml:id="White" uom="W/cm^2">
+ <gml:name>white</gml:name>
+ <gmlwcs:dataType>UnsignedChar</gmlwcs:dataType>
+ <gmlwcs:nilValueList>000 255</gmlwcs:nilValueList>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeStructure>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeStructure>
+ <gml:coverageFunction>
+ <gml:GridFunction>
+ <gml:sequenceRule axisOrder="+1 +2">Linear</gml:sequenceRule>
+ <gml:startPoint>0 0</gml:startPoint>
+ </gml:GridFunction>
+ </gml:coverageFunction>
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleReferenceablGridCoverage.xml b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleReferenceablGridCoverage.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9de96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/Examples/exampleReferenceablGridCoverage.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:gmlwcs=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" ../gmlwcsAll.xsd"
+ gml:id="Coverage1">
+ <!-- Example for a domain set for a rectified grid coverage containing a ReferencedGridByTransformation as defined in the GML 3.2.1 Application Schema for WCS 2.0 -->
+ <!-- Last updated 2010-01-11 -->
+ <!-- =============================================== -->
+ <gml:domainSet>
+ <gmlwcs:ReferencedGridByTransformation gml:id="ReferencedGrid1" dimension="2" srsName="InternalCRS1">
+ <gml:limits>
+ <gml:GridEnvelope>
+ <gml:low>0 0</gml:low>
+ <gml:high>9999 9999</gml:high>
+ </gml:GridEnvelope>
+ </gml:limits>
+ <gml:axisLabels>Column Row</gml:axisLabels>
+ <gmlwcs:gridCRS>
+ <gml:DerivedCRS gml:id="InternalCRS1">
+ <gml:identifier codeSpace="">InternalCRS1</gml:identifier>
+ <gml:scope>not known</gml:scope>
+ <gml:definedByConversion xlink:href="urn:ogc:coordinateOperation:WCS:2.0:IdentityConversion2D"/>
+ <gml:baseCRS xlink:href="urn:ogc:crs:OGC:1.0:Image:AAA999"/>
+ <gml:derivedCRSType codeSpace="">image</gml:derivedCRSType>
+ <gml:usesCS xlink:href="urn:ogc:def:cs:OGC:1.0:GridCS2d"/>
+ </gml:DerivedCRS>
+ </gmlwcs:gridCRS>
+ <gmlwcs:transformation xlink:href="TBDurl"/>
+ </gmlwcs:ReferencedGridByTransformation>
+ </gml:domainSet>
+ <gml:rangeSet>
+ <gml:File>
+ <gml:rangeParameters xlink:href="TBDurl"/>
+ <gml:fileReference>TBDurlOfFile</gml:fileReference>
+ <gml:fileStructure>TBD</gml:fileStructure>
+ </gml:File>
+ </gml:rangeSet>
+ <gmlwcs:rangeStructure>
+ <gmlwcs:RangeStructure gml:id="Panchromatic">
+ <gmlwcs:rangeField >
+ <gmlwcs:RangeField gml:id="White" uom="w/cm^2">
+ <gml:name>white</gml:name>
+ <gmlwcs:dataType>unsignedInteger</gmlwcs:dataType>
+ <gmlwcs:nilValueList>000 255</gmlwcs:nilValueList>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeField>
+ </gmlwcs:RangeStructure>
+ </gmlwcs:rangeStructure>
+ <gml:coverageFunction>
+ <gml:GridFunction>
+ <gml:sequenceRule axisOrder="+1 +2">Linear</gml:sequenceRule>
+ <gml:startPoint>0 0</gml:startPoint>
+ </gml:GridFunction>
+ </gml:coverageFunction>
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/gmlwcsAll.xsd b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/gmlwcsAll.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0d949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/gmlwcsAll.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<schema targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:wcsgml=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0.0">
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>gmlwcsAll.xsd</appinfo>
+ <documentation>This is the XML Schema for the GML 3.2.1 Application schema for WCS 2.0.
+ This XML Schema Document includes, directly and indirectly, all the XML Schema Documents defined by the GML 3.2.1 Application schema for WCS 2.0.
+ Last updated: 2010-jan-11
+ Copyright (c) 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc, All Rights Reserved.
+ To obtain additional rights of use, visit
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <!-- ========================================================= -->
+ <!-- Includes and imports -->
+ <!-- ========================================================= -->
+ <include schemaLocation="wcsCoverage.xsd"/>
+ <include schemaLocation="wcsGrids.xsd"/>
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsCoverage.xsd b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsCoverage.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5643a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsCoverage.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<schema targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:gmlwcs=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0.0">
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo source="urn:x-ogc:specification:wcs:gml-app-schema:schema-xsd:coverage:3.2.1">coverage.xsd</appinfo>
+ <documentation>Part of GML 3.2.1 Application schema for WCS 2.0.
+ Last updated: 2010-jan-11
+ Copyright (c) 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ To obtain additional rights of use, visit
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <!-- ============================= -->
+ <!-- Includes and imports -->
+ <!-- ============================= -->
+ <import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
+ <!-- ============================= -->
+ <!-- Body of this schema -->
+ <!-- ============================= -->
+ <element name="AbstractCoverage" type="gmlwcs:CoverageType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractCoverage">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>Extends gml:AbstractCoverage as needed for WCS 2.0, by adding a rangeStructure property. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <complexType name="CoverageType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The gml:coverageFunction property is included here, because it is included in both discrete and continuous coverages. This permits coverages in the gmlwcs:AbstractCoverage substitutionGroup to be used for either discrete and continuous coverages, in preparation for expected future elimination of this distinction. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gml:AbstractCoverageType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:rangeStructure"/>
+ <element ref="gml:coverageFunction" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="GridCoverage" type="gmlwcs:CoverageType" substitutionGroup="gmlwcs:AbstractCoverage">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>A GridCoverage is a discrete point coverage in which the domain is a geometric grid of points.
+Note that this is the same as the MultiPointCoverage except that we have a gml:Grid to describe the domain.
+This simple grid coverage is not geometrically referenced to the earth, and hence no geometric positions are assignable to the points in the grid. Such geometric positioning is introduced in the RectifiedGridCoverage.
+Redefinition needed in order to benefit from the changes to the abstract ancestor AbstractCoverage.
+ </documentation>
+ <documentation>Since this GridCoverage uses the gmlwcs:CoverageType, it can be used for both discrete and continuous coverages. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="RectifiedGridCoverage" type="gmlwcs:CoverageType" substitutionGroup="gmlwcs:AbstractCoverage">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>A RectifiedGridCoverage is a discrete point coverage based on a rectified grid. It is similar to the grid coverage except that the points of the grid are geometrically referenced. The rectified grid coverage has a domain that is a gml:RectifiedGrid geometry.
+ Redefinition needed in order to benefit from the changes to the abstract ancestor AbstractCoverage.
+ </documentation>
+ <documentation>Since this RectifiedGridCoverage uses the gmlwcs:CoverageType, it can be used for both discrete and continuous coverages. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="ReferenceableGridCoverage" type="gmlwcs:CoverageType" substitutionGroup="gmlwcs:AbstractCoverage">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>A ReferenceableGridCoverage is an implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DiscreteGridPointCoverage for a CV_ReferenceableGrid domain. It is a coverage based on a referenceable grid and has a domain geometry that is in the substitution group of AbstractReferenceableGrid.</documentation>
+ <documentation>This equivalent of this element is being added to GML 3.2.1 by approved Change Request 07-112r3. </documentation>
+ <documentation>Since this ReferenceableGridCoverage uses the gmlwcs:CoverageType, it can be used for both discrete and continuous coverages. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =============================================================
+ RangeStructure defines the structure of a coverage in WCS 2.0
+ ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="rangeStructure" type="gmlwcs:RangeStructurePropertyType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The rangeStructure property includes or references the RangeStructure, introduced for coverage definitions used by WCS 2.0. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <complexType name="RangeStructurePropertyType">
+ <sequence minOccurs="0">
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:RangeStructure"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
+ <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="RangeStructure" type="gmlwcs:RangeStructureType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractGML">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The RangeStructure element describes the structure of a coverage's range, introduced for coverage definitions used by WCS 2.0. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <complexType name="RangeStructureType">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:rangeField" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="rangeField" type="gmlwcs:RangeFieldPropertyType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The RangeField property includes or references one RangeField element. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <complexType name="RangeFieldPropertyType">
+ <sequence minOccurs="0">
+ <element name="RangeField" type="gmlwcs:RangeFieldType"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
+ <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="RangeField" type="gmlwcs:RangeFieldType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractGML">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The RangeField element describes the structure of one Field of a coverage's range. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <complexType name="RangeFieldType">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The gml:name should be used for the unique identifier of this RangeField. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="dataType" type="gmlwcs:DataType"/>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:nilValueList"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="uom" type="gml:UomIdentifier" use="optional">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>Identifier of the Unit of Measure applicable to values of this RangeField. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <complexType name="DataType">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <restriction base="gml:CodeType">
+ <attribute name="codeSpace" type="anyURI" use="optional" default="">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>This element will contain an URN that identifies the datatype of this field. The default gml:Dictionary of allowed values of this dataType is wcsDataTypeIdentifiers.xml. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
+ <element name="nilValueList" type="gml:doubleList">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>List of the specific values of this RangeField that are used to designate non-valid values. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- ============================================================= -->
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsDataTypeIdentifiers.xml b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsDataTypeIdentifiers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf10663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsDataTypeIdentifiers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<Dictionary xmlns=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=""
+ gml:id="DataTypeIdentifiers">
+ <description>This dictionary specifies the standard values for dataType, specified in the WCS 2.0 GML 3.2.1 application schema. This dataType is for values of a RangeField. In addition, this dictionary specifies definition URNs in the "ogc" URN namespace for these values. This dictionary uses a currently unspecified simple dictionary profile of GML 3.2.1.
+ Definitions are compatible with XML Schema as of 28 October 2004 [].
+ Identifiers do not have an associated unit of measure.
+ Last updated: 2010-jan-11
+ Copyright (c) 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ To obtain additional rights of use, visit
+ </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="">DataTypeIdentifiers</identifier>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="boolean">
+ <description>Logical value; admissible values are "true" and "false" (in whatever case), as well as 0 (which shall represent "false") and 1 (which shall represent "true"). </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">boolean</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="integer">
+ <description>Positive or negative integer number without any limitation on maximum and minimum values. For expressing certain value range limitations the specialized types byte, shortInteger, int, and LongInteger are available. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">long</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="unsignedInteger">
+ <description>Non-negative integer number without any limitation on minimum values. For expressing certain value range limitations the specialized types unsignedByte, unsignedShort, unsignedInt, and unsignedLong are available. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">unsignedInteger</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="byte">
+ <description>Positive or negative integer number with values between -128 anf 127. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">byte</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="unsignedByte">
+ <description>Non-negative integer number with values between 0 and 255. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">unsignedByte</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="short">
+ <description>Positive or negative integer number with values between -32768 and 32767, which allows for a representation with 16 bits. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">short</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="unsignedShort">
+ <description>Non-negative integer number with values between 0 and 65535, which allows for a representation with 16 bits. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">unsignedShort</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="int">
+ <description>Positive or negative integer number with values between -2147483648 and 2147483647, which allows for a representation with 32 bits. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">int</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="unsignedInt">
+ <description>Non-negative integer number with values between 0 and 4294967295, which allows for a representation with 32 bits. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">unsignedInt</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="long">
+ <description>Positive or negative integer number with values between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807, which allows for a representation with 64 bits. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">long</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="unsignedLong">
+ <description>Non-negative integer number with values between 0 and 18446744073709551616, which allows for a representation with 64 bits. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">unsignedLong</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="float">
+ <description>Single-precision floating point number according to IEEE 754-1985. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">double</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
+ <dictionaryEntry>
+ <Definition gml:id="double">
+ <description>Double-precision floating point number according to IEEE 754-1985. </description>
+ <identifier codeSpace="urn:ogc:def:dataType:OGC:1.1">double</identifier>
+ </Definition>
+ </dictionaryEntry>
+ <!-- ===================================================== -->
diff --git a/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsGrids.xsd b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsGrids.xsd
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index 0000000..587e25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/petascope/src/petascope/wcs2/schemas/gml/wcsGrids.xsd
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<schema targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:gmlwcs=""
+ xmlns:gml=""
+ xmlns:xsd=""
+ xmlns=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en">
+ <annotation>
+ <appinfo>wcsGrids.xsd</appinfo>
+ <documentation>This XML Schema Document encodes extensions to GML 3.2.1 for grids that are referenced by a Transformation, named "ReferencedGridByTransformation". This document also extends the alternatives allowed in gml:ParameterValueType as expected to be needed by such Transformations.
+ Last updated: 2010-jan-11
+ Copyright (c) 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ To obtain additional rights of use, visit
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <!-- ============================================================== -->
+ <!-- Includes and imports -->
+ <!-- ============================================================== -->
+ <import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
+ <!-- ============================================================== -->
+ <!-- Elements and types -->
+ <!-- ============================================================== -->
+ <element name="AbstractReferenceableGrid" type="gmlwcs:AbstractReferenceableGridType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:Grid">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>AbstractReferenceableGrid is an encoding of CV_ReferenceableGrid in ISO 19123. AbstractReferenceableGrid is the head of a substitution group that may include multiple concrete implementations.
+A referenceable grid is a grid associated with a transformation that can be used to convert grid coordinate values to values of coordinates referenced to an external coordinate reference system [ISO 19123]. The transformation between grid coordinates and ‘external’ coordinates is usually non-affine, and may take different forms. It may be described analytically (e.g., through parametrised mathematical image rectification models); or it may provided in a table, for instance, relating the grid points to coordinates in the external coordinate reference system [ISO 19123, §8.2.1].
+The inherited attribute group gml:SRSReferenceGroup shall link the referenceable grid to the internal coordinate reference system of the grid.
+ </documentation>
+ <documentation>This element and its type are copied from approved Change Request 07-112r3, which adds them to GML 3.2.1. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <complexType name="AbstractReferenceableGridType" abstract="true">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gml:GridType"/>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="referenceableGridProperty" type="gmlwcs:ReferenceableGridPropertyType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>This element and its type are copied from approved Change Request 07-112r3, which adds them to GML 3.2.1. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <complexType name="ReferenceableGridPropertyType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:AbstractReferenceableGrid"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
+ <attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="ReferencedGridByTransformation" type="gmlwcs:ReferencedGridByTransformationType" substitutionGroup="gmlwcs:AbstractReferenceableGrid">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>ReferencedGridByTransformation encodes one type of CV_ReferenceableGrid as defined in ISO 19123, using a gml:Transformation or gml:ConcatenatedOperation to specify the relationship between positions in the grid and corresponding positions in another CRS. This encoding also generalises CV_ReferenceableGrid to allow including more than one referencing Transformation. </documentation>
+ <documentation>This element and its type are copied from Change Request 09-091r1, which adds them to GML 3.2.1. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <complexType name="ReferencedGridByTransformationType">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gmlwcs:AbstractReferenceableGridType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:gridCRS" minOccurs="0">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The gridCRS is a composition association to the definition of the internal CRS for this extended gml:Grid. This definition shall be the one referenced by the gml:srsName attribute in the gml:GridType. This CRS definition shall be included here if its definition is needed by some data receivers and is not otherwise available using that gml:srsName value. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>This choice encodes an unordered list of associations to coordinate Transformations or Concatenated Operations that each (geo)reference this ReferenceableGrid. Each of these Transformations or Concatenated Operations shall reference the internal CRS for this extended gml:Grid, as either its sourceCRS or targetCRS. This transformation association may be repeated when this ReferencedGridByTransformation is referenced to more than one other CRS, and/or is referenced to the same other CRS by multiple Transformation versions. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <element name="transformation" type="gml:TransformationPropertyType"/>
+ <element name="concatenatedOperation" type="gml:ConcatenatedOperationPropertyType"/>
+ </choice>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="gridCRS" type="gmlwcs:GridCRSPropertyType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>The gridCRS is a composition association to the definition of the internal CRS for this extended gml:Grid. This internal CRS may be a DerivedCRS, EngineeringCRS, ImageCRS, or CompoundCRS. However, proposed OGC Best Practices Paper 09-085r1 recommends that this internal CRS always be a DerivedCRS. </documentation>
+ <documentation>This element and its type are copied from Change Request 09-091r1, which adds them to GML 3.2.1. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <complexType name="GridCRSPropertyType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="gml:AbstractCRS"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="ParameterValue" type="gmlwcs:ParameterValueType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValue">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>Extends gml:ParameterValue to also allow values that are a gml:Geometry or a gml:vector. </documentation>
+ <documentation>This element and its type are copied from Change Request 09-091r1, which adds them to GML 3.2.1. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <complexType name="ParameterValueType">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValueType">
+ <sequence>
+ <choice>
+ <element ref="gml:value"/>
+ <element ref="gml:dmsAngleValue"/>
+ <element ref="gml:stringValue"/>
+ <element ref="gml:integerValue"/>
+ <element ref="gml:booleanValue"/>
+ <element ref="gml:valueList"/>
+ <element ref="gml:integerValueList"/>
+ <element ref="gml:valueFile"/>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:geometryValue"/>
+ <element ref="gmlwcs:vectorValue"/>
+ </choice>
+ <element ref="gml:operationParameter"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="geometryValue" type="gml:GeometryPropertyType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>A geometry used as a coordinate operation parameter value, which contains any type of geometry element, with a reference to its associated coordinate reference system. </documentation>
+ <documentation>This element and its type are copied from Change Request 09-091r1, which adds them to GML 3.2.1. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="vectorValue" type="gml:VectorType">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>Vector value of a coordinate operation parameter. A vectorValue can represent a distance in a direction (when the magnitude of the vector is significant) or just a direction (when the magnitude of the vector is not considered significant). This vectorValue shall use the coordinate axes directions and units of the coordinate system in the referenced coordinate reference system. This coordinate reference system will often be the same as referenced by an associated geometryValue coordinate operation parameter. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <element name="SimpleMultiPoint" type="gmlwcs:SimpleMultiPointType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregate">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>gml:SimpleMultiPoint implements, and provides a simplified encoding for, ISO 19107 GM_MultiPoint (see ISO 19107:2003, 6.5.4). A gml:SimpleMultiPoint consists of a list of DirectPositions. </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </element>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->
+ <complexType name="SimpleMultiPointType">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="positions" type="gml:DirectPositionListType"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- =========================================================== -->