path: root/mddmgr/test/
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Diffstat (limited to 'mddmgr/test/')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mddmgr/test/ b/mddmgr/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7ae617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mddmgr/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ * MODULE: example for making one tile out of a vector of
+ * Tiles
+ *
+ * later has to be moved to the executor
+ *
+static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)blobif,test_mddops: $Id:,v 1.9 2002/09/03 14:46:50 coman Exp $";
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "ulongtype.hh"
+#include "booltype.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/persmddobj.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/perstile.hh"
+#include "mddmgr/transtile.hh"
+#include "adminif.hh"
+#include "databaseif.hh"
+#include "transactionif.hh"
+#include "raslib/rminit.hh"
+#include "typefactory.hh"
+// global variable for AdminIf because of O2 d_Session::begin()
+extern char* myExecArgv0 = "";
+static char O2BenchDBName[] = "NorbertBase";
+static char O2BenchSchemaName[] = "NorbertSchema";
+static void testOperations( DatabaseIf myDB );
+static BaseType* myType;
+static BaseType* boolType;
+ * Function name.: int main( int argc, char** argv)
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * argc: number of arguments given to program
+ * argv: array of char* with arguments
+ * Return value..: exit status
+ * Description...: none
+ ************************************************************/
+main( int /* argc */, char** argv)
+ // variables representing O2 database, ta and session
+ DatabaseIf database;
+ TransactionIf ta;
+ // don't forget to initialize before using AdminIf!
+ myExecArgv0 = argv[0];
+ AdminIf* myAdmin = AdminIf::instance();
+ // connect to the database
+ cout << "Connecting to database " << O2BenchDBName
+ << "..." << endl;
+ O2BenchDBName );
+ ta.begin(&database);
+ // only possible after AdminIf::instance on Sun!
+ myType = TypeFactory::mapType("ULong");
+ boolType = TypeFactory::mapType("Bool");
+ testOperations( database );
+ ta.commit();
+ cout << "Ending O2 session..." << endl;
+ database.close();
+ delete myAdmin;
+printAllTiles(const MDDObj* mdd)
+ // contains all tiles of MDD
+ vector<Tile*>* allTiles;
+ // iterator
+ vector<Tile*>::iterator tileIt;
+ // domains of a tile
+ r_Minterval tileDom;
+ // domain of MDD object
+ r_Minterval dom;
+ dom = mdd->getCurrentDomain();
+ // get all tiles of result MDD
+ allTiles = mdd->intersect(dom);
+ // and iterate over them
+ tileIt = allTiles->begin();
+ while (tileIt != allTiles->end())
+ {
+ tileDom = (*tileIt)->getDomain();
+ cout << "Domain of Tile: ";
+ tileDom.print_status();
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Tile: " << endl;
+ (*tileIt)->printStatus();
+ cout << endl;
+ tileIt++;
+ }
+ * Function......: testConstructors( DatabaseIf myDB )
+ *
+ * Arguments.....:
+ * myDB: database to use (should be opened)
+ * Return value..: none
+ * Description...: constructs BLOBTiles and inserts them
+ * in root collection.
+ ************************************************************/
+static void testOperations( DatabaseIf /* myDB */)
+ unsigned long cell = 1000;
+ ULongType ulongtype;
+ BaseType* type = &ulongtype;
+ Tile* res;
+ Tile* boolTile;
+ vector<Tile*>* result = new vector<Tile*>;
+ vector<Tile*>::iterator tileIt;
+ Tile* bigTile;
+ cout << "Creating Tile: ";
+ r_Minterval bigDom =
+ r_Minterval(3) << r_Sinterval(1l,10l) << r_Sinterval(1l,10l)
+ << r_Sinterval(1l,10l);
+ bigDom.print_status();
+ cout << endl;
+ bigTile = new PersTile(bigDom, type, (char*)&cell);
+ r_Minterval smallDom
+ = r_Minterval(3) << r_Sinterval(1l,6l) << r_Sinterval(1l,6l)
+ << r_Sinterval(1l,6l);
+ cout << "Splitting it into ";
+ smallDom.print_status();
+ cout << " tiles." << endl;
+ result = bigTile->splitTile(smallDom);
+ cout << "Result tiles: " << endl;
+ // and iterate over them
+ tileIt = result->begin();
+ while (tileIt != result->end())
+ {
+ cout << " Domain of Tile " << (tileIt - result->begin()) << ": ";
+ ((*tileIt)->getDomain()).print_status();
+ cout << endl;
+ tileIt++;
+ }
+ cout << "Joining the Tiles again:" << endl;
+ r_Minterval proj =
+ r_Minterval(3) << r_Sinterval(2l,9l) << r_Sinterval(2l,9l)
+ << r_Sinterval(2l,9l);
+ res = new TransTile(result, proj );
+ cout << " Result MDD equals original MDD: ";
+ boolTile = new TransTile(res->getDomain(), boolType);
+ cout << "Domain of result Tile: ";
+ (res->getDomain()).print_status();
+ cout << endl;
+ res->printStatus();
+ boolTile->execBinaryOp(Ops::OP_EQUAL, proj,
+ res, proj,
+ bigTile, proj);
+ char init = 1;
+ cout << "Checking if Tile are equal: ";
+ cout << (int)(*(boolTile->execCondenseOp(Ops::OP_ALL,
+ res->getDomain(),
+ &init ))) << endl;
+ cout << "Creating a trimmed, projected 2-D Tile out of the Tile:" << endl;
+ set<r_Dimension, less<r_Dimension> >* projSet =
+ new set<r_Dimension, less<r_Dimension> >;
+ projSet->insert(1);
+ r_Minterval projDom =
+ r_Minterval(3) << r_Sinterval(2l, 9l) << r_Sinterval(5l, 5l)
+ << r_Sinterval(2l, 9l);
+ Tile* projectedTile = new TransTile(res, projDom, projSet);
+ projectedTile->printStatus();
+ cout << endl;