path: root/bin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bin/')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df0571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# rasmgr.conf.template: rasmgr configuration file sample
+# define server processes for rasdaman;
+# this configuration file is read by rasmgr upon system start;
+# settings can be changed during runtime via rascontrol.
+# Adapt it and rename it to rasmgr.conf in directory $RMANHOME
+# (which usually will be ~rasdaman).
+# - this is a sample file and will NOT WORK
+# in your environment without adaptation!
+# - do not edit while rasmgr is running, may be overwritten!
+# - see Installation Guide for a complete list of options
+# Copyright (c) 2005 rasdaman GmbH
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# define symbolic name for database host
+# the MYHOST name is just a symbolic one, does not have to correspond with
+# any ame outside rasdaman; however MUST NOT BE EQUAL to any other name used
+# in this file!
+# parameters:
+# -connect c server connect information (RDBMS login, database
+# name, or similar - depends on the base DBMS used;
+# eg, can be "/" for Oracle, "RASBASE" for PostgreSQL)
+define dbh rasdaman_host -connect RASBASE
+# define database
+# parameters:
+# -dbh d this database's server runs on host d
+define db RASBASE -dbh rasdaman_host
+# define a rasdaman database server process with name N1
+# parameters:
+# -host h name of the host machine the server runs on
+# (cf: man 1 hostname)
+# -type t communication protocol type is t
+# (one of: 'r' for RPC, 'h' for HTTP, 'n' for RNP);
+# recommended: use 'n', all others are deprecated
+# -port p port number for contacting this server is p
+# (rasmgr by default uses 7001, so you may simply count up)
+# -dbh d use database host d (see "define dbh" for allowed names)
+define srv N1 -host @hostname@ -type n -port 7002 -dbh rasdaman_host
+# change settings for this server
+# parameters:
+# -countdown n server will automatically restart after n requests
+# (beware of long-running transactions!)
+# -autorestart r r is on or off; if on, automatically restart server
+# upon any termination (recommended: on)
+# -xp p "extra parameters" passed to the rasserver binary as is
+# (see rasserver -h); all up to end of line, including
+# all whitespace, will be packed into p.
+# In particular (like in the example here) you can
+# provide a specific timeout in seconds determining
+# after how many seconds of inactivity the server will
+# detach from the client, aborting any open transaction
+change srv N1 -countdown 1000 -autorestart on -xp --timeout 300
+# end of rasmgr.conf.template