path: root/tilemgr/tile.hh
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authorConstantin Jucovschi <cj@ubuntu.localdomain>2009-04-24 07:20:22 -0400
committerConstantin Jucovschi <cj@ubuntu.localdomain>2009-04-24 07:20:22 -0400
commit8f27e65bddd7d4b8515ce620fb485fdd78fcdf89 (patch)
treebd328a4dd4f92d32202241b5e3a7f36177792c5f /tilemgr/tile.hh
Initial commitv8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'tilemgr/tile.hh')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tilemgr/tile.hh b/tilemgr/tile.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5534fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tilemgr/tile.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+* This file is part of rasdaman community.
+* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
+* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
+rasdaman GmbH.
+* For more information please see <>
+* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * Tile is the abstract base class for persTile, transTile
+ * and constTile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************/
+#ifndef _TILE_HH_
+#define _TILE_HH_
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include "raslib/minterval.hh" // for r_Minterval
+#include "raslib/point.hh" // for r_Point
+#include "raslib/mddtypes.hh" // for r_Data_Format
+#include "catalogmgr/ops.hh" // for Ops::OpType
+#include "relcatalogif/basetype.hh" // for BaseType
+#include "relblobif/tileid.hh"
+#include "relblobif/dbtile.hh"
+#include "reladminif/dbref.hh"
+#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh" // for RMTimer
+class KeyObject;
+class PersMDDObjIx;
+class r_Tile_Compression;
+//@ManMemo: Module: {\bf cachetamgr}.
+Tile can be compressed with different algorithms which are implemented as subclasses of \Ref{Compression}. For uncompressed tiles, the special
+subclass NoCompression is used.
+{\bf Interdependencies}
+Tile uses a pointer to \Ref{BaseType} to store the base type of the Tile.
+It uses a \Ref{r_Minterval} to store the domain of the Tile.
+Pointers to Tiles are used by many classes.
+Compression is done in subclasses of \Ref{Compression}.
+Persistent Tiles are created either by servercomm, when data is received from a client, or by indexif if a BLOBTile is retrieved from the
+index. The query tree can also create tiles in case of INSERT or UPDATE queries, and Tile::splitTile creates new tiles.
+class Tile
+ public:
+ /// assignment operator (needed, as class uses dynamic memory).
+ const Tile& operator=(const Tile& cell);
+ Tile(const r_Minterval& newDom, const BaseType* newType, DBTileId newBLOBTile);
+ /*Doc
+ Constructs a new Tile with basetype {\tt newType} and spatial
+ domain {\tt newDom}. Its contents are stored in \Ref{BLOBTile}
+ {\tt newBLOBTile}. The contents are potentially compressed.
+ */
+ Tile(const Tile& tile);
+ /// constructs a TransTile joined out of the Tiles in {\tt tilesVec}.
+ Tile(std::vector<Tile*>* tilesVec);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Constructs a new Tile out of the vector {\tt tilesVec}
+ containing pointers to tiles. The Tile created has the
+ closure of the domains of all tiles in the vector as it's domain
+ and the same base type. The tiles should not overlap and must have
+ the same basetype and dimension. Non filled areas in the created
+ tile are of undefined value. The contents are copied, the memory
+ of the tiles and the vector has to be freed by the caller. The
+ resulting Tile is by default uncompressed.
+ */
+ /*@ManMemo:
+ constructs a Tile with the domain {\tt resDom}
+ and the contents joined out of the Tiles in {\tt tilesVec}.
+ */
+ Tile(std::vector<Tile*>* tilesVec, const r_Minterval& resDom);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Constructs a new Tile out of the vector {\tt tilesVec}
+ containing pointers to tiles. The contents which fall in the area
+ {\tt resDom} are copied into the new Tile. The Tile
+ created has the domain {\tt resDom} and the same base type as the
+ Tiles in {\tt tilesVec}. The tiles should not overlap and must
+ have the same basetype and dimension. Non filled areas in the
+ created tile are of undefined value. The memory of the tiles and
+ the vector has to be freed by the caller. Every tile in {\tt
+ tilesVec} has to overlap with {\tt resDom}.
+ */
+ /// constructs Tile as projection of {\tt projTile}.
+ Tile(const Tile* projTile, const r_Minterval& projDom, const std::set<r_Dimension, std::less<r_Dimension> >* projDim);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Constructs a new Tile out of the projection of Tile {\tt
+ projTile} with the dimensions given in {\tt projDim} projected
+ away (zero based dimension counting!). Only the area specified in
+ projDom is used for the new Tile. {\tt projDom} must have the
+ same dimension as the domain of {\tt projTile}. Dimensions
+ projected away must have the coordinate to be projected at
+ as domain, e.g. 28:28.
+ */
+ /*@ManMemo: constructs a Tile with base type {\tt newType} and
+ spatial domain {\tt newDom}. */
+ Tile(const r_Minterval& newDom, const BaseType* newType, r_Data_Format newFormat = r_Array);
+ /*@Doc
+ The contents are undefined! This constructor should usually not
+ be used.
+ */
+ /// constructs a Tile with contents {\tt newCells}.
+ Tile(const r_Minterval& newDom, const BaseType* newType, char* newCells, r_Bytes newSize = 0, r_Data_Format newFormat = r_Array);
+ /*Doc
+ Constructs a new Tile with basetype {\tt newType} and spatial
+ domain {\tt newDom}. The char array {\tt newCells} contains the
+ potentially compressed contents of the new Tile. The memory for
+ the cells is managed by Tile and has to be allocated with
+ malloc(). If newSize is 0, it is assumed to be uncompressed contents,
+ and the size is calculated from domain and base type.
+ */
+ Tile(const r_Minterval& newDom, const BaseType* newType, const char* newCells, bool, r_Bytes newSize = 0, r_Data_Format newFormat = r_Array);
+ /*Doc
+ Constructs a new Tile with basetype {\tt newType} and spatial
+ domain {\tt newDom}. The char array {\tt newCells} contains the
+ potentially compressed contents of the new Tile. 'bool' is used only,
+ for making the difference between this constructor and the upper one.
+ This one doesn't delete the passed data!
+ If newSize is 0, it is assumed to be uncompressed contents,
+ and the size is calculated from domain and base type.
+ */
+ //@Man: read methods
+ //@{
+ /// returns the spatial domain of the tile.
+ const r_Minterval& getDomain() const;
+ /// returns the BaseType of the tile.
+ const BaseType* getType() const;
+ /// returns the dimension of the tile.
+ r_Dimension getDimension() const;
+ /// returns size of the (uncompressed) contents of the tile in chars.
+ r_Bytes getSize() const;
+ /// returns size of the contents of the tile as stored in chars.
+ r_Bytes getCompressedSize() const;
+ /// returns the format of the data maintained by the tile
+ r_Data_Format getDataFormat() const;
+ /// returns true for persistent instances.
+ bool isPersistent() const;
+ /// returns true if the contents are currently compressed and must be decompressed in order to be usefull
+ bool isCompressed() const;
+ //@}
+ //@Man: functions to reading and writing the content.
+ //@{
+ /// access to cell for reading (index is 1D) one cell length is basetype length.
+ const char* getCell(r_Area index) const;
+ /// access to cell for modifying (index is 1D).
+ char* getCell(r_Area index);
+ /// set cell (index is 1D).
+ void setCell(r_Area index, const char* newCell);
+ /// access to a cell using an r_Point.
+ char* getCell(const r_Point& aPoint);
+ /// access to a cell using an r_Point.
+ const char* getCell(const r_Point& aPoint) const;
+ /// returns pointer to (uncompressed) contents of Tile.
+ const char* getContents() const;
+ /// returns pointer to (uncompressed) contents of Tile.
+ char* getContents();
+ /// sets (uncompressed) contents of Tile.
+ void setContents(char* newContents);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The memory for the cells is managed by the Tile and has to be
+ allocated with malloc(). Its size has to be correct according to
+ domain and base type of the Tile.
+ */
+ /// returns pointer to compressed contents of Tile as stored.
+ const char* getCompressedContents() const;
+ /// returns pointer to potentially compressed contents of Tile as stored.
+ const r_Tile_Compression* getCompressionEngine() const;
+ /// this is a quick hack for BLVA (r_RLE seems not to work on DEC)
+ void setCompressionEngine(r_Tile_Compression* newCompEngine);
+ /// this is a quick hack for BLVA (r_RLE seems not to work on DEC)
+ void setCompressionFormat(r_Data_Format newFormat);
+ //@}
+ //@Man: functions related to compression
+ //@{
+ /// set parameters for compression/decompression
+ void setParameters(const char *par);
+ /// get compression/decompression parameters
+ const char *getParameters(void) const;
+ /// make sure the tile is compressed
+ void compress() const;
+ /// make sure the tile is decompressed
+ /// returns true if no errors were encountered and false if black data was generated
+ bool decompress() const;
+ //@}
+ /// printed output for testing.
+ void printStatus(unsigned int level = 0, std::ostream &stream = std::cout) const;
+ /*@Doc:
+ Prints the contents of the Tile on stream. Prints every cell in
+ the Tile with the {\tt printCell} function of the \Ref{BaseType}.
+ For dimensionality > 1, 2D-slices are printed with an empty line
+ in between. These 2D slices cover the lowest 2 indices (0 and 1).
+ */
+ void setPersistent(bool state = true);
+ /// splits tile in vector of tiles of smaller size.
+ std::vector<Tile*>* splitTile(r_Minterval resDom, int storageDomain = 0);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The Tile is split into subtiles with the same extent as {\tt
+ resDom}. The storage domain (pers. or transient) of the subtiles is
+ defined by {\tt storageDomain}. If it is null (default value) they
+ have the same type (\Ref{TransTile} resp. \Ref{Tile}) as self.
+ If {\tt storageDomain} is 1, they are persistent, if {\tt storageDomain}
+ has a value other than 0 or 1, they are made transient.
+ The algoritm starts with the smallest
+ coordinate in each dimension, so that if the Tile does not divide
+ into Tiles of extent {\tt resDom}, the last Tiles in each
+ dimension may be smaller. The Tiles returned as pointers have to
+ be freed by the caller!
+ */
+ //@Man: methods for carrying out operations
+ //@{
+ /// carries out condense function (const)
+ char* execCondenseOp(CondenseOp* myOp, const r_Minterval& areaOp);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The condense function {\tt myOp} is applied to all cells of self in
+ the area {\tt areaOp}. The result is stored in myOp which also
+ gives the start value for the condense operation. The return value
+ is a pointer to a member of myOp, so it gets invalid if myOp is
+ deleted! For further information on condense operations see \Ref{Ops}.
+ */
+ /// carries out unary function with self as result.
+ void execUnaryOp(UnaryOp* myOp, const r_Minterval& areaRes, const Tile* opTile, const r_Minterval& areaOp);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The unary function {\tt myOp} is applied to all cells of the tile
+ {\tt opTile} in the area {\tt areaOp}. The result of the
+ operation is stored in self in the area {\tt areaRes}. The areas
+ must have the same extent, but may differ in an offset.
+ */
+ /// carries out binary function with self as result.
+ void execBinaryOp( BinaryOp* myOp, const r_Minterval& areaRes,
+ const Tile* op1Tile, const r_Minterval& areaOp1,
+ const Tile* op2Tile, const r_Minterval& areaOp2);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The binary function {\tt myOp} is applied to all cells of the tiles
+ {\tt op1Tile} and {\tt op2Tile} in the respective areas. The
+ result of the operation is stored in self in the area {\tt
+ areaRes}. The areas must have the same extent for all tiles. but
+ may differ in an offset vector.
+ */
+ /// carries out binary function with self as result.
+ virtual void execConstOp( BinaryOp* myOp, const r_Minterval& areaRes,
+ const Tile* opTile, const r_Minterval& areaOp,
+ const char* cell, int constPos = 1);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The binary function {\tt op} is applied to all cells of the tile
+ {\tt op1Tile} and the constant {\tt cell} in the area {\tt
+ areaOp}. If {\tt constPos} is 1, then {\tt const op cell} is
+ carried out; if it is 2, then {\tt cell op const} is carried out.
+ The result of the operations is stored in self in the area {\tt
+ areaRes}. {\tt areaOp} and {\tt areaRes} must have the same
+ extent, but may differ in an offset.
+ */
+ /// fills tile in area {\tt areaRes} using MarrayOp {\tt myOp}.
+ virtual void execMarrayOp(MarrayOp* myOp, const r_Minterval& areaRes, const r_Minterval& areaOp);
+ /*@Doc:
+ {\tt myOp} maps a point to a value. It is important that the base
+ type specified it the same as the tile has.
+ */
+ /// executes general condense operation {\tt myOp} in area {\tt areaOp} (const)
+ static char* execGenCondenseOp(GenCondenseOp* myOp, const r_Minterval& areaOp);
+ /*@Doc:
+ {\tt myOp} maps a point to a value. The return values has the resType
+ defined in {\tt myOp}. The tile is not accessed (static function),
+ the function is defined here to be located together with the other
+ operation execution functions.
+ */
+ /// executes scaling operation.
+ virtual void execScaleOp( const Tile* opTile, const r_Minterval& areaOp,
+ const r_Point& origin,
+ const std::vector<double>& scaleFactors);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The tile {\tt opTile} is scaled down in each dimension by the
+ corresponding element in vector {\tt scaleFactors}. The result
+ is stored in the tile on which the operation is called. Scaling
+ is done by using a nearest neighbour algorithm based on
+ {\tt origin} as the point where the scaling process started.
+ {\tt opTile} has to have the same dimensionality as the result
+ tile and scaleFactors has to have a corresponding number of
+ elements.
+ */
+ //@}
+ /// return spatial domain of result tile for scaling in areaScaled.
+ /// return 0 if the result tile will be empty.
+ /// (the same function, but with implicit origin (0,0,...0) and working fine!)
+ int scaleGetDomain( const r_Minterval& areaOp,
+ const std::vector<double>& scaleFactors,
+ r_Minterval& areaScaled);
+ /*@Doc:
+ Return result domain in areaScaled if scaling using the factors in
+ scaleFactors would be applied in area {\tt areaOp} with the scaling
+ factors specified in {\tt scaleFactors}. If the tile would become
+ completely empty, false is returned. This can then be used to create
+ a temporary tile for the result on which the {\tt execScaleOp}
+ function can be called.
+ */
+ /// virtual destructor.
+ virtual ~Tile();
+ /// copy a subcube from one tile to another
+ virtual void copyTile(const r_Minterval& areaRes, const Tile *opTile, const r_Minterval& areaOp);
+ /*@Doc:
+ The part of opTile covered by areaOp is copied to areaRes of this tile. Identical in functionality to execUnaryOp(OP_IDENTITY, ...) but much faster.
+ Requires matching base types and matching domains.
+ */
+ DBTileId getDBTile();
+ /*Doc
+ Returns a pointer to the \Ref{BLOBTile} holding the contents of
+ the Tile. This function is used to persistently store the
+ contents of a Tile.
+ */
+ // RMTimer for taking O2 times. Could be protected. Is controlled
+ // in servercomm/
+ static RMTimer opTimer;
+ protected:
+ //@Man: utility functions used internally.
+ //@{
+ /// calculate offset in cells
+ r_Bytes calcOffset(const r_Point& point) const;
+ // fill cells of size size with pattern newCell of size patSize.
+ /// instantiate a compression engine
+ void initCompEngine() const;
+ //@}
+ /// spatial domain of the tile.
+ r_Minterval domain;
+ /// pointer to base type for cells of Tile.
+ const BaseType* type;
+ /// Smart pointer to the persistent BLOBTile.
+ DBTileId blobTile;
+ /// The compression algorithm
+ mutable r_Tile_Compression *compEngine;
+ /// compression parameters
+ char* params;
+ };