path: root/java/src
diff options
authorPeter Baumann <>2010-07-27 09:05:14 +0200
committerwww-data <www-data@ubuntu.localdomain>2010-07-30 11:08:30 +0200
commitb2119927d072fdd6d99bccceb5fd3fd68771f4d0 (patch)
treef849440720fe9427a618fd7fe0b55e6bd721e3a0 /java/src
parent437ff942525f86a36655519cea0f5a03da319cd7 (diff)
PB: more cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'java/src')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/java/src/rasj/Rasj.el b/java/src/rasj/Rasj.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd7e16..0000000
--- a/java/src/rasj/Rasj.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-(jde-set-project-name "Rasj")
- '(jde-use-font-lock t)
- '(jde-db-set-initial-breakpoint t)
- '(jde-run-option-garbage-collection (quote (t t)))
- '(jde-db-option-stack-size (quote ((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes"))))
- '(jde-compiler "javac")
- '(jde-compile-option-extdirs nil)
- '(jde-db-read-vm-args nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-bootclasspath nil)
- '(jde-run-working-directory "./")
- '(jde-compile-option-debug (quote ("selected" (t nil nil))))
- '(jde-db-option-verbose (quote (nil nil nil)))
- '(jde-run-option-heap-size (quote ((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes"))))
- '(jde-run-read-app-args nil)
- '(jde-db-option-java-profile (quote (nil . "./")))
- '(jde-entering-java-buffer-hooks (quote (jde-reload-project-file)))
- '(jde-run-option-java-profile (quote (nil . "./")))
- '(jde-gen-window-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Window name: \")" "\".addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}});\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-db-option-vm-args nil)
- '(jde-make-program "gmake")
- '(jde-compile-option-target (quote ("1.1")))
- '(jde-run-application-class "")
- '(jde-global-classpath nil)
- '(jde-run-option-verbose (quote (nil nil nil)))
- '(jde-db-option-heap-size (quote ((1 . "megabytes") (16 . "megabytes"))))
- '(jde-db-mode-hook nil)
- '(jde-key-bindings (quote (("" . jde-compile) ("" . jde-run) ("" . jde-db) ("" . jde-build) ("" . jde-run-menu-run-applet) ("" . jde-browse-jdk-doc) ("" . jde-save-project) (" " . jde-gen-println))))
- '(jde-db-option-garbage-collection (quote (t t)))
- '(jde-run-option-properties nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-nowarn nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-depend nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-vm-args nil)
- '(jde-db-read-app-args nil)
- '(jde-read-compile-args nil)
- '(jde-db-option-properties nil)
- '(jde-run-applet-doc "index.html")
- '(jde-compile-option-directory "")
- '(jde-run-java-vm "java")
- '(jde-project-file-name "Rasj.el")
- '(jde-db-option-verify (quote (nil t)))
- '(jde-gen-property-change-support (quote ("'&" "\"protected PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);\" 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.\" 'n>" "\"* The listener is registered for all properties.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.\" 'n>" "\"* This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered for all properties.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Adds a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.\" 'n>" "\"* The listener will be invoked only when a call on firePropertyChange\" 'n>" "\"* names that specific property.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The name of the property to listen on\" 'n>" "\"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,\" 'n>" "\"PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Removes a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The name of the property that was listened on\" 'n>" "\"* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,\" 'n>" "\"PropertyChangeListener listener) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners. \" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" 'n>" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" 'n>" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners. \" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around the more general\" 'n>" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object values.\" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" 'n>" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" 'n>" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, int oldValue, int newValue) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners. \" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"* This is merely a convenience wrapper around the more general\" 'n>" "\"* firePropertyChange method that takes Object values.\" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param propertyName The programmatic name of the property that was changed\" 'n>" "\"* @param oldValue The old value of the property\" 'n>" "\"* @param newValue The new value of the property.\" 'n> \"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Fires an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.\" 'n>" "\"* No event is fired if the given event's old and new values are equal and non-null. \" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent object.\" 'n>\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {\" 'n>" "\"pcs.firePropertyChange(evt);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>\"* Checks if there are any listeners for a specific property.\" 'n>" "\"*\" 'n> \"* @param evt The PropertyChangeEvent object.\" 'n>" "\"* @return <code>true</code>if there are one or more listeners for the given property\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public boolean hasListeners(String propertyName) {\" 'n>" "\"return pcs.hasListeners(propertyName);\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> 'n>")))
- '(jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Component name: \")" "\".addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}});\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-run-option-vm-args nil)
- '(jde-gen-console-buffer-template (quote ("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 'n" "\"/**\" 'n" "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * @author \" (user-full-name) 'n" "\" * @version\" 'n" "\" */\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" {\" 'n> 'n>" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"() {\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"}\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public static void main(String[] args) {\" 'n>" "'p 'n>" "\"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"} // \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "'n>")))
- '(jde-jdk-doc-url "")
- '(jde-run-option-stack-size (quote ((128 . "kilobytes") (400 . "kilobytes"))))
- '(jde-db-option-heap-profile (quote (nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects")))
- '(jde-db-option-classpath nil)
- '(jde-run-option-verify (quote (nil t)))
- '(jde-db-option-application-args nil)
- '(jde-gen-get-set-var-template (quote ("'n>" "(P \"Variable type: \" type) \" \"" "(P \"Variable name: \" name) \";\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Get the value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"* @return Value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public \" (s type) \" get\" (jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"() {return \" (s name) \";}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"/**\" 'n>" "\"* Set the value of \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"* @param v Value to assign to \" (s name) \".\" 'n>" "\"*/\" 'n>" "\"public void set\" (jde-gen-init-cap (jde-gen-lookup-named 'name))" "\"(\" (s type) \" v) {this.\" (s name) \" = v;}\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-gen-println (quote ("'&" "\"System.out.println(\" (P \"Print out: \") \");\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-run-mode-hook nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-sourcepath nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-depend-switch (quote ("-Xdepend")))
- '(jde-gen-buffer-boilerplate nil)
- '(jde-build-use-make nil)
- '(jde-db-startup-commands nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-verbose-path nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-command-line-args "")
- '(jde-mode-abbreviations (quote (("ab" . "abstract") ("bo" . "boolean") ("br" . "break") ("by" . "byte") ("byv" . "byvalue") ("cas" . "cast") ("ca" . "catch") ("ch" . "char") ("cl" . "class") ("co" . "const") ("con" . "continue") ("de" . "default") ("dou" . "double") ("el" . "else") ("ex" . "extends") ("fa" . "false") ("fi" . "final") ("fin" . "finally") ("fl" . "float") ("fo" . "for") ("fu" . "future") ("ge" . "generic") ("go" . "goto") ("impl" . "implements") ("impo" . "import") ("ins" . "instanceof") ("in" . "int") ("inte" . "interface") ("lo" . "long") ("na" . "native") ("ne" . "new") ("nu" . "null") ("pa" . "package") ("pri" . "private") ("pro" . "protected") ("pu" . "public") ("re" . "return") ("sh" . "short") ("st" . "static") ("su" . "super") ("sw" . "switch") ("sy" . "synchronized") ("th" . "this") ("thr" . "throw") ("throw" . "throws") ("tra" . "transient") ("tr" . "true") ("vo" . "void") ("vol" . "volatile") ("wh" . "while"))))
- '(jde-gen-code-templates (quote (("Get Set Pair" . jde-gen-get-set) ("toString method" . jde-gen-to-string-method) ("Action Listener" . jde-gen-action-listener) ("Window Listener" . jde-gen-window-listener) ("Mouse Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-listener) ("Mouse Motion Listener" . jde-gen-mouse-motion-listener) ("Inner Class" . jde-gen-inner-class) ("println" . jde-gen-println) ("property change support" . jde-gen-property-change-support))))
- '(jde-compile-option-classpath nil)
- '(jde-gen-boilerplate-function (quote jde-gen-create-buffer-boilerplate))
- '(jde-gen-class-buffer-template (quote ("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 'n" "\"/**\" 'n" "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * @author \" (user-full-name) 'n" "\" * @version\" 'n" "\" */\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" \" (jde-gen-get-super-class) \" {\" 'n> 'n>" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"() {\" 'n>" "'p 'n>" "\"}\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"} // \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "'n>")))
- '(jde-gen-action-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Component name: \")" "\".addActionListener(new ActionListener() {\" 'n>" "\"public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {\" 'n>" "\"}});\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode nil)
- '(jde-quote-classpath t)
- '(jde-run-option-application-args nil)
- '(jde-run-java-vm-w "javaw")
- '(jde-run-read-vm-args nil)
- '(jde-run-applet-viewer "appletviewer")
- '(jde-gen-inner-class-template (quote ("'& \"class \" (P \"Class name: \" class)" "(P \"Superclass: \" super t)" "(let ((parent (jde-gen-lookup-named 'super)))" "(if (not (string= parent \"\"))" "(concat \" extends \" parent))) \" {\" 'n>" "\"public \" (s class) \"() {\" 'n> \"}\" 'n> \"}\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-compile-option-deprecation nil)
- '(jde-db-marker-regexp "^Breakpoint hit: .*(\\([^$]*\\).*:\\([0-9]*\\))")
- '(jde-db-debugger (quote ("jdb" . "Executable")))
- '(jde-db-source-directories (quote ("./")))
- '(jde-gen-jfc-app-buffer-template (quote ("(funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 'n" "\"import java.awt.*;\" 'n" "\"import java.awt.event.*;\" 'n" "\"import*;\" 'n 'n" "\"/**\" 'n" "\" * \"" "(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * Created: \" (current-time-string) 'n" "\" *\" 'n" "\" * @author \" (user-full-name) 'n" "\" * @version\" 'n" "\" */\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public class \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" extends JFrame {\" 'n> 'n>" "\"public \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"() {\" 'n>" "\"super(\\\"\" (P \"Enter app title: \") \"\\\");\" 'n>" "\"setSize(600, 400);\" 'n>" "\"addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}\" 'n>" "\"public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}});\" 'n>" "\"}\" 'n>" "'n>" "\"public static void main(String[] args) {\" 'n>" "'n>" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\" f = new \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "\"();\" 'n>" "\";\" 'n>" "'p 'n>" "\"}\" 'n> 'n>" "\"} // \"" "(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))" "'n>")))
- '(jde-make-args "")
- '(jde-gen-mouse-listener-template (quote ("'& (P \"Component name: \")" "\".addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}\" 'n>" "\"public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}});\" 'n>")))
- '(jde-run-option-classpath nil)
- '(jde-gen-buffer-templates (quote (("Class" . jde-gen-class) ("Console" . jde-gen-console) ("Swing App" . jde-gen-jfc-app))))
- '(jde-compile-option-verbose nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-optimize nil)
- '(jde-compile-option-encoding nil)
- '(jde-run-option-heap-profile (quote (nil "./java.hprof" 5 20 "Allocation objects")))
- '(jde-gen-to-string-method-template (quote ("'&" "\"public String toString() {\" 'n>" "\"return super.toString();\" 'n>" "\"}\" 'n>"))))
diff --git a/java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA b/java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ea687..0000000
--- a/java/src/rasj/odmg/RasTransaction.LOCAL_isOpenTA
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of rasdaman community.
-* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
-* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
-rasdaman GmbH.
-* For more information please see <>
-* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
-/** ***********************************************************
- * <pre>
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * </pre>
- *********************************************************** */
-package rasj.odmg;
-import org.odmg.*;
-import rasj.*;
-import rasj.clientcommhttp.*;
- * This class implements the ODMG Transaction interface.
- *
- * @version 1.0 (07-Apr-2000)
- *
- * @author Peter Zoller
- */
-public class RasTransaction implements Transaction
- /**
- * This variable holds a reference to the RasODMGImplementation object which created
- * this RasDatabase object
- */
- //private RasODMGImplementation rasImplementation=null;
- private RasImplementationInterface rasImplementation=null;
- /**
- * local state keeper whether TA is open;
- * serves to optimize OQL queries: special method isOpenLocally() does not require server calls
- */
- private boolean isOpenTA = false;
- public RasTransaction(RasImplementationInterface imp)
- {
- rasImplementation=imp;
- isOpenTA = false; // local state keeper, maintained by TA methods
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void join()
- {
- Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::join: not yet implemented." );
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void leave()
- {
- Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::leave: not yet implemented." );
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Begin a transaction.
- */
- public void begin()
- {
- rasImplementation.beginTA();
- isOpenTA = true; // TA is considered open if everything went fine.
- }
- /**
- * Returns TRUE if a transaction is currently open.
- */
- public boolean isOpen()
- {
- boolean result = rasImplementation.isOpenTA();
- Debug.talkVerbose( "RasTransaction::isOpen: result=" + result );
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Returns TRUE if a transaction is supposed to be open as seen from client side.
- * This is an optimization to save one server call within query execution,
- * it is NOT an official interface method.
- */
- public boolean isOpenLocally()
- {
- boolean result = isOpenTA;
- Debug.talkVerbose( "RasTransaction::isOpenLocally: result=" + result );
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Commit a transaction.
- */
- public void commit()
- {
- isOpenTA = false; // if commit fails something went wrong, so consider TA closed anyway
- rasImplementation.commitTA();
- }
- /**
- * Abort a transaction.
- */
- public void abort()
- {
- isOpenTA = false; // if abort tails something went wrong, so consider TA closed anyway
- rasImplementation.abortTA();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void checkpoint()
- {
- Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::checkpoint: not yet implemented." );
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void lock(Object obj, int mode) throws LockNotGrantedException
- {
- Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::lock: not yet implemented." );
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public boolean tryLock(Object obj, int mode)
- {
- Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::tryLock: not yet implemented." );
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the errorStatus.
- */
- public String getErrorStatus()
- {
- String result = rasImplementation.getErrorStatus();
- Debug.talkSparse( "RasTransaction::getErrorStatus: status=" + result );
- return result;
- }
-} // RasTransaction
diff --git a/java/src/rasj/odmg/ b/java/src/rasj/odmg/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b7c90..0000000
--- a/java/src/rasj/odmg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of rasdaman community.
-* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.
-* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
-rasdaman GmbH.
-* For more information please see <>
-* or contact Peter Baumann via <>.
-/** ***********************************************************
- * <pre>
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * </pre>
- *********************************************************** */
-package rasj.odmg;
-import org.odmg.*;
-import rasj.*;
-import rasj.clientcommhttp.*;
- * This class implements the ODMG Transaction interface.
- *
- * @version 1.0 (07-Apr-2000)
- *
- * @author Peter Zoller
- */
-public class RasTransaction implements Transaction
- /**
- * This variable holds a reference to the RasODMGImplementation object which created
- * this RasDatabase object
- */
- //private RasODMGImplementation rasImplementation=null;
- private RasImplementationInterface rasImplementation=null;
- public RasTransaction(RasImplementationInterface imp)
- {
- rasImplementation=imp;
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void join()
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void leave()
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Begin a transaction.
- */
- public void begin()
- {
- rasImplementation.beginTA();
- }
- /**
- * Returns TRUE if a transaction is currently open.
- */
- public boolean isOpen()
- {
- Debug.talkCritical( "RasTransaction::isOpen: calling rasImplementation.isOpenTA()" );
- return rasImplementation.isOpenTA();
- }
- /**
- * Commit a transaction.
- */
- public void commit()
- {
- rasImplementation.commitTA();
- }
- /**
- * Abort a transaction.
- */
- public void abort()
- {
- rasImplementation.abortTA();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void checkpoint()
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public void lock(Object obj, int mode) throws LockNotGrantedException
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Not implemented yet.
- */
- public boolean tryLock(Object obj, int mode)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the errorStatus.
- */
- public String getErrorStatus()
- {
- return rasImplementation.getErrorStatus();
- }
diff --git a/java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html b/java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html
deleted file mode 100644
index eea7bf9..0000000
--- a/java/src/rasj/rasj-protocol.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<H1>rasdaman c/s protocol</H1>
-(taken from rasdaman/java/rasj/clientcomm/
-<B>Request structure</B><P>
-The rasj HTTP request to the rasdaman server uses the HTTP POST-Format with the following
-<TR><TH>Parameter:</TH><TH>Description:</TH><TH>Required for</TH></TR>
-<TD>Integer value specifying the desired action (e.g. OpenDB, BT, CT, CloseDB ...)</TD>
-<TD>all requests</TD></TR>
-<TD>String value specifying the database</TD>
-<TD>OpenDB, CloseDB</TD></TR>
-<TD>Integer value defining the type of the client (at the moment always RasClient)</TD>
-<TD>all requests</TD></TR>
-<TD>Integer value specifying the ClientID (currently set to 1 for every client)</TD>
-<TD>all requests</TD></TR>
-<TD>String value containing the RasQL query</TD>
-<TD>Integer value containing the Client Endianess</TD>
-<TD>only insert queries</TD></TR>
-<TD>Integer value specifying the number of query parameters</TD>
-<TD>only insert queries</TD></TR>
-<TD>Byte Array containing the query parameters (MDDs) using the following format:<BR>
-<TD>domain</TD><TD>storageLayout</TD><TD>OID</TD><TD>dataSize</TD><TD>binary data</TD></TR>
-<TD>only insert queries</TD></TR>
-<B>Result formats / internal representation:</B><P><UL>
-The result of a HTTP request has one of the following forms:<P>
-MDD Collections:<BR>
-<TH ROWSPAN=2>String</TH><TH ROWSPAN=2>Long(4Bytes)</TH>
-<TH COLSPAN=5>resultElement 1</TH><TH ROWSPAN=3> ... </TH></TR>
-<TR><TD>Result type<P>1=MDDCollection</TD>
-<TD>Collection type</TD>
-<TD>Number of results</TD>
-<TD>BaseType description</TD>
-<TD>Spatial domain</TD>
-<TD>Size of the Binary Data Block</TD>
-<TD>Binary Data Block</TD></TR>
-Skalar Collections:<BR>
-<TH ROWSPAN=2>String</TH><TH ROWSPAN=2>Long(4Bytes)</TH>
-<TH COLSPAN=4>resultElement 1</TH><TH ROWSPAN=3> ... </TH></TR>
-<TR><TD>Result type<P>2=SkalarCollection</TD>
-<TD>Collection type</TD>
-<TD>Number of results</TD>
-<TD>ElementType description</TD>
-<TD>Size of the Binary Data Block</TD>
-<TD>Binary Data Block</TD></TR>
-<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Byte</TH><TH>Byte</TH>
-<TR><TD>Result type<P>0=Error</TD>
-<TD>Error number</TD>
-<TD>Line number</TD>
-<TD>Column number</TD>
-Single Integer Value:<BR>
-<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Byte</TH><TH>Integer</TH></TR>
-<TR><TD>Result type<P>3=Integer</TD><TD>Value</TD></TR>
-<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TH>Byte</TH><TH>String</TH><TH>String</TH><TH>Double</TH></TR>
-<TR><TD>Result type<P>4=OID</TD><TD>system</TD><TD>basename</TD><TD>localOID</TD></TR>
-<TR><TD>Result type<P>99=OK</TD></TR>