0.2 System PTS Test Suite Test 1 Michael Larabel Test PTS suite. 0 encode-mp3 time lame -h audio.wav audio.mp3 (45.0MB) encode-ogg time oggenc audio.wav -q 10 -o audio.ogg (45.0MB) encode-flac time flac --best audio.wav (45.0MB) build-mplayer Time To Compile build-php Time To Compile build-imagemagick Time To Compile build-linux-kernel Time To Compile memory-bandwidth TEST_READ RAM Sequential Read nexuiz +vid_width 1280 +vid_height 1024 -nosound 1280 x 1024 nexuiz +vid_width 1680 +vid_height 1050 -nosound 1680 x 1050 specviewperf9 3dsmax 3dsmax-04 specviewperf9 ensight ensight-03 specviewperf9 ensight ensight-03 specviewperf9 maya maya-02 specviewperf9 proe proe-04