. */ class batch_setup implements pts_option_interface { public static function run($r) { echo "\nThese are the default configuration options for when running the Phoronix Test Suite in a batch mode (i.e. running phoronix-test-suite batch-benchmark universe). Running in a batch mode is designed to be as autonomous as possible, except for where you'd like any end-user interaction.\n\n"; $batch_options = array(); $batch_options[0] = pts_bool_question("Save test results when in batch mode (Y/n)?", true); if($batch_options[0] == true) { $batch_options[1] = pts_bool_question("Open the web browser automatically when in batch mode (y/N)?", false); $batch_options[2] = pts_bool_question("Auto upload the results to Phoronix Global (Y/n)?", true); $batch_options[3] = pts_bool_question("Prompt for test identifier (Y/n)?", true); $batch_options[4] = pts_bool_question("Prompt for test description (Y/n)?", true); $batch_options[5] = pts_bool_question("Prompt for saved results file-name (Y/n)?", true); } else { $batch_options[1] = false; $batch_options[2] = false; $batch_options[3] = false; $batch_options[4] = false; $batch_options[5] = false; } pts_user_config_init(null, null, $batch_options); echo "\nBatch settings saved.\n\n"; } } ?>