. */ class pts_test_result { var $result; var $result_scale; var $result_format; var $result_proportion; var $result_quantifier; var $trial_results; var $attributes; public function __construct($result = 0, $result_scale = "", $result_format = "") { $this->result = $result; $this->result_scale = $result_scale; $this->result_format = $result_format; $this->trial_results = array(); $this->attributes = array(); $this->result_quantifier = null; $this->result_proportion = null; } public function set_result($result) { $this->result = $result; } public function set_result_scale($result_scale) { $this->result_scale = $result_scale; } public function set_result_format($result_format) { $this->result_format = $result_format; } public function set_result_proportion($result_proportion) { $this->result_proportion = $result_proportion; } public function set_result_quantifier($result_quantifier) { $this->result_quantifier = $result_quantifier; } public function set_attribute($name, $value) { $this->attributes[$name] = $value; } public function get_result() { return $this->result; } public function get_result_scale() { return $this->result_scale; } public function get_result_format() { return $this->result_format; } public function get_result_proportion() { return $this->result_proportion; } public function get_attribute($name) { if(isset($this->attributes[$name]) && !empty($this->attributes[$name])) { return $this->attributes[$name]; } } public function add_trial_run_result($result) { if(!empty($result)) { array_push($this->trial_results, $result); } } public function calculate_end_result(&$return_string) { $END_RESULT = 0; if($this->result_format == "NO_RESULT") { // Nothing to do $return_string = null; } else if($this->result_format == "PASS_FAIL" || $this->result_format == "MULTI_PASS_FAIL") { // Calculate pass/fail type $return_string .= "(" . $this->result_scale . ")\n"; $END_RESULT = -1; $i = 1; if(count($this->trial_results) == 1) { $END_RESULT = $this->trial_results[0]; } else { foreach($this->trial_results as $result) { if($result == "FALSE" || $result == "0" || $result == "FAIL") { $this_result = "FAIL"; if($END_RESULT == -1 || $END_RESULT == "PASS") { $END_RESULT = "FAIL"; } } else { $this_result = "PASS"; if($END_RESULT == -1) { $END_RESULT = "PASS"; } } $return_string .= "Trial $i: " . $this_result . "\n"; $i++; } } $return_string .= "\nFinal: " . $END_RESULT . "\n"; } else { // Result is of a normal numerical type if($this->result_quantifier == "MAX") { $max_value = $this->trial_results[0]; foreach($this->trial_results as $result) { if($result > $max_value) { $max_value = $result; } $return_string .= $result . " " . $this->result_scale . "\n"; } $return_string .= "\nMaximum: " . $max_value . " " . $this->result_scale; $END_RESULT = $max_value; } else if($this->result_quantifier == "MIN") { $min_value = $this->trial_results[0]; foreach($this->trial_results as $result) { if($result < $min_value) { $min_value = $result; } $return_string .= $result . " " . $this->result_scale . "\n"; } $return_string .= "\nMinimum: " . $min_value . " " . $this->result_scale; $END_RESULT = $min_value; } else { // assume AVG (average) $TOTAL_RESULT = 0; foreach($this->trial_results as $result) { $TOTAL_RESULT += trim($result); $return_string .= $result . " " . $this->result_scale . "\n"; } if(count($this->trial_results) > 0) { $END_RESULT = pts_trim_double($TOTAL_RESULT / count($this->trial_results), 2); } else { $END_RESULT = pts_trim_double($TOTAL_RESULT, 2); } $return_string .= "\nAverage: " . $END_RESULT . " " . $this->result_scale; } } $this->set_result($END_RESULT); } } ?>