. */ class bilde_swf_renderer extends bilde_renderer { var $swf_font = null; public function __construct($width, $height, $embed_identifiers = "") { $this->image = new SWFMovie(); $this->image_width = $width; $this->image_height = $height; $this->image->setDimension($width, $height); $this->swf_font = new SWFFont("_sans"); // TODO: Implement better font support } public function render_image($output_file = null, $quality = 0) { return $this->image->save($output_file); } public function resize_image($width, $height) { $this->image_width = $width; $this->image_height = $height; $this->image->setDimension($width, $height); } public function destroy_image() { $this->image = null; } public function write_text_left($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text = false) { $this->write_swf_text($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text, "LEFT"); } public function write_text_right($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text = false) { $this->write_swf_text($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text, "RIGHT"); } public function write_text_center($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text = false) { $this->write_swf_text($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text, "CENTER"); } public function draw_rectangle($x1, $y1, $width, $height, $background_color) { /* $points = array( $x1, $y1, $x1 + $height, $y1, $x1 + $height, $y1 + $width, $x1, $y1 + $width ); $this->draw_polygon($points, $background_color, $background_color, 1); */ $rect = new SWFShape(); $rect->setLine(1, $background_color[0], $background_color[1], $background_color[2]); $rect->setRightFill($background_color[0], $background_color[1], $background_color[2]); $rect->movePenTo($x1, $y1); $rect->drawLineTo($x1 + $width, $y1); $rect->drawLineTo($x1 + $width, $y1 + $height); $rect->drawLineTo($x1, $y1 + $height); $rect->drawLineTo($x1, $y1); $this->image->add($rect); } public function draw_rectangle_border($x1, $y1, $width, $height, $border_color) { /* $points = array( $x1, $y1, $x1 + $height, $y1, $x1 + $height, $y1 + $width, $x1, $y1 + $width ); $this->draw_polygon($points, null, $border_color, 1); */ $this->draw_line($x1, $y1, $x1 + $width, $y1, $border_color, 1); $this->draw_line($x1, $y1, $x1, $y1 + $height, $border_color, 1); $this->draw_line($x1 + $width, $y1, $x1 + $width, $y1 + $height, $border_color, 1); $this->draw_line($x1, $y1 + $height, $x1 + $width, $y1 + $height, $border_color, 1); } public function draw_polygon($points, $body_color, $border_color = null, $border_width = 0) { $poly = new SWFShape(); if(!empty($body_color)) { $poly->setLeftFill($body_color[0], $body_color[1], $body_color[2]); } if(!empty($border_color) && $border_width > 0) { $poly->setLine($border_width, $border_color[0], $border_color[1], $border_color[2]); } $point_pairs = array(); $this_pair = array(); foreach($points as $one_point) { array_push($this_pair, $one_point); if(count($this_pair) == 2) { array_push($point_pairs, $this_pair); $this_pair = array(); } } if(count($point_pairs) > 1) { $poly->movePenTo($point_pairs[0][0], $point_pairs[0][1]); for($i = 1; $i < count($point_pairs); $i++) { $poly->drawLineTo($point_pairs[$i][0], $point_pairs[$i][1]); } $poly->drawLineTo($point_pairs[0][0], $point_pairs[0][1]); } $this->image->add($poly); } public function draw_ellipse($center_x, $center_y, $width, $height, $body_color, $border_color = null, $border_width = 0) { if($width > $height) { $base_size = $width; } else { $base_size = $height; } $ellipse = new SWFShape(); $ellipse->setLine($border_width, $border_color[0], $border_color[1], $border_color[2]); $ellipse->setRightFill($body_color[0], $body_color[1], $body_color[2]); $ellipse->drawCircle($base_size / 2); $added = $this->image->add($ellipse); $added->moveTo($center_x, $center_y); $added->scaleTo(($width / $base_size), ($height / $base_size)); } public function draw_line($start_x, $start_y, $end_x, $end_y, $color, $line_width = 1) { $line = new SWFShape(); $line->setLine(1, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); $line->movePenTo($start_x, $start_y); $line->drawLineTo($end_x, $end_y); $added = $this->image->add($line); } public function png_image_to_type($file) { return new SWFBitmap(fopen($file, "rb")); } public function jpg_image_to_type($file) { return new SWFBitmap(fopen($file, "rb")); } public function image_copy_merge($source_image_object, $to_x, $to_y, $source_x = 0, $source_y = 0, $width = -1, $height = -1) { // TODO: $source_x, $source_y, $width, $height need to be implemented $added = $this->image->add($source_image_object); $added->moveTo($to_x, $to_y); } public function convert_hex_to_type($hex) { return array(hexdec(substr($hex, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($hex, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($hex, 5, 2))); } public function text_string_dimensions($string, $font_type, $font_size, $predefined_string = false) { return array(0, 0); } // Privates private function write_swf_text($text_string, $font_type, $font_size, $font_color, $bound_x1, $bound_y1, $bound_x2, $bound_y2, $rotate_text, $orientation = "LEFT") { switch($orientation) { case "CENTER": $align = SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_CENTER; break; case "RIGHT": $align = SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_RIGHT; break; case "LEFT": default: $align = SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT; break; } // TODO: Implement $font_type, $rotate_text support $t = new SWFTextField(); $t->setFont($this->swf_font); $t->setColor($font_color[0], $font_color[1], $font_color[2]); $t->setHeight($font_size); $t->setBounds(abs($bound_x1 - $bound_x2), $font_size); $t->align($align); $t->addString($text_string); $added = $this->image->add($t); $added->moveTo($bound_x1, $bound_y1); } } ?>