. */ function read_acpi($point, $match) { // Read ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface $value = ""; if(!is_array($point)) { $point = array($point); } for($i = 0; $i < count($point) && empty($value); $i++) { if(is_file("/proc/acpi" . $point[$i])) { $acpi_lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents("/proc/acpi" . $point[$i])); for($i = 0; $i < count($acpi_lines) && $value == ""; $i++) { $line = explode(": ", $acpi_lines[$i]); $this_attribute = trim($line[0]); if(count($line) > 1) { $this_value = trim($line[1]); } else { $this_value = ""; } if($this_attribute == $match) { $value = $this_value; } } } } return $value; } function read_hal($name, $UDI = null) { // Read HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer static $remove_words = null; $info = false; if(!is_array($name)) { $name = array($name); } if(empty($remove_words) && is_file(STATIC_DIR . "hal-values-remove.txt")) { $word_file = trim(file_get_contents(STATIC_DIR . "hal-values-remove.txt")); $remove_words = array_map("trim", explode("\n", $word_file)); } for($i = 0; $i < count($name) && empty($info); $i++) { if(empty($UDI)) { $info = shell_exec("lshal 2>&1 | grep \"" . $name[$i] . "\""); } else { $info = shell_exec("lshal -u $UDI 2>&1 | grep \"" . $name[$i] . "\""); } if(($pos = strpos($info, $name[$i] . " = '")) !== false) { $info = substr($info, $pos + strlen($name[$i] . " = '")); $info = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "'"))); } if(empty($info) || in_array(strtolower($info), $remove_words)) { $info = false; } } return $info; } function read_system_hal($name) { // Read system HAL $hal = read_hal($name, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer"); if(empty($hal)) { $hal = read_hal($name); } return $hal; } function read_sensors($attributes) { // Read LM_Sensors $value = ""; $sensors = shell_exec("sensors 2>&1"); $sensors_lines = explode("\n", $sensors); if(!is_array($attributes)) { $attributes = array($attributes); } for($j = 0; $j < count($attributes) && empty($value); $j++) { $attribute = $attributes[$j]; for($i = 0; $i < count($sensors_lines) && empty($value); $i++) { $line = explode(": ", $sensors_lines[$i]); $this_attribute = trim($line[0]); if($this_attribute == $attribute) { $this_remainder = trim(str_replace(array('+', '°'), ' ', $line[1])); $this_value = substr($this_remainder, 0, strpos($this_remainder, ' ')); if(is_numeric($this_value) && $this_value > 0) { $value = $this_value; } } } } return $value; } function read_pci($desc, $clean_string = true) { // Read PCI bus information static $pci_info = null; $info = false; if(empty($pci_info)) { if(!is_executable("/usr/bin/lspci") && is_executable("/sbin/lspci")) { $lspci_cmd = "/sbin/lspci"; } else { $lspci_cmd = "lspci"; } $pci_info = shell_exec($lspci_cmd . " 2>&1"); } if(!is_array($desc)) { $desc = array($desc); } for($i = 0; $i < count($desc) && empty($info); $i++) { if(substr($desc[$i], -1) != ":") { $desc[$i] .= ":"; } if(($pos = strpos($pci_info, $desc[$i])) !== false) { $sub_pci_info = str_replace(array("[AMD]"), "", substr($pci_info, $pos + strlen($desc[$i]))); $EOL = strpos($sub_pci_info, "\n"); if($clean_string) { if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '/')) < $EOL && $temp > 0) { if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, ' ', ($temp + 2))) < $EOL && $temp > 0) { $EOL = $temp; } } if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '(')) < $EOL && $temp > 0) { $EOL = $temp; } if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '[')) < $EOL && $temp > 0) { $EOL = $temp; } } $sub_pci_info = trim(substr($sub_pci_info, 0, $EOL)); if(($strlen = strlen($sub_pci_info)) >= 6 && $strlen < 96) { $info = pts_clean_information_string($sub_pci_info); } } } return $info; } function read_lsb($desc) { // Read LSB Release information, Linux Standards Base static $output = null; $info = false; if(empty($output)) { $output = shell_exec("lsb_release -a 2>&1"); } if(($pos = strrpos($output, $desc . ":")) !== false) { $info = substr($output, $pos + strlen($desc) + 1); $info = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "\n"))); } return $info; } function read_sysctl($desc) { // Read sysctl, used by *BSDs $info = false; if(!is_array($desc)) { $desc = array($desc); } for($i = 0; $i < count($desc) && empty($info); $i++) { $output = shell_exec("sysctl " . $desc[$i] . " 2>&1"); if((($point = strpos($output, ":")) > 0 || ($point = strpos($output, "=")) > 0) && strpos($output, "unknown oid") === false) { $info = trim(substr($output, $point + 1)); } } return $info; } function read_cpuinfo($attribute) { // Read CPU information $cpuinfo_matches = array(); if(is_file("/proc/cpuinfo")) { $cpuinfo_lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents("/proc/cpuinfo")); foreach($cpuinfo_lines as $line) { $line = explode(": ", $line); $this_attribute = trim($line[0]); if(count($line) > 1) { $this_value = trim($line[1]); } else { $this_value = ""; } if($this_attribute == $attribute) { array_push($cpuinfo_matches, $this_value); } } } return $cpuinfo_matches; } function read_nvidia_extension($attribute) { // Read NVIDIA's NV Extension $info = shell_exec("nvidia-settings --query " . $attribute . " 2>&1"); $nv_info = null; if(($pos = strpos($info, $attribute)) > 0) { $nv_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "):") + 3); $nv_info = substr($nv_info, 0, strpos($nv_info, "\n")); $nv_info = trim(substr($nv_info, 0, strrpos($nv_info, "."))); } return $nv_info; } function read_xdpy_monitor_info() { // Read xdpyinfo monitor information $info = trim(shell_exec("xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA 2>&1 | grep head")); $monitor_info = array(); foreach(explode("\n", $info) as $xdpyinfo_line) { if(!empty($xdpyinfo_line) && strpos($xdpyinfo_line, "0x0") == false) { array_push($monitor_info, $xdpyinfo_line); } } return $monitor_info; } function read_amd_graphics_adapters() { // Read ATI/AMD graphics hardware using aticonfig $info = trim(shell_exec("aticonfig --list-adapters 2>&1")); $adapters = array(); foreach(explode("\n", $info) as $line) { if(($last_point = strrpos($line, ".")) > 0) { array_push($adapters, substr($line, $last_point + 3)); } } return $adapters; } function read_amd_pcsdb($attribute) { // Read AMD's AMDPCSDB, AMD Persistent Configuration Store Database $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --get-pcs-key=" . $attribute . " 2>&1"); $ati_info = ""; if(($pos = strpos($info, ":")) > 0 && strpos($info, "Error") === false) { $ati_info = substr($info, $pos + 2); $ati_info = substr($ati_info, 0, strpos($ati_info, " ")); } if(empty($ati_info)) { // Using aticonfig --get-pcs-key failed, switch to the PTS direct parser of AMDPCSDB $ati_info = read_amd_pcsdb_direct_parser($attribute); } return $ati_info; } function read_amd_pcsdb_direct_parser($attribute, $find_once = false) { // Read AMD's AMDPCSDB, AMD Persistent Configuration Store Database but using our own internal parser instead of relying upon aticonfig $amdpcsdb_file = ""; $last_found_section_count = -1; $this_section_count = 0; $attribute_values = array(); $attribute = explode(",", $attribute); if(count($attribute) == 2) { $attribute_prefix = array_reverse(explode("/", $attribute[0])); $attribute_key = $attribute[1]; $is_in_prefix = false; if(is_file("/etc/ati/amdpcsdb")) { $amdpcsdb_file = explode("\n", file_get_contents("/etc/ati/amdpcsdb")); } for($l = 0; $l < count($amdpcsdb_file) && ($find_once == false || $last_found_section_count == -1); $l++) { $line = trim($amdpcsdb_file[$l]); if(substr($line, 0, 1) == "[" && substr($line, -1) == "]") { // AMDPCSDB Header $prefix_matches = true; $header = array_reverse(explode("/", substr($line, 1, -1))); for($i = 0; $i < count($attribute_prefix) && $i < count($header) && $prefix_matches == true; $i++) { if($attribute_prefix[$i] != $header[$i] && !pts_proximity_match($attribute_prefix[$i], $header[$i])) { $prefix_matches = false; } } if($prefix_matches) { $is_in_prefix = true; $this_section_count++; } else { $is_in_prefix = false; } } else if($is_in_prefix && $this_section_count != $last_found_section_count && count(($key_components = explode("=", $line))) == 2) { // AMDPCSDB Value if($key_components[0] == $attribute_key) { $value_type = substr($key_components[1], 0, 1); $value = substr($key_components[1], 1); switch($value_type) { case "V": // Value if(is_numeric($value) && strlen($value) < 9) { $value = dechex($value); $value = "0x" . str_repeat(0, 8 - strlen($value)) . strtoupper($value); } break; case "R": // Raw break; case "S": // String break; } array_push($attribute_values, $value); $last_found_section_count = $this_section_count; } } } } if(count($attribute_values) == 0) { $attribute_values = ""; } else if(count($attribute_values) == 1) { $attribute_values = $attribute_values[0]; } return $attribute_values; } function read_ati_extension($attribute) { // Read ATI fake extension $ati_info = ""; //mangler to get correct info out of aticonfig if("CoreTemperature" == $attribute) { $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --pplib-cmd \"get temperature 0\" 2>&1"); if(($pos = strpos($info, "thermal")) > 0) { $ati_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "is") + 3); $ati_info = substr($ati_info, 0, strpos($ati_info, "\n")); $ati_info = trim(substr($ati_info, 0, strrpos($ati_info, "."))); } } else if("Stock3DFrequencies" == $attribute) { $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --pplib-cmd \"get clock\" 2>&1"); if(($pos = strpos($info, "ngine")) > 0) { $core_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "-") + 1); $core_info = substr($core_info, 0, strpos($core_info, " ")); $mem_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "Memory Clock")); $mem_info = substr($mem_info, strpos($mem_info, "-") + 1); $mem_info = trim(substr($mem_info, 0, strpos($mem_info, " "))); $ati_info = $core_info . "," . $mem_info; } } else if("Current3DFrequencies" == $attribute) { $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --pplib-cmd \"get activity\" 2>&1"); if(($pos = strpos($info, "Activity")) > 0) { $core_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "Core Clock:") + 12); $core_info = substr($core_info, 0, strpos($core_info, "\n")); $core_info = trim(substr($core_info, 0, strrpos($core_info, "MHZ"))); $mem_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "Memory Clock:") + 14); $mem_info = substr($mem_info, 0, strpos($mem_info, "\n")); $mem_info = trim(substr($mem_info, 0, strrpos($mem_info, "MHZ"))); $ati_info = $core_info . "," . $mem_info; } } else if("GPUActivity" == $attribute) { $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --pplib-cmd \"get activity\" 2>&1"); if(($pos = strpos($info, "Activity")) > 0) { $activity_info = substr($info, strpos($info, "Activity:") + 9); $activity_info = trim(substr($activity_info, 0, strpos($activity_info, "percent\n"))); $ati_info = $activity_info; } } return $ati_info; } function read_ati_overdrive($attribute, $adapter = 0) { // Read ATI OverDrive information using aticonfig // OverDrive supported in fglrx 8.52+ drivers $value = -1; if($attribute == "Temperature") { $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --adapter=" . $adapter . " --od-gettemperature 2>&1"); if(($start = strpos($info, "Temperature -")) !== false) { $info = substr($info, $start + 14); $value = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, " C")); } } else { $info = shell_exec("aticonfig --adapter=" . $adapter . " --od-getclocks 2>&1"); if(strpos($info, "GPU") !== false) { foreach(explode("\n", $info) as $line) { $line_r = explode(":", $line); if(count($line_r) == 2) { $od_option = str_replace(" ", "", trim($line_r[0])); if($od_option == $attribute) { $od_value = trim($line_r[1]); if(function_exists("preg_replace")) { $od_value = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $od_value); } $od_value = str_replace(array("%"), "", $od_value); $od_value_r = explode(" ", $od_value); if(count($od_value_r) == 1) { $value = $od_value_r[0]; } else { $value = $od_value_r; } } } } } } return $value; } function read_system_memory_usage($TYPE = "TOTAL", $READ = "USED") { // Reads system memory usage $mem = explode("\n", shell_exec("free -t -m 2>&1")); $grab_line = null; $mem_usage = -1; for($i = 0; $i < count($mem) && empty($grab_line); $i++) { $line_parts = explode(":", $mem[$i]); if(count($line_parts) == 2) { $line_type = trim($line_parts[0]); if($TYPE == "MEMORY" && $line_type == "Mem") { $grab_line = $line_parts[1]; } else if($TYPE == "SWAP" && $line_type == "Swap") { $grab_line = $line_parts[1]; } else if($TYPE == "TOTAL" && $line_type == "Total") { $grab_line = $line_parts[1]; } } } if(!empty($grab_line)) { if(function_exists("preg_replace")) { $grab_line = trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $grab_line)); } $mem_parts = explode(" ", $grab_line); if($READ == "USED") { if(count($mem_parts) >= 2 && is_numeric($mem_parts[1])) { $mem_usage = $mem_parts[1]; } } else if($READ == "TOTAL") { if(count($mem_parts) >= 1 && is_numeric($mem_parts[0])) { $mem_usage = $mem_parts[0]; } } else if($READ == "FREE") { if(count($mem_parts) >= 3 && is_numeric($mem_parts[2])) { $mem_usage = $mem_parts[2]; } } } return $mem_usage; } function read_hddtemp($disk = null) { // Read hard drive temperature using hddtemp $hdd_temperature = -1; if(empty($disk)) { // TODO: Have it determine what disks are present and whether it's sdX or hdX, etc... $disk = "/dev/sda"; } // For most situations this won't work since hddtemp usually requires root access $info = trim(shell_exec("hddtemp " . $disk . " 2>&1")); if(($start_pos = strrpos($info, ": ")) > 0 && ($end_pos = strrpos($info, "°")) > $start_pos) { $temperature = substr($info, ($start_pos + 2), ($end_pos - $start_pos - 2)); if(is_numeric($temperature)) { $unit = substr($info, $end_pos + 2, 1); if($unit == "F") { $temperature = pts_trim_double((($temperature - 32) * 5 / 9)); } $hdd_temperature = $temperature; } } return $hdd_temperature; } function read_xorg_module_version($module) { $module_version = false; if(is_file("/var/log/Xorg.0.log")) { $xorg_log = @file_get_contents("/var/log/Xorg.0.log"); if(($module_start = strpos($xorg_log, $module)) > 0) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $module_start); $temp_version = substr($xorg_log, strpos($xorg_log, "module version =") + 17); $temp_version = substr($temp_version, 0, strpos($temp_version, "\n")); if(is_numeric(str_replace(".", "", $temp_version))) { $module_version = $temp_version; } } } return $module_version; } function read_osx_system_profiler($data_type, $object, $multiple_objects = false) { $info = trim(shell_exec("system_profiler " . $data_type . " 2>&1")); $lines = explode("\n", $info); if($multiple_objects) { $value = array(); } else { $value = false; } for($i = 0; $i < count($lines) && ($value == false || $multiple_objects); $i++) { $line = explode(":", $lines[$i]); $line_object = str_replace(" ", "", $line[0]); if(($cut_point = strpos($line_object, "(")) > 0) { $line_object = substr($line_object, 0, $cut_point); } if($line_object == $object && isset($line[1])) { $this_value = trim($line[1]); if(!empty($this_value)) { if($multiple_objects) { array_push($value, $this_value); } else { $value = $this_value; } } } } return $value; } function read_physical_memory_usage() { // Amount of physical memory being used return read_system_memory_usage("MEMORY"); } function read_total_memory_usage() { // Amount of total (physical + SWAP) memory being used return read_system_memory_usage("TOTAL"); } function read_swap_usage() { // Amount of SWAP memory being used return read_system_memory_usage("SWAP"); } function read_dmidecode($type, $sub_type, $object, $find_once = false, $ignore = null) { // Read Linux dmidecode $value = array(); if(is_readable("/dev/mem")) { if(!is_array($ignore)) $ignore = array($ignore); $dmidecode = shell_exec("dmidecode --type " . $type . " 2>&1"); $sub_type = "\n" . $sub_type . "\n"; do { $sub_type_start = strpos($dmidecode, $sub_type); if($sub_type_start !== false) { $dmidecode = substr($dmidecode, ($sub_type_start + strlen($sub_type))); $dmidecode_section = substr($dmidecode, 0, strpos($dmidecode, "\n\n")); $dmidecode = substr($dmidecode, strlen($dmidecode_section)); $dmidecode_elements = explode("\n", $dmidecode_section); $found_in_section = false; for($i = 0; $i < count($dmidecode_elements) && $found_in_section == false; $i++) { $dmidecode_r = explode(":", $dmidecode_elements[$i]); if(trim($dmidecode_r[0]) == $object && isset($dmidecode_r[1]) && !in_array(trim($dmidecode_r[1]), $ignore)) { array_push($value, trim($dmidecode_r[1])); $found_in_section = true; } } } } while($sub_type_start !== false && $find_once == false); } if(count($value) == 0) { $value = false; } else if($find_once != false && count($value) == 1) { $value = $value[0]; } return $value; } function read_sun_ddu_dmi_info($object) { // Read Sun's Device Driver Utility for OpenSolaris $values = array(); if(is_executable("/usr/ddu/bin/dmi_info")) { $info = shell_exec("/usr/ddu/bin/dmi_info 2>&1"); $lines = explode("\n", $info); $objects = explode(",", $object); $this_section = ""; if(count($objects) == 2) { $section = $objects[0]; $object = $objects[1]; } else { $section = ""; $object = $objects[0]; } foreach($lines as $line) { $line = explode(":", $line); $line_object = str_replace(" ", "", $line[0]); if(count($line) > 1) { $this_value = trim($line[1]); } else { $this_value = ""; } if(empty($this_value) && !empty($section)) { $this_section = $line_object; } if($line_object == $object && ($this_section == $section || pts_proximity_match($section, $this_section)) && !empty($this_value)) { array_push($values, $this_value); } } } return $values; } ?>