. */ function main_system_hardware_string() { // Returns the motherboard / system model name or number $info = ""; if(IS_MACOSX) { $info = read_osx_system_profiler("SPHardwareDataType", "ModelName"); } else if(IS_SOLARIS) { $manufacturer = read_sun_ddu_dmi_info("MotherBoardInformation,Manufacturer"); $product = read_sun_ddu_dmi_info("MotherBoardInformation,Product"); if(count($manufacturer) == 1 && count($product) == 1) { $info = $manufacturer[0] . " " . $product[0]; } } if(empty($info)) { $vendor = read_system_hal(array("system.hardware.vendor", "system.board.vendor")); $product = read_system_hal(array("system.hardware.product", "system.board.product")); $version = read_system_hal("system.hardware.version"); if($vendor != "Unknown") { $info = $vendor; } else { $info = ""; } if($product == "Unknown" || empty($product) || (strpos($version, ".") === false && $version != "Unknown")) { $product = $version; } if(!empty($product) && $product != "Unknown") { $info .= " " . $product; } if(empty($info)) { $fw_version = explode(" ", read_system_hal("system.firmware.version")); if(count($fw_version) > 1) { $info = $fw_version[0] . " " . $fw_version[1]; } } if(empty($info)) { $info = read_hal("pci.subsys_vendor"); } } return pts_clean_information_string($info); } function motherboard_chipset_string() { // Returns motherboard chipset if(IS_MACOSX) { $sb_vendor = read_osx_system_profiler("SPSerialATADataType", "Vendor"); $sb_product = read_osx_system_profiler("SPSerialATADataType", "Product"); if(($cut_point = strpos($sb_product, " ")) > 0) { $sb_product = substr($sb_product, 0, $cut_point); } // TODO: Can't find Northbridge $info = $sb_vendor . " " . $sb_product; } else { $info = read_pci(array("RAM memory", "Host bridge")); if(count(explode(" ", $info)) == 1) { $bridge = read_pci(array("Bridge", "PCI bridge")); if($bridge != "Unknown") { $match = false; $break_words = array("Ethernet", "PCI", "High", "USB"); for($i = 0; $i < count($break_words) && !$match; $i++) { if(($pos = strpos($bridge, $break_words[$i])) > 0) { $bridge = trim(substr($bridge, 0, $pos)); $info = $bridge; $match = true; } } } } if(!isset($bridge) || $bridge != "Unknown") { // Attempt to detect Southbridge (if applicable) $southbridge = read_pci(array("ISA bridge", "SATA controller"), false); if(($start_cut = strpos($southbridge, "(")) > 0 && ($end_cut = strpos($southbridge, ")", $start_cut + 1)) > 0) { $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $start_cut + 1, $end_cut - $start_cut - 1); if(strpos($southbridge_extract, "rev") === false) { $southbridge_extract = explode(" ", $southbridge_extract); $southbridge_clean = $southbridge_extract[0]; $info .= " + " . $southbridge_clean; } } else if(($start_cut = strpos($southbridge, "SB")) > 0) { $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $start_cut); $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge_extract, 0, strpos($southbridge_extract, " ")); $info .= " + " . $southbridge_extract; } } } return $info; } function system_hard_disks() { $disks = array(); if(IS_MACOSX) { // TODO: Support reading non-SATA drives and more than one drive $capacity = read_osx_system_profiler("SPSerialATADataType", "Capacity"); $model = read_osx_system_profiler("SPSerialATADataType", "Model"); if(!empty($capacity) && !empty($model)) { $disks = array($capacity . " " . $model); } } else { $dmesg_ata = shell_exec("dmesg 2>&1 | grep ATA"); $dmesg_sectors = shell_exec("dmesg 2>&1 | grep \"hardware sectors\""); $disks_identifiers = array(); $disks_capacities = array(); do { // Calculate disk names $search_disk_strings = array("ATA-6", "ATA-7", "ATA-8"); $start_point = -1; for($i = 0; $i < count($search_disk_strings) && $start_point == -1; $i++) { if(($tmp_pointer = strpos($dmesg_ata, $search_disk_strings[$i])) > 0) { $start_point = $tmp_pointer + strlen($search_disk_strings[$i]) + 1; } } if($start_point != -1) { $dmesg_ata = substr($dmesg_ata, $start_point); $dmesg_line = substr($dmesg_ata, 0, strpos($dmesg_ata, "\n")); $cut_points = array(","); $cut_point_used = false; for($i = 0; $i < count($cut_points) && $cut_point_used == false; $i++) { if(($tmp_pointer = strpos($dmesg_line, $cut_points[$i])) > 0) { $dmesg_line = substr($dmesg_line, 0, $tmp_pointer); } } array_push($disks, trim($dmesg_line)); } } while($start_point != -1); foreach(explode("\n", $dmesg_sectors) as $sector_line) { // Calculate disk sizes if(($start_bracket = strrpos($sector_line, "[")) > 0 && ($end_bracket = strrpos($sector_line, "]")) > $start_bracket) { $identifier = substr($sector_line, $start_bracket + 1, ($end_bracket - $start_bracket - 1)); if(count(glob("/dev/" . $identifier)) == 1 && !in_array($identifier, $disks_identifiers)) { // Disk is still present on system if(($start_size = strrpos($sector_line, "(")) > 0 && ($end_size = strrpos($sector_line, ")")) > $start_size) { $disk_r = explode(" ", substr($sector_line, $start_size + 1, ($end_size - $start_size - 1))); if(is_numeric($disk_r[0])) { $disk_size = $disk_r[0]; if($disk_r[1] == "MB") { $disk_size /= 1024; } if($disk_size > 10 && $disk_size % 10 != 0) { $disk_size *= 1.01; $mod = $disk_size % 10; $disk_size += (10 - $mod); if($disk_size % 100 == 10) { $disk_size -= 10; } if($disk_size % 100 == 90) { $disk_size += 10; } } $disk_size = pts_trim_double($disk_size, 0); array_push($disks_capacities, $disk_size); } } array_push($disks_identifiers, $identifier); } } } $disks_formatted = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($disks) && $i < count($disks_capacities); $i++) { array_push($disks_formatted, $disks_capacities[$i] . "GB " . $disks[$i]); } $disks = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($disks_formatted); $i++) { if(!empty($disks_formatted[$i])) { $times_found = 1; for($j = ($i + 1); $j < count($disks_formatted); $j++) { if($disks_formatted[$i] == $disks_formatted[$j]) { $times_found++; $disks_formatted[$j] = ""; } } if($times_found > 1) { $disk = $times_found . " x " . $disks_formatted[$i]; } else { $disk = $disks_formatted[$i]; } array_push($disks, $disk); } } } if(count($disks) == 0) { $disks = system_disk_total() . "GB"; } else { $disks = implode(" + ", $disks); } return $disks; } function system_disk_total() { // Returns amoung of disk space return ceil(disk_total_space("/") / 1073741824); } function system_memory_string() { $mem_string = null; $mem_size = read_dmidecode("memory", "Memory Device", "Size"); $mem_speed = read_dmidecode("memory", "Memory Device", "Speed", true); $mem_type = read_dmidecode("memory", "Memory Device", "Type", true); if($mem_size != false && $mem_speed != false && $mem_type != false) { $mem_count = count($mem_size); if(($cut = strpos($mem_speed, " (")) > 0) { $mem_speed = substr($mem_speed, 0, $cut ); } $mem_prefix = $mem_type . "-" . str_replace(" ", "", $mem_speed); if($mem_count > 1 && count(array_unique($mem_size)) > 1) { $mem_string = implode(" + ", $mem_size) . " " . $mem_prefix; } else { $mem_string = $mem_count . " x " . $mem_size[0] . " " . $mem_prefix; } } if(empty($mem_string)) { $mem_string = memory_mb_capacity() . "MB"; } return $mem_string; } function memory_mb_capacity() { // Returns physical memory capacity if(is_file("/proc/meminfo")) { $info = file_get_contents("/proc/meminfo"); $info = substr($info, strpos($info, "MemTotal:") + 9); $info = intval(trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "kB")))); $info = floor($info / 1024); } else if(IS_SOLARIS) { $info = shell_exec("prtconf | grep Memory"); $info = substr($info, strpos($info, ":") + 2); $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "Megabytes")); } else if(IS_BSD) { $info = floor(read_sysctl("hw.realmem") / 1048576); } else if(IS_MACOSX) { $info = read_osx_system_profiler("SPHardwareDataType", "Memory"); $info = explode(" ", $info); if(isset($info[1]) && $info[1] == "GB") { $info = $info[0] * 1024; } else { $info = $info[0]; } } else { $info = "Unknown"; } return $info; } function system_temperature() { // Reads the system's temperature $temp_c = read_sensors(array("Sys Temp", "Board Temp")); if(empty($temp_c)) { $temp_c = read_acpi("/thermal_zone/THM1/temperature", "temperature"); // if it is THM1 that is for the system, in most cases it should be if(($end = strpos($temp_c, ' ')) > 0) { $temp_c = substr($temp_c, 0, $end); } } if(empty($temp_c)) { $temp_c = -1; } return $temp_c; } function system_line_voltage($type) { // Reads the system's line voltages if($type == "CPU") { $voltage = read_sensors("VCore"); } else if($type == "V3") { $voltage = read_sensors(array("V3.3", "+3.3V")); } else if($type == "V5") { $voltage = read_sensors(array("V5", "+5V")); } else if($type == "V12") { $voltage = read_sensors(array("V12", "+12V")); } else { $voltage = ""; } if(empty($voltage)) { $voltage = -1; } return $voltage; } function system_hdd_temperature($disk = null) { // Attempt to read temperature using hddtemp return read_hddtemp($disk); } function system_power_mode() { // Returns the power mode $power_state = read_acpi("/ac_adapter/AC/state", "state"); $return_status = ""; if($power_state == "off-line") { $return_status = "This computer was running on battery power"; } return $return_status; } function read_physical_memory_usage() { // Amount of physical memory being used return read_system_memory_usage("MEMORY"); } function read_total_memory_usage() { // Amount of total (physical + SWAP) memory being used return read_system_memory_usage("TOTAL"); } function read_swap_usage() { // Amount of SWAP memory being used return read_system_memory_usage("SWAP"); } ?>