. */ function hw_cpu_core_count() { // Returns number of cores present on the system static $core_count = 0; if($core_count == 0) { $info = 0; if(IS_LINUX) { $processors = read_cpuinfo("processor"); $info = count($processors); } else if(IS_SOLARIS) { $info = trim(shell_exec("psrinfo")); $info = explode("\n", $info); $info = count($info); } else if(IS_BSD) { $info = read_sysctl("hw.ncpu"); } else if(IS_MACOSX) { $info = read_osx_system_profiler("SPHardwareDataType", "TotalNumberOfCores"); } if(is_int($info) && $info > 0) { $core_count = $info; } else { $core_count = 1; } } return $core_count; } function hw_cpu_job_count() { // Number of CPU jobs to tell the tests to use return hw_cpu_core_count() * 2; } function hw_cpu_string() { // Returns the processor name / frequency information $info = ""; if(is_file("/proc/cpuinfo")) { $physical_cpu_ids = read_cpuinfo("physical id"); $physical_cpu_count = count(array_unique($physical_cpu_ids)); $cpu_strings = read_cpuinfo("model name"); $cpu_strings_unique = array_unique($cpu_strings); if($physical_cpu_count == 1 || empty($physical_cpu_count)) { // Just one processor $info = $cpu_strings[0]; } else if($physical_cpu_count > 1 && count($cpu_strings_unique) == 1) { // Multiple processors, same model $info = $physical_cpu_count . " x " . $cpu_strings[0]; } else if($physical_cpu_count > 1 && count($cpu_strings_unique) > 1) { // Multiple processors, different models $current_id = -1; $current_string = $cpu_strings[0]; $current_count = 0; $cpus = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($physical_cpu_ids); $i++) { if($current_string != $cpu_strings[$i] || $i == (count($physical_cpu_ids) - 1)) { array_push($cpus, $current_count . " x " . $current_string); $current_string = $cpu_strings[$i]; $current_count = 0; } if($physical_cpu_ids[$i] != $current_id) { $current_count++; $current_id = $physical_cpu_ids[$i]; } } $info = implode(", ", $cpus); } } if(empty($info)) { if(IS_SOLARIS) { $dmi_cpu = read_sun_ddu_dmi_info("ProcessorName"); if(count($dmi_cpu) > 0) { //TODO: Add in support for reading multiple CPUs, similar to the code from above $info = $dmi_cpu[0]; } else { $info = trim(shell_exec("dmesg 2>&1 | grep cpu0")); $info = substr($info, strrpos($info, "cpu0:") + 6); } } else if(IS_BSD) { $info = read_sysctl("hw.model"); if(empty($info)) { $info = "Unknown"; } } else if(IS_MACOSX) { $info = read_osx_system_profiler("SPHardwareDataType", "ProcessorName"); } } if(!empty($info)) { $info = pts_clean_information_string($info); $cpu_core_read = 0; // for now default to the first core frequency to read // Append the processor frequency to string if(($freq = hw_cpu_default_frequency($cpu_core_read)) > 0) { if(($strip_point = strpos($info, "@")) > 0) { $info = trim(substr($info, 0, $strip_point)); // stripping out the reported freq, since the CPU could be overclocked, etc } $info .= " @ " . $freq . "GHz"; } } else { $info = "Unknown"; } return $info; } function hw_cpu_default_frequency($cpu_core = 0) { // Find out the processor frequency if(is_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" . $cpu_core . "/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq")) // The ideal way, with modern CPUs using CnQ or EIST and cpuinfo reporting the current { $info = trim(file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" . $cpu_core . "/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq")); $info = pts_trim_double(intval($info) / 1000000, 2); } else if(is_file("/proc/cpuinfo")) // fall back for those without cpufreq { $cpu_speeds = read_cpuinfo("cpu MHz"); if(count($cpu_speeds) > $cpu_core) { $info = $cpu_speeds[$cpu_core]; } else { $info = $cpu_speeds[0]; } $info = pts_trim_double($info / 1000, 2); } else { $info = hw_cpu_current_frequency($cpu_core); } return $info; } function hw_cpu_temperature() { // Read the processor temperature $temp_c = read_sensors(array("CPU Temp", "Core 0", "Core0 Temp", "Core1 Temp")); if(empty($temp_c)) { $temp_c = read_acpi(array( "/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature", "/thermal_zone/TZ00/temperature"), "temperature"); if(($end = strpos($temp_c, ' ')) > 0) { $temp_c = substr($temp_c, 0, $end); } } if(empty($temp_c)) { $temp_c = -1; } return $temp_c; } function hw_cpu_power_savings_enabled() { // Report string if CPU power savings feature is enabled $return_string = ""; if(is_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq") && is_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq")) { // if EIST / CnQ is disabled, the cpufreq folder shoudln't be present, but double check by comparing the min and max frequencies $min = trim(file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq")); $max = trim(file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq")); if($min < $max) { $cpu = hw_cpu_string(); if(strpos($cpu, "AMD") !== false) { $return_string = "AMD Cool n Quiet was enabled"; } else if(strpos($cpu, "Intel") !== false) { $return_string = "Intel SpeedStep Technology was enabled"; } else { $return_string = "The CPU was in a power-savings mode"; } } } return $return_string; } function hw_cpu_current_frequency($cpu_core = 0) { // Determine the current processor frequency if(is_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" . $cpu_core . "/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq")) // The ideal way, with modern CPUs using CnQ or EIST and cpuinfo reporting the current { $info = trim(file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" . $cpu_core . "/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq")); $info = pts_trim_double(intval($info) / 1000, 2); } else if(is_file("/proc/cpuinfo")) // fall back for those without cpufreq { $cpu_speeds = read_cpuinfo("cpu MHz"); if(count($cpu_speeds) > $cpu_core) { $info = $cpu_speeds[$cpu_core]; } else { $info = $cpu_speeds[0]; } $info = pts_trim_double(intval($info), 2); } else if(IS_SOLARIS) { $info = shell_exec("psrinfo -v | grep MHz"); $info = substr($info, strrpos($info, "at") + 3); $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "MHz")); $info = pts_trim_double(intval($info) / 1000, 2); } else if(IS_BSD) { $info = read_sysctl("dev.cpu.0.freq"); $info = pts_trim_double(intval($info) / 1000, 2); } else if(IS_MACOSX) { $info = read_osx_system_profiler("SPHardwareDataType", "ProcessorSpeed"); if(($cut_point = strpos($info, " ")) > 0) { $info = substr($info, 0, $cut_point); } $info = pts_trim_double($info, 2); } else { $info = 0; } return $info; } function hw_cpu_load_array($read_core = -1) { // CPU load array $stat = @file_get_contents("/proc/stat"); if($read_core > -1 && ($l = strpos($stat, "cpu" . $read_core)) !== false) { $start_line = $l; } else { $start_line = 0; } $stat = substr($stat, $start_line, strpos($stat, "\n")); $stat_break = explode(" ", $stat); $load = array(); for($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { array_push($load, $stat_break[$i]); } return $load; } function hw_cpu_usage($core = -1) { // Determine current percentage for processor usage $start_load = hw_cpu_load_array($core); sleep(1); $end_load = hw_cpu_load_array($core); for($i = 0; $i < count($end_load); $i++) { $end_load[$i] -= $start_load[$i]; } if(array_sum($end_load) == 0) { $percent = 0; } else { $percent = 100 - (($end_load[(count($end_load) - 1)] * 100) / array_sum($end_load)); } if(!is_numeric($percent) || $percent < 0 || $percent > 100) { $percent = -1; } return pts_trim_double($percent); } ?>