. */ function pts_display_web_browser($URL, $alt_text = null, $default_open = false) { // Launch the web browser if($alt_text == null) { $text = "Do you want to view the results in your web browser"; } else { $text = $alt_text; } if(!$default_open) { $view_results = pts_bool_question($text . " (y/N)?", false, "OPEN_BROWSER"); } else { $view_results = pts_bool_question($text . " (Y/n)?", true, "OPEN_BROWSER"); } if($view_results) { pts_run_shell_script("pts-core/scripts/launch-browser.sh", $URL); } } function pts_download($download, $to) { $to_file = basename($to); $to_dir = dirname($to); $download_output = ""; $user_agent = "PhoronixTestSuite/" . PTS_CODENAME; if(strpos($to_file, ".") === false) { $to_file = basename($download); } else if(is_executable("/usr/bin/curl") || is_executable("/usr/local/bin/curl")) { // curl download $download_output = shell_exec("cd " . $to_dir . " && curl -L --fail --user-agent \"" . $user_agent . "\" " . $download . " > " . $to_file); } else if(is_executable("/usr/bin/wget") || is_executable("/usr/local/bin/wget")) { // wget download $download_output = shell_exec("cd " . $to_dir . " && wget --user-agent=\"" . $user_agent . "\" " . $download . " -O " . $to_file); } else { $download_output = "No downloading application available."; } return $download_output; } function pts_remove($object, $ignore_files = null) { if(!file_exists($object)) { return false; } if(is_file($object)) { if(is_array($ignore_files) && in_array(basename($object), $ignore_files)) { return true; } else { return @unlink($object); } } if(is_dir($object)) { $directory = @dir($object); while(($entry = $directory->read()) !== false) { if($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { pts_remove($object . "/" . $entry, $ignore_files); } } $directory->close(); } return @rmdir($object); } function pts_copy($from, $to) { // Copies a file if(!is_file($to) || md5_file($from) != md5_file($to)) { copy($from, $to); } } function pts_move_file($from, $to, $change_directory = "") { return shell_exec("cd " . $change_directory . " && mv " . $from . " " . $to . " 2>&1"); } function pts_extract_file($file, $remove_afterwards = false) { $file_name = basename($file); $file_path = dirname($file); switch(substr($file_name, strpos($file_name, ".") + 1)) { case "tar": $extract_cmd = "tar -xf"; break; case "tar.gz": $extract_cmd = "tar -zxf"; break; case "tar.bz2": $extract_cmd = "tar -jxf"; break; case "tar.bz2": $extract_cmd = "tar -jxf"; break; case "zip": $extract_cmd = "zip -O"; break; default: $extract_cmd = ""; break; } shell_exec("cd " . $file_path . " && " . $extract_cmd . " " . $file_name . " 2>&1"); if($remove_afterwards == true) { pts_remove($file); } } function pts_run_shell_script($file, $arguments = "") { if(is_array($arguments)) { $arguments = implode(" ", $arguments); } return shell_exec("sh " . $file . " ". $arguments . " 2>&1"); } function pts_process_running_bool($process) { // Checks if process is running on the system $running = shell_exec("ps -C " . strtolower($process) . " 2>&1"); $running = trim(str_replace(array("PID", "TTY", "TIME", "CMD"), "", $running)); $running = !empty($running) && !IS_MACOSX && !IS_SOLARIS; return $running; } function pts_process_running_string($process_arr) { // Format a nice string that shows processes running $p = array(); $p_string = ""; if(!is_array($process_arr)) { $process_arr = array($process_arr); } foreach($process_arr as $p_name => $p_process) { if(!is_array($p_process)) { $p_process = array($p_process); } foreach($p_process as $process) { if(pts_process_running_bool($process)) { array_push($p, $p_name); } } } $p = array_keys(array_flip($p)); if(($p_count = count($p)) > 0) { for($i = 0; $i < $p_count; $i++) { $p_string .= $p[$i]; if($i != ($p_count - 1) && $p_count > 2) { $p_string .= ","; } $p_string .= " "; if($i == ($p_count - 2)) { $p_string .= "and "; } } if($p_count == 1) { $p_string .= "was"; } else { $p_string .= "were"; } $p_string .= " running on this system"; } return $p_string; } function pts_process_register($process) { // Register a process as active if(!is_dir(TEST_ENV_DIR)) { mkdir(TEST_ENV_DIR); } if(!is_dir(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes")) { mkdir(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes"); } return file_put_contents(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes/" . $process . ".p", getmypid()); } function pts_process_remove($process) { // Remove a process from being active, if present return is_file(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes/" . $process . ".p") && @unlink(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes/" . $process . ".p"); } function pts_process_active($process) { // Register a process as active $active = false; if(is_file(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes/" . $process . ".p") && !IS_SOLARIS) { $pid = trim(@file_get_contents(TEST_ENV_DIR . ".processes/" . $process . ".p")); $ps = trim(shell_exec("ps -p $pid 2>&1")); if(strpos($ps, "php") > 0) { $active = true; } else { pts_process_remove($process); } } return $active; } ?>