. */ require_once("pts-core/functions/pts.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-init.php"); // Load Main Functions require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-interfaces.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_io.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_shell.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_config.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_system.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_global.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_tests.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_types.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_vars.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_modules.php"); require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions_assignments.php"); // Phoronix Test Suite - Functions function pts_run_option_command($command, $pass_args = null, $command_descriptor = "") { pts_clear_assignments(); pts_set_assignment(array("START_TIME", "THIS_OPTION_IDENTIFIER"), time()); // For now THIS_OPTION_IDENTIFIER is also time pts_set_assignment("COMMAND", $command_descriptor); if(is_file("pts-core/options/" . $command . ".php")) { if(!class_exists($command, false)) { include_once("pts-core/options/" . $command . ".php"); } pts_module_process("__pre_option_process", $command); eval($command . "::run(\$pass_args);"); pts_module_process("__post_option_process", $command); } pts_clear_assignments(); } function pts_run_option_next($command = false, $pass_args = null, $command_descriptor = "") { static $options; $return = null; if(!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } if($command == false) { if(count($options) == 0) { $return = false; } else { $return = array_shift($options); } } else { array_push($options, new pts_run_option($command, $pass_args, $command_descriptor)); } return $return; } function pts_exec($exec, $extra_vars = null) { // Same as shell_exec() but with the PTS env variables added in return shell_exec(pts_variables_export_string($extra_vars) . $exec); } function pts_request_new_id() { // Request a new ID for a counter static $id = 1; $id++; return $id; } function pts_trim_double($double, $accuracy = 2) { // Set precision for a variable's points after the decimal spot $return = explode(".", $double); if(count($return) == 1) { $return[1] = "00"; } if(count($return) == 2 && $accuracy > 0) { $strlen = strlen($return[1]); if($strlen > $accuracy) { $return[1] = substr($return[1], 0, $accuracy); } else if($strlen < $accuracy) { for($i = $strlen; $i < $accuracy; $i++) { $return[1] .= '0'; } } $return = $return[0] . "." . $return[1]; } else { $return = $return[0]; } return $return; } function pts_load_function_set($title) { $function_file = "pts-core/functions/pts-functions-" . $title . ".php"; return is_file($function_file) && include_once($function_file); } function pts_clean_information_string($str) { // Clean a string containing hardware information of some common things to change/strip out static $remove_phrases = null; static $change_phrases = null; if(empty($remove_phrases) && is_file(STATIC_DIR . "info-strings-remove.txt")) { $word_file = trim(file_get_contents(STATIC_DIR . "info-strings-remove.txt")); $remove_phrases = array_map("trim", explode("\n", $word_file)); } if(empty($change_phrases) && is_file(STATIC_DIR . "info-strings-replace.txt")) { $word_file = trim(file_get_contents(STATIC_DIR . "info-strings-replace.txt")); $phrases_r = array_map("trim", explode("\n", $word_file)); $change_phrases = array(); foreach($phrases_r as $phrase) { $phrase_r = explode("=", $phrase); $change_phrases[trim($phrase_r[1])] = trim($phrase_r[0]); } } $str = str_ireplace($remove_phrases, " ", $str); foreach($change_phrases as $new_phrase => $original_phrase) { $str = str_ireplace($original_phrase, $new_phrase, $str); } if(function_exists("preg_replace")) { $str = trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $str)); } return $str; } function pts_exit($string = "") { // Have PTS exit abruptly define("PTS_EXIT", 1); echo $string; exit(0); } function pts_version_comparable($old, $new) { // Checks if there's a major version difference between two strings, if so returns false. If the same or only a minor difference, returns true. if(function_exists("preg_replace")) { $old = preg_replace("/[^.0-9]/", "", $old); $new = preg_replace("/[^.0-9]/", "", $new); } $old = explode(".", $old); $new = explode(".", $new); $compare = true; if(count($old) >= 2 && count($new) >= 2) { if($old[0] != $new[0] || $old[1] != $new[1]) { $compare = false; } } return $compare; } function pts_shutdown() { // Shutdown process for PTS define("PTS_END_TIME", time()); // Re-run the config file generation to save the last run version pts_user_config_init(); if(IS_DEBUG_MODE && defined("PTS_DEBUG_FILE")) { if(!is_dir(PTS_USER_DIR . "debug-messages/")) { mkdir(PTS_USER_DIR . "debug-messages/"); } if(file_put_contents(PTS_USER_DIR . "debug-messages/" . PTS_DEBUG_FILE, pts_debug_message())) { echo "\nDebug Message Saved To: " . PTS_USER_DIR . "debug-messages/" . PTS_DEBUG_FILE . "\n"; } } if(IS_SCTP_MODE) { pts_remove_sctp_test_files(); } // Remove process pts_process_remove("phoronix-test-suite"); } function pts_string_bool($string) { // Used for evaluating if the user inputted a string that evaluates to true $string = strtolower($string); return $string == "true" || $string == "1" || $string == "on"; } function pts_is_valid_download_url($string, $basename = null) { // Checks for valid download URL $is_valid = true; if(strpos($string, "://") == false) { $is_valid = false; } if(!empty($basename) && $basename != basename($string)) { $is_valid = false; } return $is_valid; } function pts_evaluate_script_type($script) { $script = explode("\n", trim($script)); $script_eval = trim($script[0]); $script_type = false; if(strpos($script_eval, "") !== false) { $script_type = "XML"; } return $script_type; } function pts_proximity_match($search, $match_to) { // Proximity search in $search string for * against $match_to $search = explode("*", $search); $is_match = true; if(count($search) == 1) { $is_match = false; } for($i = 0; $i < count($search) && $is_match && !empty($search[$i]); $i++) { if(($match_point = strpos($match_to, $search[$i])) !== false && ($i > 0 || $match_point == 0)) { $match_to = substr($match_to, ($match_point + strlen($search[$i]))); } else { $is_match = false; } } return $is_match; } function pts_text_save_buffer($to_add) { static $buffer = null; $return = null; if($to_add == false) { $return = $to_add; } else if(!empty($to_add)) { $buffer .= $to_add; } return $return; } function pts_debug_message($message = null) { static $debug_messages = ""; if(defined("PTS_END_TIME") && $message == null) { return $debug_messages; } // Writes a PTS debug message if(IS_DEBUG_MODE && !empty($message)) { if(strpos($message, "$") > 0) { foreach(pts_env_variables() as $key => $value) { $message = str_replace("$" . $key, $value, $message); } } echo "DEBUG: " . ($output = $message . "\n"); if(defined("PTS_DEBUG_FILE")) { $debug_messages .= $output; } } } function pts_user_message($message) { if(!empty($message)) { echo $message . "\n"; if(pts_read_assignment("IS_BATCH_MODE") == false) { echo "\nHit Any Key To Continue...\n"; fgets(STDIN); } } } ?>