. */ function pts_package_vendor_identifier() { $vendor = pts_vendor_identifier(); if(!is_file(XML_DISTRO_DIR . $vendor . "-packages.xml") && !is_file(SCRIPT_DISTRO_DIR . "install-" . $vendor . "-packages.sh")) { // TODO: Move this out to an XML file instead of hard-coding the "links" switch($vendor) { case "suselinux": $vendor = "opensuse"; break; } } return $vendor; } function pts_install_package_on_distribution($identifiers) { // PTS External Dependencies install on distribution if(pts_read_assignment("COMMAND") != "benchmark") { echo "Checking For Needed External Dependencies.\n"; } $install_objects = array(); if(!is_array($identifiers)) { $identifiers = array($identifiers); } foreach($identifiers as $identifier) { pts_start_install_dependencies($identifier, $install_objects); } $install_objects = array_unique($install_objects); pts_install_packages_on_distribution_process($install_objects); } function pts_start_install_dependencies($TO_INSTALL, &$PLACE_LIST) { if(IS_SCTP_MODE) { $tests = array($TO_INSTALL); } else { $tests = pts_contained_tests($TO_INSTALL, true); } foreach($tests as $test) { if(pts_test_supported($test)) { pts_install_external_dependencies_list($test, $PLACE_LIST); } } } function pts_external_dependency_generic($Name) { // Get the generic information for a PTS External Dependency generic $generic_information = ""; if(is_file(XML_DISTRO_DIR . "generic-packages.xml")) { $xml_parser = new tandem_XmlReader(XML_DISTRO_DIR . "generic-packages.xml"); $package_name = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_GENERIC); $title = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_TITLE); $possible_packages = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_POSSIBLENAMES); $file_check = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_FILECHECK); $selection = -1; $PTS_MANUAL_SUPPORT = 0; for($i = 0; $i < count($title) && $selection == -1; $i++) { if($Name == $package_name[$i]) { $selection = $i; if(pts_file_missing_check(explode(",", $file_check[$selection]))) { if($PTS_MANUAL_SUPPORT == 0) { $PTS_MANUAL_SUPPORT = 1; } echo pts_string_header($title[$selection] . "\nPossible Package Names: " . $possible_packages[$selection]); } } } if($PTS_MANUAL_SUPPORT == 1) { echo "The above dependencies should be installed before proceeding. Press any key when you're ready to continue."; fgets(STDIN); } } return $generic_information; } function pts_install_external_dependencies_list($identifier, &$INSTALL_OBJ) { // Install from a list of external dependencies if(!pts_is_test($identifier)) { return; } $xml_parser = new pts_test_tandem_XmlReader($identifier); $title = $xml_parser->getXMLValue(P_TEST_TITLE); $dependencies = $xml_parser->getXMLValue(P_TEST_EXDEP); if(!empty($dependencies)) { $dependencies = explode(",", $dependencies); $dependencies = array_map("trim", $dependencies); if(!pts_is_assignment("PTS_EXDEP_FIRST_RUN")) { array_push($dependencies, "php-extras"); if(sw_os_architecture() == "x86_64") { array_push($dependencies, "linux-32bit-libraries"); } pts_set_assignment("PTS_EXDEP_FIRST_RUN", 1); } if(!pts_package_generic_to_distro_name($INSTALL_OBJ, $dependencies)) { $package_string = ""; foreach($dependencies as $dependency) { $package_string .= pts_external_dependency_generic($dependency); } if(!empty($package_string)) { echo "\nSome additional dependencies are required to run or more of these tests, and they could not be installed automatically for your distribution. Below are the software packages that must be installed for the test(s) to run properly.\n\n" . $package_string; } } } } function pts_package_generic_to_distro_name(&$package_install_array, $generic_names) { // Generic name to distribution package name $vendor = pts_package_vendor_identifier(); $generated = false; if(is_file(XML_DISTRO_DIR . $vendor . "-packages.xml")) { $xml_parser = new tandem_XmlReader(XML_DISTRO_DIR . $vendor . "-packages.xml"); $generic_package = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_GENERIC); $distro_package = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_SPECIFIC); $file_check = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_EXDEP_PACKAGE_FILECHECK); for($i = 0; $i < count($generic_package); $i++) { if(!empty($generic_package[$i]) && in_array($generic_package[$i], $generic_names)) { if(!in_array($distro_package[$i], $package_install_array)) { if(!empty($file_check[$i])) { $files = explode(",", $file_check[$i]); $add_dependency = pts_file_missing_check($files); } else { $add_dependency = true; } if($add_dependency) { array_push($package_install_array, $distro_package[$i]); } } } } $generated = true; } return $generated; } function pts_install_packages_on_distribution_process($install_objects) { // Do the actual installing process of packages using the distribution's package management system if(!empty($install_objects)) { if(is_array($install_objects)) { $install_objects = implode(" ", $install_objects); } $distribution = pts_package_vendor_identifier(); if(is_file(SCRIPT_DISTRO_DIR . "install-" . $distribution . "-packages.sh")) { echo "\nThe following dependencies will be installed: \n"; foreach(explode(" ", $install_objects) as $obj) { echo "- " . $obj . "\n"; } echo "\nThis process may take several minutes.\n"; echo shell_exec("cd " . SCRIPT_DISTRO_DIR . " && sh install-" . $distribution . "-packages.sh " . $install_objects); } else { echo "Distribution install script not found!"; } } } function pts_file_missing_check($file_arr) { // Checks if file is missing $file_missing = false; foreach($file_arr as $file) { $file_is_there = false; $file = explode("OR", $file); for($i = 0; $i < count($file) && $file_is_there == false; $i++) { $file[$i] = trim($file[$i]); if(is_file($file[$i]) || is_dir($file[$i]) || is_link($file[$i])) { $file_is_there = true; } } $file_missing = $file_missing || !$file_is_there; } return $file_missing; } ?>