. */ require_once("pts-core/functions/pts-functions-install_dependencies.php"); function pts_start_install($to_install) { if(!is_array($to_install)) { $to_install = array($to_install); } if(IS_SCTP_MODE) { $tests = array($to_install[0]); } else { $tests = array(); foreach($to_install as $to_install_test) { foreach(pts_contained_tests($to_install_test, true) as $test) { array_push($tests, $test); } } $tests = array_unique($tests); if(count($tests) == 0) { $exit_message = ""; if(pts_read_assignment("COMMAND") != "benchmark") { echo pts_string_header("\nNot recognized: " . $to_install[0] . "\n"); } return false; } } pts_module_process("__pre_install_process", $tests); foreach($tests as $test) { pts_install_test($test); } pts_module_process("__post_install_process", $tests); } function pts_download_test_files($identifier) { // Download needed files for a test $download_packages = pts_objects_test_downloads($identifier); if(count($download_packages) > 0) { $header_displayed = false; $cache_directories = array(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR); if(strpos(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR, "://") > 0 && ($xml_dc_file = @file_get_contents(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . "pts-download-cache.xml")) != false) { $xml_dc_parser = new tandem_XmlReader($xml_dc_file); $dc_file = $xml_dc_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_CACHE_PACKAGE_FILENAME); $dc_md5 = $xml_dc_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_CACHE_PACKAGE_MD5); } else { $dc_file = array(); $dc_md5 = array(); } if(pts_string_bool(pts_read_user_config(P_OPTION_CACHE_SEARCHMEDIA, "TRUE"))) { foreach(glob("/media/*/download-cache/") as $dir) { array_push($cache_directories, $dir); } } for($i = 0; $i < count($download_packages); $i++) { $download_location = TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier . "/"; $package_filename = $download_packages[$i]->get_filename(); $download_destination = $download_location . $package_filename; if(!is_file($download_destination)) { if(!$header_displayed) { $download_append = ""; if(($size = pts_estimated_download_size($identifier)) > 0) { $download_append = "\nEstimated Download Size: " . $size . " MB"; if(ceil(disk_free_space(TEST_ENV_DIR) / 1048576) < $size) { echo pts_string_header("There is not enough space (at " . TEST_ENV_DIR . ") for this test."); return false; } } echo pts_string_header("Downloading Files For: " . $identifier . $download_append); $header_displayed = true; } $urls = $download_packages[$i]->get_download_url_array(); $package_md5 = $download_packages[$i]->get_md5(); if(count($dc_file) > 0 && count($dc_md5) > 0) { $cache_search = true; for($f = 0; $f < count($dc_file) && $cache_search; $f++) { if($dc_file[$f] == $package_filename && $dc_md5[$f] == $package_md5) { echo pts_download(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . $package_filename, $download_location); if(!pts_validate_md5_download_file($download_destination . ".temp", $package_md5)) { @unlink($download_destination . ".temp"); } else { pts_move_file($package_filename . ".temp", $package_filename, $download_location); $urls = array(); } $cache_search = false; } } } else { $used_cache = false; for($j = 0; $j < count($cache_directories) && $used_cache == false; $j++) { if(pts_validate_md5_download_file($cache_directories[$j] . $package_filename, $package_md5)) { echo "Copying Cached File: " . $package_filename . "\n"; if(copy($cache_directories[$j] . $package_filename, $download_destination)) { $urls = array(); $used_cache = true; } } } } if(count($urls) > 0 && $urls[0] != "") { shuffle($urls); $fail_count = 0; $try_again = true; do { if(getenv("PTS_BATCH_MODE") == false && pts_string_bool(pts_read_user_config(P_OPTION_PROMPT_DOWNLOADLOC, "FALSE")) && count($urls) > 1) { // Prompt user to select mirror do { echo "\nAvailable Download Mirrors:\n\n"; for($j = 0; $j < count($urls); $j++) { echo ($j + 1) . ": " . $urls[$j] . "\n"; } echo "\nEnter Your Preferred Mirror: "; $mirror_choice = trim(fgets(STDIN)); } while(($mirror_choice < 1 || $mirror_choice > count($urls)) && !pts_is_valid_download_url($mirror_choice, $package_filename)); if(is_numeric($mirror_choice)) { $url = $urls[($mirror_choice - 1)]; } else { $url = $mirror_choice; } } else { // Auto-select mirror do { $url = array_pop($urls); } while(!pts_is_valid_download_url($url)); } echo "\n\nDownloading File: " . $package_filename . "\n\n"; echo pts_download($url, $download_destination . ".temp"); if(!pts_validate_md5_download_file($download_destination . ".temp", $package_md5)) { if(is_file($download_destination . ".temp")) { unlink($download_destination . ".temp"); } $file_downloaded = false; $fail_count++; echo "\nThe MD5 check-sum of the downloaded file is incorrect.\n"; if($fail_count > 3) { $try_again = false; } else { if(count($urls) > 0 && $urls[0] != "") { echo "Attempting to re-download from another mirror.\n"; } else { $try_again = pts_bool_question("Would you like to try downloading the file again (Y/n)?", true, "TRY_DOWNLOAD_AGAIN"); if($try_again) { array_push($urls, $url); } else { $try_again = false; } } } } else { if(is_file($download_destination . ".temp")) { pts_move_file($package_filename . ".temp", $package_filename, $download_location); } $file_downloaded = true; $fail_count = 0; } if(!$try_again) { echo "\nDownload of Needed Test Dependencies Failed! Exiting.\n\n"; return false; } } while(!$file_downloaded); } } } } return true; } function pts_validate_md5_download_file($filename, $verified_md5) { $valid = true; if(!is_file($filename)) { $valid = false; } else { if(!empty($verified_md5)) { $real_md5 = md5_file($filename); if(count(explode("://", $verified_md5)) > 1) { $md5_file = explode("\n", trim(@file_get_contents($verified_md5))); for($i = 0; $i < count($md5_file) && $valid; $i++) { $line_explode = explode(" ", trim($md5_file[$i])); if($line_explode[(count($line_explode) - 1)] == $filename) { if($line_explode[0] != $real_md5) { $valid = false; } } } } else if($real_md5 != $verified_md5) { $valid = false; } } } return $valid; } function pts_remove_local_download_test_files($identifier) { // Remove locally downloaded files for a given test foreach(pts_objects_test_downloads($identifier) as $test_file) { $file_location = TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier . "/" . $test_file->get_filename(); if(is_file($file_location)) { @unlink($file_location); } } } function pts_setup_install_test_directory($identifier, $remove_old_files = false) { if(!is_dir(TEST_ENV_DIR)) { mkdir(TEST_ENV_DIR); } if(!is_dir(TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier)) { mkdir(TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier); } else if($remove_old_files) { // Remove any files that were installed, since this test will be reinstalled and remove any old download files not used $ignore_files = array("pts-install.xml"); foreach(pts_objects_test_downloads($identifier) as $download_object) { array_push($ignore_files, $download_object->get_filename()); } pts_remove(TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier, $ignore_files); } } function pts_install_test($identifier) { if(!pts_is_test($identifier)) { return; } // Install a test $installed = false; if(!pts_test_architecture_supported($identifier)) { echo pts_string_header($identifier . " is not supported on this architecture: " . sw_os_architecture()); } else if(!pts_test_platform_supported($identifier)) { echo pts_string_header($identifier . " is not supported by this operating system (" . OPERATING_SYSTEM . ")."); } else if(!pts_test_version_supported($identifier)) { echo pts_string_header($identifier . " is not supported by this version of the Phoronix Test Suite (" . PTS_VERSION . ")."); } else { // TODO: clean up validate-install and put in pts_validate_test_install $custom_validated_output = trim(pts_call_test_script($identifier, "validate-install", "\nValidating Installation...\n", TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier . "/", pts_run_additional_vars($identifier), false)); if(!empty($custom_validated_output) && !pts_string_bool($custom_validated_output)) { $installed = false; } else { if(pts_test_needs_updated_install($identifier) || pts_is_assignment("PTS_FORCE_INSTALL")) { if(!pts_is_assignment("PTS_TOTAL_SIZE_MSG")) { if(isset($argv[1])) { $total_download_size = pts_estimated_download_size($argv[1]); if($total_download_size > 0 && pts_is_suite($argv[1])) { echo pts_string_header("Total Estimated Download Size: " . $total_download_size . " MB"); } } pts_set_assignment("PTS_TOTAL_SIZE_MSG", 1); } pts_setup_install_test_directory($identifier, true); $download_test_files = pts_download_test_files($identifier); if($download_test_files == false) { echo "\nInstallation of " . $identifier . " test failed.\n"; return false; } if(is_file(pts_location_test_resources($identifier) . "install.sh") || is_file(pts_location_test_resources($identifier) . "install.php")) { pts_module_process("__pre_test_install", $identifier); $install_header = "Installing Test: " . $identifier; if(($size = pts_estimated_download_size($identifier)) > 0) { $install_header .= "\nEstimated Install Size: " . $size . " MB"; } echo pts_string_header($install_header); if(!empty($size) && ceil(disk_free_space(TEST_ENV_DIR) / 1048576) < $size) { echo "\nThere is not enough space (at " . TEST_ENV_DIR . ") for this test to be installed.\n"; return false; } $xml_parser = new pts_test_tandem_XmlReader($identifier); $pre_install_message = $xml_parser->getXMLValue(P_TEST_PREINSTALLMSG); $post_install_message = $xml_parser->getXMLValue(P_TEST_POSTINSTALLMSG); pts_user_message($pre_install_message); echo pts_call_test_script($identifier, "install", null, TEST_ENV_DIR . $identifier . "/", pts_run_additional_vars($identifier), false); pts_user_message($post_install_message); pts_test_generate_install_xml($identifier); pts_module_process("__post_test_install", $identifier); if(pts_string_bool(pts_read_user_config(P_OPTION_TEST_REMOVEDOWNLOADS, "FALSE"))) { pts_remove_local_download_test_files($identifier); // Remove original downloaded files } } else { echo "No installation script found for " . $identifier . "\n"; $installed = true; pts_test_generate_install_xml($identifier); } } else { $installed = true; if(pts_read_assignment("COMMAND") != "benchmark") { echo "Already Installed: " . $identifier . "\n"; } } } } return $installed; } function pts_generate_download_cache() { // Generates a PTS Download Cache if(!is_dir(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR)) { mkdir(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR); } else { if(is_file(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . "make-cache-howto")) { unlink(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . "make-cache-howto"); } } $xml_writer = new tandem_XmlWriter(); $xml_writer->addXmlObject(P_CACHE_PTS_VERSION, -1, PTS_VERSION); $file_counter = 0; $normal_downloads = glob(TEST_RESOURCE_DIR . "*/downloads.xml"); $base_downloads = glob(TEST_RESOURCE_DIR . "base/*/downloads.xml"); foreach(array_merge($normal_downloads, $base_downloads) as $downloads_file) { $test = array_pop(explode("/", dirname($downloads_file))); $xml_parser = new tandem_XmlReader($downloads_file); $package_url = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_DOWNLOADS_PACKAGE_URL); $package_md5 = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_DOWNLOADS_PACKAGE_MD5); $package_filename = $xml_parser->getXMLArrayValues(P_DOWNLOADS_PACKAGE_FILENAME); $cached = false; echo "\nChecking Downloads For: " . $test . "\n"; $test_install_message = true; for($i = 0; $i < count($package_url); $i++) { if(empty($package_filename[$i])) { $package_filename[$i] = basename($package_url[$i]); } if(is_file(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . $package_filename[$i]) && (empty($package_md5[$i]) || md5_file(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . $package_filename[$i]) == $package_md5[$i])) { echo "\tPreviously Cached: " . $package_filename[$i] . "\n"; $cached = true; } else { if(is_dir(TEST_ENV_DIR . $test . "/")) { if(is_file(TEST_ENV_DIR . $test . "/" . $package_filename[$i])) { if(empty($package_md5[$i]) || md5_file(TEST_ENV_DIR . $test . "/" . $package_filename[$i]) == $package_md5[$i]) { echo "\tCaching: " . $package_filename[$i] . "\n"; if(copy(TEST_ENV_DIR . $test . "/" . $package_filename[$i], PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . $package_filename[$i])) { $cached = true; } } } } else { if($test_install_message) { echo "\tTest Not Installed\n"; $test_install_message = false; } } } if($cached) { $xml_writer->addXmlObject(P_CACHE_PACKAGE_FILENAME, $file_counter, $package_filename[$i]); $xml_writer->addXmlObject(P_CACHE_PACKAGE_MD5, $file_counter, $package_md5[$i]); $file_counter++; } } } $cache_xml = $xml_writer->getXML(); file_put_contents(PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR . "pts-download-cache.xml", $cache_xml); } ?>