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PTS Test Specification

Phoronix Test Suite 1.0 Test Specification

This document describes the XML tags for writing a test profile.


Tag: Version
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_PTSVERSION
Required: Yes
Description: The version of the test profile itself, not dependent upon the main Phoronix Test Suite version or the version of the software package itself.
Supported Values: ( Formatted: x.x.x )

Tag: TestType
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_HARDWARE_TYPE
Required: Recommended
Description: The hardware area of the system that this test is designed to stress.
Supported Values: System, Processor, Graphics, Disk, Memory, Motherboard

Tag: SoftwareType
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_SOFTWARE_TYPE
Required: Recommended
Description: The type of software that this test consists of.
Supported Values: Game, Utility, Simulator, Other

Tag: Maintainer
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_MAINTAINER
Required: Yes
Description: The name of this profile's maintainer.

Tag: License
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_LICENSE
Required: Yes
Description: The license of the software itself.
Supported Values: FREE, NON-FREE, RESTRICTED (Will only work with certain hardware configurations), UNKNOWN

Tag: Status
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_STATUS
Required: Yes
Description: The status of the test profile itself.

Tag: SupportedArchitectures
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Required: No - Defaults to assume all architectures are supported
Description: If the test software is limited to running on select system architectures, list them in this tag with each architecture delimited by a comma.
Supported Values: ( Examples: x86, x86_64 )

Tag: SupportedPlatforms
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Required: No - Defaults to assume all operating systems are supported
Description: If the test software is limited to running on select operating systems, list them in this tag with each OS being delimited by a comma.
Supported Values: Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, BSD

Tag: Extends
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_CTPEXTENDS
Required: No - Defaults to assume there is no extension
Description: If the test relies upon another test within the Phoronix Test Suite, list its name in this tag. This is similar to extends in programming languages in the capabilities that it provides. When running a test that extends another one, it will require all test extensions be built as well as the PATH environment variable will contain each of the test directories below this test. This is part of the Cascading Test Profiles functionality.
Supported Values: ( Any name of another test identifer shipping with the Phoronix Test Suite. )

Tag: RequiresRoot
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_ROOTNEEDED
Required: No - Defaults to assume false
Description: If root access is needed by the software encapsulated by this profile, the value of this tag should be 1.
Supported Values: 0, 1

Tag: DownloadSize
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_DOWNLOADSIZE
Required: No
Description: The estimated size (in megabytes) that this test takes up in files downloaded. Note: As of Phoronix Test Suite 1.4, the DownloadSize tag has been deprecated and test profile writers should instead use the FileSize within the downloads.xml specification for each file to be downloaded.
Supported Values: ( Values must be in MB )

Tag: EnvironmentSize
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Required: No
Description: The estimated size (in megabytes) that this test takes up in its environment directory when downloaded files have been extracted, etc.
Supported Values: ( Values must be in MB )

Tag: EstimatedLength
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_ESTIMATEDTIME
Required: No
Description: The estimated length (in minutes) that it takes this benchmark to run in total.
Supported Values: ( Values must be in minutes )

Tag: ProjectURL
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestProfile/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_PROJECTURL
Required: No
Description: The web-site for the software vendor or project of the software being used for testing.
Supported Values: ( The URL must start with http:// and be a valid address )


Tag: Title
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_TITLE
Required: Yes
Description: The string title of the test, used for display purposes.

Tag: SubTitle
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_SUBTITLE
Required: No
Description: If a value is supplied, this is a static sub-title when rendering the graph results. Otherwise the test options (if applicable) are displayed.

Tag: Version
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_VERSION
Required: Recommended
Description: The version of the software game/application/program itself

Tag: Description
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_DESCRIPTION
Required: Recommended
Description: A few sentence description of the test.

Tag: ExternalDependencies
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_EXDEP
Required: No
Description: The external dependencies needed for the test. Multiple dependencies need to be delimited by a comma.
Supported Values: ( See pts/distro-xml/generic-packages.xml for a list of currently supported external dependencies. )

Tag: ResultScale
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_SCALE
Required: Yes
Description: The scale the results are reported in.
Supported Values: ( Examples: Seconds, Average FPS, Mflops )

Tag: ResultQuantifier
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_QUANTIFIER
Required: No - Defaults to AVG
Description: When running a test multiple times, how should the final result be calculated.
Supported Values: AVG (Average), MAX (Maximum), MIN (Minimum)

Tag: ResultFormat
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_RESULTFORMAT
Required: No - Defaults to BAR_GRAPH
Description: The type of graph/visual representation to be used when viewing the test results.
Supported Values: BAR_GRAPH (Bar Graph), LINE_GRAPH (Line Graph), PASS_FAIL (Pass-Fail Graph)

Tag: Proportion
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_PROPORTION
Required: No - Defaults to HIB
Description: The scale for the test, whether lower or higher results yield better performance.
Supported Values: LIB (Lower Is Better), HIB (Higher Is Better)

Tag: Executable
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_EXECUTABLE
Required: No - Defaults to name (identifier) of test
Description: When looking for the test to execute in the path directory or the benchmarking environment directory, this is the string of the file-name.

Tag: TimesToRun
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_RUNCOUNT
Required: No - Defaults to 1
Description: The number of times to run the test.
Supported Values: ( Integer Values )

Tag: IgnoreFirstRun
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Required: No - Defaults to 0
Description: If the test is being run multiple times, should the first value be ignored. If the value is set to 1, the first result will be void.
Supported Values: 0, 1

Tag: PreInstallMessage
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_PREINSTALLMSG
Required: No
Description: If the user needs to be alerted about something dealing with this test, this tag can contain a string that will be shown to the user before the test is installed but after the files are downloaded.

Tag: PostInstallMessage
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Required: No
Description: If the user needs to be alerted about something dealing with this test, this tag can contain a string that will be shown to the user after the test installation script has been executed.

Tag: PreRunMessage
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_PRERUNMSG
Required: No
Description: If the user needs to be alerted about something dealing with this test, this tag can contain a string that will be shown to the user before the test begins.

Tag: PostRunMessage
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestInformation/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_POSTRUNMSG
Required: No
Description: If the user needs to be alerted about something dealing with this test, this tag can contain a string that will be shown to the user after the test ends.


Tag: Arguments
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Default/
Required: No
Description: Any arguments to supply to the test executable by default each and every time.

Tag: PossiblePaths
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Default/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_POSSIBLEPATHS
Required: No
Description: As an alternative to using the testing environment directory, this tag can containe different paths to check for the test executable. Multiple paths need to be separated by a comma.

NOTE: Multiple instances of these tags are allowed for multiple options in the test

Tag: DisplayName
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Option/
Required: No
Description: If the end-user is presented with options for this test, this tag is the full string shown to the user to describe this option.

Tag: ArgumentName
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Option/
Required: No
Description: The argument that will be appended to the Arguments tag and is pre-fixed to the Identifier tag selected by the user.

Tag: Identifier
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Option/
Required: No
Description: The internal ID to describe this option.

Tag: Name
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Option/Menu/
Required: No
Description: The string shown to the user to describe one of the available options within the option.

Tag: Value
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/TestSettings/Option/Menu/
Required: No
Description: The string post-fixed to the ArgumentName tag and appended to the end of the Arguments tag, which is then supplied to the executable binary as arguments.

NOTE: These options are only available for Self-Contained Test Profiles (SCTP).

Tag: Installation
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/SelfContained/
Required: No
Description: This contains the PHP or SH script used to install the SCTP test.

Tag: Downloads
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/SelfContained/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_SCTP_DOWNLOADS
Required: No
Description: This contains URL(s) of the file(s) that need to be downloaded for the SCTP test. Multiple URLs should be put between commas.

Tag: ResultsParser
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/SelfContained/
Required: No
Description: This contains the PHP or SH script used for results parsing with the SCTP test.

Tag: PreRun
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/SelfContained/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_SCTP_PRERUN
Required: No
Description: This contains the PHP or SH script that is executed prior to running a test.

Tag: PostRun
Location: PhoronixTestSuite/SelfContained/
Internal Reference: P_TEST_SCTP_POSTRUN
Required: No
Description: This contains the PHP or SH script that is executed after running a test.

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