======================================================================== ndim's git utilities - a collection of scripts and docs around git Copyright (C) 2007 Hans Ulrich Niedermann ======================================================================== The utilities in detail ======================= git-amb Makes building, installing, and testing multiple git branches of some source tree built with automake easy, clean and flexible. The name stands for "git *a*uto*m*ake *b*uild". For details, see git-amb(1) man page. git-buildmsg Generate .h file containing information about the current git working tree. Useful for programs' version messages in logs etc. git-rebase-subtree Rebase not only a single branch, but a whole "subtree of branches". Useful for maintaining your own subtree of branches close to some upstream's branch Updates ======= Home page: http://nix.lauft.net/ndim-git-utils.git/ Git repository: $ git clone http://nix.lauft.net/ndim-git-utils.git/ License ======= Partly MIT, partly GPL. Shared parts dual-licensed. ======================================================================== End of README for ndim's git utilities. ========================================================================