import os import logging import urlparse from nbblib import package from nbblib import progutils from nbblib import plugins class AbstractConfig(object): """Return static config until we implement real config reading""" def __init__(self, srcdir, nick): super(AbstractConfig, self).__init__() self._srcdir = srcdir self._nick = nick def get_srcdir(self): return os.path.join(self._srcdir) srcdir = property(get_srcdir) def get_builddir(self): return os.path.join(self._srcdir, "_build", self._nick) builddir = property(get_builddir) def get_installdir(self): return os.path.join(self._srcdir, "_install", self._nick) installdir = property(get_installdir) ######################################################################## # VCS Source Tree plugin system ######################################################################## class NotAVCSourceTree(plugins.PluginNoMatch): def __init__(self, srcdir): super(NotAVCSourceTree, self).__init__() self.srcdir = srcdir def __str__(self): return "Unknown VCS source tree type: %s" % repr(self.srcdir) class AmbigousVCSDetection(plugins.AmbigousPluginDetection): def __init__(self, matches, cls, context, srcdir): super(AmbigousVCSDetection, self).__init__(matches, cls, context) self.srcdir = srcdir def __str__(self): # We possibly need to re-add m.tree_root here again soon alist = [('VCS type', 'Branch name', )] alist.extend(((name, m.branch_name, ) for name, m in self.matches.iteritems())) table = "\n".join([" %-9s %s" % a for a in alist]) return "Ambigous VCS types detected for %s:\n%s" % (repr(self.srcdir), table) class VCSourceTree(plugins.GenericDetectPlugin): """ Mount point for plugins which refer to actions that can be performed. Plugins implementing this reference must provide the following interface: name attribute The text to be displayed, describing the version control system __init__ Must "raise self.no_match_exception()" if it does not match. and the other abstract methods below """ __metaclass__ = plugins.GenericPluginMeta no_match_exception = NotAVCSourceTree ambigous_match_exception = AmbigousVCSDetection @classmethod def validate(cls, obj, srcdir): logging.debug("cls %s", cls) logging.debug("obj %s", obj) logging.debug("srcdir %s", srcdir) return obj.tree_root == srcdir def get_config(self): """Get configuration object which determines builddir etc""" return AbstractConfig(self.tree_root, self.branch_name) config = property(get_config) @plugins.abstractmethod def _get_tree_root(self): """Get absolute path to source tree root""" pass def get_tree_root(self): return self._get_tree_root() tree_root = property(get_tree_root) @plugins.abstractmethod def _get_branch_name(self): """Return name identifying the branch""" pass def get_branch_name(self): """Return name identifying the branch""" return self._get_branch_name() branch_name = property(get_branch_name) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%s, %s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.tree_root), repr(self.branch_name)) ######################################################################## # VCS Source Tree plugins ######################################################################## class GitSourceTree(VCSourceTree): name = 'git' def __init__(self, context, srcdir): super(GitSourceTree, self).__init__(context) os.chdir(srcdir) if "true" != progutils.prog_stdout(["git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree"]): raise self.no_match_exception(srcdir) reldir = progutils.prog_stdout(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-cdup"]) if reldir: os.chdir(reldir) self.__tree_root = os.getcwd() def get_config(self): return GitConfig(self.tree_root, self.branch_name) config = property(get_config) def _get_tree_root(self): return self.__tree_root def _get_branch_name(self): bname = progutils.prog_stdout(["git", "symbolic-ref", "HEAD"]) refs,heads,branch = bname.split('/') assert(refs=='refs' and heads=='heads') return branch class GitConfig(AbstractConfig): """git config interface""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GitConfig, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _itemname(self, item): return '.'.join((package.GIT_CONFIG_PREFIX, item, )) def _myreldir(self, rdir): return os.path.join(self._srcdir, rdir, self._nick) def get_builddir(self): ret, stdout, stderr = progutils.prog_retstd(['git', 'config', self._itemname('builddir')]) assert(stderr == "") if ret == 0 and stdout: return self._myreldir(stdout) else: return super(GitConfig, self).get_builddir() def set_builddir(self, value): ret, stdout, stderr = progutils.prog_retstd(['git', 'config', self._itemname('builddir'), value]) assert(ret == 0 and stdout == "" and stderr == "") builddir = property(get_builddir, set_builddir) def get_installdir(self): ret, stdout, stderr = progutils.prog_retstd(['git', 'config', self._itemname('installdir')]) assert(stderr == "") if ret == 0 and stdout: return self._myreldir(stdout) else: return super(GitConfig, self).get_installdir() def set_installdir(self, value): ret, stdout, stderr = progutils.prog_retstd(['git', 'config', self._itemname('installdir'), value]) assert(ret == 0 and stdout == "" and stderr == "") installdir = property(get_installdir, set_installdir) class BzrSourceTree(VCSourceTree): name = 'bzr' def __init__(self, context, srcdir): super(BzrSourceTree, self).__init__(context) try: import bzrlib.workingtree wt,b = bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.open_containing(srcdir) except bzrlib.errors.NotBranchError: raise self.no_match_exception(srcdir) except ImportError: raise self.no_match_exception(srcdir) self.wt = wt #print "wt:", wt #print "wt:", dir(wt) #print "wt.branch:", wt.branch #print "wt.branch:", dir(wt.branch) #print "wt.branch.nick:", wt.branch.nick #print "wt.branch.abspath:", wt.branch.abspath #print "wt.branch.base:", wt.branch.base #print "wt.branch.basis_tree:", wt.branch.basis_tree() def _get_tree_root(self): proto,host,path,some,thing = urlparse.urlsplit(self.wt.branch.base) assert(proto == "file" and host == "") assert(some == "" and thing == "") return os.path.abspath(path) def _get_branch_name(self): return self.wt.branch.nick