# How to use this file: # 0. run "git init" # 1. git submodule add 'git://fedorapeople.org/~ndim/git-rpm.git' git-rpm # 2. copy git-rpm/GNUmakefile to your top directory: # $ cp git-rpm/GNUmakefile . # 3. write mypkg.spec, and fill in at least the Summary: line # 4. run "make setup" to created the upload directory to the server # 5. write mypkg.spec, patches, Source: files, etc. # 6. run "make" for a test build of the rpm files # 7. if you do not like the result, go to 5 # 8. make sure NVR and %changelog are updated # 9. Make sure you have "git commit"ed all your changes before # 10. run "make tag" tag the current release # 11. run "make upload" to upload the built rpm files to the server # # Settings best defined in ~/.git-rpm-settings.mk, but with potentially # useful defaults: # 1. RSYNC_USER and RSYNC_HOST or RSYNC_USHO # 2. RSYNC_ROOT # # The path setups etc. work for fedorapeople.org accounts. Other systems # will probably need adaptation. # # Benefits: # 1. Reproducible local rpm builds: # $ make # 2. Automatic generation of text reports (rpmlint, rpm content list): # $ make check # 3. Easy versioning of NVRs using git tags # $ make tag # 4. Easy upload via rsync/ssh to NVR specific places on a web server, # and to a git repository (nice for package review) # $ make upload