#!/usr/bin/env python # # QA check script. # # Input a bug id, and it downloads the SRPM and checks it. # See --help for more info # # Created Mar 8 2004 by Erik S. LaBianca # Modified by Aurelien Bompard # Mostly rewritten in September 2005 by Aurelien Bompard for Fedora Extras # # License: GPL # # TODO: Packaging/Guidelines#FileDeps # Check that all files are UTF-8 encoded # Packaging/Conflicts version = "$Rev: 181 $"[6:-2] REQUIRES = ["/usr/bin/mock", "/usr/bin/less", "/usr/bin/diff", "/usr/bin/rpmlint", "/usr/bin/desktop-file-validate" ] GUIDELINES = [ { "name": "Guidelines", "version": 119 }, { "name": "ReviewGuidelines", "version": 52 }, ] SELF_URL = "http://gauret.free.fr/fichiers/rpms/fedora/fedora-qa" import sys try: import re import os.path import commands import rpm import rpmUtils import getopt import urlgrabber import urlgrabber.progress import md5 import xml from xml.dom import minidom import ConfigParser import yum import glob import stat except ImportError, e: print "ERROR importing a module:" print e sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted by user" sys.exit(1) ########################### # General functions class QAError(Exception): pass def pr(text, debug_text=1): """print function taking debug mode into account""" if debug == 0: return elif debug >= debug_text: print text def parse_options(): '''Parses command line options with getopts and returns a tuple''' shortOpts = "dhiulc:bov" longOpts = ["debug", "help", "livna", "usage", "list", "check=", "build", "local", "version"] try: optlist, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOpts, longOpts) except getopt.GetoptError, e: print "You asked for an invalid option:" print e print print_usage() debug = 1 bugID = 0 origin = "fedora" do_checks = [] local = False for opt, arg in optlist: if opt == "-d" or opt == "--debug": debug = 2 elif opt == "-h" or opt == "--help" \ or opt == "-u" or opt == "--usage": print_usage() elif opt == "-i" or opt == "--livna": origin = "livna" elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list": for check in list_checks(): print "%s : %s" % (check, getattr(eval(check),"__doc__")) sys.exit(0) elif opt == "-c" or opt == "--check": do_checks = arg.split(",") elif opt == "-b" or opt == "--build": add_check = False for check in list_checks(): if check == "CheckBuildMock": add_check = True if add_check: do_checks.append(check) elif opt == "-o" or opt == "--local": local = True elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--version": print "%s version %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), version) sys.exit(0) if len(args) != 1: print_usage() else: arg = args[0] return (arg, origin, debug, do_checks, local) def print_usage(): scriptName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print """Description of %s: Starts the Fedora QA process by downloading the most recent SRPM from bugzilla, and doing most of the QA checks automatically. Usage: %s [options] [bugzilla_bug_id | srpm_filename] Options: -d, --debug .................... debug mode -l, --list .................... list all available checks -c , --check= .... only run the specified check -b, --build .................... only run the build and the following checks -i, --livna .................... process a livna package -o, --local .................... use the local files (don't download anything) -h, --help ..................... this help message -u, --usage .................... this help message -v, --version .................. print the version """ % (scriptName, scriptName) sys.exit(1) def list_checks(): """Lists available checks""" checks = [] for name in globals().keys(): if type(eval(name)) == type(QACheck) and issubclass(eval(name), QACheck) and name != "QACheck": checks.append(name) checks.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(eval(x).order, eval(y).order)) return checks def check_requires(requires_list): for file in requires_list: if not os.path.exists(file): print "ERROR ! Missing dependency: "+file sys.exit(1) def parse_config(): conffilepath = "%s/.fedora-qa" % os.getenv("HOME") if not os.path.exists(conffilepath): conffile = open(conffilepath, "w") conffile.write("[DEFAULTS]\nreportsdir = ~/reports\n") conffile.close() confparser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() confparser.read(conffilepath) conf = {} for name, value in confparser.items("DEFAULTS"): conf[name] = os.path.expanduser(value) return conf def check_guidelines(pages): '''Checks if the guidelines have changed, and warn about it''' baseurl = "http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/" for page in pages: try: data = urlgrabber.urlread("%s%s?action=info" % (baseurl, page["name"])) #version_list = re.compile('\n ([0-9]+)\n [0-9: -]{19}\n [0-9]+\n').findall(data) version_list = re.compile('\n ([0-9]+)\n').findall(data) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError: version_list = [] if version_list == []: print "Warning: I can't check if the wiki page %s has changed" % page["name"] continue version = version_list[0] # First version number in page -> last version of the page if not version: print "Warning: I can't check if the wiki page %s has changed" % page["name"] return if int(version) > page["version"]: print "Warning: the guidelines have changed !" print "Please check what changed in the following page:" print baseurl+page["name"] print "since revision %s, or get an updated version of this script from:" % page["version"] print SELF_URL ############################ ############################ class QAPackageError(QAError): pass # Class for the src.rpm class QAPackage: """This object is a package to run the QA tests on The constructor takes the filename as its argument""" sources = {} patches = {} sourceMd5 = {} sourcedir = "" rpmfilenames = [] needswork = [] passed = [] info = [] checklist = [] hdr = None spec = None total_checks = 0 def __init__(self, filename, origin="fedora", reportDir=""): self.filename = filename if not os.path.exists(filename): raise QAPackageError("no such SRPM") self.origin = origin pr("Setting srpm variables", 2) self.set_srpm_variables() # create dir for reports if reportDir == "": self.reportDir = "reports/"+self.name else: self.reportDir = reportDir+"/"+self.name if not os.path.exists(self.reportDir): os.makedirs(self.reportDir) self.notes = os.path.join(self.reportDir, "notes") if not os.path.exists(self.notes): notes = open(self.notes, "w") notes.write("Notes:\n\n") notes.close() def set_srpm_variables(self): '''get the rpm variables from the srpm''' # set specfile ts = rpm.ts("", rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES) self.hdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, self.filename) filelist = self.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] fileflags = self.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS] try: specfile = filelist[ fileflags.index(32) ] except ValueError: raise QAPackageError("ERROR: Didn't find spec file !") specdir = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "$(rpm -E %%{_specdir})" --nosignature -p %s 2>/dev/null' % self.filename) self.specfile = os.path.join(specdir, specfile) pr("Specfile found: %s" % self.specfile, 2) # set tags fedoraver = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "%{version}" fedora-release') naevr = rpmUtils.miscutils.pkgTupleFromHeader(self.hdr) self.name = naevr[0] self.version = naevr[3] self.arch = naevr[1] self.epoch = naevr[2] self.release = naevr[4] # arch is noarch or default buildarch buildarch = commands.getoutput('rpm --eval "%_arch"') if self.arch != "noarch": self.arch = buildarch # set paths # do as specdir, if sourcedir contains %name... self.sourcedir = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "$(rpm -E %%{_sourcedir})" --nosignature -p %s 2>/dev/null' % self.filename) # extract specfile os.system('rpm2cpio %s | cpio --quiet -i %s 2>/dev/null' % (self.filename, specfile)) # extracts sources and URLs from the spec file self.spec = ts.parseSpec(specfile) sourceList = self.spec.sources() for (name, id, type) in sourceList: if type == 1: # Source self.sources[id] = name elif type == 2: # Patch self.patches[id] = name # Get the list of binary rpms from the specfile - does not always work, see php-extras package #rpmFileList = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --define "dist .fc%s" ' % fedoraver \ # +'--qf "%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm\n" --specfile %s' % specfile).split('\n') #for file in rpmFileList: # if not file.startswith(self.name+"-debuginfo"): # self.rpmfilenames.append(file) # remove extracted specfile os.remove(specfile) def rpmEval(self, text): '''Evaluate a variable with rpm's variables set and returns it''' command = "rpmbuild -bp --nodeps --force --define '__spec_prep_pre echo %s; exit 0' --define 'setup :' %s | tail -n 1" % (text, self.specfile) return commands.getoutput(command) def installSRPM(self): '''installs the SRPM on the system, and backs up the old spec file if it exists''' if os.path.exists(self.specfile): os.rename(self.specfile, self.specfile+".old") installStatus, installOutput = commands.getstatusoutput('rpm --nosignature -i %s' % (self.filename)) if installStatus > 0: raise QAPackageError("ERROR: Unable to install SRPM: %s" % installOutput) def getReleaseFromSpec(self): '''Call rpm on the specfile to get the dist tag right on the release tag. Can only be done after install''' self.release = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "%%{R}\n" --nosignature --specfile %s 2>/dev/null | head -1' % self.specfile) def setChecks(self, list): self.checklist = list def addCheck(self, check): self.checklist.append(check) def getReport(self, printonly=False): '''Print out the QA report''' report = "Review for release %s:\n" % self.release for item in self.passed: report += "* %s\n" % item report += "* INSERT RESULT OF RUN TEST\n" if self.needswork != []: report += "\nNeeds work:\n" for item in self.needswork: report += "* %s\n" % item if self.info != []: report += "\nMinor:\n" for item in self.info: report += "* %s\n" % item report += "\n(%s checks have been run)\n" % self.total_checks report += "\n\n" notesFD = open(self.notes, "r") report += notesFD.read() notesFD.close() return report def printReport(self): """Prints the report to stdout""" report = self.getReport() pr("----------------------------------------") pr(report) pr("----------------------------------------") pr('All files can be found in the "%s" directory' % self.reportDir) pr('The spec file is "%s"' % self.specfile) def saveReport(self): """Saves the report to the reportDir""" report = self.getReport() reportFD = open(os.path.join(self.reportDir, "report"), "w") reportFD.write(report) reportFD.close() def runChecks(self): pr("Checking %s, version %s, release %s..." % (self.name, self.version, self.release)) self.checklist.sort() for check_item in self.checklist: check_item.check() ########################## # Test Class : class QACheck: target = None order = 0 editor = "vim -o" # Vim in multiwindow mode. Use "Ctrl+W +" to enlarge the current window def __init__(self, target): """Needs a QAPackage as argument: the package to test on""" self.target = target if os.environ.has_key("EDITOR"): self.editor = os.environ["EDITOR"] def __cmp__(self, other): if other.order > self.order: return -1 elif other.order == self.order: return 0 elif other.order < self.order: return 1 def has_passed(self, message): """ The test passed """ self.target.passed.append(message) def has_failed(self, message, severity="needswork"): """ The test failed """ pr(message) if severity == "info": self.target.info.append(message) else: self.target.needswork.append(message) def approve(self, testname): """asks the user if he likes what he sees, and if not, generate a needswork review""" pr(testname+": is it OK ? (press Enter if yes, or else type your comment below)") answer = raw_input().strip() if answer == "": self.has_passed(testname+" looks OK") else: self.has_failed(testname+": "+answer) def ask(self, prompt, default="y"): """asks a question and returns true or false""" if default == "y": choice = " ([y]/n)" else: choice = " (y/[n])" print prompt+choice answer = raw_input().strip() if (default == "y" and answer != "n") or answer == "y": return 1 else: return 0 def check_built(self): """Checks that the binary rpm is built.""" files = "%s/*-%s-%s*.%s.rpm" % (self.target.reportDir, self.target.version, self.target.release, self.target.arch) rpms_list = glob.glob(files) rpms_list = [ os.path.basename(r) for r in rpms_list ] if not rpms_list: pr("Binary package is not built yet") #print files return False else: self.target.rpmfilenames = rpms_list return True def check(self): """main checking function, to be redefined by subclasses""" self.target.total_checks += 1 pass ########################## # Checks class CheckName(QACheck): """ask the user if the name-version-release is correct""" order = 10 def check(self): pr("Checking name", 2) message_failed = "Package does not follow Fedora's package naming guildlines\n (wiki: PackageNamingGuidelines)" if self.target.origin == "livna": ext = ".lvn." else: ext = "" if self.target.release.count(ext) == 0: self.has_failed(message_failed) return version_regexp = re.compile(r"""^ [\d\.]+ # version number ([a-z]+)? # optional tag for quick bugfix release $""", re.VERBOSE) release_regexp = re.compile(r"""^ ( # Either normal release tag, or non-numeric (pre-releases, snapshots) [1-9]+\d* # normal release number, to be incremented. Does not start with 0 | # now come the non-numeric cases 0\. # pre-release: prefix with 0 [1-9]+\d* # release number, to be incremented. Does not start with 0 \.\w+ # alphatag or snapshot tag ) # end of the non-numeric cases (\.fc\d+ # dist tag (\.\d+)? # minor release bumps for old branches )? # the dist tag is optional, and minor release bumps for old branches may only be used if dist tag is used $""", re.VERBOSE) # tested with: all examples on the PackageNamingGuidelines, plus: # "1" (good), # "1.fc6" (good), # "0.1.a" (good), # "0.2a" (bad, "a" should be after a dot), # "1.fc6.1" (good, branch-specific bump) # "1.1" (bad, branch-specific bump without the dist tag) version_match = version_regexp.match(self.target.version) release_match = release_regexp.match(self.target.release) question = "Are the name, version and release correct according to Fedora's package naming guidelines " \ +"(http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/NamingGuidelines)" if version_match and release_match: question += "\n(looks good to my automatic check)" else: question += "\n(looks wrong to my automatic check)" answer = self.ask(question) if answer == 1: self.has_passed("RPM name is OK") else: self.has_failed(message_failed) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckSpecDiff(QACheck): """diff the spec files in case of update""" order = 20 def check(self): pr("Checking spec diff", 2) if os.path.exists(self.target.specfile+".old"): diff = commands.getoutput('diff -bu "%s.old" "%s"' % (self.target.specfile, self.target.specfile)) diffFilePath = os.path.join(self.target.reportDir,"spec.diff") if diff == "": pr("The spec file didn't change", 2) if os.path.exists(diffFilePath): if self.ask("View the last spec diff ?"): os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor, diffFilePath, self.target.notes)) else: diffFd = open(diffFilePath, "w") diffFd.write(diff) diffFd.close() if self.ask("Diff the spec files ?"): os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor, diffFilePath, self.target.notes)) class CheckSources(QACheck): """check upstream sources: returns a list of lines for the report""" order = 30 def check(self): pr("Checking upstream sources", 2) for (sourceId, sourceUrl) in self.target.sources.iteritems(): sourceFileName = os.path.basename(sourceUrl) if sourceUrl.count('tp://') == 0 and sourceUrl.count('https://') == 0: if self.ask("Source %s is not downloadable (%s). View it in 'less' ?" % (sourceId, sourceUrl)): os.system('less "%s"' % self.target.sourcedir+"/"+sourceFileName) else: pr("Checking source %s" % sourceId) if os.path.exists(sourceFileName): pr("Using already downloaded source", 2) else: pr("Downloading source from %s" % sourceUrl, 2) try: urlgrabber.urlgrab(sourceUrl, reget='check_timestamp', progress_obj=urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout)) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e: self.has_failed("Source %s is not available (%s)\n (wiki: QAChecklist item 2)" % (sourceId, sourceUrl)) pr(e, 2) continue if os.path.exists(sourceFileName): upstream_file = open(sourceFileName, "r") upstream_md5 = md5.new(upstream_file.read()).hexdigest() upstream_file.close() local_file = open(self.target.sourcedir+"/"+sourceFileName, "r") local_md5 = md5.new(local_file.read()).hexdigest() if upstream_md5 == local_md5: self.has_passed("Source %s is the same as upstream" % sourceFileName) else: self.has_failed("Source "+sourceFileName+" is different from upstream\n (wiki: QAChecklist item 2)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckPatches(QACheck): """checks the patches in the srpm""" order = 40 def check(self): pr("Checking patches", 2) if not self.target.patches: return pr("Patches found: %s." % ", ".join(self.target.patches.values()) ) if self.ask("Look at the patches ?"): for (patchId, patchName) in self.target.patches.iteritems(): os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor, self.target.sourcedir+"/"+os.path.basename(patchName), self.target.notes)) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckBRConsistency(QACheck): """Checks that only one of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT or %{buildroot} is used""" order = 50 def check(self): pr("Checking BuildRoot Consistency", 2) # TODO: do it in python with re use_shell = 0 use_macro = 0 status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("grep -qs '\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT' %s" % self.target.specfile) if status == 0: use_shell = 1 status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("egrep -qs '%%\{?buildroot\}?' %s" % self.target.specfile) if status == 0: use_macro = 1 if use_shell and use_macro: self.has_failed("Use of buildroot is not consistant\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#UsingBuildRootOptFlags)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckBuildRoot(QACheck): """Checks that the BuildRoot is the Fedora-preferred one""" order = 60 def check(self): pr("Checking buildroot", 2) buildroot = self.target.spec.buildRoot() preferred_br_tag = "%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)" preferred_br = self.target.rpmEval(preferred_br_tag) if buildroot != preferred_br: self.has_failed("BuildRoot should be "+preferred_br_tag+"\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#BuildRoot)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckDFU(QACheck): """Checks that the desktop-file-utils is required if desktop-file-install is used""" order = 70 def check(self): pr("Checking desktop-file-utils", 2) try: install = self.target.spec.install() except SystemError: self.has_failed("There is no %install section") return if install.count("desktop-file-install") == 0: return buildrequires = self.target.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] if "desktop-file-utils" not in buildrequires: self.has_failed("BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils is missing") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckBRExceptions(QACheck): """Checks that the package does not have excluded BuildRequires""" order = 80 def check(self): pr("Checking buildrequires exceptions", 2) # Try getting the list from the wiki try: data = urlgrabber.urlread("http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/FullExceptionList") # Parse the HTML page regexp = re.compile('''
''') br_exceptions = regexp.findall(data) if len(br_exceptions) > 0: # If the format changed and the regexp fails br_exceptions = br_exceptions[0].strip().split("\n") except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError: br_exceptions = [] if br_exceptions == []: # if it failed, use this list (from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Guidelines#Exceptions) br_exceptions = ["bash", "bzip2", "coreutils", "cpio", "diffutils", "fedora-release", "findutils", "gawk", "gcc", "gcc-c++", "grep", "gzip", "info", "make", "patch", "rpm-build", "redhat-rpm-config", "sed", "tar", "unzip", "util-linux-ng", "which",] buildrequires = self.target.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] for br in buildrequires: if br in br_exceptions: self.has_failed("BuildRequires: %s should not be included\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Exceptions)" % br) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckEncoding(QACheck): """Checks that the spec file is in ASCII or UTF-8""" order = 90 def check(self): pr("Checking encoding", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") spectext = spec.read() spec.close() enc_ok = False for enc in ["utf-8", "ascii"]: try: unicode(spectext, enc, "strict") except ValueError: pass else: enc_ok = True break if not enc_ok: self.has_failed("Encoding should be UTF-8") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckSpecName(QACheck): """Checks that the spec filename is %{name}.spec""" order = 100 def check(self): pr("Checking spec name", 2) specfile = os.path.basename(self.target.specfile) if not specfile == "%s.spec" % self.target.name: self.has_failed("Specfile should be in the format %{name}.spec\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckSMPFlags(QACheck): """Checks that the smp flags are set for make""" order = 110 def check(self): pr("Checking SMP flags", 2) try: buildscript = self.target.spec.build() except SystemError, e: # No build script return if self.target.arch == "noarch" or buildscript.count("make") == 0: return if buildscript.count(self.target.rpmEval("%{_smp_mflags}")) == 0: self.has_failed("Missing SMP flags. If it doesn't build with it, please add a comment\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#parallelmake)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckQTEnvVars(QACheck): """Checks that the QT environment variables are set""" order = 120 def check(self): pr("Checking QT env vars", 2) buildrequires = self.target.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] #buildrequires = commands.getoutput("rpm -qpR --nosignature %s" % self.target.filename) #if buildrequires.count("qt-devel") == 0 and buildrequires.count("kde") == 0: needs_qt = False for br in buildrequires: if br == "qt-devel": needs_qt = True if br.startswith("kde") and br.endswith("-devel"): needs_qt = True if not needs_qt: return buildscript = self.target.spec.build() if buildscript.count("unset QTDIR") == 0 and buildscript.count(". /etc/profile.d/qt.sh") == 0: self.has_failed("QT environment variable are not sourced", "info") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckRelocatable(QACheck): """Checks that the package is not marked Relocatable""" order = 130 def check(self): pr("Checking relocatable instruction", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") for line in spec: if line.startswith("Prefix:") > 0: self.has_failed("Package is marked as relocatable, please check.\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#RelocatablePackages)") spec.close() return spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckClean(QACheck): """Checks that the specfile contains a proper %%clean section""" order = 140 def check(self): pr("Checking %%clean", 2) message = "there must be a proper %clean section\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)" buildroot = self.target.spec.buildRoot() try: clean = self.target.spec.clean() except SystemError: self.has_failed(message) return if clean.count(buildroot) == 0 and clean.count("$RPM_BUILD_ROOT") == 0: self.has_failed(message) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckBRDuplicates(QACheck): """Checks that the package does not have duplicate BuildRequires""" order = 150 buildrequires_clean = [] already_required = [] class YumBaseNoLog(yum.YumBase): def log(self, level, msg): pass def check_br(self, pkgname): exact,match,unmatch = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.repoq.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(), [pkgname], casematch=1) if not exact: return requires = exact[0].requiresList() for req in requires: if req.count("rpmlib") > 0: continue # filter out rpmlib deps if req.count(" ") > 0: req = req.split(" ")[0] # versioned dependency if req in self.buildrequires_clean: pr("found duplicate: "+req, 2) self.buildrequires_clean.remove(req) self.already_required.append( (req, pkgname) ) #self.check_br(req) # Check recursively. Maybe a little overkill... def check(self): pr("Checking for duplicate buildrequires", 2) buildrequires = self.target.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] buildrequires = [br for br in buildrequires if br.count("rpmlib") == 0] # filter out rpmlib dependency if len(buildrequires) < 2: return if not self.ask("Check for duplicate BuildRequires ? (may be long, %s of them)" % len(buildrequires), "n"): return self.buildrequires_clean = buildrequires[:] self.repoq = self.YumBaseNoLog() self.repoq.doConfigSetup() cachedir = yum.misc.getCacheDir() if cachedir is None: pr("Error: could not make cachedir, aborting test.") return self.repoq.repos.setCacheDir(cachedir) pr("setting up repositories...") self.repoq.doRepoSetup() try: self.repoq.doSackSetup() self.repoq.doTsSetup() except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: pr(e) pr("Error, aborting test.") return pr("checking buildrequires...") for br in buildrequires: sys.stdout.write("\r[%s/%s]" % (buildrequires.index(br)+1, len(buildrequires))) sys.stdout.flush() self.check_br(br) sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush() if self.already_required: message = "Duplicate BuildRequires: " for buildreq, by in self.already_required: message += "%s (by %s), " % (buildreq, by) self.has_failed(message[:-2], "info") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckRPMMacros(QACheck): """Checks that paths are replaced with RPM macros""" order = 160 def check(self): pr("Checking rpmmacros", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") for line in spec: if line.count("/usr") > 0 or line.count("/var") > 0: self.has_failed("Spec file: some paths are not replaced with RPM macros\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#macros)") spec.close() return if line.startswith("%changelog"): break spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckRequiresPrePost(QACheck): """Checks that the form "Requires(pre,post)" is not used""" order = 170 def check(self): pr("Checking Requires(pre,post,...)", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") expr = re.compile("^Requires\([\w\s]+,[\w\s]+(,[\w\s]+)*\):.*") for line in spec: if expr.match(line): self.has_failed("Spec file: the \"Requires(*.*)\" notation should be split\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#reqprepost)") spec.close() return spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckLatestVersion(QACheck): """Checks that the package uses the latest version""" order = 180 def fmcheck(self, xmlpage): """Do the check on freshmeat""" xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlpage) lastversion_node = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('latest_release_version')[0].firstChild if not lastversion_node: return None lastversion = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('latest_release_version')[0].firstChild.data return lastversion def check(self): pr("Checking for the latest version", 2) url = "http://freshmeat.net/projects-xml/%(name)s/%(name)s.xml" % {"name": self.target.name} try: xmlpage = urlgrabber.urlopen(url) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e: pr("Can't access Freshmeat, aborting test") return try: lastversion = self.fmcheck(xmlpage) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: pr("Project not found on Freshmeat. Please enter the project's Freshmeat name (or press Enter to abort):") answer = raw_input().strip() if not answer: pr("Aborting test") return url = "http://freshmeat.net/projects-xml/%(name)s/%(name)s.xml" % {"name": answer} xmlpage = urlgrabber.urlopen(url) try: lastversion = self.fmcheck(xmlpage) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: pr("Project still not found. Aborting test.") return if lastversion is None: pr("The Freshmeat page does not have version information, aborting.") return if lastversion != self.target.version: answer = self.ask("According to Freshmeat, the latest version is %s.\n" % lastversion +\ "Is this package using the latest version ?") if answer != 1: self.has_failed("The latest version is %s. Please update" % lastversion, "info") else: self.has_passed("This is the latest version") else: self.has_passed("This is the latest version") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckForbiddenTag(QACheck): """Checks that the package does not contain forbidden tags""" order = 190 def check(self): pr("Checking for forbidden tag", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") for line in spec: for tag in ["Vendor", "Packager", "Copyright"]: if line.startswith(tag+":"): self.has_failed("Spec file: tag %s is forbidden\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#tags)" % tag) spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckDownloadableSource(QACheck): """checks if at least one of the source is an URL""" order = 200 def check(self): pr("Checking for downloadable sources", 2) for (sourceId, sourceUrl) in self.target.sources.iteritems(): if sourceUrl.count('tp://') > 0: return self.has_failed("No downloadable source. Please give the full URL in the Source tag.") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckCleanBRInInstall(QACheck): """Checks that the specfile cleans the BuildRoot in %install""" order = 210 def check(self): pr("Checking for BR cleaning in %install", 2) message = "The BuildRoot must be cleaned at the beginning of %install" buildroot = self.target.spec.buildRoot() try: install = self.target.spec.install().split("\n") except SystemError: self.has_failed("There is no %install section") return self.target.total_checks += 1 expr = re.compile("^(/bin/)?rm -(rf|fr) (\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT|%s)" % buildroot) for line in install: if expr.match(line): return self.has_failed(message) class CheckFindLangGettext(QACheck): """Checks that gettext is Required if the %find_lang macro is used""" order = 220 def check(self): pr("Checking translations requirement", 2) try: install = self.target.spec.install() except SystemError: self.has_failed("There is no %install section") return if install.count("/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-lang.sh") == 0: return buildrequires = self.target.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] if "gettext" not in buildrequires: self.has_failed("BuildRequires: gettext is missing (required to build the translations)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckNoarch(QACheck): """checks if the package is improperly built for noarch""" order = 230 def check(self): if not self.target.arch == "noarch": return pr("Checking invalid use of noarch", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") for line in spec: if line.count("%_libdir") > 0 or line.count("%{_libdir}") > 0: self.has_failed("The package cannot be noarch since it installs files to %{_libdir}") spec.close() return if line.startswith("%changelog"): break spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckMakeInstallMacro(QACheck): """Checks that the %makeinstall macro is not used""" order = 240 def check(self): pr("Checking for the %makeinstall macro", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") for line in spec: if line.count("%makeinstall") > 0 or line.count("%{makeinstall}") > 0: self.has_failed("The %makeinstall macro should not be used\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#MakeInstall)") spec.close() return if line.startswith("%changelog"): break spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckGhostPyo(QACheck): """checks if the *.pyo files are %%ghost'ed""" order = 250 def check(self): pr("Checking ghosting of *.pyo files", 2) spec = open(self.target.specfile, "r") for line in spec: if line.startswith("%ghost") and line.endswith(".pyo"): self.has_failed("The .pyo files should not be %%ghost'ed\n (wiki: Packaging/Python#pyos)") spec.close() return if line.startswith("%changelog"): break spec.close() self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckSpec(QACheck): '''Just read the spec file''' order = 980 def check(self): pr("Checking spec file", 2) if self.ask("Look at the spec file ?"): os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor, self.target.specfile, self.target.notes)) class CheckDiffTemplate(QACheck): """Diff against the template for relevant packages""" order = 990 def check(self): pr("Checking diff against template", 2) for template in [ "python", "perl", "ruby" ]: if self.target.name.startswith("%s-" % template): if self.ask("Diff against the spec template ?"): os.system('diff -bu "/usr/share/fedora/spectemplate-%s.spec" "%s" | less' % \ (template, self.target.specfile)) class CheckBuildMock(QACheck): """Builds the RPM with mock""" order = 1000 def check(self, root="default"): status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("which mock") if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 1: pr("mock is not available") return if not self.ask("Build the RPM in mock ?"): return pr("Starting build in mock") command = 'mock --resultdir="%s" rebuild %s' % (self.target.reportDir, self.target.filename) status = os.system(command) if status > 0: pr("WARNING: Build failed ! (command: %s)" % command) self.has_failed("Build failed in mock") pr("mock command was: '%s'" % command) else: self.has_passed("Builds fine in mock") if self.ask("View the build log ?"): rpmlog = os.path.join(self.target.reportDir, "build.log") os.system('less "%s"' % rpmlog) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckRpmlint(QACheck): """unleashes rpmlint at the srpm and the binary rpm if the build is complete""" order = 1100 def check(self): pr("Launching rpmlint") status, srpmRpmlint = commands.getstatusoutput("rpmlint "+self.target.filename) if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 127: pr("WARNING: rpmlint is not available, please install it") return srpmRpmlintFD = open(self.target.reportDir+"/rpmlint-srpm.log", "w") srpmRpmlintFD.write(srpmRpmlint) srpmRpmlintFD.close() pr("Source RPM:") pr(srpmRpmlint) if self.check_built(): for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file rpmRpmlint = commands.getoutput("rpmlint "+filepath) rpmRpmlintFD = open(self.target.reportDir+"/rpmlint-rpm.log", "a") rpmRpmlintFD.write("rpmlint of %s:" % file) rpmRpmlintFD.write(rpmRpmlint) rpmRpmlintFD.write("\n\n") rpmRpmlintFD.close() subpackage = file[:file.rindex(self.target.version)-1] pr("\nrpmlint of %s:" % subpackage) pr(rpmRpmlint) if len(self.target.rpmfilenames) == 1: self.approve("rpmlint") else: self.approve("rpmlint of "+subpackage) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckFiles(QACheck): """checks files list and ownership""" order = 1110 def check(self): pr("Checking files", 2) if not self.check_built(): return for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file pr("Files in package %s:" % file) os.system("rpm -qplv %s | less" % filepath) subpackage = file[:file.rindex(self.target.version)-1] if len(self.target.rpmfilenames) == 1: self.approve("File list") else: self.approve("File list of "+subpackage) class CheckDesktopFile(QACheck): """checks the presence of a .desktop file if the package depends on xorg.""" order = 1120 def check(self): pr("Checking desktop file", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() is_graphical = False for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] for r in requires: if r.startswith("libX11.so."): is_graphical = True if not is_graphical: return has_desktopfile = False for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] for f in filelist: if f.startswith("/usr/share/applications/") and f.endswith(".desktop"): has_desktopfile = True if not has_desktopfile: self.has_failed("The package should contain a .desktop file\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckLicenseFile(QACheck): """checks the presence of a license file.""" order = 1130 def check(self): pr("Checking license file", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() has_licensefile = False for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] for f in filelist: if f.startswith("/usr/share/doc/") and ( f.lower().count("license") > 0 or \ f.lower().count("copying") > 0 or f.lower().count("copyright") > 0 ): has_licensefile = True if not has_licensefile: self.has_failed("The package should contain the text of the license\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckFileListedTwice(QACheck): """checks if a file has been listed multiple times in %%files""" order = 1140 def check(self): pr("Checking files listed multiple times", 2) if not self.check_built(): return status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("grep '^warning: File listed twice:' %s/build.log" % self.target.reportDir) if status == 0: self.has_failed("File list: some files were listed multiple times\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckDefattr(QACheck): """checks if all the %%files sections contain %%defattr() instructions""" order = 1150 def check(self): pr("Checking defattr", 2) if not self.check_built(): return files_num = commands.getoutput("grep '^%%files' %s | wc -l" % self.target.specfile) defattr_num = commands.getoutput("grep '^%%defattr' %s | wc -l" % self.target.specfile) if files_num > defattr_num: self.has_failed("Each %files section should have a %defattr line\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckLibtoolArchives(QACheck): """checks the presence of a .la libtool archives""" order = 1160 def check(self): pr("Checking .la files", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] for f in filelist: if os.path.dirname(f) == "/usr/lib/" and f.endswith(".la"): self.has_failed("The package contains libtool archive files (*.la)\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#StaticLibraries)") return self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckDesktopFileProperties(QACheck): """checks if the desktop files are valid""" order = 1170 valid_cats = None def check_categories(self, categories): if "X-Fedora" in categories: self.has_failed("Desktop file: the Categories tag should not contain X-Fedora any more\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)") if "Application" in categories: self.has_failed("Desktop file: the Categories tag should not contain Application any more\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)") # check if the category is valid valid_cats_url = "http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html" # get the list of valid categories if not self.valid_cats: try: data = urlgrabber.urlread(valid_cats_url) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError: return # Can't check... # Parse the HTML page regexp = re.compile('''([a-zA-Z0-9]+).+?.+?''') self.valid_cats = regexp.findall(data) if len(self.valid_cats) == 0: # Regexp must have failed... don't check. return for cat in categories: pr(" checking desktop files category '%s'" % cat, 2) if not cat.startswith("X-") and cat not in self.valid_cats: self.has_failed("Desktop file: the category %s is not valid\n (%s)" % (cat, valid_cats_url)) def check(self): pr("Checking desktop files validity", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] desktopfiles = [] for f in filelist: if f.startswith("/usr/share/applications/") and f.endswith(".desktop"): desktopfiles.append(f) if not desktopfiles: continue for dfile in desktopfiles: # Check vendor if os.path.dirname(dfile).endswith("applications") and not os.path.basename(dfile).startswith("fedora"): self.has_failed("Desktop file: vendor should be fedora\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)") self.target.total_checks += 1 # extract it os.system('rpm2cpio %s | cpio --quiet -i -d .%s' % (filepath, dfile)) # exctract it # Validate with desktop-file-validate status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("desktop-file-validate .%s" % dfile) if status != 0: self.has_failed("Desktop file: desktop-file-validate found errors in %s : %s" % (os.path.basename(dfile), output)) self.target.total_checks += 1 # Various tests dfile_fd = open("."+dfile, "r") for line in dfile_fd: # Check categories if line.startswith("Categories"): categories = line.strip().replace("Categories=", "").split(";") if categories[-1] == "": categories = categories[:-1] self.check_categories(categories) self.target.total_checks += 1 # Check MimeType scriptlets if line.startswith("MimeType") and line.strip().replace("MimeType=", "") != "": scripts = { "post": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN], "postun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN], } if scripts["post"].count("update-desktop-database") == 0 \ or scripts["postun"].count("update-desktop-database") == 0: self.has_failed("Scriptlets: missing update-desktop-database\n (wiki: ScriptletSnippets)") self.target.total_checks += 1 # Check Icon if line.startswith("Icon"): icon = line.strip().replace("Icon=", "") if not icon.startswith("/") and icon[-4:] in [".png", ".svg", ".xpm"]: self.has_failed("Desktop file: the Icon tag should either use the full path to the icon or the icon name without extension\n (wiki:Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)") self.target.total_checks += 1 dfile_fd.close() os.system("rm -rf usr") class CheckScriptletsRequirements(QACheck): """Checks that the usual programs found in the scriptlets are Required""" order = 1180 def check(self): pr("Checking scriptlets requirements", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) scripts = { "pre": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREIN], "preun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREUN], "post": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN], "postun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN], } requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] progs_check = {"service": "initscripts", "chkconfig": "chkconfig", "scrollkeeper-update": "scrollkeeper", "install-info": "info", "gconftool-2": "GConf2", } for prog, package in progs_check.iteritems(): for scriptname, script in scripts.iteritems(): if script.count(prog) > 0 and package not in requires: filename_required = False for r in requires: # Check if the filename is not required instead of the package if r.endswith(prog): filename_required = True if not filename_required: self.has_failed("Missing dependancy on %s for %%%s (package %s)" % (prog, scriptname, package)) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckLangTag(QACheck): """checks that the translation files are tagged""" order = 1190 def check(self): pr("Checking lang files", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] filelang = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILELANGS] for filename, lang in zip(filelist, filelang): if filename.startswith("/usr/share/locale/") and filename.endswith(".mo"): if not lang: self.has_failed("The translation files are not properly tagged\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)") return self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckDBUpdate(QACheck): """checks that the package updates the proper database in the scriptlets if it has corresponding files""" order = 1200 def checkFileUpdateDB(self, prefix, updater, scriptlist=["post","postun"]): ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] need_update = False for f in filelist: if f.startswith(prefix): need_update = True if need_update: scripts = { "pre": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREIN], "preun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREUN], "post": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN], "postun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN], } for scr in scriptlist: if scripts[scr].count(updater) == 0: message = "missing \"%s\" in %%%s (wiki: ScriptletSnippets)" % (updater, scr) if len(self.target.rpmfilenames) > 1: message += " (in subpackage %s)" % filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] self.has_failed("Scriptlets: "+message) def check(self): pr("Checking for the need to update databases in scriptlets", 2) if not self.check_built(): return # format : (, , ) check_list = [ ("/usr/share/omf/", "scrollkeeper-update", ["post","postun"]), ("/usr/share/mime/packages/", "update-mime-database", ["post","postun"]), ("/usr/share/icons/", "gtk-update-icon-cache", ["post","postun"]), ("/usr/share/info/", "install-info", ["post","preun"]), ("/etc/gconf/schemas/", "gconftool-2", ["pre","post","preun"]), ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/", "chkconfig", ["post","preun"]), ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/", "service", ["preun","postun"]), ] for prefix, updater, scriptlist in check_list: pr(" checking %s..." % updater, 2) self.checkFileUpdateDB(prefix, updater, scriptlist) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckOwnedDirs(QACheck): """checks that the package does not own standard dirs""" order = 1210 def check(self): pr("Checking directory ownership", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() standard_dirs = [] # Get the list of files in packages "filesystem" and "man" for pkg in ("filesystem", "man"): mi = ts.dbMatch("name", pkg) for hdr in mi: # there should be only one result, but we do a for loop anyway (follows the docs) standard_dirs.extend(hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]) for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] for filename in filelist: if filename in standard_dirs: self.has_failed("The package owns %s, which is a standard directory\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)" % filename) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckConfigFiles(QACheck): """checks config files list and ownership""" order = 1220 def check(self): pr("Checking config files", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS] filenames = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] filemodes = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEMODES] filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS] files = zip(filenames, filemodes, filetags) has_conf_file = False for tag in filetags: if tag & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG: has_conf_file = True if not has_conf_file: continue pr("Config files in package %s:" % file) os.system("rpm -qpcv %s | less" % filepath) subpackage = file[:file.rindex(self.target.version)-1] self.approve("Config files of "+subpackage) class CheckPkgconfig(QACheck): """checks if the package needs to Require pkgconfig""" order = 1230 def check(self): pr("Checking pkgconfig files", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() is_graphical = False for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] has_pkgconfig = False for f in filelist: if f.startswith("/usr/lib/pkgconfig/") and f.endswith(".pc"): has_pkgconfig = True if not has_pkgconfig: continue requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] has_pkgconfig = False for r in requires: if r.count("pkgconfig"): has_pkgconfig = True if not has_pkgconfig: self.has_failed("As %s ships a pkgconfig file (.pc), it should have \"Requires: pkgconfig\"" % filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckHicolor(QACheck): """checks if the package needs to Require hicolor-icon-theme""" order = 1240 def check(self): pr("Checking hicolor icons", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() is_graphical = False for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] has_hicolor = False for f in filelist: if f.startswith("/usr/share/icons/hicolor/"): has_hicolor = True if not has_hicolor: continue requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES] has_hicolor = False for r in requires: if r.count("hicolor-icon-theme"): has_hicolor = True if not has_hicolor: self.has_failed("As %s ships icons in the hicolor directory, it should have \"Requires: hicolor-icon-theme\"\n https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-extras-list/2006-September/msg00282.html" % self.target.name) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckOptFlags(QACheck): """checks if the rpm honors the compiler flags""" order = 1250 def check(self): pr("Checking compiler flags", 2) if not self.check_built(): return if self.target.arch == "noarch": return optflags = commands.getoutput("rpm --eval '%{optflags}'") buildlog = open(self.target.reportDir+"/build.log", "r") flags_count = 0 for line in buildlog: if line.count(optflags): flags_count += 1 buildlog.close() if flags_count <= 3: # 3 because of the definitions by the %configure macro self.has_failed("Does not seem to obey the compiler flags\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelinesi#CompilerFlags)") self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckStaticLibs(QACheck): """checks the presence of statically-linked libraries""" order = 1260 def check(self): pr("Checking static libs", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] for f in filelist: if os.path.dirname(f) == "/usr/lib/" and f.endswith(".a"): self.has_failed("The package contains static libraries\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#StaticLinkage)") return self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckConfigFilesLocation(QACheck): """checks config files location""" order = 1270 def check(self): pr("Checking config files location", 2) if not self.check_built(): return ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filenames = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS] files = zip(filenames, filetags) for filename, filetag in files: if filetag & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG: if filename.startswith("/usr"): self.has_failed("The file '%s' is flagged as %%config and is in /usr\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Config)" % filename) self.target.total_checks += 1 class CheckInitScripts(QACheck): """checks init scripts""" order = 1280 def check(self): pr("Checking init scripts", 2) if not self.check_built(): return init_scripts_number = 0 ts = rpm.ts() for file in self.target.rpmfilenames: filepath = self.target.reportDir+"/"+file if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath) filenames = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES] filemodes = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEMODES] filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS] files = zip(filenames, filemodes, filetags) for filename, filemode, filetag in files: if not filename.startswith("/etc/rc.d/init.d/"): continue init_scripts_number += 1 if filetag & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG: self.has_failed("The init script '%s' is flagged as %%config\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Init)" % filename) if stat.S_IMODE(filemode) != 493: # mode 755 : stat.S_IRWXU + stat.S_IRGRP + stat.S_IXGRP + stat.S_IROTH + stat.S_IXOTH self.has_failed("The init script '%s' does not have mode 755\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Init)" % filename) self.target.total_checks += init_scripts_number ########################## # Class for Bugzilla class QABugError(QAError): pass class QABug: """These objects are the Bugzilla bugs from Fedora Extras or Livna.org""" bugID = None webpage = None def __init__(self, bugID, origin="fedora"): try: self.bugID = int(bugID) except ValueError: raise QABugError("This does not look like a bug ID, and I can't find this SRPM.") self.bugzillaURL = 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=%d' if origin == "livna": self.bugzillaURL = 'http://bugzilla.livna.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%d' def get_srpm(self, local=False): '''Gets the SRPM from the web''' srpmURL = self.get_srpm_url() filename = os.path.basename(srpmURL) if local and os.path.exists(filename): return filename elif local and not os.path.exists(filename): pr("File %s not found, downloading..." % filename) pr("Downloading SRPM from: %s" % srpmURL) try: urlgrabber.urlgrab(srpmURL, reget='check_timestamp', progress_obj=urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout)) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e: pr("ERROR: can't find SRPM") sys.exit(1) return filename def get_srpm_url(self): '''Parses bugzilla to get the SRPM URL''' if not self.webpage: try: self.webpage = urlgrabber.urlread(self.bugzillaURL % self.bugID) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError: raise QABugError("Can't access bugzilla, please download the srpm manually") srpmList = re.compile('"((ht|f)tp(s)?://.*?\.src\.rpm)"', re.IGNORECASE).findall(self.webpage) if srpmList == []: raise QABugError("no srpm found in page, please download it manually") srpmURL = srpmList[-1][0] # Use the last one. We could also use the newer one with rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR() if not srpmURL: errormsg = "impossible to find the srpm in the page, " \ +"please download it manually.\n%s" % srpmList raise QABugError(errormsg) self.filename = os.path.basename(srpmURL) pr("SRPM URL: "+srpmURL, 2) return srpmURL def get_subject(self): '''Parses bugzilla to get the Subject''' if not self.webpage: try: self.webpage = urlgrabber.urlread(self.bugzillaURL % self.bugID) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError: return "" # that's not a blocking error. subjectList = re.compile('Bug %s: (Review Request: )?(.*)' % self.bugID, re.IGNORECASE).findall(self.webpage) if subjectList == []: return "" subject = subjectList[0][1] if not subject: return "" pr("Found subject: "+subject, 2) return subject ############################### ## MAIN if __name__ == "__main__": print "Checking for updated guidelines on the wiki..." check_requires(REQUIRES) #pr("Checking for updated guidelines...", 2) check_guidelines(GUIDELINES) try: conf = parse_config() # get options and arguments arg, origin, debug, do_checks, local = parse_options() if do_checks: for do_check in do_checks: if do_check not in list_checks(): print "ERROR: %s is not an available check" % do_check sys.exit(1) if not arg.endswith("src.rpm"): bug = QABug(arg, origin) print "Starting QA for bug %s (%s)" % (arg, bug.get_subject()) srpmFileName = bug.get_srpm(local) else: print "Starting QA for local srpm %s" % arg srpmFileName = arg try: srpm = QAPackage(srpmFileName, origin, conf["reportsdir"]) except QAPackageError, e: print "ERROR: %s" % e sys.exit(1) pr("Installing SRPM", 2) srpm.installSRPM() srpm.getReleaseFromSpec() if do_checks: for do_check in do_checks: check = eval(do_check)(srpm) srpm.addCheck(check) else: for name in list_checks(): check = eval(name)(srpm) srpm.addCheck(check) srpm.runChecks() if not do_checks: # We only save reports on full run (with all checks) srpm.saveReport() srpm.printReport() except QABugError, e: print "ERROR: %s" % e sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted by user" sys.exit(1) # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 :