path: root/src/fedora-qa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fedora-qa')
1 files changed, 1847 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fedora-qa b/src/fedora-qa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857cfea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fedora-qa
@@ -0,0 +1,1847 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# QA check script.
+# Input a bug id, and it downloads the SRPM and checks it.
+# See --help for more info
+# Created Mar 8 2004 by Erik S. LaBianca <erik[AT]>
+# Modified by Aurelien Bompard <gauret[AT]>
+# Mostly rewritten in September 2005 by Aurelien Bompard for Fedora Extras
+# License: GPL
+# TODO: Packaging/Guidelines#FileDeps
+# Check that all files are UTF-8 encoded
+# Packaging/Conflicts
+version = "$Rev: 181 $"[6:-2]
+REQUIRES = ["/usr/bin/mock", "/usr/bin/less", "/usr/bin/diff", "/usr/bin/rpmlint",
+ "/usr/bin/desktop-file-validate" ]
+GUIDELINES = [ { "name": "Guidelines",
+ "version": 119 },
+ { "name": "ReviewGuidelines",
+ "version": 52 },
+ ]
+SELF_URL = ""
+import sys
+ import re
+ import os.path
+ import commands
+ import rpm
+ import rpmUtils
+ import getopt
+ import urlgrabber
+ import urlgrabber.progress
+ import md5
+ import xml
+ from xml.dom import minidom
+ import ConfigParser
+ import yum
+ import glob
+ import stat
+except ImportError, e:
+ print "ERROR importing a module:"
+ print e
+ sys.exit(1)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "Interrupted by user"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# General functions
+class QAError(Exception): pass
+def pr(text, debug_text=1):
+ """print function taking debug mode into account"""
+ if debug == 0:
+ return
+ elif debug >= debug_text:
+ print text
+def parse_options():
+ '''Parses command line options with getopts and returns a tuple'''
+ shortOpts = "dhiulc:bov"
+ longOpts = ["debug", "help", "livna", "usage", "list", "check=", "build", "local", "version"]
+ try:
+ optlist, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOpts, longOpts)
+ except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+ print "You asked for an invalid option:"
+ print e
+ print
+ print_usage()
+ debug = 1
+ bugID = 0
+ origin = "fedora"
+ do_checks = []
+ local = False
+ for opt, arg in optlist:
+ if opt == "-d" or opt == "--debug":
+ debug = 2
+ elif opt == "-h" or opt == "--help" \
+ or opt == "-u" or opt == "--usage":
+ print_usage()
+ elif opt == "-i" or opt == "--livna":
+ origin = "livna"
+ elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list":
+ for check in list_checks():
+ print "%s : %s" % (check, getattr(eval(check),"__doc__"))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt == "-c" or opt == "--check":
+ do_checks = arg.split(",")
+ elif opt == "-b" or opt == "--build":
+ add_check = False
+ for check in list_checks():
+ if check == "CheckBuildMock":
+ add_check = True
+ if add_check:
+ do_checks.append(check)
+ elif opt == "-o" or opt == "--local":
+ local = True
+ elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--version":
+ print "%s version %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), version)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ print_usage()
+ else:
+ arg = args[0]
+ return (arg, origin, debug, do_checks, local)
+def print_usage():
+ scriptName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ print """Description of %s:
+Starts the Fedora QA process by downloading the most recent SRPM from bugzilla,
+and doing most of the QA checks automatically.
+ %s [options] [bugzilla_bug_id | srpm_filename]
+ -d, --debug .................... debug mode
+ -l, --list .................... list all available checks
+ -c <check>, --check=<check> .... only run the specified check
+ -b, --build .................... only run the build and the following checks
+ -i, --livna .................... process a livna package
+ -o, --local .................... use the local files (don't download anything)
+ -h, --help ..................... this help message
+ -u, --usage .................... this help message
+ -v, --version .................. print the version
+""" % (scriptName, scriptName)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def list_checks():
+ """Lists available checks"""
+ checks = []
+ for name in globals().keys():
+ if type(eval(name)) == type(QACheck) and issubclass(eval(name), QACheck) and name != "QACheck":
+ checks.append(name)
+ checks.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(eval(x).order, eval(y).order))
+ return checks
+def check_requires(requires_list):
+ for file in requires_list:
+ if not os.path.exists(file):
+ print "ERROR ! Missing dependency: "+file
+ sys.exit(1)
+def parse_config():
+ conffilepath = "%s/.fedora-qa" % os.getenv("HOME")
+ if not os.path.exists(conffilepath):
+ conffile = open(conffilepath, "w")
+ conffile.write("[DEFAULTS]\nreportsdir = ~/reports\n")
+ conffile.close()
+ confparser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ conf = {}
+ for name, value in confparser.items("DEFAULTS"):
+ conf[name] = os.path.expanduser(value)
+ return conf
+def check_guidelines(pages):
+ '''Checks if the guidelines have changed, and warn about it'''
+ baseurl = ""
+ for page in pages:
+ try:
+ data = urlgrabber.urlread("%s%s?action=info" % (baseurl, page["name"]))
+ #version_list = re.compile('\n<tr> <td>([0-9]+)</td>\n <td>[0-9: -]{19}</td>\n <td>[0-9]+</td>\n').findall(data)
+ version_list = re.compile('\n<tr> <td>([0-9]+)</td>\n').findall(data)
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError:
+ version_list = []
+ if version_list == []:
+ print "Warning: I can't check if the wiki page %s has changed" % page["name"]
+ continue
+ version = version_list[0] # First version number in page -> last version of the page
+ if not version:
+ print "Warning: I can't check if the wiki page %s has changed" % page["name"]
+ return
+ if int(version) > page["version"]:
+ print "Warning: the guidelines have changed !"
+ print "Please check what changed in the following page:"
+ print baseurl+page["name"]
+ print "since revision %s, or get an updated version of this script from:" % page["version"]
+ print SELF_URL
+class QAPackageError(QAError): pass
+# Class for the src.rpm
+class QAPackage:
+ """This object is a package to run the QA tests on
+ The constructor takes the filename as its argument"""
+ sources = {}
+ patches = {}
+ sourceMd5 = {}
+ sourcedir = ""
+ rpmfilenames = []
+ needswork = []
+ passed = []
+ info = []
+ checklist = []
+ hdr = None
+ spec = None
+ total_checks = 0
+ def __init__(self, filename, origin="fedora", reportDir=""):
+ self.filename = filename
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ raise QAPackageError("no such SRPM")
+ self.origin = origin
+ pr("Setting srpm variables", 2)
+ self.set_srpm_variables()
+ # create dir for reports
+ if reportDir == "":
+ self.reportDir = "reports/"
+ else:
+ self.reportDir = reportDir+"/"
+ if not os.path.exists(self.reportDir):
+ os.makedirs(self.reportDir)
+ self.notes = os.path.join(self.reportDir, "notes")
+ if not os.path.exists(self.notes):
+ notes = open(self.notes, "w")
+ notes.write("Notes:\n\n")
+ notes.close()
+ def set_srpm_variables(self):
+ '''get the rpm variables from the srpm'''
+ # set specfile
+ ts = rpm.ts("", rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES)
+ self.hdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, self.filename)
+ filelist = self.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ fileflags = self.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS]
+ try:
+ specfile = filelist[ fileflags.index(32) ]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise QAPackageError("ERROR: Didn't find spec file !")
+ specdir = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "$(rpm -E %%{_specdir})" --nosignature -p %s 2>/dev/null' % self.filename)
+ self.specfile = os.path.join(specdir, specfile)
+ pr("Specfile found: %s" % self.specfile, 2)
+ # set tags
+ fedoraver = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "%{version}" fedora-release')
+ naevr = rpmUtils.miscutils.pkgTupleFromHeader(self.hdr)
+ = naevr[0]
+ self.version = naevr[3]
+ self.arch = naevr[1]
+ self.epoch = naevr[2]
+ self.release = naevr[4]
+ # arch is noarch or default buildarch
+ buildarch = commands.getoutput('rpm --eval "%_arch"')
+ if self.arch != "noarch":
+ self.arch = buildarch
+ # set paths
+ # do as specdir, if sourcedir contains %name...
+ self.sourcedir = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "$(rpm -E %%{_sourcedir})" --nosignature -p %s 2>/dev/null' % self.filename)
+ # extract specfile
+ os.system('rpm2cpio %s | cpio --quiet -i %s 2>/dev/null' % (self.filename, specfile))
+ # extracts sources and URLs from the spec file
+ self.spec = ts.parseSpec(specfile)
+ sourceList = self.spec.sources()
+ for (name, id, type) in sourceList:
+ if type == 1: # Source
+ self.sources[id] = name
+ elif type == 2: # Patch
+ self.patches[id] = name
+ # Get the list of binary rpms from the specfile - does not always work, see php-extras package
+ #rpmFileList = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --define "dist .fc%s" ' % fedoraver \
+ # +'--qf "%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm\n" --specfile %s' % specfile).split('\n')
+ #for file in rpmFileList:
+ # if not file.startswith("-debuginfo"):
+ # self.rpmfilenames.append(file)
+ # remove extracted specfile
+ os.remove(specfile)
+ def rpmEval(self, text):
+ '''Evaluate a variable with rpm's variables set and returns it'''
+ command = "rpmbuild -bp --nodeps --force --define '__spec_prep_pre echo %s; exit 0' --define 'setup :' %s | tail -n 1" % (text, self.specfile)
+ return commands.getoutput(command)
+ def installSRPM(self):
+ '''installs the SRPM on the system, and backs up the old spec file if it exists'''
+ if os.path.exists(self.specfile):
+ os.rename(self.specfile, self.specfile+".old")
+ installStatus, installOutput = commands.getstatusoutput('rpm --nosignature -i %s' % (self.filename))
+ if installStatus > 0:
+ raise QAPackageError("ERROR: Unable to install SRPM: %s" % installOutput)
+ def getReleaseFromSpec(self):
+ '''Call rpm on the specfile to get the dist tag right on the release tag. Can only be done after install'''
+ self.release = commands.getoutput('rpm -q --qf "%%{R}\n" --nosignature --specfile %s 2>/dev/null | head -1' % self.specfile)
+ def setChecks(self, list):
+ self.checklist = list
+ def addCheck(self, check):
+ self.checklist.append(check)
+ def getReport(self, printonly=False):
+ '''Print out the QA report'''
+ report = "Review for release %s:\n" % self.release
+ for item in self.passed:
+ report += "* %s\n" % item
+ report += "* INSERT RESULT OF RUN TEST\n"
+ if self.needswork != []:
+ report += "\nNeeds work:\n"
+ for item in self.needswork:
+ report += "* %s\n" % item
+ if != []:
+ report += "\nMinor:\n"
+ for item in
+ report += "* %s\n" % item
+ report += "\n(%s checks have been run)\n" % self.total_checks
+ report += "\n\n"
+ notesFD = open(self.notes, "r")
+ report +=
+ notesFD.close()
+ return report
+ def printReport(self):
+ """Prints the report to stdout"""
+ report = self.getReport()
+ pr("----------------------------------------")
+ pr(report)
+ pr("----------------------------------------")
+ pr('All files can be found in the "%s" directory' % self.reportDir)
+ pr('The spec file is "%s"' % self.specfile)
+ def saveReport(self):
+ """Saves the report to the reportDir"""
+ report = self.getReport()
+ reportFD = open(os.path.join(self.reportDir, "report"), "w")
+ reportFD.write(report)
+ reportFD.close()
+ def runChecks(self):
+ pr("Checking %s, version %s, release %s..." % (, self.version, self.release))
+ self.checklist.sort()
+ for check_item in self.checklist:
+ check_item.check()
+# Test Class :
+class QACheck:
+ target = None
+ order = 0
+ editor = "vim -o" # Vim in multiwindow mode. Use "Ctrl+W +" to enlarge the current window
+ def __init__(self, target):
+ """Needs a QAPackage as argument: the package to test on"""
+ = target
+ if os.environ.has_key("EDITOR"):
+ self.editor = os.environ["EDITOR"]
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if other.order > self.order:
+ return -1
+ elif other.order == self.order:
+ return 0
+ elif other.order < self.order:
+ return 1
+ def has_passed(self, message):
+ """ The test passed """
+ def has_failed(self, message, severity="needswork"):
+ """ The test failed """
+ pr(message)
+ if severity == "info":
+ else:
+ def approve(self, testname):
+ """asks the user if he likes what he sees, and if not, generate a needswork review"""
+ pr(testname+": is it OK ? (press Enter if yes, or else type your comment below)")
+ answer = raw_input().strip()
+ if answer == "":
+ self.has_passed(testname+" looks OK")
+ else:
+ self.has_failed(testname+": "+answer)
+ def ask(self, prompt, default="y"):
+ """asks a question and returns true or false"""
+ if default == "y":
+ choice = " ([y]/n)"
+ else:
+ choice = " (y/[n])"
+ print prompt+choice
+ answer = raw_input().strip()
+ if (default == "y" and answer != "n") or answer == "y":
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def check_built(self):
+ """Checks that the binary rpm is built."""
+ files = "%s/*-%s-%s*.%s.rpm" % (,,
+ rpms_list = glob.glob(files)
+ rpms_list = [ os.path.basename(r) for r in rpms_list ]
+ if not rpms_list:
+ pr("Binary package is not built yet")
+ #print files
+ return False
+ else:
+ = rpms_list
+ return True
+ def check(self):
+ """main checking function, to be redefined by subclasses"""
+ += 1
+ pass
+# Checks
+class CheckName(QACheck):
+ """ask the user if the name-version-release is correct"""
+ order = 10
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking name", 2)
+ message_failed = "Package does not follow Fedora's package naming guildlines\n (wiki: PackageNamingGuidelines)"
+ if == "livna":
+ ext = ".lvn."
+ else:
+ ext = ""
+ if == 0:
+ self.has_failed(message_failed)
+ return
+ version_regexp = re.compile(r"""^
+ [\d\.]+ # version number
+ ([a-z]+)? # optional tag for quick bugfix release
+ $""", re.VERBOSE)
+ release_regexp = re.compile(r"""^
+ ( # Either normal release tag, or non-numeric (pre-releases, snapshots)
+ [1-9]+\d* # normal release number, to be incremented. Does not start with 0
+ | # now come the non-numeric cases
+ 0\. # pre-release: prefix with 0
+ [1-9]+\d* # release number, to be incremented. Does not start with 0
+ \.\w+ # alphatag or snapshot tag
+ ) # end of the non-numeric cases
+ (\.fc\d+ # dist tag
+ (\.\d+)? # minor release bumps for old branches
+ )? # the dist tag is optional, and minor release bumps for old branches may only be used if dist tag is used
+ $""", re.VERBOSE)
+ # tested with: all examples on the PackageNamingGuidelines, plus:
+ # "1" (good),
+ # "1.fc6" (good),
+ # "0.1.a" (good),
+ # "0.2a" (bad, "a" should be after a dot),
+ # "1.fc6.1" (good, branch-specific bump)
+ # "1.1" (bad, branch-specific bump without the dist tag)
+ version_match = version_regexp.match(
+ release_match = release_regexp.match(
+ question = "Are the name, version and release correct according to Fedora's package naming guidelines " \
+ +"("
+ if version_match and release_match:
+ question += "\n(looks good to my automatic check)"
+ else:
+ question += "\n(looks wrong to my automatic check)"
+ answer = self.ask(question)
+ if answer == 1:
+ self.has_passed("RPM name is OK")
+ else:
+ self.has_failed(message_failed)
+ += 1
+class CheckSpecDiff(QACheck):
+ """diff the spec files in case of update"""
+ order = 20
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking spec diff", 2)
+ if os.path.exists(".old"):
+ diff = commands.getoutput('diff -bu "%s.old" "%s"' % (,
+ diffFilePath = os.path.join(,"spec.diff")
+ if diff == "":
+ pr("The spec file didn't change", 2)
+ if os.path.exists(diffFilePath):
+ if self.ask("View the last spec diff ?"):
+ os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor, diffFilePath,
+ else:
+ diffFd = open(diffFilePath, "w")
+ diffFd.write(diff)
+ diffFd.close()
+ if self.ask("Diff the spec files ?"):
+ os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor, diffFilePath,
+class CheckSources(QACheck):
+ """check upstream sources: returns a list of lines for the report"""
+ order = 30
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking upstream sources", 2)
+ for (sourceId, sourceUrl) in
+ sourceFileName = os.path.basename(sourceUrl)
+ if sourceUrl.count('tp://') == 0 and sourceUrl.count('https://') == 0:
+ if self.ask("Source %s is not downloadable (%s). View it in 'less' ?" % (sourceId, sourceUrl)):
+ os.system('less "%s"' %"/"+sourceFileName)
+ else:
+ pr("Checking source %s" % sourceId)
+ if os.path.exists(sourceFileName):
+ pr("Using already downloaded source", 2)
+ else:
+ pr("Downloading source from %s" % sourceUrl, 2)
+ try:
+ urlgrabber.urlgrab(sourceUrl, reget='check_timestamp', progress_obj=urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout))
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
+ self.has_failed("Source %s is not available (%s)\n (wiki: QAChecklist item 2)" % (sourceId, sourceUrl))
+ pr(e, 2)
+ continue
+ if os.path.exists(sourceFileName):
+ upstream_file = open(sourceFileName, "r")
+ upstream_md5 =
+ upstream_file.close()
+ local_file = open("/"+sourceFileName, "r")
+ local_md5 =
+ if upstream_md5 == local_md5:
+ self.has_passed("Source %s is the same as upstream" % sourceFileName)
+ else:
+ self.has_failed("Source "+sourceFileName+" is different from upstream\n (wiki: QAChecklist item 2)")
+ += 1
+class CheckPatches(QACheck):
+ """checks the patches in the srpm"""
+ order = 40
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking patches", 2)
+ if not
+ return
+ pr("Patches found: %s." % ", ".join( )
+ if self.ask("Look at the patches ?"):
+ for (patchId, patchName) in
+ os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor,"/"+os.path.basename(patchName),
+ += 1
+class CheckBRConsistency(QACheck):
+ """Checks that only one of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT or %{buildroot} is used"""
+ order = 50
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking BuildRoot Consistency", 2)
+# TODO: do it in python with re
+ use_shell = 0
+ use_macro = 0
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("grep -qs '\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT' %s" %
+ if status == 0:
+ use_shell = 1
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("egrep -qs '%%\{?buildroot\}?' %s" %
+ if status == 0:
+ use_macro = 1
+ if use_shell and use_macro:
+ self.has_failed("Use of buildroot is not consistant\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#UsingBuildRootOptFlags)")
+ += 1
+class CheckBuildRoot(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the BuildRoot is the Fedora-preferred one"""
+ order = 60
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking buildroot", 2)
+ buildroot =
+ preferred_br_tag = "%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)"
+ preferred_br =
+ if buildroot != preferred_br:
+ self.has_failed("BuildRoot should be "+preferred_br_tag+"\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#BuildRoot)")
+ += 1
+class CheckDFU(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the desktop-file-utils is required if desktop-file-install is used"""
+ order = 70
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking desktop-file-utils", 2)
+ try:
+ install =
+ except SystemError:
+ self.has_failed("There is no %install section")
+ return
+ if install.count("desktop-file-install") == 0:
+ return
+ buildrequires =[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ if "desktop-file-utils" not in buildrequires:
+ self.has_failed("BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils is missing")
+ += 1
+class CheckBRExceptions(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the package does not have excluded BuildRequires"""
+ order = 80
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking buildrequires exceptions", 2)
+ # Try getting the list from the wiki
+ try:
+ data = urlgrabber.urlread("")
+ # Parse the HTML page
+ regexp = re.compile('''<pre>([\w+\n-]+)</pre>''')
+ br_exceptions = regexp.findall(data)
+ if len(br_exceptions) > 0: # If the format changed and the regexp fails
+ br_exceptions = br_exceptions[0].strip().split("\n")
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError:
+ br_exceptions = []
+ if br_exceptions == []:
+ # if it failed, use this list (from
+ br_exceptions = ["bash", "bzip2", "coreutils", "cpio", "diffutils", "fedora-release",
+ "findutils", "gawk", "gcc", "gcc-c++", "grep", "gzip", "info", "make", "patch",
+ "rpm-build", "redhat-rpm-config", "sed", "tar", "unzip", "util-linux-ng", "which",]
+ buildrequires =[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ for br in buildrequires:
+ if br in br_exceptions:
+ self.has_failed("BuildRequires: %s should not be included\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Exceptions)" % br)
+ += 1
+class CheckEncoding(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the spec file is in ASCII or UTF-8"""
+ order = 90
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking encoding", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ spectext =
+ spec.close()
+ enc_ok = False
+ for enc in ["utf-8", "ascii"]:
+ try:
+ unicode(spectext, enc, "strict")
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ enc_ok = True
+ break
+ if not enc_ok:
+ self.has_failed("Encoding should be UTF-8")
+ += 1
+class CheckSpecName(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the spec filename is %{name}.spec"""
+ order = 100
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking spec name", 2)
+ specfile = os.path.basename(
+ if not specfile == "%s.spec" %
+ self.has_failed("Specfile should be in the format %{name}.spec\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)")
+ += 1
+class CheckSMPFlags(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the smp flags are set for make"""
+ order = 110
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking SMP flags", 2)
+ try:
+ buildscript =
+ except SystemError, e: # No build script
+ return
+ if == "noarch" or buildscript.count("make") == 0:
+ return
+ if buildscript.count("%{_smp_mflags}")) == 0:
+ self.has_failed("Missing SMP flags. If it doesn't build with it, please add a comment\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#parallelmake)")
+ += 1
+class CheckQTEnvVars(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the QT environment variables are set"""
+ order = 120
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking QT env vars", 2)
+ buildrequires =[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ #buildrequires = commands.getoutput("rpm -qpR --nosignature %s" %
+ #if buildrequires.count("qt-devel") == 0 and buildrequires.count("kde") == 0:
+ needs_qt = False
+ for br in buildrequires:
+ if br == "qt-devel":
+ needs_qt = True
+ if br.startswith("kde") and br.endswith("-devel"):
+ needs_qt = True
+ if not needs_qt:
+ return
+ buildscript =
+ if buildscript.count("unset QTDIR") == 0 and buildscript.count(". /etc/profile.d/") == 0:
+ self.has_failed("QT environment variable are not sourced", "info")
+ += 1
+class CheckRelocatable(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the package is not marked Relocatable"""
+ order = 130
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking relocatable instruction", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ for line in spec:
+ if line.startswith("Prefix:") > 0:
+ self.has_failed("Package is marked as relocatable, please check.\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#RelocatablePackages)")
+ spec.close()
+ return
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckClean(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the specfile contains a proper %%clean section"""
+ order = 140
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking %%clean", 2)
+ message = "there must be a proper %clean section\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)"
+ buildroot =
+ try:
+ clean =
+ except SystemError:
+ self.has_failed(message)
+ return
+ if clean.count(buildroot) == 0 and clean.count("$RPM_BUILD_ROOT") == 0:
+ self.has_failed(message)
+ += 1
+class CheckBRDuplicates(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the package does not have duplicate BuildRequires"""
+ order = 150
+ buildrequires_clean = []
+ already_required = []
+ class YumBaseNoLog(yum.YumBase):
+ def log(self, level, msg):
+ pass
+ def check_br(self, pkgname):
+ exact,match,unmatch = yum.packages.parsePackages(self.repoq.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(), [pkgname], casematch=1)
+ if not exact:
+ return
+ requires = exact[0].requiresList()
+ for req in requires:
+ if req.count("rpmlib") > 0:
+ continue # filter out rpmlib deps
+ if req.count(" ") > 0:
+ req = req.split(" ")[0] # versioned dependency
+ if req in self.buildrequires_clean:
+ pr("found duplicate: "+req, 2)
+ self.buildrequires_clean.remove(req)
+ self.already_required.append( (req, pkgname) )
+ #self.check_br(req) # Check recursively. Maybe a little overkill...
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for duplicate buildrequires", 2)
+ buildrequires =[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ buildrequires = [br for br in buildrequires if br.count("rpmlib") == 0] # filter out rpmlib dependency
+ if len(buildrequires) < 2:
+ return
+ if not self.ask("Check for duplicate BuildRequires ? (may be long, %s of them)" % len(buildrequires), "n"):
+ return
+ self.buildrequires_clean = buildrequires[:]
+ self.repoq = self.YumBaseNoLog()
+ self.repoq.doConfigSetup()
+ cachedir = yum.misc.getCacheDir()
+ if cachedir is None:
+ pr("Error: could not make cachedir, aborting test.")
+ return
+ self.repoq.repos.setCacheDir(cachedir)
+ pr("setting up repositories...")
+ self.repoq.doRepoSetup()
+ try:
+ self.repoq.doSackSetup()
+ self.repoq.doTsSetup()
+ except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
+ pr(e)
+ pr("Error, aborting test.")
+ return
+ pr("checking buildrequires...")
+ for br in buildrequires:
+ sys.stdout.write("\r[%s/%s]" % (buildrequires.index(br)+1, len(buildrequires)))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.check_br(br)
+ sys.stdout.write("\r")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if self.already_required:
+ message = "Duplicate BuildRequires: "
+ for buildreq, by in self.already_required:
+ message += "%s (by %s), " % (buildreq, by)
+ self.has_failed(message[:-2], "info")
+ += 1
+class CheckRPMMacros(QACheck):
+ """Checks that paths are replaced with RPM macros"""
+ order = 160
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking rpmmacros", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ for line in spec:
+ if line.count("/usr") > 0 or line.count("/var") > 0:
+ self.has_failed("Spec file: some paths are not replaced with RPM macros\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#macros)")
+ spec.close()
+ return
+ if line.startswith("%changelog"):
+ break
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckRequiresPrePost(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the form "Requires(pre,post)" is not used"""
+ order = 170
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking Requires(pre,post,...)", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ expr = re.compile("^Requires\([\w\s]+,[\w\s]+(,[\w\s]+)*\):.*")
+ for line in spec:
+ if expr.match(line):
+ self.has_failed("Spec file: the \"Requires(*.*)\" notation should be split\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#reqprepost)")
+ spec.close()
+ return
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckLatestVersion(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the package uses the latest version"""
+ order = 180
+ def fmcheck(self, xmlpage):
+ """Do the check on freshmeat"""
+ xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlpage)
+ lastversion_node = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('latest_release_version')[0].firstChild
+ if not lastversion_node:
+ return None
+ lastversion = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('latest_release_version')[0]
+ return lastversion
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for the latest version", 2)
+ url = "" % {"name":}
+ try:
+ xmlpage = urlgrabber.urlopen(url)
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
+ pr("Can't access Freshmeat, aborting test")
+ return
+ try:
+ lastversion = self.fmcheck(xmlpage)
+ except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+ pr("Project not found on Freshmeat. Please enter the project's Freshmeat name (or press Enter to abort):")
+ answer = raw_input().strip()
+ if not answer:
+ pr("Aborting test")
+ return
+ url = "" % {"name": answer}
+ xmlpage = urlgrabber.urlopen(url)
+ try:
+ lastversion = self.fmcheck(xmlpage)
+ except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+ pr("Project still not found. Aborting test.")
+ return
+ if lastversion is None:
+ pr("The Freshmeat page does not have version information, aborting.")
+ return
+ if lastversion !=
+ answer = self.ask("According to Freshmeat, the latest version is %s.\n" % lastversion +\
+ "Is this package using the latest version ?")
+ if answer != 1:
+ self.has_failed("The latest version is %s. Please update" % lastversion, "info")
+ else:
+ self.has_passed("This is the latest version")
+ else:
+ self.has_passed("This is the latest version")
+ += 1
+class CheckForbiddenTag(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the package does not contain forbidden tags"""
+ order = 190
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for forbidden tag", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ for line in spec:
+ for tag in ["Vendor", "Packager", "Copyright"]:
+ if line.startswith(tag+":"):
+ self.has_failed("Spec file: tag %s is forbidden\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#tags)" % tag)
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckDownloadableSource(QACheck):
+ """checks if at least one of the source is an URL"""
+ order = 200
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for downloadable sources", 2)
+ for (sourceId, sourceUrl) in
+ if sourceUrl.count('tp://') > 0:
+ return
+ self.has_failed("No downloadable source. Please give the full URL in the Source tag.")
+ += 1
+class CheckCleanBRInInstall(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the specfile cleans the BuildRoot in %install"""
+ order = 210
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for BR cleaning in %install", 2)
+ message = "The BuildRoot must be cleaned at the beginning of %install"
+ buildroot =
+ try:
+ install ="\n")
+ except SystemError:
+ self.has_failed("There is no %install section")
+ return
+ += 1
+ expr = re.compile("^(/bin/)?rm -(rf|fr) (\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT|%s)" % buildroot)
+ for line in install:
+ if expr.match(line):
+ return
+ self.has_failed(message)
+class CheckFindLangGettext(QACheck):
+ """Checks that gettext is Required if the %find_lang macro is used"""
+ order = 220
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking translations requirement", 2)
+ try:
+ install =
+ except SystemError:
+ self.has_failed("There is no %install section")
+ return
+ if install.count("/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/") == 0:
+ return
+ buildrequires =[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ if "gettext" not in buildrequires:
+ self.has_failed("BuildRequires: gettext is missing (required to build the translations)")
+ += 1
+class CheckNoarch(QACheck):
+ """checks if the package is improperly built for noarch"""
+ order = 230
+ def check(self):
+ if not == "noarch":
+ return
+ pr("Checking invalid use of noarch", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ for line in spec:
+ if line.count("%_libdir") > 0 or line.count("%{_libdir}") > 0:
+ self.has_failed("The package cannot be noarch since it installs files to %{_libdir}")
+ spec.close()
+ return
+ if line.startswith("%changelog"):
+ break
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckMakeInstallMacro(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the %makeinstall macro is not used"""
+ order = 240
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for the %makeinstall macro", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ for line in spec:
+ if line.count("%makeinstall") > 0 or line.count("%{makeinstall}") > 0:
+ self.has_failed("The %makeinstall macro should not be used\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#MakeInstall)")
+ spec.close()
+ return
+ if line.startswith("%changelog"):
+ break
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckGhostPyo(QACheck):
+ """checks if the *.pyo files are %%ghost'ed"""
+ order = 250
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking ghosting of *.pyo files", 2)
+ spec = open(, "r")
+ for line in spec:
+ if line.startswith("%ghost") and line.endswith(".pyo"):
+ self.has_failed("The .pyo files should not be %%ghost'ed\n (wiki: Packaging/Python#pyos)")
+ spec.close()
+ return
+ if line.startswith("%changelog"):
+ break
+ spec.close()
+ += 1
+class CheckSpec(QACheck):
+ '''Just read the spec file'''
+ order = 980
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking spec file", 2)
+ if self.ask("Look at the spec file ?"):
+ os.system('%s "%s" "%s"' % (self.editor,,
+class CheckDiffTemplate(QACheck):
+ """Diff against the template for relevant packages"""
+ order = 990
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking diff against template", 2)
+ for template in [ "python", "perl", "ruby" ]:
+ if"%s-" % template):
+ if self.ask("Diff against the spec template ?"):
+ os.system('diff -bu "/usr/share/fedora/spectemplate-%s.spec" "%s" | less' % \
+ (template,
+class CheckBuildMock(QACheck):
+ """Builds the RPM with mock"""
+ order = 1000
+ def check(self, root="default"):
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("which mock")
+ if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 1:
+ pr("mock is not available")
+ return
+ if not self.ask("Build the RPM in mock ?"):
+ return
+ pr("Starting build in mock")
+ command = 'mock --resultdir="%s" rebuild %s' % (,
+ status = os.system(command)
+ if status > 0:
+ pr("WARNING: Build failed ! (command: %s)" % command)
+ self.has_failed("Build failed in mock")
+ pr("mock command was: '%s'" % command)
+ else:
+ self.has_passed("Builds fine in mock")
+ if self.ask("View the build log ?"):
+ rpmlog = os.path.join(, "build.log")
+ os.system('less "%s"' % rpmlog)
+ += 1
+class CheckRpmlint(QACheck):
+ """unleashes rpmlint at the srpm and the binary rpm if the build is complete"""
+ order = 1100
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Launching rpmlint")
+ status, srpmRpmlint = commands.getstatusoutput("rpmlint "
+ if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 127:
+ pr("WARNING: rpmlint is not available, please install it")
+ return
+ srpmRpmlintFD = open("/rpmlint-srpm.log", "w")
+ srpmRpmlintFD.write(srpmRpmlint)
+ srpmRpmlintFD.close()
+ pr("Source RPM:")
+ pr(srpmRpmlint)
+ if self.check_built():
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ rpmRpmlint = commands.getoutput("rpmlint "+filepath)
+ rpmRpmlintFD = open("/rpmlint-rpm.log", "a")
+ rpmRpmlintFD.write("rpmlint of %s:" % file)
+ rpmRpmlintFD.write(rpmRpmlint)
+ rpmRpmlintFD.write("\n\n")
+ rpmRpmlintFD.close()
+ subpackage = file[:file.rindex(]
+ pr("\nrpmlint of %s:" % subpackage)
+ pr(rpmRpmlint)
+ if len( == 1:
+ self.approve("rpmlint")
+ else:
+ self.approve("rpmlint of "+subpackage)
+ += 1
+class CheckFiles(QACheck):
+ """checks files list and ownership"""
+ order = 1110
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking files", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ pr("Files in package %s:" % file)
+ os.system("rpm -qplv %s | less" % filepath)
+ subpackage = file[:file.rindex(]
+ if len( == 1:
+ self.approve("File list")
+ else:
+ self.approve("File list of "+subpackage)
+class CheckDesktopFile(QACheck):
+ """checks the presence of a .desktop file if the package depends on xorg."""
+ order = 1120
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking desktop file", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ is_graphical = False
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ for r in requires:
+ if r.startswith(""):
+ is_graphical = True
+ if not is_graphical:
+ return
+ has_desktopfile = False
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ for f in filelist:
+ if f.startswith("/usr/share/applications/") and f.endswith(".desktop"):
+ has_desktopfile = True
+ if not has_desktopfile:
+ self.has_failed("The package should contain a .desktop file\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)")
+ += 1
+class CheckLicenseFile(QACheck):
+ """checks the presence of a license file."""
+ order = 1130
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking license file", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ has_licensefile = False
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ for f in filelist:
+ if f.startswith("/usr/share/doc/") and ( f.lower().count("license") > 0 or \
+ f.lower().count("copying") > 0 or f.lower().count("copyright") > 0 ):
+ has_licensefile = True
+ if not has_licensefile:
+ self.has_failed("The package should contain the text of the license\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)")
+ += 1
+class CheckFileListedTwice(QACheck):
+ """checks if a file has been listed multiple times in %%files"""
+ order = 1140
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking files listed multiple times", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("grep '^warning: File listed twice:' %s/build.log" %
+ if status == 0:
+ self.has_failed("File list: some files were listed multiple times\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)")
+ += 1
+class CheckDefattr(QACheck):
+ """checks if all the %%files sections contain %%defattr() instructions"""
+ order = 1150
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking defattr", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ files_num = commands.getoutput("grep '^%%files' %s | wc -l" %
+ defattr_num = commands.getoutput("grep '^%%defattr' %s | wc -l" %
+ if files_num > defattr_num:
+ self.has_failed("Each %files section should have a %defattr line\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)")
+ += 1
+class CheckLibtoolArchives(QACheck):
+ """checks the presence of a .la libtool archives"""
+ order = 1160
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking .la files", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ for f in filelist:
+ if os.path.dirname(f) == "/usr/lib/" and f.endswith(".la"):
+ self.has_failed("The package contains libtool archive files (*.la)\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#StaticLibraries)")
+ return
+ += 1
+class CheckDesktopFileProperties(QACheck):
+ """checks if the desktop files are valid"""
+ order = 1170
+ valid_cats = None
+ def check_categories(self, categories):
+ if "X-Fedora" in categories:
+ self.has_failed("Desktop file: the Categories tag should not contain X-Fedora any more\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)")
+ if "Application" in categories:
+ self.has_failed("Desktop file: the Categories tag should not contain Application any more\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)")
+ # check if the category is valid
+ valid_cats_url = ""
+ # get the list of valid categories
+ if not self.valid_cats:
+ try:
+ data = urlgrabber.urlread(valid_cats_url)
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError:
+ return # Can't check...
+ # Parse the HTML page
+ regexp = re.compile('''<tr><td>([a-zA-Z0-9]+)</td><td>.+?</td><td(?: class="auto-generated")?>.+?</td></tr>''')
+ self.valid_cats = regexp.findall(data)
+ if len(self.valid_cats) == 0: # Regexp must have failed... don't check.
+ return
+ for cat in categories:
+ pr(" checking desktop files category '%s'" % cat, 2)
+ if not cat.startswith("X-") and cat not in self.valid_cats:
+ self.has_failed("Desktop file: the category %s is not valid\n (%s)" % (cat, valid_cats_url))
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking desktop files validity", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ desktopfiles = []
+ for f in filelist:
+ if f.startswith("/usr/share/applications/") and f.endswith(".desktop"):
+ desktopfiles.append(f)
+ if not desktopfiles:
+ continue
+ for dfile in desktopfiles:
+ # Check vendor
+ if os.path.dirname(dfile).endswith("applications") and not os.path.basename(dfile).startswith("fedora"):
+ self.has_failed("Desktop file: vendor should be fedora\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)")
+ += 1
+ # extract it
+ os.system('rpm2cpio %s | cpio --quiet -i -d .%s' % (filepath, dfile)) # exctract it
+ # Validate with desktop-file-validate
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("desktop-file-validate .%s" % dfile)
+ if status != 0:
+ self.has_failed("Desktop file: desktop-file-validate found errors in %s : %s" % (os.path.basename(dfile), output))
+ += 1
+ # Various tests
+ dfile_fd = open("."+dfile, "r")
+ for line in dfile_fd:
+ # Check categories
+ if line.startswith("Categories"):
+ categories = line.strip().replace("Categories=", "").split(";")
+ if categories[-1] == "":
+ categories = categories[:-1]
+ self.check_categories(categories)
+ += 1
+ # Check MimeType scriptlets
+ if line.startswith("MimeType") and line.strip().replace("MimeType=", "") != "":
+ scripts = { "post": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN],
+ "postun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN],
+ }
+ if scripts["post"].count("update-desktop-database") == 0 \
+ or scripts["postun"].count("update-desktop-database") == 0:
+ self.has_failed("Scriptlets: missing update-desktop-database\n (wiki: ScriptletSnippets)")
+ += 1
+ # Check Icon
+ if line.startswith("Icon"):
+ icon = line.strip().replace("Icon=", "")
+ if not icon.startswith("/") and icon[-4:] in [".png", ".svg", ".xpm"]:
+ self.has_failed("Desktop file: the Icon tag should either use the full path to the icon or the icon name without extension\n (wiki:Packaging/Guidelines#desktop)")
+ += 1
+ dfile_fd.close()
+ os.system("rm -rf usr")
+class CheckScriptletsRequirements(QACheck):
+ """Checks that the usual programs found in the scriptlets are Required"""
+ order = 1180
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking scriptlets requirements", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ scripts = { "pre": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREIN],
+ "preun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREUN],
+ "post": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN],
+ "postun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN],
+ }
+ requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ progs_check = {"service": "initscripts",
+ "chkconfig": "chkconfig",
+ "scrollkeeper-update": "scrollkeeper",
+ "install-info": "info",
+ "gconftool-2": "GConf2",
+ }
+ for prog, package in progs_check.iteritems():
+ for scriptname, script in scripts.iteritems():
+ if script.count(prog) > 0 and package not in requires:
+ filename_required = False
+ for r in requires: # Check if the filename is not required instead of the package
+ if r.endswith(prog):
+ filename_required = True
+ if not filename_required:
+ self.has_failed("Missing dependancy on %s for %%%s (package %s)" % (prog, scriptname, package))
+ += 1
+class CheckLangTag(QACheck):
+ """checks that the translation files are tagged"""
+ order = 1190
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking lang files", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ filelang = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILELANGS]
+ for filename, lang in zip(filelist, filelang):
+ if filename.startswith("/usr/share/locale/") and filename.endswith(".mo"):
+ if not lang:
+ self.has_failed("The translation files are not properly tagged\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)")
+ return
+ += 1
+class CheckDBUpdate(QACheck):
+ """checks that the package updates the proper database in the scriptlets if it has corresponding files"""
+ order = 1200
+ def checkFileUpdateDB(self, prefix, updater, scriptlist=["post","postun"]):
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ need_update = False
+ for f in filelist:
+ if f.startswith(prefix):
+ need_update = True
+ if need_update:
+ scripts = { "pre": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREIN],
+ "preun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_PREUN],
+ "post": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN],
+ "postun": filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN],
+ }
+ for scr in scriptlist:
+ if scripts[scr].count(updater) == 0:
+ message = "missing \"%s\" in %%%s (wiki: ScriptletSnippets)" % (updater, scr)
+ if len( > 1:
+ message += " (in subpackage %s)" % filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]
+ self.has_failed("Scriptlets: "+message)
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking for the need to update databases in scriptlets", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ # format : (<if there are files in these dirs>, <run this script>, <in these scriptlets>)
+ check_list = [ ("/usr/share/omf/", "scrollkeeper-update", ["post","postun"]),
+ ("/usr/share/mime/packages/", "update-mime-database", ["post","postun"]),
+ ("/usr/share/icons/", "gtk-update-icon-cache", ["post","postun"]),
+ ("/usr/share/info/", "install-info", ["post","preun"]),
+ ("/etc/gconf/schemas/", "gconftool-2", ["pre","post","preun"]),
+ ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/", "chkconfig", ["post","preun"]),
+ ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/", "service", ["preun","postun"]),
+ ]
+ for prefix, updater, scriptlist in check_list:
+ pr(" checking %s..." % updater, 2)
+ self.checkFileUpdateDB(prefix, updater, scriptlist)
+ += 1
+class CheckOwnedDirs(QACheck):
+ """checks that the package does not own standard dirs"""
+ order = 1210
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking directory ownership", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ standard_dirs = []
+ # Get the list of files in packages "filesystem" and "man"
+ for pkg in ("filesystem", "man"):
+ mi = ts.dbMatch("name", pkg)
+ for hdr in mi: # there should be only one result, but we do a for loop anyway (follows the docs)
+ standard_dirs.extend(hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES])
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ for filename in filelist:
+ if filename in standard_dirs:
+ self.has_failed("The package owns %s, which is a standard directory\n (wiki: Packaging/ReviewGuidelines)" % filename)
+ += 1
+class CheckConfigFiles(QACheck):
+ """checks config files list and ownership"""
+ order = 1220
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking config files", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS]
+ filenames = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ filemodes = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEMODES]
+ filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS]
+ files = zip(filenames, filemodes, filetags)
+ has_conf_file = False
+ for tag in filetags:
+ if tag & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG:
+ has_conf_file = True
+ if not has_conf_file:
+ continue
+ pr("Config files in package %s:" % file)
+ os.system("rpm -qpcv %s | less" % filepath)
+ subpackage = file[:file.rindex(]
+ self.approve("Config files of "+subpackage)
+class CheckPkgconfig(QACheck):
+ """checks if the package needs to Require pkgconfig"""
+ order = 1230
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking pkgconfig files", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ is_graphical = False
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ has_pkgconfig = False
+ for f in filelist:
+ if f.startswith("/usr/lib/pkgconfig/") and f.endswith(".pc"):
+ has_pkgconfig = True
+ if not has_pkgconfig:
+ continue
+ requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ has_pkgconfig = False
+ for r in requires:
+ if r.count("pkgconfig"):
+ has_pkgconfig = True
+ if not has_pkgconfig:
+ self.has_failed("As %s ships a pkgconfig file (.pc), it should have \"Requires: pkgconfig\"" % filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])
+ += 1
+class CheckHicolor(QACheck):
+ """checks if the package needs to Require hicolor-icon-theme"""
+ order = 1240
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking hicolor icons", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ is_graphical = False
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ has_hicolor = False
+ for f in filelist:
+ if f.startswith("/usr/share/icons/hicolor/"):
+ has_hicolor = True
+ if not has_hicolor:
+ continue
+ requires = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRES]
+ has_hicolor = False
+ for r in requires:
+ if r.count("hicolor-icon-theme"):
+ has_hicolor = True
+ if not has_hicolor:
+ self.has_failed("As %s ships icons in the hicolor directory, it should have \"Requires: hicolor-icon-theme\"\n" %
+ += 1
+class CheckOptFlags(QACheck):
+ """checks if the rpm honors the compiler flags"""
+ order = 1250
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking compiler flags", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ if == "noarch":
+ return
+ optflags = commands.getoutput("rpm --eval '%{optflags}'")
+ buildlog = open("/build.log", "r")
+ flags_count = 0
+ for line in buildlog:
+ if line.count(optflags):
+ flags_count += 1
+ buildlog.close()
+ if flags_count <= 3: # 3 because of the definitions by the %configure macro
+ self.has_failed("Does not seem to obey the compiler flags\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelinesi#CompilerFlags)")
+ += 1
+class CheckStaticLibs(QACheck):
+ """checks the presence of statically-linked libraries"""
+ order = 1260
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking static libs", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filelist = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ for f in filelist:
+ if os.path.dirname(f) == "/usr/lib/" and f.endswith(".a"):
+ self.has_failed("The package contains static libraries\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#StaticLinkage)")
+ return
+ += 1
+class CheckConfigFilesLocation(QACheck):
+ """checks config files location"""
+ order = 1270
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking config files location", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filenames = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS]
+ files = zip(filenames, filetags)
+ for filename, filetag in files:
+ if filetag & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG:
+ if filename.startswith("/usr"):
+ self.has_failed("The file '%s' is flagged as %%config and is in /usr\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Config)" % filename)
+ += 1
+class CheckInitScripts(QACheck):
+ """checks init scripts"""
+ order = 1280
+ def check(self):
+ pr("Checking init scripts", 2)
+ if not self.check_built():
+ return
+ init_scripts_number = 0
+ ts = rpm.ts()
+ for file in
+ filepath ="/"+file
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ continue
+ filehdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, filepath)
+ filenames = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILENAMES]
+ filemodes = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEMODES]
+ filetags = filehdr[rpm.RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS]
+ files = zip(filenames, filemodes, filetags)
+ for filename, filemode, filetag in files:
+ if not filename.startswith("/etc/rc.d/init.d/"):
+ continue
+ init_scripts_number += 1
+ if filetag & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG:
+ self.has_failed("The init script '%s' is flagged as %%config\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Init)" % filename)
+ if stat.S_IMODE(filemode) != 493: # mode 755 : stat.S_IRWXU + stat.S_IRGRP + stat.S_IXGRP + stat.S_IROTH + stat.S_IXOTH
+ self.has_failed("The init script '%s' does not have mode 755\n (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#Init)" % filename)
+ += init_scripts_number
+# Class for Bugzilla
+class QABugError(QAError): pass
+class QABug:
+ """These objects are the Bugzilla bugs from Fedora Extras or"""
+ bugID = None
+ webpage = None
+ def __init__(self, bugID, origin="fedora"):
+ try:
+ self.bugID = int(bugID)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise QABugError("This does not look like a bug ID, and I can't find this SRPM.")
+ self.bugzillaURL = ''
+ if origin == "livna":
+ self.bugzillaURL = ''
+ def get_srpm(self, local=False):
+ '''Gets the SRPM from the web'''
+ srpmURL = self.get_srpm_url()
+ filename = os.path.basename(srpmURL)
+ if local and os.path.exists(filename):
+ return filename
+ elif local and not os.path.exists(filename):
+ pr("File %s not found, downloading..." % filename)
+ pr("Downloading SRPM from: %s" % srpmURL)
+ try:
+ urlgrabber.urlgrab(srpmURL, reget='check_timestamp', progress_obj=urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout))
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
+ pr("ERROR: can't find SRPM")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return filename
+ def get_srpm_url(self):
+ '''Parses bugzilla to get the SRPM URL'''
+ if not self.webpage:
+ try:
+ self.webpage = urlgrabber.urlread(self.bugzillaURL % self.bugID)
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError:
+ raise QABugError("Can't access bugzilla, please download the srpm manually")
+ srpmList = re.compile('"((ht|f)tp(s)?://.*?\.src\.rpm)"', re.IGNORECASE).findall(self.webpage)
+ if srpmList == []:
+ raise QABugError("no srpm found in page, please download it manually")
+ srpmURL = srpmList[-1][0] # Use the last one. We could also use the newer one with rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR()
+ if not srpmURL:
+ errormsg = "impossible to find the srpm in the page, " \
+ +"please download it manually.\n%s" % srpmList
+ raise QABugError(errormsg)
+ self.filename = os.path.basename(srpmURL)
+ pr("SRPM URL: "+srpmURL, 2)
+ return srpmURL
+ def get_subject(self):
+ '''Parses bugzilla to get the Subject'''
+ if not self.webpage:
+ try:
+ self.webpage = urlgrabber.urlread(self.bugzillaURL % self.bugID)
+ except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError:
+ return "" # that's not a blocking error.
+ subjectList = re.compile('<title>Bug %s: (Review Request: )?(.*)</title>' % self.bugID, re.IGNORECASE).findall(self.webpage)
+ if subjectList == []:
+ return ""
+ subject = subjectList[0][1]
+ if not subject:
+ return ""
+ pr("Found subject: "+subject, 2)
+ return subject
+## MAIN
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print "Checking for updated guidelines on the wiki..."
+ check_requires(REQUIRES)
+ #pr("Checking for updated guidelines...", 2)
+ check_guidelines(GUIDELINES)
+ try:
+ conf = parse_config()
+ # get options and arguments
+ arg, origin, debug, do_checks, local = parse_options()
+ if do_checks:
+ for do_check in do_checks:
+ if do_check not in list_checks():
+ print "ERROR: %s is not an available check" % do_check
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not arg.endswith("src.rpm"):
+ bug = QABug(arg, origin)
+ print "Starting QA for bug %s (%s)" % (arg, bug.get_subject())
+ srpmFileName = bug.get_srpm(local)
+ else:
+ print "Starting QA for local srpm %s" % arg
+ srpmFileName = arg
+ try:
+ srpm = QAPackage(srpmFileName, origin, conf["reportsdir"])
+ except QAPackageError, e:
+ print "ERROR: %s" % e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ pr("Installing SRPM", 2)
+ srpm.installSRPM()
+ srpm.getReleaseFromSpec()
+ if do_checks:
+ for do_check in do_checks:
+ check = eval(do_check)(srpm)
+ srpm.addCheck(check)
+ else:
+ for name in list_checks():
+ check = eval(name)(srpm)
+ srpm.addCheck(check)
+ srpm.runChecks()
+ if not do_checks: # We only save reports on full run (with all checks)
+ srpm.saveReport()
+ srpm.printReport()
+ except QABugError, e:
+ print "ERROR: %s" % e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "Interrupted by user"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 :