#!/usr/bin/python -tt # First Aid Kit - diagnostic and repair tool for Linux # Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Sivak # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import sys, getopt, os, pprint, logging from threading import Thread from pyfirstaidkit import Tasker from pyfirstaidkit import Config from pyfirstaidkit import reporting from pyfirstaidkit import initLogger from frontend.main import MainWindow class Flags: print_config = False main_help = False class Output(Thread): def __init__(self, queue, importance = logging.INFO, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._running = True self._queue = queue self._importance = importance self.levelstack = [] def run(self): while self._running: message = self._queue.get() self.process_message(message) def process_message(self, message): if message["action"]==reporting.END: self._running = False return elif message["action"]==reporting.QUESTION: print "FIXME: Questions not implemented yet" elif message["action"]==reporting.START: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "START: %s (%s)" % (message["origin"].name, message["message"]) self.levelstack.append(message["origin"].name) elif message["action"]==reporting.STOP: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "STOP: %s (%s)" % (message["origin"].name, message["message"]) if self.levelstack[-1]!=message["origin"].name: print "WARNING: START/STOP ordering mismatch in stack: "+" / ".join(self.levelstack) else: self.levelstack.pop() elif message["action"]==reporting.PROGRESS: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "PROGRESS: %d of %d (%s)" % (message["message"][0], message["message"][1], message["origin"].name) elif message["action"]==reporting.INFO: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "INFO: %s (%s)" % (message["message"], message["origin"].name) elif message["action"]==reporting.ALERT: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "ALERT: %s (%s)" % (message["message"], message["origin"].name) elif message["action"]==reporting.EXCEPTION: print "EXCEPTION: %s (%s)" % (message["message"], message["origin"].name) elif message["action"]==reporting.TABLE: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "TABLE %s FROM %s" % (message["title"], message["origin"].name,) pprint.pprint(message["message"]) elif message["action"]==reporting.TREE: if self._importance<=message["importance"]: print "TREE %s FROM %s" % (message["title"], message["origin"].name,) pprint.pprint(message["message"]) else: print "FIXME: Unknown message action %d!!" % (message["action"],) print message class GuiOutput(Thread): def __init__(self, cfg, tasker, importance = logging.INFO, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.w = MainWindow(cfg, tasker, importance = importance, dir="frontend") def run(self): self.w.run() def usage(name): print """Usage: %s [params] %s [params] -a - runs the automated default mode [diagnose] %s [params] -a - runs the automated mode with specified flow %s [params] -a fix - automated fixing sequence [using the fix flows] %s [params] -f params is none or more items from: -c - location of the config file -r - location of the root directory -P - add different plugin path it can be used more than once -v - verbose mode -l - select different log method -x - exclude plugin from run -F - set startup flag -g - frontend to show results -h - help --print-config - print resulting config file --flags - list all known flags --list - list all plugins --info - get information about plugin --nodeps - do not use plugin dependencies """ % (name, name, name, name, name) if __name__=="__main__": try: params, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "aftc:r:vl:x:F:g:P:h", ["list", "info=", "auto", "flow", "task", "config=", "root=", "verbose", "log=", "exclude=","flag=", "gui=", "plugin-path=", "print-config", "help", "flags", "nodeps"]) except Exception, e: print "\nError parsing the argument line: ",e,"\n" usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) # # Preliminary checks before we parse the options. # if len(params) == 0: Flags.main_help = True for key,val in params: if key in ("-t", "--task"): #currently not implemented and not documented! Config.operation.mode = "task" Flags.main_help = False elif key in ("-a", "--auto"): Config.operation.mode = "auto" Flags.main_help = False elif key in ("-f", "--flow"): Config.operation.mode = "flow" Flags.main_help = False elif key in ("-c", "--config"): Config.read(val) elif key in ("-v", "--verbose"): Config.operation.verbose = "True" elif key in ("-l", "--log"): Config.log.method = val elif key in ("-x", "--exclude"): Config.plugin.disabled = Config.plugin.disabled + ' "%s"' % (val.encode("string-escape")) print "Excluding plugin %s\n" % (val,) elif key in ("-F", "--flag"): Config.operation.flags = Config.operation.flags + ' "%s"' % (val.encode("string-escape")) elif key in ("-r", "--root"): Config.system.root = val elif key in ("-g", "--gui"): Config.operation.gui = val elif key in ("-P", "--plugin-path"): if not os.path.isdir(val): print "%s is not a valid directory. Exiting..."% val sys.exit(1) Config.set("paths", val.strip("/"), val) elif key in ("--print-config"): Flags.print_config = True elif key in ("-h", "--help"): Config.operation.help = "True" Flags.main_help = True elif key in ("--flags"): Config.operation.mode = "flags" elif key in ("--list"): Config.operation.mode = "list" elif key in ("--info"): Config.operation.mode = "info" Config.operation.params = val elif key in ("--nodeps"): Config.operation.dependencies = "False" if Flags.main_help: usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if Config.operation.mode == "flow": if len(rest) < 1: print "Error in the command arguments.\n" usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) Config.operation.plugin = rest[0].encode("string-escape") if len(rest)<=1: Config.operation.mode = "plugin" else: Config.operation.flow = rest[1].encode("string-escape") elif Config.operation.mode == "auto": if len(rest)>0: Config.operation.mode = "auto-flow" Config.operation.flow = rest[0].encode("string-escape") elif Config.operation.mode == "task": Config.operation.plugin = rest[0] Config.operation.task = rest[1] elif Config.operation.mode == "": print "\nError in command arguments: no mode specified\n" usage(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if Flags.print_config: Config.write(sys.stdout) sys.exit(0) # initialize log for plugin system. initLogger(Config) report = reporting.Reports(maxsize = 1, round = True) singlerun = Tasker(Config, reporting = report) # TUI/GUI init if Config.operation.verbose=="False": outputThread = Output(singlerun.reporting()) if Config.operation.gui=="gui": outputThreadGui = GuiOutput(Config, singlerun) else: outputThread = Output(singlerun.reporting(), importance = 0) if Config.operation.gui=="gui": outputThreadGui = GuiOutput(Config, singlerun, importance = 0) if Config.operation.gui=="gui": singlerun.reporting().notify(outputThreadGui.w.update) singlerun.reporting().notify(outputThread.process_message) print "Starting the Threads" #outputThread.start() #not needed, we use the callback method now if Config.operation.gui=="gui": outputThreadGui.start() if Config.operation.gui=="console": #XXX change this to detection if GUI is not used (eg. noninteractive mode) print "Do the work!" # Lock the Configuration Config.lock() try: singlerun.run() except Exception, e: print "!!! Impossible happened!! The First Aid Kit crashed in very unsafe way.\n!!! Please report this to the authors along with the following message.\n\n" Config.write(sys.stdout) print print e finally: singlerun.end() print "Waiting for the Threads" #outputThread.join() #not needed, we use the callback method now if Config.operation.gui=="gui": outputThreadGui.join() #make sure everything is deleted if Config.operation.gui=="gui": del outputThreadGui del singlerun print "Done."