.TH "FirstAidKit Reporting" "1" .SH "NAME" firstaidkit-reporting .BR .SH "DESCRIPTION" To abstract the plugin developer from logfile and GUI related stuff, the plugins utilize reporting object named self._reporting. Developer can use it to send messages to whatever frontend the user is using. The reporting system si also thread safe, so the developer does not have to care about locks and synchronization. .SH "Basic concepts" .IP "Origin" Reference to instance of the message sender. It is mandatory, that the sender supports reporting.Origin interface (reading the origin.name attribute). But it is possible to return only simple object which supports the attribute, but holds no other information. .IP "Semantics" Typeof the message - notice, alert, progress, issue, ... More in the next chapter. .IP "Level" Which level of the FirstAidKit system this message belongs to. LEvels are specified in reporting module and we have those levels right now: FIRSTAIDKIT, TASKER, PLUGINSYSTEM, PLUGIN, FLOW, TASK .IP "Message" This field holds the information data in format specified by semantics. .IP "Importance" Importance specified by loggin levels. For more information see the python module logging. .PP .SH "Message types" Most of the types have their own shortcut method in the self._reporting object. FirstAidKit recognises following message types (semantics): .IP "START" Message field is not used. This message reports start event of something. (specified by level and origin) .IP "STOP" Counterpart for the START message .IP "PROGRESS" This message reports change in some progress. The message field holds tuple in the form of (step,numberofsteps). .IP "INFO" Simple text message. .IP "ALERT" Text message to be shown VERY visible. The importance field is almost ignored. .IP "EXCEPTION" Report some coding/process error during operations. The message field holds the exception instance. .IP "TABLE" The message field hold arbitrary table-like organized iterable (eg. same number of columns in all rows) .IP "TREE" This message type denoted arbitrary nested iterable organized as tree .IP "ISSUE" If any Issue-like object changed state and the plugin want to present user with update on it's state, use this message. It's message field holds the reference to the Issue object in question. .IP "QUESTION" We do not support the interactive mode at the moment, but this message will allow you to ask the user some questions. .IP "END" End of operations, final message which shuts down all subsystems. It is send by the Tasker and you must not use it manually. .PP .SH "Issues and Results reporting" When using ISSUE type of message, the message holds reference to the Issue instance, which changed state. Issues are not mandatory, but all the default interfaces use them as a tool to report the state of operations to user. The issue classes are defined in issue object. The SimpleIssue class has five fields, which define it's state and semantics: name and description hold the information about, what could happen. _checked, _happened and _fixed are True/False variables which hold the information whether the issue has been investigated, found as happening and fixed (to state, when it is not happening). There is also Issue class, which is more advanced and provides API for the IssuesPlugin. You shouldn't touch the internal flags of the Issue object from plugin. Instead create a derivative class, implement the detect and fix methods and register the Issue to some IssuesPlugin. .SH "Developing another frontend" .IP "Two ways of hooking the frontend into the FirstAidKit" .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" firstaidkit-plugin firstaidkit-backup http://fedorahosted.org/firstaidkit .SH "AUTHORS" Martin Sivak Joel Granados .SH "BUGS" Please search/report bugs at http://fedorahosted.org/firstaidkit/newticket