# # upgrade.py - Existing install probe and upgrade procedure # # Matt Wilson # # Copyright 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import isys import os import iutil import time import rpm import sys import os.path import partedUtils import string import shutil import lvm from flags import flags from fsset import * from partitioning import * from constants import * from installmethod import FileCopyException from product import productName from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # blacklist made up of (name, arch) or # (name, ) to erase all matches upgrade_remove_blacklist = [("system-config-mouse",)] if iutil.getArch() == "x86_64": upgrade_remove_blacklist.append( ("perl","i386") ) def findRootParts(intf, id, dispatch, dir, chroot): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return if id.rootParts is None: id.rootParts = findExistingRoots(intf, id, chroot) id.upgradeRoot = [] for (dev, fs, meta) in id.rootParts: id.upgradeRoot.append( (dev, fs) ) if id.rootParts is not None and len(id.rootParts) > 0: dispatch.skipStep("findinstall", skip = 0) if productName.find("Red Hat Enterprise Linux") == -1: dispatch.skipStep("installtype", skip = 1) else: dispatch.skipStep("findinstall", skip = 1) dispatch.skipStep("installtype", skip = 0) def findExistingRoots(intf, id, chroot, upgradeany = 0): if not flags.setupFilesystems: relstr = partedUtils.getReleaseString (chroot) if ((cmdline.find("upgradeany") != -1) or (upgradeany == 1) or (partedUtils.productMatches(relstr, productName))): return [(chroot, 'ext2', "")] return [] diskset = partedUtils.DiskSet() diskset.openDevices() win = intf.progressWindow(_("Searching"), _("Searching for %s installations...") % (productName,), 5) rootparts = diskset.findExistingRootPartitions(intf, chroot, upgradeany = upgradeany) for i in range(1, 6): time.sleep(0.25) win.set(i) win.pop() # close the devices to make sure we don't leave things sitting open diskset.closeDevices() # this is a hack... need to clear the skipped disk list after this partedUtils.DiskSet.skippedDisks = [] return rootparts def getDirtyDevString(dirtyDevs): ret = "" for dev in dirtyDevs: if dev != "loop": ret = "/dev/%s\n" % (dev,) else: ret = "%s\n" % (dev,) return ret def mountRootPartition(intf, rootInfo, oldfsset, instPath, allowDirty = 0, raiseErrors = 0, warnDirty = 0, readOnly = 0): (root, rootFs) = rootInfo diskset = partedUtils.DiskSet() diskset.openDevices() diskset.startAllRaid() lvm.vgscan() lvm.vgactivate() log.info("going to mount %s on %s as %s" %(root, instPath, rootFs)) isys.mount(root, instPath, rootFs) oldfsset.reset() newfsset = fsset.readFstab(instPath + '/etc/fstab', intf) for entry in newfsset.entries: oldfsset.add(entry) isys.umount(instPath) dirtyDevs = oldfsset.hasDirtyFilesystems(instPath) if not allowDirty and dirtyDevs != []: diskset.stopAllRaid() lvm.vgdeactivate() intf.messageWindow(_("Dirty File Systems"), _("The following file systems for your Linux system " "were not unmounted cleanly. Please boot your " "Linux installation, let the file systems be " "checked and shut down cleanly to upgrade.\n" "%s" %(getDirtyDevString(dirtyDevs),))) sys.exit(0) elif warnDirty and dirtyDevs != []: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Dirty File Systems"), _("The following file systems for your Linux " "system were not unmounted cleanly. Would " "you like to mount them anyway?\n" "%s" % (getDirtyDevString(dirtyDevs,))), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: return -1 if flags.setupFilesystems: oldfsset.mountFilesystems(instPath, readOnly = readOnly) if (not oldfsset.getEntryByMountPoint("/") or not oldfsset.getEntryByMountPoint("/").fsystem or not oldfsset.getEntryByMountPoint("/").fsystem.isMountable()): raise RuntimeError, "/etc/fstab did not list a fstype for the root partition which we support" def bindMountDevDirectory(instPath): fs = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("bind") fs.mount("/dev", "%s/dev" % (instPath,), bindMount=1) # returns None if no filesystem exist to migrate def upgradeMigrateFind(dispatch, thefsset): migents = thefsset.getMigratableEntries() if not migents or len(migents) < 1: dispatch.skipStep("upgrademigratefs") else: dispatch.skipStep("upgrademigratefs", skip = 0) # returns None if no more swap is needed def upgradeSwapSuggestion(dispatch, id, instPath): # mem is in kb -- round it up to the nearest 4Mb mem = iutil.memInstalled() rem = mem % 16384 if rem: mem = mem + (16384 - rem) mem = mem / 1024 dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 0) # don't do this if we have more then 250 MB if mem > 250: dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 1) return swap = iutil.swapAmount() / 1024 # if we have twice as much swap as ram and at least 192 megs # total, we're safe if (swap >= (mem * 1.5)) and (swap + mem >= 192): dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 1) return # if our total is 512 megs or more, we should be safe if (swap + mem >= 512): dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 1) return fsList = [] for entry in id.fsset.entries: if entry.fsystem.getName() in fsset.getUsableLinuxFs(): if flags.setupFilesystems and not entry.isMounted(): continue space = isys.pathSpaceAvailable(instPath + entry.mountpoint) if space > 16: info = (entry.mountpoint, entry.device.getDevice(), space) fsList.append(info) suggestion = mem * 2 - swap if (swap + mem + suggestion) < 192: suggestion = 192 - (swap + mem) if suggestion < 32: suggestion = 32 suggSize = 0 suggMnt = None for (mnt, part, size) in fsList: if (size > suggSize) and (size > (suggestion + 100)): suggMnt = mnt id.upgradeSwapInfo = (fsList, suggestion, suggMnt) def swapfileExists(swapname): try: os.lstat(swapname) return 1 except: return 0 def createSwapFile(instPath, theFsset, mntPoint, size): fstabPath = instPath + "/etc/fstab" prefix = "" if mntPoint != "/": file = mntPoint + "/SWAP" else: file = "/SWAP" swapFileDict = {} for entry in theFsset.entries: if entry.fsystem.getName() == "swap": swapFileDict[entry.device.getName()] = 1 count = 0 while (swapfileExists(instPath + file) or swapFileDict.has_key(file)): count = count + 1 tmpFile = "/SWAP-%d" % (count) if mntPoint != "/": file = mntPoint + tmpFile else: file = tmpFile device = SwapFileDevice(file) device.setSize(size) fsystem = fileSystemTypeGet("swap") entry = FileSystemSetEntry(device, "swap", fsystem) entry.setFormat(1) theFsset.add(entry) theFsset.formatEntry(entry, instPath) theFsset.turnOnSwap(instPath, upgrading=True) # XXX generalize fstab modification f = open(fstabPath, "a") format = "%-23s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; f.write(format % (prefix + file, "swap", "swap", "defaults", 0, 0)) f.close() # XXX handle going backwards def upgradeMountFilesystems(intf, rootInfo, oldfsset, instPath): # mount everything and turn on swap if flags.setupFilesystems: try: mountRootPartition(intf, rootInfo[0], oldfsset, instPath, allowDirty = 0) except SystemError, msg: intf.messageWindow(_("Mount failed"), _("One or more of the file systems listed in the " "/etc/fstab on your Linux system cannot be mounted. " "Please fix this problem and try to upgrade again.")) sys.exit(0) except RuntimeError, msg: intf.messageWindow(_("Mount failed"), _("One or more of the file systems listed in the " "/etc/fstab of your Linux system are inconsistent and " "cannot be mounted. Please fix this problem and try to " "upgrade again.")) sys.exit(0) checkLinks = ( '/etc', '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/boot', '/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/root', '/bin/sh', '/usr/tmp') badLinks = [] for n in checkLinks: if not os.path.islink(instPath + n): continue l = os.readlink(instPath + n) if l[0] == '/': badLinks.append(n) if badLinks: message = _("The following files are absolute symbolic " "links, which we do not support during an " "upgrade. Please change them to relative " "symbolic links and restart the upgrade.\n\n") for n in badLinks: message = message + '\t' + n + '\n' intf.messageWindow(_("Absolute Symlinks"), message) sys.exit(0) # fix for 80446 badLinks = [] mustBeLinks = ( '/usr/tmp', ) for n in mustBeLinks: if not os.path.islink(instPath + n): badLinks.append(n) if badLinks: message = _("The following are directories which should instead " "be symbolic links, which will cause problems with the " "upgrade. Please return them to their original state " "as symbolic links and restart the upgrade.\n\n") for n in badLinks: message = message + '\t' + n + '\n' intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Directories"), message) sys.exit(0) bindMountDevDirectory(instPath) else: if not os.access (instPath + "/etc/fstab", os.R_OK): rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("%s not found") % (instPath + "/etc/fstab",), type="ok") return DISPATCH_BACK newfsset = fsset.readFstab(instPath + '/etc/fstab', intf) for entry in newfsset.entries: oldfsset.add(entry) if flags.setupFilesystems: oldfsset.turnOnSwap(instPath, upgrading=True) # move the old pre-convert db back in case of problems def resetRpmdb(olddb, instPath): if olddb is not None: iutil.rmrf(instPath + "/var/lib/rpm") os.rename (olddb, instPath + "/var/lib/rpm") rebuildTime = None def upgradeFindPackages(intf, method, id, instPath, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return return # if we've been through here once for this root, then short-circuit if ((id.upgradeInfoFound is not None) and (id.upgradeInfoFound == id.upgradeRoot)): log.info("already found packages to upgrade for %s" %(id.upgradeRoot,)) return else: id.upgradeInfoFound = id.upgradeRoot win = intf.waitWindow(_("Finding"), _("Finding packages to upgrade...")) # now, set the system clock so the timestamps will be right: if flags.setupFilesystems: iutil.setClock(instPath) # we should only have to rebuild for upgrades of pre rpm 4.0.x systems # according to jbj if (os.access(instPath + "/var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm", os.R_OK) and not os.access(instPath + "/var/lib/rpm/Packages", os.R_OK)): win.pop() intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The installation program is unable to upgrade " "systems with a pre-rpm 4.x database. " "Please install the errata rpm packages " "for your release as described in the release " "notes and then run the upgrade procedure.")) sys.exit(0) else: id.dbpath = None try: import findpackageset # FIXME: make sure that the rpmdb doesn't have stale locks :/ for file in ["__db.001", "__db.002", "__db.003"]: try: os.unlink("%s/var/lib/rpm/%s" %(instPath, file)) except: log.error("failed to unlink /var/lib/rpm/%s" %(file,)) packages = findpackageset.findpackageset(id.grpset.hdrlist.hdlist, instPath) except rpm.error: if id.dbpath is not None: resetRpmdb(id.dbpath, instPath) win.pop() intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("An error occurred when finding the packages to " "upgrade.")) sys.exit(0) # unselect all packages # turn on the packages in the upgrade set # open up the database to check dependencies and currently # installed packages # make sure we have an arch match. (#87655) # FIXME: bash wasn't good enough (#129677). let's try initscripts # mi = ts.dbMatch('name', 'initscripts') # myarch = id.grpset.hdrlist["initscripts"][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] # for h in mi: # if h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] != myarch: # rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), # _("The arch of the release of %s you " # "are upgrading to appears to be %s " # "which does not match your previously " # "installed arch of %s. This is likely " # "to not succeed. Are you sure you " # "wish to continue the upgrade process?") # %(productName, h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH], myarch), # type="yesno") # if rc == 0: # try: # resetRpmdb(id.dbpath, instPath) # except Exception, e: # log.critical("error returning rpmdb to old state: %s" %(e,)) # pass # sys.exit(0) # else: # log.warning("upgrade between possibly incompatible " # "arches %s -> %s" %(h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH], myarch)) # # I'm going to try to keep this message as politically correct # as possible. I think the Ximian GNOME is a very pretty desktop # and the hackers there do an extraordinary amount of work on # them. But it throws a huge wrench in our upgrade process. We # just want to warn our users that there are packages on the system # that might get messed up during the upgrade process. Nothing # personal, guys. - msw # if h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] == "XFree86" or h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] == "xorg-x11": # hasX = 1 # if h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] == "nautilus": # hasFileManager = 1 # if h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] == "kdebase": # hasFileManager = 1 # if h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] == "gmc": # hasFileManager = 1 # # Figure out current version for upgrade nag and for determining weird # upgrade cases supportedUpgradeVersion = -1 mi = ts.dbMatch('provides', 'redhat-release') for h in mi: if h[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH] is None: epoch = None else: epoch = str(h[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH]) if supportedUpgradeVersion <= 0: val = rpm.labelCompare((None, '3', '1'), (epoch, h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE])) if val > 0: supportedUpgradeVersion = 0 else: supportedUpgradeVersion = 1 break if productName.find("Red Hat Enterprise Linux") == -1: supportedUpgradeVersion = 1 if supportedUpgradeVersion == 0: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("You appear to be upgrading from a system " "which is too old to upgrade to this " "version of %s. Are you sure you wish to " "continue the upgrade " "process?") %(productName,), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: try: resetRpmdb(id.dbpath, instPath) except Exception, e: log.critical("error returning rpmdb to old state: %s" %(e,)) pass sys.exit(0) # during upgrade, make sure that we only install %lang colored files # for the languages selected to be supported. langs = '' if os.access(instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/i18n", os.R_OK): f = open(instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/i18n", 'r') for line in f.readlines(): line = string.strip(line) parts = string.split(line, '=') if len(parts) < 2: continue if string.strip(parts[0]) == 'SUPPORTED': langs = parts[1] if len(langs) > 0: if langs[0] == '"' and langs[-1:] == '"': langs = langs[1:-1] break del f ## if langs: ## rpm.addMacro("_install_langs", langs) # check the installed system to see if the packages just # are not newer in this release. if hasX and not hasFileManager: for name in ("nautilus", "kdebase", "gmc"): try: h = ts.dbMatch('name', name).next() except StopIteration: continue if h is not None: hasFileManager = 1 break # make sure the boot loader being used is being installed. # FIXME: generalize so that specific bits aren't needed if iutil.getArch() == "i386" and id.bootloader.useGrub(): log.info("Upgrade: User selected to use GRUB for bootloader") if id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("grub") and not id.grpset.hdrlist["grub"].isSelected(): log.info("Upgrade: grub is not currently selected to be upgraded") h = None try: h = ts.dbMatch('name', 'grub').next() except StopIteration: pass if h is None: text = ("Upgrade: GRUB is not already installed on the " "system, selecting GRUB") id.upgradeDeps ="%s%s\n" % (id.upgradeDeps, text) log.info(text) id.grpset.hdrlist["grub"].select() h = None try: h = ts.dbMatch('name', 'gnome-core').next() except StopIteration: pass if h is not None: log.info("Upgrade: gnome-core was on the system. Upgrading to GNOME 2") upgraded = [] for pkg in ("gnome-terminal", "gnome-desktop", "gnome-session", "gnome-panel", "metacity", "file-roller", "yelp", "nautilus"): if id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key(pkg) and not id.grpset.hdrlist[pkg].isSelected(): id.grpset.hdrlist[pkg].select() upgraded.append(pkg) text = ("Upgrade: gnome-core is on the system. Selecting packages " "to upgrade to GNOME2: %s" %(str(upgraded),)) id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) # if they have up2date-gnome, they probably want the applet now too # since it works in both gnome and kde if (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("rhn-applet") and not id.grpset.hdrlist["rhn-applet"].isSelected()): log.info("Upgrade: rhn-applet is not currently selected to be upgraded") h = None try: h = ts.dbMatch('name', 'up2date-gnome').next() except StopIteration: pass if h is not None: hdr = None try: hdr = ts.dbMatch('name', 'rhn-applet').next() except StopIteration: pass if hdr is None: text = ("Upgrade: up2date-gnome is on the " "system, but rhn-applet isn't. Selecting " "rhn-applet to be installed") id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" % (id.upgradeDeps, text) log.info(text) id.grpset.hdrlist["rhn-applet"].select() # and since xterm is now split out from XFree86 (#98254) if (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("xterm") and not id.grpset.hdrlist["xterm"].isSelected()): h = None try: h = ts.dbMatch('name', 'XFree86').next() except StopIteration: pass if h is not None: text = ("Upgrade: XFree86 was on the system. Pulling in xterm " "for upgrade.") id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) log.info(text) id.grpset.hdrlist["xterm"].select() # input methods all changed. hooray! imupg = ( ("ami", "iiimf-le-hangul"), ("kinput2-canna-wnn6", "iiimf-le-canna"), ("miniChinput", "iiimf-le-chinput"), ("xcin", "iiimf-le-xcin") ) iiimf = 0 for (old, new) in imupg: mi = ts.dbMatch("name", old) if (mi.count() > 0 and id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key(new) and not id.grpset.hdrlist[new].isSelected()): text = "Upgrade: %s was on the system. Pulling in %s" %(old, new) id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) log.info(text) id.grpset.hdrlist[new].select() iiimf = 1 if iiimf: imupg = ( ("iiimf-gnome-im-switcher", "control-center"), ("iiimf-gnome-im-switcher", "gnome-panel"), ("iiimf-gtk", "gtk2"), ("system-switch-im", "gtk2"), ("iiimf-x", "xorg-x11"), ("iiimf-x", "XFree86")) for (new, old) in imupg: mi = ts.dbMatch("name", old) if (not id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key(new) or id.grpset.hdrlist[new].isSelected()): continue if (mi.count() > 0 or id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key(old) and id.grpset.hdrlist[old].isSelected()): text = "Upgrade: Need iiimf base package %s" %(new,) id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) log.info(text) id.grpset.hdrlist[new].select() # firefox replaces mozilla/netscape (#137244) if (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("firefox") and not id.grpset.hdrlist["firefox"].isSelected()): found = 0 for p in ("mozilla", "netscape-navigator", "netscape-communicator"): mi = ts.dbMatch("name", p) found += mi.count() if found > 0: text = "Upgrade: Found a graphical browser. Pulling in firefox" id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) log.info(text) id.grpset.hdrlist["firefox"].select() # now some upgrade removal black list checking... there are things that # if they were installed in the past, we want to remove them because # they'll screw up the upgrade otherwise for pkg in upgrade_remove_blacklist: pkgarch = None pkgnames = None if len(pkg) == 1: pkgname = pkg[0] elif len(pkg) == 2: pkgname, pkgarch = pkg if pkgname is None: continue mi = ts.dbMatch('name', pkgname) for h in mi: if h is not None: if pkgarch is None: text = ("Upgrade: %s is on the system but will cause " "problems with the upgrade transaction. Removing." %(pkg,)) log.warning(text) id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) id.upgradeRemove.append(pkgname) break else: if h['arch'] == pkgarch: text = ("Upgrade: %s.%s is on the system but will " "cause problems with the upgrade transaction. " "Removing." %(pkgname,pkgarch)) log.warning(text) id.upgradeDeps = "%s%s\n" %(id.upgradeDeps, text) id.upgradeRemove.append(mi.instance()) #XXX: backend dep checking win.pop()