# For an install to proceed, the following todo fields must be filled in # # mount list (unless todo.runLive) addMount() # lilo boot.b installation (may be None) liloLocation() import rpm, os import util, isys from lilo import LiloConfiguration from syslog import Syslog import string import socket import crypt import whrandom class SimpleConfigFile: def __str__ (self): s = "" keys = self.info.keys () keys.sort () for key in keys: s = s + key + "=" + self.info[key] + "\n" return s def __init__ (self): self.info = {} def set (self, *args): for (key, data) in args: self.info[string.upper (key)] = data def unset (self, *keys): for key in keys: key = string.upper (key) if self.info.has_key (key): del self.info[key] def get (self, key): key = string.upper (key) if self.info.has_key (key): return self.info[key] else: return "" class NetworkDevice (SimpleConfigFile): def __str__ (self): s = "" s = s + "DEVICE=" + self.info["DEVICE"] + "\n" keys = self.info.keys () keys.sort () keys.remove ("DEVICE") for key in keys: s = s + key + "=" + self.info[key] + "\n" return s def __init__ (self, dev): self.info = { "DEVICE" : dev } self.hostname = "" class Network: def __init__ (self): self.netdevices = {} self.gateway = "" self.primaryNS = "" self.secondaryNS = "" self.ternaryNS = "" self.domains = [] def available (self): if self.netdevices: return self.netdevices f = open ("/proc/net/dev") lines = f.readlines() f.close () # skip first two lines, they are header lines = lines[2:] for line in lines: dev = string.strip (line[0:6]) if dev != "lo": self.netdevices[dev] = NetworkDevice (dev) return self.netdevices def guessHostnames (self): # guess the hostname for the first device with an IP # XXX fixme - need to set up resolv.conf self.domains = [] for dev in self.netdevices.values (): ip = dev.get ("ipaddr") if ip: try: (hostname, aliases, ipaddrs) = socket.gethostbyaddr (ip) except socket.error: hostname = "" if hostname: dev.hostname = hostname self.domains.append (string.joinfields (string.splitfields (hostname, '.')[1:], '.')) else: dev.hostname = "localhost.localdomain" if not self.domains: self.domains = [ "localdomain" ] def nameservers (self): return [ self.primaryNS, self.secondaryNS, self.ternaryNS ] class Password: def __init__ (self): self.crypt = "" def set (self, password, isCrypted = 0): if not isCrypted: salt = (whrandom.choice (string.letters + string.digits + './') + whrandom.choice (string.letters + string.digits + './')) self.crypt = crypt.crypt (password, salt) else: self.crypt = password def get (self): return self.crypt class Language (SimpleConfigFile): def __init__ (self): self.info = {} self.lang = None self.langs = { "English" : "C", "German" : "de", } def available (self): return self.langs def set (self, lang): self.lang = lang self.info["LANG"] = self.langs[lang] self.info["LINGUAS"] = self.langs[lang] self.info["LC_ALL"] = self.langs[lang] def get (self): return self.lang class Mouse (SimpleConfigFile): # XXX fixme - externalize def __init__ (self): self.info = {} self.mice = { "PS/2" : ("ps/2", "PS/2", "psaux"), "ALPS GlidePoint (PS/2)" : ("ps/2", "GlidePointPS/2", "psaux"), "ASCII MieMouse (serial)" : ("ms3", "IntelliMouse", "ttyS"), "ASCII MieMouse (PS/2)" : ("ps/2", "NetMousePS/2", "psaux"), "ATI Bus Mouse" : ("Busmouse", "BusMouse", "atibm"), "Generic Mouse (serial)" : ("Microsoft", "Microsoft", "ttyS"), "Generic 3 Button Mouse (serial)" : ("Microsoft", "Microsoft", "ttyS"), "Generic Mouse (PS/2)" : ("ps/2", "PS/2", "psaux"), "Generic 3 Button Mouse (PS/2)" : ("ps/2", "PS/2", "psaux"), "Genius NetMouse (serial)" : ("ms3", "IntelliMouse", "ttyS"), "Genius NetMouse (PS/2)" : ("netmouse", "NetMousePS/2", "psaux"), "Genius NetMouse Pro (PS/2)" : ("netmouse", "NetMousePS/2", "psaux"), "Genius NetScroll (PS/2)" : ("netmouse", "NetScrollPS/2", "psaux"), "Kensington Thinking Mouse (PS/2)" : ("ps/2", "ThinkingMousePS/2", "psaux"), "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)" : ("Logitech", "Logitech", "ttyS"), "Logitech CC Series (serial)" : ("logim", "MouseMan", "ttyS"), "Logitech Bus Mouse" : ("Busmouse", "BusMouse", "logibm"), "Logitech MouseMan/FirstMouse (serial)" : ("MouseMan", "MouseMan", "ttyS"), "Logitech MouseMan/FirstMouse (ps/2)" : ("ps/2", "PS/2", "psaux"), "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+ (serial)" : ("pnp", "IntelliMouse", "ttyS"), "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+ (PS/2)" : ("ps/2", "MouseManPlusPS/2", "psaux"), "Microsoft compatible (serial)" : ("Microsoft", "Microsoft", "ttyS"), "Microsoft Rev 2.1A or higher (serial)" : ("pnp", "Auto", "ttyS"), "Microsoft IntelliMouse (serial)" : ("ms3", "IntelliMouse", "ttyS"), "Microsoft IntelliMouse (PS/2)" : ("imps2", "IMPS/2", "psaux"), "Microsoft Bus Mouse" : ("Busmouse", "BusMouse", "inportbm"), "Mouse Systems (serial)" : ("MouseSystems", "MouseSystems", "ttyS"), "MM Series (serial)" : ("MMSeries", "MMSeries", "ttyS"), "MM HitTablet (serial)" : ("MMHitTab", "MMHittab", "ttyS"), } def available (self): return self.mice.keys () def get (self): if self.info.has_key ("FULLNAME"): return self.info ("FULLNAME") def set (self, mouse): (gpm, x11, dev) = self.mice[mouse] self.info["MOUSETYPE"] = gpm self.info["XMOUSETYPE"] = x11 self.info["FULLNAME"] = mouse class Authentication: def __init__ (self): self.domain = "" self.useBroadcast = 0 self.server = "" self.useNis = 0 self.useShadow = 1 self.useMD5 = 1 class ToDo: def __init__(self, intf, method, rootPath, setupFilesystems = 1, installSystem = 1): self.intf = intf self.method = method self.mounts = [] self.hdList = None self.comps = None self.instPath = rootPath self.setupFilesystems = setupFilesystems self.installSystem = installSystem self.language = Language () self.network = Network () self.rootpassword = Password () self.mouse = Mouse () self.auth = Authentication () def umountFilesystems(self): if (not self.setupFilesystems): return self.mounts.sort(mountListCmp) self.mounts.reverse() for n in self.mounts: isys.makeDevInode(n, '/tmp/' + n) isys.umount(n) os.remove('/tmp/' + n) def mountFilesystems(self): if (not self.setupFilesystems): return for n in self.mounts: (device, mntpoint, format) = n isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) isys.mount( '/tmp/' + device, self.instPath + mntpoint) os.remove( '/tmp/' + device); def makeFilesystems(self): if (not self.setupFilesystems): return self.mounts.sort(mountListCmp) for n in self.mounts: (device, mntpoint, format) = n if not format: continue w = self.intf.waitWindow("Formatting", "Formatting %s filesystem..." % (mntpoint,)) isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) util.execWithRedirect("mke2fs", [ "mke2fs", '/tmp/' + device ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1) os.remove('/tmp/' + device) w.pop() def addMount(self, device, location, reformat = 1): self.mounts.append((device, location, reformat)) def writeFstab(self): format = "%-23s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/fstab", "w") self.mounts.sort(mountListCmp) for n in self.mounts: (dev, fs, reformat) = n if (fs == '/'): f.write(format % ( '/dev/' + dev, fs, 'ext2', 'defaults', 1, 1)) else: f.write(format % ( '/dev/' + dev, fs, 'ext2', 'defaults', 1, 2)) f.write(format % ("/mnt/floppy", "/dev/fd0", 'ext', 'noauto', 0, 0)) f.write(format % ("none", "/proc", 'proc', 'defaults', 0, 0)) f.write(format % ("none", "/dev/pts", 'devpts', 'gid=5,mode=620', 0, 0)) f.close() def writeLanguage(self): f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/i18n", "w") f.write(str (self.language)) f.close() def writeMouse(self): f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/mouse", "w") f.write(str (self.mouse)) f.close() def installLilo(self): if not self.liloDevice: return # FIXME: make an initrd here l = LiloConfiguration() l.addEntry("boot", '/dev/' + self.liloDevice) l.addEntry("map", "/boot/map") l.addEntry("install", "/boot/boot.b") l.addEntry("prompt") l.addEntry("timeout", "50") sl = LiloConfiguration() sl.addEntry("label", "linux") for n in self.mounts: (dev, fs, reformat) = n if fs == '/': sl.addEntry("root", '/dev/' + dev) sl.addEntry("read-only") kernelFile = '/boot/vmlinuz-' + \ str(self.kernelPackage[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION]) + "-" + \ str(self.kernelPackage[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]) l.addImage(kernelFile, sl) l.write(self.instPath + "/etc/lilo.conf") util.execWithRedirect(self.instPath + '/sbin/lilo' , [ "lilo", "-r", self.instPath ], stdout = None) def freeHeaderList(self): if (self.hdList): self.hdList = None def getHeaderList(self): if (not self.hdList): w = self.intf.waitWindow("Reading", "Reading package information...") self.hdList = self.method.readHeaders() w.pop() return self.hdList def setLiloLocation(self, device): self.liloDevice = device def getCompsList(self): if (not self.comps): self.getHeaderList() self.comps = self.method.readComps(self.hdList) self.comps['Base'].select(1) self.kernelPackage = self.hdList['kernel'] if (self.hdList.has_key('kernel-smp') and isys.smpAvailable()): self.hdList['kernel-smp'].selected = 1 self.kernelPackage = self.hdList['kernel-smp'] return self.comps def writeNetworkConfig (self): # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* for dev in self.network.netdevices.values (): device = dev.get ("device") f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + device, "w") f.write (str (dev)) f.close () # /etc/sysconfig/network f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/network", "w") f.write ("NETWORKING=yes\n" "FORWARD_IPV4=false\n" "HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain\n" "GATEWAY=" + self.network.gateway + "\n") f.close () # /etc/hosts f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/hosts", "w") f.write ("\t\tlocalhost.localdomain\n") for dev in self.network.netdevices.values (): ip = dev.get ("ipaddr") if dev.hostname and ip: f.write ("%s\t\t%s\n" % (ip, dev.hostname)) f.close () # /etc/resolv.conf f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/resolv.conf", "w") f.write ("search " + string.joinfields (self.network.domains, ' ') + "\n") for ns in self.network.nameservers (): if ns: f.write ("nameserver " + ns + "\n") f.close () def writeRootPassword (self): f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/passwd", "r") lines = f.readlines () f.close () index = 0 for line in lines: if line[0:4] == "root": entry = string.splitfields (line, ':') entry[1] = self.rootpassword.get () lines[index] = string.joinfields (entry, ':') break index = index + 1 f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/passwd", "w") f.writelines (lines) f.close () def doInstall(self, intf): # make sure we have the header list and comps file self.getHeaderList() self.getCompsList() # make sure that all comps that include other comps are # selected (i.e. - recurse down the selected comps and turn # on the children for comp in self.comps: if comp.selected: comp.select(1) self.makeFilesystems() self.mountFilesystems() if not self.installSystem: return for i in [ '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev' ]: try: os.mkdir(self.instPath + i) except os.error, (errno, msg): intf.messageWindow("Error", "Error making directory %s: %s" % (i, msg)) db = rpm.opendb(1, self.instPath) ts = rpm.TransactionSet(self.instPath, db) total = 0 totalSize = 0 for p in self.hdList.selected(): ts.add(p.h, (p.h, self.method)) total = total + 1 totalSize = totalSize + p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] ts.order() instLog = open(self.instPath + '/tmp/install.log', "w+") syslog = Syslog(root = self.instPath, output = instLog) instLogFd = os.open(self.instPath + '/tmp/install.log', os.O_RDWR) ts.scriptFd = instLogFd # the transaction set dup()s the file descriptor and will close the # dup'd when we go out of scope os.close(instLogFd) p = self.intf.packageProgressWindow(total, totalSize) def instCallback(what, amount, total, key, data): if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE): (h, method) = key data.setPackage(h) data.setPackageScale(0, 1) fn = method.getFilename(h) d = os.open(fn, os.O_RDONLY) return d elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS): data.setPackageScale(amount, total) elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE): (h, method) = key data.completePackage(h) ts.run(0, 0, instCallback, p) del syslog del p w = self.intf.waitWindow("Post Install", "Performing post install configuration") self.writeFstab () self.writeLanguage () self.writeMouse () self.writeNetworkConfig () self.writeRootPassword () self.installLilo () w.pop () def mountListCmp(first, second): mnt1 = first[1] mnt2 = first[2] if (first < second): return -1 elif (first == second): return 0 return 1