# # userauth_text.py: text mode authentication setup dialogs # # Copyright 2000-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # from snack import * from constants_text import * from rhpl.translate import _ import iutil from flags import flags class RootPasswordWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, rootPw, accounts): toplevel = GridFormHelp (screen, _("Root Password"), "rootpw", 1, 3) toplevel.add (TextboxReflowed(37, _("Pick a root password. You must " "type it twice to ensure you know " "what it is and didn't make a mistake " "in typing. Remember that the " "root password is a critical part " "of system security!")), 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1)) pw = rootPw.getPure() if not pw: pw = "" entry1 = Entry (24, password = 1, text = pw) entry2 = Entry (24, password = 1, text = pw) passgrid = Grid (2, 2) passgrid.setField (Label (_("Password:")), 0, 0, (0, 0, 1, 0), anchorLeft = 1) passgrid.setField (Label (_("Password (confirm):")), 0, 1, (0, 0, 1, 0), anchorLeft = 1) passgrid.setField (entry1, 1, 0) passgrid.setField (entry2, 1, 1) toplevel.add (passgrid, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 1)) bb = ButtonBar (screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) toplevel.add (bb, 0, 2, growx = 1) while 1: toplevel.setCurrent (entry1) result = toplevel.run () rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK if len (entry1.value ()) < 6: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Password Length"), _("The root password must be at least 6 characters " "long."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) elif entry1.value () != entry2.value (): ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Password Mismatch"), _("The passwords you entered were different. Please " "try again."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) else: break entry1.set ("") entry2.set ("") screen.popWindow() rootPw.set (entry1.value ()) return INSTALL_OK class UsersWindow: def editWindow (self, user, text, edit = 0, cancelText = None): if (not cancelText): cancelText = _("Cancel") systemUsers = ['root', 'bin', 'daemon', 'adm', 'lp', 'sync', 'shutdown', 'halt', 'mail', 'news', 'uucp', 'operator', 'games', 'gopher', 'ftp', 'nobody', 'nscd', 'mailnull', 'rpm', 'ident', 'rpc', 'rpcuser', 'radvd', 'xfs', 'gdm', 'apache', 'squid'] username = Entry (16, user["id"], scroll=0) currentid = user["id"] pass1 = Entry (10, user["password"], password = 1) pass2 = Entry (10, user["password"], password = 1) fullname = Entry (20, user["name"], scroll = 1) if edit: title = _("Edit User") helptag = "edituser" else: title = _("Add User") helptag = "adduser" while 1: (rc, ent) = EntryWindow (self.screen, title, text, [ (_("User Name"), username), (_("Password"), pass1), (_("Password (confirm)"), pass2), (_("Full Name"), fullname)], buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, (cancelText, "cancel") ], help = helptag) if rc == "cancel": return INSTALL_BACK if not len(pass1.value()) and not len(pass2.value()) and \ not len(username.value()) and not len(fullname.value()): return INSTALL_OK if (not iutil.validUser(username.value())): ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Bad User Name"), _("User names must " "contain only characters " "A-Z, a-z, and 0-9."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) continue if not username.value (): ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Missing User Name"), _("You must provide a user name"), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) continue if len (pass1.value ()) < 6: ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Password Length"), _("The password must be at least 6 characters " "long."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) pass1.set ("") pass2.set ("") continue elif pass1.value () != pass2.value (): ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Password Mismatch"), _("The passwords you entered were different. Please " "try again."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) pass1.set ("") pass2.set ("") continue if username.value() == "root": ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("User Exists"), _("The root user is already configured. You don't " "need to add this user here."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) continue if username.value() in systemUsers : ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("User Exists"), _("This system user is already configured. You don't " "need to add this user here."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) continue if self.users.has_key (username.value ()) and \ username.value () != currentid: ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("User Exists"), _("This user id already exists. Choose another."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON], width = 50) continue # XXX FIXME - more data validity checks user["id"] = username.value () user["name"] = fullname.value () user["password"] = pass1.value () break return INSTALL_OK def __call__ (self, screen, rootPw, accounts): self.users = {} self.screen = screen user = { "id" : "", "name" : "", "password" : "" } for (account, name, password) in accounts.getUserList(): user['id'] = account user['name'] = name user['password'] = password self.users[account] = user del user user = { "id" : "", "name" : "", "password" : "" } if not self.users.keys(): rc = self.editWindow(user, _("You should use a normal user " "account for most activities on your system. By not using the " "root account casually, you'll reduce the chance of " "disrupting your system's configuration."), cancelText = _("Back")) if (rc == INSTALL_BACK): return INSTALL_BACK if (not user['id']): return INSTALL_OK self.users[user["id"]] = user g = GridFormHelp (screen, _("User Account Setup"), "newusers", 1, 4) t = TextboxReflowed(60, _("What other user accounts would you like " "to have on the system? You should have at " "least one non-root account for normal " "work, but multi-user systems can have " "any number of accounts set up.")) g.add(t, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) listformat = "%-15s %-40s" userformat = "%(id)-15s %(name)-40s" subgrid = Grid(1, 2) header = listformat % (_("User name"), _("Full Name")) label = Label (header) subgrid.setField (label, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1) listbox = Listbox (5, scroll = 1, returnExit = 1, width = 54) subgrid.setField (listbox, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 1), anchorLeft = 1) g.add(subgrid, 0, 1) self.numusers = 0 for user in self.users.values (): self.numusers = self.numusers + 1 listbox.append (userformat % user, user["id"]) bb = ButtonBar (screen, ((_("Add"), "add"), (_("Delete"), "delete"), (_("Edit"), "edit"), TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) g.add (bb, 0, 3, growx = 1) while 1: result = g.run () rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) if rc == "add": user = { "id" : "", "name" : "", "password" : "" } if self.editWindow (user, _("Enter the information for the user."), 0) != INSTALL_BACK: listbox.append (userformat % user, user["id"]) listbox.setCurrent (user["id"]) self.users[user["id"]] = user self.numusers = self.numusers + 1 elif rc == "delete": # if there are no users in the list, don't try to delete one if self.numusers > 0: current = listbox.current () listbox.delete (current) del self.users [current] self.numusers = self.numusers - 1 elif rc == "edit" or result == listbox: # if there are no users in the list, don't try to edit one if self.numusers > 0: current = listbox.current() user = self.users[current] if self.editWindow (user, _("Change the information for this user."), 1) != INSTALL_BACK: # if the user id changed, we need to delete the old key # and insert this new one. if user["id"] != current: del self.users [current] listbox.insert (userformat % user, user["id"], current) listbox.delete (current) # and if the user id didn't change, just replace the old # listbox entry. else: listbox.replace (userformat % user, user["id"]) self.users [user["id"]] = user listbox.setCurrent(user["id"]) elif rc == TEXT_OK_CHECK or result == TEXT_F12_CHECK: dir = INSTALL_OK break elif rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: dir = INSTALL_BACK break else: raise RuntimeError, "I shouldn't be here w/ rc %s..." % rc screen.popWindow () list = [] for n in self.users.values(): info = ( n['id'], n['name'], n['password'] ) list.append(info) accounts.setUserList(list) return dir class AuthConfigWindow: def nissetsensitive (self): server = FLAGS_RESET flag = FLAGS_RESET if self.broadcast.selected (): server = FLAGS_SET if not self.nis.selected (): flag = FLAGS_SET server = FLAGS_SET self.nisDomain.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, flag) self.broadcast.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, flag) self.nisServer.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) def ldapsetsensitive (self): # handle other forms here... server = FLAGS_RESET if not self.ldap.selected(): server = FLAGS_SET self.ldapServer.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) self.ldapBasedn.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) self.ldapTLS.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) def krb5setsensitive (self): # handle other forms here... server = FLAGS_RESET if not self.krb5.selected(): server = FLAGS_SET self.krb5Realm.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) self.krb5Kdc.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) self.krb5Admin.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, server) def __call__(self, screen, auth): bb = ButtonBar (screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) toplevel = GridFormHelp (screen, _("Authentication Configuration"), "authconfig", 1, 10) self.shadow = Checkbox (_("Use Shadow Passwords"), auth.useShadow) toplevel.add (self.shadow, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) self.md5 = Checkbox (_("Enable MD5 Passwords"), auth.useMD5) toplevel.add (self.md5, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 1), anchorLeft = 1) # nis support subgrid = Grid (3, 3) self.nis = Checkbox (_("Enable NIS"), auth.useNIS) subgrid.setField (self.nis, 0, 0) subgrid.setField (Label (""), 0, 1) subgrid.setField (Label (""), 0, 2) subgrid.setField (Label (_("NIS Domain:")), 1, 0, (2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) subgrid.setField (Label (_("NIS Server:")), 1, 1, (2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) subgrid.setField (Label (_("or use:")), 1, 2, (2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) text = _("Request server via broadcast") entrywid = len(text) + 4 self.nisDomain = Entry (entrywid) self.nisDomain.set (auth.nisDomain) self.broadcast = Checkbox (text, auth.nisuseBroadcast) self.nisServer = Entry (entrywid) self.nisServer.set (auth.nisServer) subgrid.setField (self.nisDomain, 2, 0, anchorLeft = 1) subgrid.setField (self.broadcast, 2, 1, anchorLeft = 1) subgrid.setField (self.nisServer, 2, 2, anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add (subgrid, 0, 2, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft=1) # set up callbacks self.nis.setCallback (self.nissetsensitive) self.broadcast.setCallback (self.nissetsensitive) # ldap support next subgrid2 = Grid (3, 3) self.ldap = Checkbox (_("Enable LDAP"), auth.useLdap) subgrid2.setField(self.ldap, 0, 0) subgrid2.setField (Label (""), 0, 1) subgrid2.setField (Label (""), 0, 2) subgrid2.setField (Label (_("LDAP Server:")), 1, 0, (2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) subgrid2.setField (Label (_("LDAP Base DN:")), 1, 1, (2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) self.ldapServer = Entry (entrywid) self.ldapServer.set (auth.ldapServer) self.ldapBasedn = Entry (entrywid) self.ldapBasedn.set (auth.ldapBasedn) subgrid2.setField (self.ldapServer, 2, 0, anchorLeft = 1) subgrid2.setField (self.ldapBasedn, 2, 1, anchorLeft = 1) self.ldapTLS = Checkbox (_("Use TLS connections"), 0) subgrid2.setField (self.ldapTLS, 2, 2, anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add (subgrid2, 0, 3, (0, 0, 0, 0)) # set up callbacks self.ldap.setCallback (self.ldapsetsensitive) # kerberos last support next subgrid3 = Grid (3, 4) self.krb5 = Checkbox (_("Enable Kerberos"), auth.useKrb5) subgrid3.setField(self.krb5, 0, 0) subgrid3.setField (Label (""), 0, 1) subgrid3.setField (Label (""), 0, 2) subgrid3.setField (Label (""), 0, 3) subgrid3.setField (Label (_("Realm:")), 1, 0, (-2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) subgrid3.setField (Label (_("KDC:")), 1, 1, (-2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) subgrid3.setField (Label (_("Admin Server:")), 1, 2, (-2, 0, 1, 0), anchorRight = 1) self.krb5Realm = Entry (entrywid) self.krb5Realm.set (auth.krb5Realm) self.krb5Kdc = Entry (entrywid) self.krb5Kdc.set (auth.krb5Kdc) self.krb5Admin = Entry (entrywid) self.krb5Admin.set (auth.krb5Admin) subgrid3.setField (self.krb5Realm, 2, 0, anchorLeft = 1) subgrid3.setField (self.krb5Kdc, 2, 1, anchorLeft = 1) subgrid3.setField (self.krb5Admin, 2, 2, anchorLeft = 1) self.krb5.setCallback (self.krb5setsensitive) toplevel.add (subgrid3, 0, 4, (0, 0, 0, 0)) # put button box at bottom toplevel.add (bb, 0, 5, growx = 1) # enable entire form now self.nissetsensitive () self.ldapsetsensitive () self.krb5setsensitive () result = toplevel.runOnce () auth.useMD5 = self.md5.value () auth.useShadow = self.shadow.value () auth.useNIS = self.nis.selected () auth.nisDomain = self.nisDomain.value () auth.nisuseBroadcast = self.broadcast.selected () auth.nisServer = self.nisServer.value () auth.useLdap = self.ldap.selected () auth.useLdapauth = self.ldap.selected () auth.ldapServer = self.ldapServer.value() auth.ldapBasedn = self.ldapBasedn.value() auth.ldapTLS = self.ldapTLS.selected () auth.useKrb5 = self.krb5.selected() auth.krb5Realm = self.krb5Realm.value() auth.krb5Kdc = self.krb5Kdc.value() auth.krb5Admin = self.krb5Admin.value() rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK