# # network_text.py: text mode network configuration dialogs # # Jeremy Katz # Michael Fulbright # David Cantrell # # Copyright 2000-2006 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import isys import string import network import socket from snack import * from constants_text import * from constants import * from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") def handleIPError(screen, field, msg): try: newfield = descr[field] except: newfield = field ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Error With %s Data") % (newfield,), "%s" % msg.__str__(), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) def handleIPMissing(screen, field): try: newfield = descr[field] except: newfield = field ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Error With Data"), _("A value is required for the field %s.") % (newfield,), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) def handleMissingOptionalIP(screen, field): ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Error With Data"), _("You have not specified the field %s. Depending on " "your network environment this may cause problems " "later.") % (field,), buttons = [ _("Continue") ]) def handleBroadCastError(screen): ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Error With Data"), _("The IPv4 information you have entered is invalid.")) def handleInvalidPrefix(screen, family): if family == socket.AF_INET: ver = 4 upper = 32 elif family == socket.AF_INET6: ver = 6 upper = 128 ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Invalid Prefix"), _("IPv%d prefix must be between 0 and %d." % (ver, upper,)), buttons = [_("OK")]) def handleValueErrorPrefix(screen, field): ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Integer Required for Prefix"), _("You must enter a valid integer for the %s. For IPv4, the " "value can be between 0 and 32. For IPv6 it can be between " "0 and 128." % (field,)), buttons = [_("OK")]) class NetworkDeviceWindow: def createManualEntryGrid(self, ipEntry, prefixEntry, family): if family == socket.AF_INET: prefixLabel = Label(_("Prefix (Netmask)")) elif family == socket.AF_INET6: prefixLabel = Label(_("Prefix")) manualgrid = Grid(3, 2) manualgrid.setField(Label(_("IP Address")), 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (4, 0, 0, 0)) manualgrid.setField(ipEntry, 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (4, 0, 0, 0)) manualgrid.setField(Label("/"), 1, 1, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (1, 0, 1, 0)) manualgrid.setField(prefixLabel, 2, 0, anchorLeft = 1) manualgrid.setField(prefixEntry, 2, 1, anchorLeft = 1) manualgrid.setField(Label(" "), 1, 0, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (1, 0, 1, 0)) return manualgrid def ipMethodCb(self, obj): (radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry) = obj if radio.getSelection() == "static": sense = FLAGS_RESET else: sense = FLAGS_SET ipEntry.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, sense) prefixEntry.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, sense) def runMainScreen(self, screen, dev, showonboot=1): onboot = dev.get('onboot') isPtp = network.isPtpDev(dev.info["DEVICE"]) isWifi = isys.isWireless(dev.info["DEVICE"]) devnames = self.devices.keys() devnames.sort(cmp=isys.compareNetDevices) if devnames.index(dev.get('DEVICE')) == 0 and not onboot: onbootIsOn = 1 else: onbootIsOn = (onboot == 'yes') # Create options grid ipmiscrows = 0 if isPtp: ipmiscrows += 1 if isWifi: ipmiscrows += 2 maingridrows = 5 if ipmiscrows > 0: maingridrows += 1 maingrid = Grid(1, maingridrows) mainrow = 0 # Activate on boot option onbootCb = Checkbox(_("Activate on boot"), isOn = onbootIsOn) if showonboot: maingrid.setField(onbootCb, 0, mainrow, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)) mainrow += 1 # Use IPv4 option ipv4Cb = Checkbox(_("Enable IPv4 support"), int(bool(dev.get('useIPv4')))) maingrid.setField(ipv4Cb, 0, mainrow, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)) mainrow += 1 # Use IPv6 option ipv6Cb = Checkbox(_("Enable IPv6 support"), int(bool(dev.get('useIPv6')))) maingrid.setField(ipv6Cb, 0, mainrow, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)) mainrow += 1 if ipmiscrows > 0: ipmiscgrid = Grid(2, ipmiscrows) ipmiscrow = 0 # Point to Point address ptpaddr = None if isPtp: ipmiscgrid.setField(Label(_("P-to-P:")), 0, ipmiscrow, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 1, 1, 0)) ptplist = Entry(41) ptplist.set(dev.get('remip')) ipmiscgrid.setField(ptplist, 1, ipmiscrow, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 1, 0, 0)) ipmiscrow += 1 # Wireless settings essid = None wepkey = None if isWifi: if isPtp: padtop = 0 else: padtop = 1 ipmiscgrid.setField(Label(_("ESSID:")), 0, ipmiscrow, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, padtop, 1, 0)) essid = Entry(41) essid.set(dev.get('essid')) ipmiscgrid.setField(essid, 1, ipmiscrow, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, padtop, 0, 0)) ipmiscrow += 1 ipmiscgrid.setField(Label(_("WEP Key:")), 0, ipmiscrow, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 1, 0)) wepkey = Entry(41) wepkey.set(dev.get('key')) ipmiscgrid.setField(wepkey, 1, ipmiscrow, anchorLeft = 1) # Add the IP misc subtable if ipmiscrows > 0: maingrid.setField(ipmiscgrid, 0, mainrow, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)) bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) toplevel = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Network Configuration for %s") % (dev.info['DEVICE']), "networkdev", 1, 5) toplevel.add(self.topgrid, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(maingrid, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(bb, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 0), growx = 1, growy = 0) ipv4Cb.isOn = int(bool(dev.get('useIPv4'))) ipv6Cb.isOn = int(bool(dev.get('useIPv6'))) while 1: result = toplevel.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK if not ipv4Cb.selected() and not ipv6Cb.selected(): ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Missing Protocol"), _("You must select at least IPv4 or IPv6 support."), buttons = [_("OK")]) continue dev.set(('useIPv4', bool(ipv4Cb.selected()))) dev.set(('useIPv6', bool(ipv6Cb.selected()))) if onbootCb.selected(): dev.set(('onboot', 'yes')) else: dev.unset('onboot') if isPtp: try: network.sanityCheckIPString(ptpaddr.value()) dev.set(('remip', ptpaddr.value())) except network.IPMissing, msg: handleIPMissing(screen, _("point-to-point IP address")) continue except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _("point-to-point IP address"), msg) continue if isWifi: if essid is not None: if not essid.value() == '': dev.set(('essid', essid.value())) if wepkey is not None: if not wepkey.value() == '': dev.set(('key', wepkey.value())) break screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK def runIPv4Screen(self, screen, dev): bootproto = dev.get('bootproto').lower() radio = RadioGroup() maingrid = Grid(1, 3) dhcpCb = radio.add(_("Dynamic IP configuration (DHCP)"), "dhcp", (bootproto == "dhcp")) maingrid.setField(dhcpCb, 0, 0, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) manualCb = radio.add(_("Manual address configuration"), "static", (bootproto == "static")) maingrid.setField(manualCb, 0, 1, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) ipEntry = Entry(16) ipEntry.set(dev.get('ipaddr')) prefixEntry = Entry(16) prefixEntry.set(dev.get('netmask')) manualgrid = self.createManualEntryGrid(ipEntry, prefixEntry, socket.AF_INET) maingrid.setField(manualgrid, 0, 2, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1, padding = (0, 1, 0, 0)) dhcpCb.setCallback(self.ipMethodCb, (radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) manualCb.setCallback(self.ipMethodCb, (radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) self.ipMethodCb((radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) title = _("IPv4 Configuration for %s") % (dev.info['DEVICE']) toplevel = GridFormHelp(screen, title, "networkipv4", 1, 5) toplevel.add(self.topgrid, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(maingrid, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(bb, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 0), growx = 1, growy = 0) while 1: result = toplevel.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed(result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK bootproto = radio.getSelection() dev.set(('bootproto', bootproto)) if bootproto == 'dhcp': dev.unset('ipaddr') dev.unset('netmask') dev.unset('network') dev.unset('broadcast') break ip = ipEntry.value() nm = prefixEntry.value() # check for missing values if ip == '' or ip is None: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv4 address')) continue if nm == '' or nm is None: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv4 network mask')) continue # validate IP address try: network.sanityCheckIPString(ip) dev.set(('ipaddr', ip)) except network.IPMissing, msg: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv4 address')) continue except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _('IPv4 address'), msg) continue # validate prefix (netmask) try: if nm.find('.') == -1: if int(nm) > 32 or int(nm) < 0: handleInvalidPrefix(screen, socket.AF_INET) continue else: nm = isys.prefix2netmask(int(nm)) network.sanityCheckIPString(nm) dev.set(('netmask', nm)) except network.IPMissing, msg: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv4 prefix (network mask)')) continue except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _('IPv4 prefix (network mask)'), msg) continue except ValueError: handleValueErrorPrefix(screen, _('IPv4 prefix (network mask)')) continue # calculate network and broadcast addresses (IPv4-only) try: (net, bc) = isys.inet_calcNetBroad(dev.get('ipaddr'), dev.get('netmask')) dev.set(('network', net), ('broadcast', bc)) except Exception, e: handleBroadCastError(screen) continue break screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK def runIPv6Screen(self, screen, dev): ipv6autoconf = dev.get('ipv6_autoconf').lower() ipv6addr = dev.get('ipv6addr') ipv6prefix = None brk = ipv6addr.find('/') if brk != -1: ipv6addr = ipv6addr[0:brk] brk += 1 ipv6prefix = ipv6addr[brk:] # default to automatic neighbor discovery if no ipv6 values exist if ipv6autoconf == '' or ipv6autoconf is None or \ ipv6addr == '' or ipv6addr is None: ipv6autoconf = 'yes' ipv6addr = None ipv6prefix = None dev.unset('ipv6_autoconf') dev.unset('ipv6addr') radio = RadioGroup() maingrid = Grid(1, 4) autoCb = radio.add(_('Automatic neighbor discovery'), 'auto', (ipv6autoconf == 'yes')) maingrid.setField(autoCb, 0, 0, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) dhcpCb = radio.add(_('Dynamic IP configuration (DHCPv6)'), 'dhcp', (ipv6addr is not None and ipv6addr == 'dhcp')) maingrid.setField(dhcpCb, 0, 1, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) manualCb = radio.add(_('Manual address configuration'), 'static', (ipv6addr is not None and ipv6addr != 'dhcp')) maingrid.setField(manualCb, 0, 2, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) manualgrid = Grid(3, 2) ipEntry = Entry(41) prefixEntry = Entry(6) if radio.getSelection() == 'static': ipEntry.set(ipv6addr) if ipv6prefix is not None: prefixEntry.set(ipv6prefix) manualgrid = self.createManualEntryGrid(ipEntry, prefixEntry, socket.AF_INET6) maingrid.setField(manualgrid, 0, 3, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1, padding = (0, 1, 0, 0)) autoCb.setCallback(self.ipMethodCb, (radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) dhcpCb.setCallback(self.ipMethodCb, (radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) manualCb.setCallback(self.ipMethodCb, (radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) self.ipMethodCb((radio, ipEntry, prefixEntry)) bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) title = _("IPv6 Configuration for %s") % (dev.info['DEVICE']) toplevel = GridFormHelp(screen, title, "networkipv6", 1, 6) toplevel.add(self.topgrid, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(maingrid, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(bb, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 0), growx = 1, growy = 0) while 1: result = toplevel.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed(result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK dev.unset('ipv6_autoconf') dev.unset('ipv6addr') if radio.getSelection() == 'auto': dev.set(('ipv6_autoconf', 'yes')) break elif radio.getSelection() == 'dhcp': dev.set(('ipv6addr', 'dhcp')) break ip = ipEntry.value() prefix = prefixEntry.value() # check for missing values if ip == '' or ip is None: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv6 address')) continue if prefix == '' or prefix is None: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv6 prefix')) continue # validate the IP address try: network.sanityCheckIPString(ip) except network.IPMissing, msg: handleIPMissing(screen, _('IPv6 address')) continue except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _('IPv6 address'), msg) continue # validate the prefix try: if int(prefix) > 128 or int(prefix) < 0: handleInvalidPrefix(screen, socket.AF_INET6) continue except: handleValueErrorPrefix(screen, _('IPv6 prefix')) continue # set the manual IPv6 address/prefix if ipv6prefix is not None: addr = "%s/%s" % (ipv6addr, ipv6prefix,) else: addr = "%s" % (ipv6addr,) dev.set(('ipv6addr', addr)) break screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK def chooseNetworkDevice(self, screen): devs = self.devices.keys() devs.sort(cmp=isys.compareNetDevices) # return if there are no NICs if len(devs) == 0: return INSTALL_OK # only ask Yes/No if this system has just one NIC (most end users) if len(devs) == 1: rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Configure Network Interface"), _("Would you like to configure the %s network " "interface in your system?") % (devs[0],), type = "yesno") if rc == 1: return self.devices[devs[0]] else: return INSTALL_OK # create list box of network devices devList = Listbox(height=5, scroll=1) for item in devs: try: if self.devListDescs[item] is None: self.devListDescs[item] = _("UNCONFIGURED") except KeyError, e: self.devListDescs[item] = _("UNCONFIGURED") desc = "%s: %s" % (item, self.devListDescs[item],) devList.append(desc, item) # create some sort of dialog box toplevel = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Network Configuration"), "netconfig", 1, 5) text = TextboxReflowed(65, _("The current configuration settings for each " "interface are listed next to the device " "name. Unconfigured interfaces are shown as " "UNCONFIGURED. To configure an interface, " "highlight it and choose Edit. When you are " "finished, press OK to continue.")) toplevel.add(text, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1)) bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_EDIT_BUTTON, TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) toplevel.add(devList, 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0)) toplevel.add(bb, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 0), growx = 1, growy = 0) while 1: result = toplevel.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) devname = devList.current() if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK elif rc == TEXT_OK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK elif rc == TEXT_EDIT_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return self.devices[devname] def __call__(self, screen, anaconda, showonboot=1): self.intf = anaconda.intf self.devListDescs = {} self.devices = anaconda.id.network.available() if not self.devices: return INSTALL_NOOP # collect configuration data for each interface selected by the user doConf = True while doConf is True: if len(self.devices) == 1 and doConf is False: return INSTALL_OK dev = self.chooseNetworkDevice(screen) if dev == INSTALL_OK or dev == INSTALL_BACK: doConf = False return dev descr = dev.get('desc') hwaddr = dev.get('hwaddr') if descr is None or len(descr) == 0: descr = None if hwaddr is None or len(hwaddr) == 0: hwaddr = None self.topgrid = Grid(1, 2) if descr is not None: self.topgrid.setField(Label ("%s" % (descr[:70],)), 0, 0, padding = (0, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1) if hwaddr is not None: self.topgrid.setField(Label ("%s" %(hwaddr,)), 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1), anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1) # 1st netconfig dialog: protocol and active on boot rc = self.runMainScreen(screen, dev, showonboot) if rc == INSTALL_BACK: continue else: doIPv4 = bool(dev.get('useIPv4')) doIPv6 = bool(dev.get('useIPv6')) # 2nd netconfig dialog: IPv4 settings if doIPv4: rc = self.runIPv4Screen(screen, dev) if rc == INSTALL_BACK: continue # 3rd netconfig dialog: IPv6 settings if doIPv6: rc = self.runIPv6Screen(screen, dev) if rc == INSTALL_BACK: continue # set the listbox description text if bool(dev.get('onboot')): onboot = _("Active on boot") else: onboot = _("Inactive on boot") if dev.get('bootproto').lower() == 'dhcp': ipv4 = _("DHCP") else: ipv4 = dev.get('ipaddr') if bool(dev.get('ipv6_autoconf')): ipv6 = _("Auto IPv6") elif dev.get('ipv6addr').lower() == 'dhcp': ipv6 = _("DHCPv6") else: ipv6 = dev.get('ipv6addr') devname = dev.get('device').lower() if ipv4 is not None and ipv6 is not None: desc = "%s, %s, %s" % (onboot, ipv4, ipv6,) elif ipv4 is not None and ipv6 is None: desc = "%s, %s" % (onboot, ipv4,) elif ipv4 is None and ipv6 is not None: desc = "%s, %s" % (onboot, ipv6,) self.devListDescs[devname] = desc if len(self.devices) == 1 and doConf is True: doConf = False return INSTALL_OK class NetworkGlobalWindow: def __call__(self, screen, anaconda, showonboot = 1): devices = anaconda.id.network.available() if not devices: return INSTALL_NOOP # we don't let you set gateway/dns if you've got any interfaces # using dhcp (for better or worse) if network.anyUsingDHCP(devices): return INSTALL_NOOP thegrid = Grid(2, 4) thegrid.setField(Label(_("Gateway:")), 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1) gwEntry = Entry(41) # if it's set already, use that... otherwise, make them enter it if anaconda.id.network.gateway: gwEntry.set(anaconda.id.network.gateway) else: gwEntry.set("") thegrid.setField(gwEntry, 1, 0, padding = (1, 0, 0, 0)) thegrid.setField(Label(_("Primary DNS:")), 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1) ns1Entry = Entry(41) ns1Entry.set(anaconda.id.network.primaryNS) thegrid.setField(ns1Entry, 1, 1, padding = (1, 0, 0, 0)) thegrid.setField(Label(_("Secondary DNS:")), 0, 2, anchorLeft = 1) ns2Entry = Entry(41) ns2Entry.set(anaconda.id.network.secondaryNS) thegrid.setField(ns2Entry, 1, 2, padding = (1, 0, 0, 0)) bb = ButtonBar (screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) toplevel = GridFormHelp (screen, _("Miscellaneous Network Settings"), "miscnetwork", 1, 3) toplevel.add (thegrid, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add (bb, 0, 2, growx = 1) while 1: result = toplevel.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK try: network.sanityCheckIPString(gwEntry.value()) anaconda.id.network.gateway = gwEntry.value() except network.IPMissing, msg: handleMissingOptionalIP(screen, _("gateway")) pass except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _("gateway"), msg) continue try: network.sanityCheckIPString(ns1Entry.value()) anaconda.id.network.primaryNS = ns1Entry.value() except network.IPMissing, msg: handleMissingOptionalIP(screen, _("primary DNS")) pass except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _("primary DNS"), msg) continue try: network.sanityCheckIPString(ns2Entry.value()) anaconda.id.network.secondaryNS = ns2Entry.value() except network.IPMissing, msg: pass except network.IPError, msg: handleIPError(screen, _("secondary DNS"), msg) continue break screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK class HostnameWindow: def hostTypeCb(self, (radio, hostEntry)): if radio.getSelection() != "manual": sense = FLAGS_SET else: sense = FLAGS_RESET hostEntry.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, sense) def __call__(self, screen, anaconda): devices = anaconda.id.network.available () if not devices: return INSTALL_NOOP # figure out if the hostname is currently manually set if network.anyUsingDHCP(devices): if (anaconda.id.network.hostname != "localhost.localdomain" and anaconda.id.network.overrideDHCPhostname): manual = 1 else: manual = 0 else: manual = 1 thegrid = Grid(2, 2) radio = RadioGroup() autoCb = radio.add(_("automatically via DHCP"), "dhcp", not manual) thegrid.setField(autoCb, 0, 0, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) manualCb = radio.add(_("manually"), "manual", manual) thegrid.setField(manualCb, 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1) hostEntry = Entry(24) if anaconda.id.network.hostname != "localhost.localdomain": hostEntry.set(anaconda.id.network.hostname) thegrid.setField(hostEntry, 1, 1, padding = (1, 0, 0, 0), anchorLeft = 1) # disable the dhcp if we don't have any dhcp if network.anyUsingDHCP(devices): autoCb.w.checkboxSetFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_RESET) else: autoCb.w.checkboxSetFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET) self.hostTypeCb((radio, hostEntry)) autoCb.setCallback(self.hostTypeCb, (radio, hostEntry)) manualCb.setCallback(self.hostTypeCb, (radio, hostEntry)) toplevel = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Hostname Configuration"), "hostname", 1, 4) text = TextboxReflowed(55, _("If your system is part of a larger network " "where hostnames are assigned by DHCP, " "select automatically via DHCP. Otherwise, " "select manually and enter a hostname for " "your system. If you do not, your system " "will be known as 'localhost.'")) toplevel.add(text, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1)) bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) toplevel.add(thegrid, 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) toplevel.add(bb, 0, 2, growx = 1) while 1: result = toplevel.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed(result) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK if radio.getSelection() != "manual": anaconda.id.network.overrideDHCPhostname = 0 anaconda.id.network.hostname = "localhost.localdomain" else: hname = string.strip(hostEntry.value()) if len(hname) == 0: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Invalid Hostname"), _("You have not specified a hostname."), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) continue neterrors = network.sanityCheckHostname(hname) if neterrors is not None: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Invalid Hostname"), _("The hostname \"%s\" is not valid " "for the following reason:\n\n%s") %(hname, neterrors), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) continue anaconda.id.network.overrideDHCPhostname = 1 anaconda.id.network.hostname = hname break screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK # vim:tw=78:ts=4:et:sw=4