#!/usr/bin/python # # 11.1.2001 Pekka.Savola@netcore.fi # # "If it breaks you get to keep both the pieces" # # (needless to say, Red Hat doesn't support this) # # # Checks RH comps, hdlist files and RPMS directory. I use: # # /ftp/redhat-7.0/RedHat/base/comps # /ftp/redhat-7.0/RedHat/base/hdlist # /ftp/redhat-7.0/RedHat/RPMS/* # # So, you run this with 'check-repository.py /ftp/redhat-7.0' # # Checks for (everything that the installer should, really!): # - typos in comps file, ie. missing packages # - incorrect hdlist # - corruption of RPM headers in packages found in hdlist # - ... # # Hacked up and down from Red Hat's todo.py in anaconda package. # # Notes: I have deliberately ripped off extra junk like support for # multiple architectures. Not too difficult to remerge if you # really need those. I only have i386. import sys sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda') from comps import ComponentSet, HeaderList import os import rpm FILENAME = 1000000 class CheckRepository: # def freeHeaderList(self): # if (self.hdList): # self.hdList = None def getHeaderList(self): self.hdList = self.readHeaders() return self.hdList def getCompsList(self): if (not self.comps): self.getHeaderList() try: self.comps = self.readComps(self.hdList) except KeyError, package: print 'There was a problem with', package, '(there may be further problems)' return self.comps def readComps(self, hdlist): cs = ComponentSet(self.path + '/RedHat/base/comps', hdlist) return cs def getFilename(self, h): return self.path + "/RedHat/RPMS/" + self.fnames[h] def readHeaders(self): hl = [] path = self.path + "/RedHat/RPMS" for n in os.listdir(path): fd = os.open(path + "/" + n, 0) try: (h, isSource) = rpm.headerFromPackage(fd) if (h and not isSource): self.fnames[h] = n hl.append(h) except: pass os.close(fd) return HeaderList(hl) def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.fnames = {} self.hdList = None self.comps = None self.getCompsList () self.getHeaderList () try: CheckRepository(sys.argv[1]) except OSError, msg: print 'Directory was invalid: ', msg except IndexError: print 'Usage: ', sys.argv[0], ''