See * UI design - CHECK * Code architecture (base classes, etc.) - CHECK * Design is flexible - CHECK * Testability - * Use GtkBuilder for everything - PARTIAL CHECK There's still some manual Gtk coding (creating the Category grid and the Hub box), but I don't see a way around it that makes things better. Could use GtkBuilder but is a blob of inlined XML easier to understand? Probably not. * Decoupled from anaconda - * Reduce number of dialog classes - PARTIAL CHECK Keep an eye on this. So far, so good. * Accessibility - * Pre/post screen hooks - * UI in its own thread - CHECK * Batch up backend tasks - CHECK * Share module format with firstboot - * Organize source better - CHECK * Automatic locale configuration - * Don't store our own language list, font list, etc. - CHECK * Simplify branding - PARTIAL CHECK You can easily add your own standalone windows, categories, and spokes to both custom categories and the ones we include. How to do so is not yet documented. You cannot add your own hubs (I don't see this as a problem), and there's no good way to change the look of the UI yet. * UI writes out a kickstart file - CHECK * Save in-progress file somewhere - * Get rid of newt UI - * Main loop - CHECK * Widget usage statistics -