# __init__.py # Entry point for anaconda's software management module. # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the # GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the # source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public # License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of # Red Hat, Inc. # # Red Hat Author(s): David Lehman # Chris Lumens # """ TODO - error handling!!! - document all methods """ import os from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError import ConfigParser import shutil import time if __name__ == "__main__": from pyanaconda import anaconda_log anaconda_log.init() from pyanaconda.constants import * from pyanaconda.flags import flags from pyanaconda import iutil from pyanaconda import isys from pyanaconda.iutil import ProxyString, ProxyStringError from pykickstart.parser import Group import logging log = logging.getLogger("packaging") from pyanaconda.errors import * from pyanaconda.storage.errors import StorageError from pyanaconda.storage import util from pyanaconda.storage import arch from pyanaconda.storage.platform import platform #from pyanaconda.progress import progress from pyanaconda.product import productName, productVersion import urlgrabber urlgrabber.grabber.default_grabber.opts.user_agent = "%s (anaconda)/%s" %(productName, productVersion) ### ### ERROR HANDLING ### class PayloadError(Exception): pass class MetadataError(PayloadError): pass class NoNetworkError(PayloadError): pass # setup class PayloadSetupError(PayloadError): pass class ImageMissingError(PayloadSetupError): pass class ImageDirectoryMountError(PayloadSetupError): pass # software selection class NoSuchGroup(PayloadError): pass class NoSuchPackage(PayloadError): pass class DependencyError(PayloadError): pass # installation class PayloadInstallError(PayloadError): pass def get_mount_paths(dev): mounts = open("/proc/mounts").readlines() mount_paths = [] for mount in mounts: try: (device, path, rest) = mount.split(None, 2) except ValueError: continue if dev == device: mount_paths.append(path) if mount_paths: log.debug("%s is mounted on %s" % (dev, ', '.join(mount_paths))) return mount_paths def get_mount_device(mountpoint): import re mounts = open("/proc/mounts").readlines() mount_device = None for mount in mounts: try: (device, path, rest) = mount.split(None, 2) except ValueError: continue if path == mountpoint: mount_device = device break if mount_device and re.match(r'/dev/loop\d+$', mount_device): from pyanaconda.storage.devicelibs import loop loop_name = os.path.basename(mount_device) mount_device = loop.get_backing_file(loop_name) log.debug("found backing file %s for loop device %s" % (mount_device, loop_name)) if mount_device: log.debug("%s is mounted on %s" % (mount_device, mountpoint)) return mount_device class Payload(object): """ Payload is an abstract class for OS install delivery methods. """ def __init__(self, data): """ data is a kickstart.AnacondaKSHandler class """ self.data = data self._kernelVersionList = [] self._createdInitrds = False def setup(self, storage): """ Do any payload-specific setup. """ self.storage = storage def preStorage(self): """ Do any payload-specific work necessary before writing the storage configuration. This method need not be provided by all payloads. """ pass def release(self): """ Release any resources in use by this object, but do not do final cleanup. This is useful for dealing with payload backends that do not get along well with multithreaded programs. """ pass def reset(self): """ Reset the instance, not including ksdata. """ pass ### ### METHODS FOR WORKING WITH REPOSITORIES ### @property def repos(self): """A list of repo identifiers, not objects themselves.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def addOns(self): """ A list of addon repo identifiers. """ return [] @property def baseRepo(self): """ The identifier of the current base repo. """ return None def getRepo(self, repo_id): """ Return a ksdata Repo instance matching the specified repo id. """ repo = None for r in self.data.repo.dataList(): if r.name == repo_id: repo = r break return repo def _repoNeedsNetwork(self, repo): """ Returns True if the ksdata repo requires networking. """ urls = [repo.baseurl] if repo.mirrorlist: urls.extend(repo.mirrorlist) network_protocols = ["http:", "ftp:", "nfs:", "nfsiso:"] for url in urls: if any([url.startswith(p) for p in network_protocols]): return True return False @property def needsNetwork(self): return any(self._repoNeedsNetwork(r) for r in self.data.repo.dataList()) def _resetMethod(self): self.data.method.method = "" self.data.method.url = None self.data.method.server = None self.data.method.dir = None self.data.method.partition = None self.data.method.biospart = None self.data.method.noverifyssl = False self.data.method.proxy = "" self.data.method.opts = None def updateBaseRepo(self): """ Update the base repository from ksdata.method. """ pass def configureAddOnRepo(self, repo): """ Set up an addon repo as defined in ksdata Repo repo. """ pass def gatherRepoMetadata(self): pass def addRepo(self, newrepo): """Add the repo given by the pykickstart Repo object newrepo to the system. The repo will be automatically enabled and its metadata fetched. Duplicate repos will not raise an error. They should just silently take the place of the previous value. """ # Add the repo to the ksdata so it'll appear in the output ks file. self.data.repo.dataList().append(newrepo) def removeRepo(self, repo_id): repos = self.data.repo.dataList() try: idx = [repo.name for repo in repos].index(repo_id) except ValueError: log.error("failed to remove repo %s: not found" % repo_id) else: repos.pop(idx) def enableRepo(self, repo_id): raise NotImplementedError() def disableRepo(self, repo_id): raise NotImplementedError() ### ### METHODS FOR WORKING WITH ENVIRONMENTS ### @property def environments(self): raise NotImplementedError() def environmentSelected(self, environmentid): raise NotImplementedError() def environmentDescription(self, environmentid): raise NotImplementedError() def selectEnvironment(self, environmentid): raise NotImplementedError() def deselectEnvironment(self, environmentid): raise NotImplementedError() def environmentGroups(self, environmentid): raise NotImplementedError() ### ### METHODS FOR WORKING WITH GROUPS ### @property def groups(self): raise NotImplementedError() def languageGroups(self, lang): return [] def groupDescription(self, groupid): raise NotImplementedError() def groupSelected(self, groupid): return Group(groupid) in self.data.packages.groupList def selectGroup(self, groupid, default=True, optional=False): if optional: include = GROUP_ALL elif default: include = GROUP_DEFAULT else: include = GROUP_REQUIRED grp = Group(groupid, include=include) if grp in self.data.packages.groupList: # I'm not sure this would ever happen, but ensure that re-selecting # a group with a different types set works as expected. if grp.include != include: grp.include = include return if grp in self.data.packages.excludedGroupList: self.data.packages.excludedGroupList.remove(grp) self.data.packages.groupList.append(grp) def deselectGroup(self, groupid): grp = Group(groupid) if grp in self.data.packages.excludedGroupList: return if grp in self.data.packages.groupList: self.data.packages.groupList.remove(grp) self.data.packages.excludedGroupList.append(grp) ### ### METHODS FOR WORKING WITH PACKAGES ### @property def packages(self): raise NotImplementedError() def packageSelected(self, pkgid): return pkgid in self.data.packages.packageList def selectPackage(self, pkgid): """Mark a package for installation. pkgid - The name of a package to be installed. This could include a version or architecture component. """ if pkgid in self.data.packages.packageList: return if pkgid in self.data.packages.excludedList: self.data.packages.excludedList.remove(pkgid) self.data.packages.packageList.append(pkgid) def deselectPackage(self, pkgid): """Mark a package to be excluded from installation. pkgid - The name of a package to be excluded. This could include a version or architecture component. """ if pkgid in self.data.packages.excludedList: return if pkgid in self.data.packages.packageList: self.data.packages.packageList.remove(pkgid) self.data.packages.excludedList.append(pkgid) ### ### METHODS FOR QUERYING STATE ### @property def spaceRequired(self): raise NotImplementedError() @property def kernelVersionList(self): if not self._kernelVersionList: import glob try: import yum except ImportError: cmpfunc = cmp else: cmpfunc = yum.rpmUtils.miscutils.compareVerOnly files = glob.glob(ROOT_PATH + "/boot/vmlinuz-*") files.extend(glob.glob(ROOT_PATH + "/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/vmlinuz-*")) # strip off everything up to and including vmlinuz- to get versions versions = [f.split("/")[-1][8:] for f in files if os.path.isfile(f)] versions.sort(cmp=cmpfunc) log.debug("kernel versions: %s" % versions) self._kernelVersionList = versions return self._kernelVersionList ## ## METHODS FOR TREE VERIFICATION ## def _getTreeInfo(self, url, sslverify, proxies): """ Retrieve treeinfo and return the path to the local file. """ if not url: return None log.debug("retrieving treeinfo from %s (proxies: %s ; sslverify: %s)" % (url, proxies, sslverify)) ugopts = {"ssl_verify_peer": sslverify, "ssl_verify_host": sslverify} ug = URLGrabber() try: treeinfo = ug.urlgrab("%s/.treeinfo" % url, "/tmp/.treeinfo", copy_local=True, proxies=proxies, **ugopts) except URLGrabError as e: try: treeinfo = ug.urlgrab("%s/treeinfo" % url, "/tmp/.treeinfo", copy_local=True, proxies=proxies, **ugopts) except URLGrabError as e: log.info("Error downloading treeinfo: %s" % e) treeinfo = None return treeinfo def _getReleaseVersion(self, url): """ Return the release version of the tree at the specified URL. """ version = productVersion.split("-")[0] log.debug("getting release version from tree at %s (%s)" % (url, version)) proxies = {} if self.data.method.proxy: try: proxy = ProxyString(self.data.method.proxy) proxies = {"http": proxy.url, "https": proxy.url} except ProxyStringError as e: log.info("Failed to parse proxy for _getReleaseVersion %s: %s" \ % (self.data.method.proxy, e)) treeinfo = self._getTreeInfo(url, not flags.noverifyssl, proxies) if treeinfo: c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() c.read(treeinfo) try: # Trim off any -Alpha or -Beta version = c.get("general", "version").split("-")[0] except ConfigParser.Error: pass if version.startswith(time.strftime("%Y")): version = "rawhide" log.debug("got a release version of %s" % version) return version ## ## METHODS FOR MEDIA MANAGEMENT (XXX should these go in another module?) ## def _setupDevice(self, device, mountpoint): """ Prepare an install CD/DVD for use as a package source. """ log.info("setting up device %s and mounting on %s" % (device.name, mountpoint)) # Is there a symlink involved? If so, let's get the actual path. # This is to catch /run/install/isodir vs. /mnt/install/isodir, for # instance. realMountpoint = os.path.realpath(mountpoint) if os.path.ismount(realMountpoint): mdev = get_mount_device(realMountpoint) if mdev: log.warning("%s is already mounted on %s" % (mdev, mountpoint)) if mdev == device.path: return else: try: util.umount(realMountpoint) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) log.info("umount failed -- mounting on top of it") try: device.setup() device.format.setup(mountpoint=mountpoint) except StorageError as e: log.error("mount failed: %s" % e) device.teardown(recursive=True) raise PayloadSetupError(str(e)) def _setupNFS(self, mountpoint, server, path, options): """ Prepare an NFS directory for use as a package source. """ log.info("mounting %s:%s:%s on %s" % (server, path, options, mountpoint)) if os.path.ismount(mountpoint): dev = get_mount_device(mountpoint) _server, colon, _path = dev.partition(":") if colon == ":" and server == _server and path == _path: log.debug("%s:%s already mounted on %s" % (server, path, mountpoint)) return else: log.debug("%s already has something mounted on it" % mountpoint) try: util.umount(mountpoint) except OSError as e: log.error(str(e)) log.info("umount failed -- mounting on top of it") # mount the specified directory url = "%s:%s" % (server, path) try: util.mount(url, mountpoint, fstype="nfs", options=options) except OSError as e: raise PayloadSetupError(str(e)) ### ### METHODS FOR INSTALLING THE PAYLOAD ### def preInstall(self, packages=None, groups=None): """ Perform pre-installation tasks. """ iutil.mkdirChain(ROOT_PATH + "/root") def install(self): """ Install the payload. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _copyDriverDiskFiles(self): import glob import shutil new_firmware = False # Multiple driver disks may be loaded, so we need to glob for all # the firmware files in the common DD firmware directory for f in glob.glob(DD_FIRMWARE+"/*"): try: shutil.copyfile(f, "%s/lib/firmware/" % ROOT_PATH) except IOError as e: log.error("Could not copy firmware file %s: %s" % (f, e.strerror)) else: new_firmware = True #copy RPMS for d in glob.glob(DD_RPMS): shutil.copytree(d, ROOT_PATH + "/root/" + os.path.basename(d)) #copy modules and firmware into root's home directory if os.path.exists(DD_ALL): try: shutil.copytree(DD_ALL, ROOT_PATH + "/root/DD") except IOError as e: log.error("failed to copy driver disk files: %s" % e.strerror) # XXX TODO: real error handling, as this is probably going to # prevent boot on some systems if new_firmware: self._recreateInitrds() def _recreateInitrds(self, force=False): if not force and self._createdInitrds: return for kernel in self.kernelVersionList: log.info("recreating initrd for %s" % kernel) iutil.execWithRedirect("new-kernel-pkg", ["--mkinitrd", "--dracut", "--depmod", "--install", kernel], root=ROOT_PATH) self._createdInitrds = True def _setDefaultBootTarget(self): """ Set the default systemd target for the system. """ if not os.path.exists(ROOT_PATH + "/etc/systemd/system"): log.error("systemd is not installed -- can't set default target") return # If X was already requested we don't have to continue if self.data.xconfig.startX: return try: import rpm except ImportError: log.info("failed to import rpm -- not adjusting default runlevel") else: ts = rpm.TransactionSet(ROOT_PATH) # XXX one day this might need to account for anaconda's display mode if ts.dbMatch("provides", 'service(graphical-login)').count() and \ ts.dbMatch('provides', 'xorg-x11-server-Xorg').count() and \ not flags.usevnc: # We only manipulate the ksdata. The symlink is made later # during the config write out. self.data.xconfig.startX = True def dracutSetupArgs(self): args = [] try: import rpm except ImportError: pass else: iutil.resetRpmDb() ts = rpm.TransactionSet(ROOT_PATH) # Only add "rhgb quiet" on non-s390, non-serial installs if iutil.isConsoleOnVirtualTerminal() and \ (ts.dbMatch('provides', 'rhgb').count() or \ ts.dbMatch('provides', 'plymouth').count()): args.extend(["rhgb", "quiet"]) return args def postInstall(self): """ Perform post-installation tasks. """ # set default systemd target self._setDefaultBootTarget() # write out static config (storage, modprobe, keyboard, ??) # kickstart should handle this before we get here self._copyDriverDiskFiles() class ImagePayload(Payload): """ An ImagePayload installs an OS image to the target system. """ pass class ArchivePayload(ImagePayload): """ An ArchivePayload unpacks source archives onto the target system. """ pass class PackagePayload(Payload): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Payload.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.skipBroken = False """ A PackagePayload installs a set of packages onto the target system. """ @property def kernelPackages(self): kernels = ["kernel"] if isys.isPaeAvailable(): kernels.insert(0, "kernel-PAE") # most ARM systems use platform-specific kernels if arch.isARM(): if platform.armMachine is not None: kernels = ["kernel-%s" % platform.armMachine] return kernels def payloadInitialize(storage, ksdata, payload): from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr threadMgr.wait("AnaStorageThread") # FIXME: condition for cases where we don't want network # (set and use payload.needsNetwork ?) threadMgr.wait("AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread") payload.setup(storage) def show_groups(payload): #repo = ksdata.RepoData(name="anaconda", baseurl="http://cannonball/install/rawhide/os/") #obj.addRepo(repo) desktops = [] addons = [] for grp in payload.groups: if grp.endswith("-desktop"): desktops.append(payload.description(grp)) elif not grp.endswith("-support"): addons.append(payload.description(grp)) import pprint print "==== DESKTOPS ====" pprint.pprint(desktops) print "==== ADDONS ====" pprint.pprint(addons) print payload.groups def print_txmbrs(payload, f=None): if f is None: f = sys.stdout print >> f, "###########" for txmbr in payload._yum.tsInfo.getMembers(): print >> f, txmbr print >> f, "###########" def write_txmbrs(payload, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) f = open(filename, 'w') print_txmbrs(payload, f) f.close() ### ### MAIN ### if __name__ == "__main__": import os import sys import pyanaconda.storage as _storage from pykickstart.version import makeVersion from pyanaconda.packaging.yumpayload import YumPayload # set some things specially since we're just testing flags.testing = True # set up ksdata ksdata = makeVersion() #ksdata.method.method = "url" #ksdata.method.url = "http://husky/install/f17/os/" #ksdata.method.url = "http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/17/x86_64/os/" # set up storage storage = _storage.Storage(data=ksdata) storage.reset() # set up the payload payload = YumPayload(ksdata) payload.setup(storage) for repo in payload._yum.repos.repos.values(): print repo.name, repo.enabled ksdata.method.method = "url" #ksdata.method.url = "http://husky/install/f17/os/" ksdata.method.url = "http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/17/x86_64/os/" # now switch the base repo to what we set ksdata.method to just above payload.updateBaseRepo() for repo in payload._yum.repos.repos.values(): print repo.name, repo.enabled # list all of the groups show_groups(payload)