# # network.py - network configuration install data # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # 2008, 2009 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Matt Wilson # Erik Troan # Mike Fulbright # Brent Fox # David Cantrell # Radek Vykydal import string import shutil import iutil import socket import os import time import tempfile import simpleconfig import re from flags import flags from simpleconfig import IfcfgFile import urlgrabber.grabber from blivet.devices import FcoeDiskDevice, iScsiDiskDevice import blivet.arch from pyanaconda import nm import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") sysconfigDir = "/etc/sysconfig" netscriptsDir = "%s/network-scripts" % (sysconfigDir) networkConfFile = "%s/network" % (sysconfigDir) hostnameFile = "/etc/hostname" ipv6ConfFile = "/etc/sysctl.d/anaconda.conf" ifcfgLogFile = "/tmp/ifcfg.log" CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 45 DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "localhost.localdomain" # part of a valid hostname between two periods (cannot start nor end with '-') # for more info about '(?!-)' and '(? 255: return (False, _("Hostname must be 255 or fewer characters in length.")) validStart = string.ascii_letters + string.digits validAll = validStart + ".-" if hostname[0] not in validStart: return (False, _("Hostname must start with a valid character in the " "ranges 'a-z', 'A-Z', or '0-9'")) if hostname.endswith("."): # hostname can end with '.', but the regexp used below would not match hostname = hostname[:-1] if not all(HOSTNAME_PART_RE.match(part) for part in hostname.split(".")): return (False, _("Hostnames can only contain the characters 'a-z', " "'A-Z', '0-9', '-', or '.', parts between periods " "must contain something and cannot start or end with " "'-'.")) return (True, "") # Return a list of IP addresses for all active devices. def getIPs(): ips = [] for devname in nm.nm_activated_devices(): try: ips += (nm.nm_device_ip_addresses(devname, version=4) + nm.nm_device_ip_addresses(devname, version=6)) except Exception as e: log.warning("Got an exception trying to get the ip addr " "of %s: %s" % (devname, e)) return ips # Return the first real non-local IP we find def getFirstRealIP(): for ip in getIPs(): if ip not in ("", "::1"): return ip return None def netmask2prefix(netmask): prefix = 0 while prefix < 33: if (prefix2netmask(prefix) == netmask): return prefix prefix += 1 return prefix def prefix2netmask(prefix): """ Convert prefix (CIDR bits) to netmask """ bytes = [] for i in range(4): if prefix >= 8: bytes.append(255) prefix -= 8 else: bytes.append(256 - 2**(8-prefix)) prefix = 0 netmask = ".".join(str(byte) for byte in bytes) return netmask # Try to determine what the hostname should be for this system def getHostname(): hn = None # First address (we prefer ipv4) of last device (as it used to be) wins for dev in nm.nm_activated_devices(): addrs = (nm.nm_device_ip_addresses(dev, version=4) + nm.nm_device_ip_addresses(dev, version=6)) for ipaddr in addrs: try: hinfo = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipaddr) except Exception as e: log.debug("Exception caught trying to get host name of %s: %s" % (ipaddr, e)) else: if len(hinfo) == 3: hn = hinfo[0] break if not hn or hn in ('(none)', 'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain'): hn = socket.gethostname() if not hn or hn in ('(none)', 'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain'): hn = DEFAULT_HOSTNAME return hn def logIfcfgFile(path, message=""): content = "" if os.access(path, os.R_OK): f = open(path, 'r') content = f.read() f.close() else: content = "file not found" ifcfglog.debug("%s%s:\n%s" % (message, path, content)) def logIfcfgFiles(message=""): ifcfglog.debug("content of files (%s):" % message) for name in os.listdir(netscriptsDir): if name.startswith("ifcfg-"): if name == 'ifcfg-lo': continue path = os.path.join(netscriptsDir, name) f = open(path, 'r') content = f.read() f.close() ifcfglog.debug("%s:\n%s" % (path, content)) class NetworkDevice(IfcfgFile): def __init__(self, dir, iface): IfcfgFile.__init__(self, dir, iface) if iface.startswith('ctc'): self.info["TYPE"] = "CTC" self.wepkey = "" self._dirty = False def clear(self): IfcfgFile.clear(self) if self.iface.startswith('ctc'): self.info["TYPE"] = "CTC" self.wepkey = "" def __str__(self): s = "" keys = self.info.keys() if blivet.arch.isS390() and ("HWADDR" in keys): keys.remove("HWADDR") # make sure we include autoneg in the ethtool line if 'ETHTOOL_OPTS' in keys: eopts = self.get('ETHTOOL_OPTS') if "autoneg" not in eopts: self.set(('ETHTOOL_OPTS', "autoneg off %s" % eopts)) for key in keys: if self.info[key] is not None: s = s + key + '="' + self.info[key] + '"\n' return s def loadIfcfgFile(self): ifcfglog.debug("loadIfcfFile %s" % self.path) self.clear() IfcfgFile.read(self) self._dirty = False def writeIfcfgFile(self): # Write out the file only if there is a key whose # value has been changed since last load of ifcfg file. ifcfglog.debug("writeIfcfgFile %s to %s%s" % (self.iface, self.path, ("" if self._dirty else " not needed"))) if self._dirty: ifcfglog.debug("old %s:\n%s" % (self.path, self.fileContent())) ifcfglog.debug("writing NetworkDevice %s:\n%s" % (self.iface, self.__str__())) IfcfgFile.write(self) self._dirty = False # We can't read the file right now racing with ifcfg-rh update #ifcfglog.debug("%s:\n%s" % (device.path, device.fileContent())) def set(self, *args): # If we are changing value of a key set _dirty flag # informing that ifcfg file needs to be synced. s = " ".join(["%s=%s" % key_val for key_val in args]) ifcfglog.debug("NetworkDevice %s set: %s" % (self.iface, s)) for (key, data) in args: if self.get(key) != data: break else: return IfcfgFile.set(self, *args) self._dirty = True @property def keyfilePath(self): return os.path.join(self.dir, "keys-%s" % self.iface) def fileContent(self): if not os.path.exists(self.path): return "" f = open(self.path, 'r') content = f.read() f.close() return content def dumpMissingDefaultIfcfgs(): """ Dump missing default ifcfg file for wired devices. For default auto connections created by NM upon start - which happens in case of missing ifcfg file - rename the connection using device name and dump its ifcfg file. (For server, default auto connections will be turned off in NetworkManager.conf.) The connection id (and consequently ifcfg file) is set to device name. Returns True if any ifcfg file was dumped. """ rv = False for devname in nm.nm_devices(): # for each ethernet device # FIXME add more types (infiniband, bond...?) if not nm.nm_device_type_is_ethernet(devname): continue # if there is no ifcfg file for the device device_cfg = NetworkDevice(netscriptsDir, devname) if os.access(device_cfg.path, os.R_OK): continue try: nm.nm_update_settings_of_device(devname, 'connection', 'id', devname) log.debug("network: dumping ifcfg file for default autoconnection on %s" % devname) nm.nm_update_settings_of_device(devname, 'connection', 'autoconnect', False) log.debug("network: setting autoconnect of %s to False" % devname) except nm.DeviceSettingsNotFoundError as e: log.debug("network: no ifcfg file for %s" % devname) rv = True return rv # get a kernel cmdline string for dracut needed for access to storage host def dracutSetupArgs(networkStorageDevice): if networkStorageDevice.nic == "default" or ":" in networkStorageDevice.nic: nic = ifaceForHostIP(networkStorageDevice.host_address) if not nic: return "" else: nic = networkStorageDevice.nic if nic not in nm.nm_devices(): log.error('Unknown network interface: %s' % nic) return "" ifcfg = NetworkDevice(netscriptsDir, nic) ifcfg.loadIfcfgFile() return dracutBootArguments(ifcfg, networkStorageDevice.host_address, getHostname()) def dracutBootArguments(ifcfg, storage_ipaddr, hostname=None): netargs = set() devname = ifcfg.iface if ifcfg.get('BOOTPROTO') == 'ibft': netargs.add("ip=ibft") elif storage_ipaddr: if hostname is None: hostname = "" # if using ipv6 if ':' in storage_ipaddr: if ifcfg.get('DHCPV6C') == "yes": # XXX combination with autoconf not yet clear, # support for dhcpv6 is not yet implemented in NM/ifcfg-rh netargs.add("ip=%s:dhcp6" % devname) elif ifcfg.get('IPV6_AUTOCONF') == "yes": netargs.add("ip=%s:auto6" % devname) elif ifcfg.get('IPV6ADDR'): ipaddr = "[%s]" % ifcfg.get('IPV6ADDR') if ifcfg.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW'): gateway = "[%s]" % ifcfg.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW') else: gateway = "" netargs.add("ip=%s::%s:%s:%s:%s:none" % (ipaddr, gateway, ifcfg.get('PREFIX'), hostname, devname)) else: if ifcfg.get('bootproto').lower() == 'dhcp': netargs.add("ip=%s:dhcp" % devname) else: if ifcfg.get('GATEWAY'): gateway = ifcfg.get('GATEWAY') else: gateway = "" netmask = ifcfg.get('netmask') prefix = ifcfg.get('prefix') if not netmask and prefix: netmask = prefix2netmask(int(prefix)) netargs.add("ip=%s::%s:%s:%s:%s:none" % (ifcfg.get('ipaddr'), gateway, netmask, hostname, devname)) hwaddr = ifcfg.get("HWADDR") if hwaddr: netargs.add("ifname=%s:%s" % (devname, hwaddr.lower())) nettype = ifcfg.get("NETTYPE") subchannels = ifcfg.get("SUBCHANNELS") if blivet.arch.isS390() and nettype and subchannels: znet = "rd.znet=%s,%s" % (nettype, subchannels) options = ifcfg.get("OPTIONS").strip("'\"") if options: options = filter(lambda x: x != '', options.split(' ')) znet += ",%s" % (','.join(options)) netargs.add(znet) return netargs def kickstartNetworkData(ifcfg=None, hostname=None): from pyanaconda.kickstart import AnacondaKSHandler handler = AnacondaKSHandler() kwargs = {} if not ifcfg and hostname: return handler.NetworkData(hostname=hostname, bootProto="") # ipv4 and ipv6 if not ifcfg.get("ESSID"): kwargs["device"] = ifcfg.iface if ifcfg.get("ONBOOT") and ifcfg.get("ONBOOT" ) == "no": kwargs["onboot"] = False if ifcfg.get('MTU') and ifcfg.get('MTU') != "0": kwargs["mtu"] = ifcfg.get('MTU') # ipv4 if not ifcfg.get('BOOTPROTO'): kwargs["noipv4"] = True else: if ifcfg.get('BOOTPROTO').lower() == 'dhcp': kwargs["bootProto"] = "dhcp" if ifcfg.get('DHCPCLASS'): kwargs["dhcpclass"] = ifcfg.get('DHCPCLASS') elif ifcfg.get('IPADDR'): kwargs["bootProto"] = "static" kwargs["ip"] = ifcfg.get('IPADDR') netmask = ifcfg.get('NETMASK') prefix = ifcfg.get('PREFIX') if not netmask and prefix: netmask = prefix2netmask(int(prefix)) if netmask: kwargs["netmask"] = netmask # note that --gateway is common for ipv4 and ipv6 if ifcfg.get('GATEWAY'): kwargs["gateway"] = ifcfg.get('GATEWAY') elif ifcfg.get('IPADDR0'): kwargs["bootProto"] = "static" kwargs["ip"] = ifcfg.get('IPADDR0') prefix = ifcfg.get('PREFIX0') if prefix: netmask = prefix2netmask(int(prefix)) kwargs["netmask"] = netmask # note that --gateway is common for ipv4 and ipv6 if ifcfg.get('GATEWAY0'): kwargs["gateway"] = ifcfg.get('GATEWAY0') # ipv6 if (not ifcfg.get('IPV6INIT') or ifcfg.get('IPV6INIT') == "no"): kwargs["noipv6"] = True else: if ifcfg.get('IPV6_AUTOCONF') in ("yes", ""): kwargs["ipv6"] = "auto" else: if ifcfg.get('IPV6ADDR'): kwargs["ipv6"] = ifcfg.get('IPV6ADDR') if ifcfg.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW'): kwargs["gateway"] = ifcfg.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW') if ifcfg.get('DHCPV6C') == "yes": kwargs["ipv6"] = "dhcp" # ipv4 and ipv6 dnsline = '' for key in ifcfg.info.keys(): if key.upper().startswith('DNS'): if dnsline == '': dnsline = ifcfg.get(key) else: dnsline += "," + ifcfg.get(key) if dnsline: kwargs["nameserver"] = dnsline if ifcfg.get("ETHTOOL_OPTS"): kwargs["ethtool"] = ifcfg.get("ETHTOOL_OPTS") if ifcfg.get("ESSID"): kwargs["essid"] = ifcfg.get("ESSID") # hostname if ifcfg.get("DHCP_HOSTNAME"): kwargs["hostname"] = ifcfg.get("DHCP_HOSTNAME") elif ifcfg.get("BOOTPROTO").lower != "dhcp": if (hostname and hostname != DEFAULT_HOSTNAME): kwargs["hostname"] = hostname return handler.NetworkData(**kwargs) def ifaceForHostIP(host): route = iutil.execWithCapture("ip", [ "route", "get", "to", host ]) if not route: log.error("Could not get interface for route to %s" % host) return "" routeInfo = route.split() if routeInfo[0] != host or len(routeInfo) < 5 or \ "dev" not in routeInfo or routeInfo.index("dev") > 3: log.error('Unexpected "ip route get to %s" reply: %s' % (host, routeInfo)) return "" return routeInfo[routeInfo.index("dev") + 1] def copyFileToPath(file, destPath='', overwrite=False): if not os.path.isfile(file): return False destfile = os.path.join(destPath, file.lstrip('/')) if (os.path.isfile(destfile) and not overwrite): return False if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(destfile)): iutil.mkdirChain(os.path.dirname(destfile)) shutil.copy(file, destfile) return True # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/keys-* # TODO: routing info from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts? def copyIfcfgFiles(destPath): files = os.listdir(netscriptsDir) for cfgFile in files: if cfgFile.startswith(("ifcfg-","keys-")): srcfile = os.path.join(netscriptsDir, cfgFile) copyFileToPath(srcfile, destPath) # /etc/dhcp/dhclient-DEVICE.conf # TODORV: do we really don't want overwrite on live cd? def copyDhclientConfFiles(destPath): for devName in nm.nm_devices(): dhclientfile = os.path.join("/etc/dhcp/dhclient-%s.conf" % devName) copyFileToPath(dhclientfile, destPath) def get_ksdevice_name(ksspec=""): if not ksspec: ksspec = flags.cmdline.get('ksdevice', "") ksdevice = ksspec bootif_mac = None if ksdevice == 'bootif' and "BOOTIF" in flags.cmdline: bootif_mac = flags.cmdline["BOOTIF"][3:].replace("-", ":").upper() for dev in sorted(nm.nm_devices()): # "eth0" if ksdevice == dev: break # "link" elif ksdevice == 'link': try: link_up = nm.nm_device_carrier(dev) except ValueError as e: log.debug("get_ksdevice_name: %s" % e) continue if link_up: ksdevice = dev break # "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" (mac address) elif ':' in ksdevice: try: hwaddr = nm.nm_device_hwaddress(dev) except ValueError as e: log.debug("get_ksdevice_name: %s" % e) continue if ksdevice.lower() == hwaddr.lower(): ksdevice = dev break # "bootif" and BOOTIF==XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX elif ksdevice == 'bootif': try: hwaddr = nm.nm_device_hwaddress(dev) except ValueError as e: log.debug("get_ksdevice_name: %s" % e) continue if bootif_mac.lower() == hwaddr.lower(): ksdevice = dev break return ksdevice # note that NetworkDevice.get returns "" if key is not found def get_ifcfg_value(iface, key, root_path=""): dev = NetworkDevice(os.path.normpath(root_path + netscriptsDir), iface) try: dev.loadIfcfgFile() except IOError as e: log.debug("get_ifcfg_value %s %s: %s" % (iface, key, e)) return "" return dev.get(key) def set_hostname(hn): if flags.imageInstall: log.info("image install -- not setting hostname") return log.info("setting installation environment hostname to %s" % hn) iutil.execWithRedirect("hostname", ["-v", hn ]) def write_hostname(rootpath, ksdata, overwrite=False): cfgfile = os.path.normpath(rootpath + hostnameFile) if (os.path.isfile(cfgfile) and not overwrite): return False f = open(cfgfile, "w") f.write("%s\n" % ksdata.network.hostname) f.close() return True def disableIPV6(rootpath): cfgfile = os.path.normpath(rootpath + ipv6ConfFile) if ('noipv6' in flags.cmdline and all(nm.nm_device_setting_value(dev, "ipv6", "method") == "ignore" for dev in nm.nm_devices())): log.info('Disabling ipv6 on target system') with open(cfgfile, "a") as f: f.write("# Anaconda disabling ipv6 (noipv6 option)\n") f.write("net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1\n") f.write("net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1\n") def disableNMForStorageDevices(rootpath, storage): for devname in nm.nm_devices(): if (usedByFCoE(devname, storage) or usedByRootOnISCSI(devname, storage)): dev = NetworkDevice(rootpath + netscriptsDir, devname) if os.access(dev.path, os.R_OK): dev.loadIfcfgFile() dev.set(('NM_CONTROLLED', 'no')) dev.writeIfcfgFile() log.info("network device %s used by storage will not be " "controlled by NM" % devname) else: log.warning("disableNMForStorageDevices: ifcfg file for %s not found" % devname) # sets ONBOOT=yes (and its mirror value in ksdata) for devices used by FCoE def autostartFCoEDevices(rootpath, storage, ksdata): for devname in nm.nm_devices(): if usedByFCoE(devname, storage): dev = NetworkDevice(rootpath + netscriptsDir, devname) if os.access(dev.path, os.R_OK): dev.loadIfcfgFile() dev.set(('ONBOOT', 'yes')) dev.writeIfcfgFile() log.debug("setting ONBOOT=yes for network device %s used by fcoe" % devname) for nd in ksdata.network.network: if nd.device == dev.iface: nd.onboot = True break else: log.warning("autoconnectFCoEDevices: ifcfg file for %s not found" % devname) def usedByFCoE(iface, storage): for d in storage.devices: if (isinstance(d, FcoeDiskDevice) and d.nic == iface): return True return False def usedByRootOnISCSI(iface, storage): rootdev = storage.rootDevice for d in storage.devices: if (isinstance(d, iScsiDiskDevice) and rootdev.dependsOn(d)): if d.nic == "default" or ":" in d.nic: if iface == ifaceForHostIP(d.host_address): return True elif d.nic == iface: return True return False def write_network_config(storage, ksdata, instClass, rootpath): write_hostname(rootpath, ksdata, overwrite=flags.livecdInstall) set_hostname(ksdata.network.hostname) disableIPV6(rootpath) if not flags.imageInstall: copyIfcfgFiles(rootpath) copyDhclientConfFiles(rootpath) copyFileToPath("/etc/resolv.conf", rootpath, overwrite=flags.livecdInstall) # TODO the default for ONBOOT needs to be lay down # before newui we didn't set it for kickstart installs instClass.setNetworkOnbootDefault(ksdata) # NM_CONTROLLED is not mirrored in ksdata disableNMForStorageDevices(rootpath, storage) autostartFCoEDevices(rootpath, storage, ksdata) def wait_for_connecting_NM(): """If NM is in connecting state, wait for connection. Return value: NM has got connection.""" if nm.nm_is_connecting(): log.debug("waiting for connecting NM (dhcp?)") else: return False i = 0 while nm.nm_is_connecting() and i < CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: i += 1 time.sleep(1) if nm.nm_is_connected(): log.debug("connected, waited %d seconds" % i) return True log.debug("not connected, waited %d of %d secs" % (i, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)) return False def update_hostname_data(ksdata, hostname): log.debug("updating hostname %s" % hostname) hostname_found = False for nd in ksdata.network.network: if nd.hostname: nd.hostname = hostname hostname_found = True if not hostname_found: nd = kickstartNetworkData(hostname=hostname) ksdata.network.network.append(nd) def get_device_name(devspec): devices = nm.nm_devices() devname = None if not devspec: if "ksdevice" in flags.cmdline: msg = "ksdevice boot parameter" devname = get_ksdevice_name(flags.cmdline["ksdevice"]) elif nm.nm_is_connected(): # device activated in stage 1 by network kickstart command msg = "first active device" devname = nm.nm_activated_devices()[0] else: msg = "first device found" devname = min(devices) log.info("unspecified network --device in kickstart, using %s (%s)" % (devname, msg)) else: if devspec.lower() == "ibft": devname = "" if devspec.lower() == "link": for dev in sorted(devices): try: link_up = nm.nm_device_carrier(dev) except ValueError as e: log.debug("get_device_name: %s" % e) continue if link_up: devname = dev break else: log.error("Kickstart: No network device with link found") elif devspec.lower() == "bootif": if "BOOTIF" in flags.cmdline: # MAC address like 01-aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff devname = flags.cmdline["BOOTIF"][3:] devname = devname.replace("-",":") else: log.error("Using --device=bootif without BOOTIF= boot option supplied") else: devname = devspec if devname not in devices: for d in devices: try: hwaddr = nm.nm_device_hwaddress(d) except ValueError as e: log.debug("get_device_name: %s" % e) continue if hwaddr.lower() == devname.lower(): devname = d break else: return "" return devname def setOnboot(ksdata): for network_data in ksdata.network.network: devname = get_device_name(network_data.device) if not devname: log.error("Kickstart: The provided network interface %s does not exist" % network_data.device) continue try: nm.nm_update_settings_of_device(devname, 'connection', 'autoconnect', network_data.onboot) ifcfglog.debug("setting autoconnect (ONBOOT) of %s to %s" % (devname, network_data.onboot)) except nm.DeviceSettingsNotFoundError as e: log.debug("setOnboot: %s" % e) def networkInitialize(ksdata): log.debug("network: devices found %s" % nm.nm_devices()) logIfcfgFiles("network initialization") if not flags.imageInstall: if dumpMissingDefaultIfcfgs(): logIfcfgFiles("ifcfgs created") # For kickstart network --activate option we set ONBOOT=yes # in dracut to get devices activated by NM. The real network --onboot # value is set here. setOnboot(ksdata) if ksdata.network.hostname is None: hostname = getHostname() update_hostname_data(ksdata, hostname) def wait_for_connecting_NM_thread(ksdata): # connection (e.g. auto default dhcp) is activated by NM service if wait_for_connecting_NM(): hostname = getHostname() update_hostname_data(ksdata, hostname)