# # exception.py - general exception formatting and saving # # Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Chris Lumens # David Cantrell # Vratislav Podzimek # from meh.handler import * from meh.dump import * import isys import iutil import sys import os import shutil import signal import time from flags import flags import kickstart import blivet.errors from pyanaconda.constants import ROOT_PATH from gi.repository import GLib import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) class AnacondaExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler): def __init__(self, confObj, intfClass, exnClass, tty_num): """ @see: python-meh's ExceptionHandler @param tty_num: the number of tty the interface is running on """ ExceptionHandler.__init__(self, confObj, intfClass, exnClass) self._intf_tty_num = tty_num def handleException(self, (ty, value, tb), obj): def run_handleException_on_idle(args_tuple): """ Helper function with one argument only so that it can be registered with GLib.idle_add() to run on idle. @param args_tuple: ((ty, value, tb), obj) """ trace, obj = args_tuple ty, value, tb = trace super(AnacondaExceptionHandler, self).handleException((ty, value, tb), obj) return False if issubclass(ty, blivet.errors.StorageError) and value.hardware_fault: hw_error_msg = _("The installation was stopped due to what " "seems to be a problem with your hardware. " "The exact error message is:\n\n%s.\n\n " "The installer will now terminate.") % str(value) self.intf.showError(hw_error_msg) sys.exit(0) else: try: from gi.repository import Gtk if Gtk.main_level() > 0: # main loop is running, don't crash it by running another one # potentially from a different thread GLib.idle_add(run_handleException_on_idle, ((ty, value, tb), obj)) else: super(AnacondaExceptionHandler, self).handleException( (ty, value, tb), obj) except RuntimeError: # X not running (Gtk cannot be initialized) print "An unknown error has occured, look at the "\ "/tmp/anaconda-tb* file(s) for more details" super(AnacondaExceptionHandler, self).handleException( (ty, value, tb), obj) def postWriteHook(self, (ty, value, tb), anaconda): # See if /mnt/sysimage is present and put exception there as well if os.access("/mnt/sysimage/root", os.X_OK): try: dest = "/mnt/sysimage/root/%s" % os.path.basename(self.exnFile) shutil.copyfile(self.exnFile, dest) except: log.error("Failed to copy %s to /mnt/sysimage/root" % self.exnFile) pass # run kickstart traceback scripts (if necessary) try: kickstart.runTracebackScripts(anaconda.ksdata.scripts) except: pass def runDebug(self, (ty, value, tb)): if self._intf_tty_num != 1: iutil.vtActivate(1) pidfl = "/tmp/vncshell.pid" if os.path.exists(pidfl) and os.path.isfile(pidfl): pf = open(pidfl, "r") for pid in pf.readlines(): if not int(pid) == os.getpid(): os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) pf.close() os.open("/dev/console", os.O_RDWR) # reclaim stdin os.dup2(0, 1) # reclaim stdout os.dup2(0, 2) # reclaim stderr # ^ # | # +------ dup2 is magic, I tells ya! # bring back the echo import termios si = sys.stdin.fileno() attr = termios.tcgetattr(si) attr[3] = attr[3] & termios.ECHO termios.tcsetattr(si, termios.TCSADRAIN, attr) print("\nEntering debugger...") print("Use 'continue' command to quit the debugger and get back to "\ "the main window") import pdb pdb.post_mortem (tb) if self._intf_tty_num != 1: iutil.vtActivate(self._intf_tty_num) def initExceptionHandling(anaconda): fileList = [ "/tmp/anaconda.log", "/tmp/packaging.log", "/tmp/program.log", "/tmp/storage.log", "/tmp/ifcfg.log", "/tmp/yum.log", ROOT_PATH + "/root/install.log", ROOT_PATH + "/root/upgrade.log", "/proc/cmdline" ] if flags.livecdInstall: fileList.extend(["/var/log/messages"]) else: fileList.extend(["/tmp/syslog"]) if anaconda.opts and anaconda.opts.ksfile: fileList.extend([anaconda.opts.ksfile]) conf = Config(programName="anaconda", programVersion=isys.getAnacondaVersion(), attrSkipList=["_intf._actions", "_intf._currentAction._xklwrapper", "_intf._currentAction.language.translations", "_intf._currentAction.language.locales", "_intf.storage.bootloader.password", "_intf.storage.data", "_intf.storage.encryptionPassphrase", "_bootloader.encrypted_password", "_bootloader.password", "payload._groups", "payload._yum"], localSkipList=[ "passphrase", "password" ], fileList=fileList) conf.register_callback("lsblk_output", lsblk_callback, attchmnt_only=True) conf.register_callback("nmcli_dev_list", nmcli_dev_list_callback, attchmnt_only=True) conf.register_callback("type", lambda: "anaconda", attchmnt_only=True) handler = AnacondaExceptionHandler(conf, anaconda.intf.meh_interface, ReverseExceptionDump, anaconda.intf.tty_num) handler.install(anaconda) return conf def lsblk_callback(): """Callback to get info about block devices.""" return iutil.execWithCapture("lsblk", ["--perms", "--fs", "--bytes"]) def nmcli_dev_list_callback(): """Callback to get info about network devices.""" return iutil.execWithCapture("nmcli", ["dev", "list"]) def test_exception_handling(): """ Function that can be used for testing exception handling in anaconda. It tries to prepare a worst case scenario designed from bugs seen so far. """ # XXX: this is a huge hack, but probably the only way, how we can get # "unique" stack and thus unique hash and new bugreport def raise_exception(msg, non_ascii): timestamp = str(time.time()).split(".", 1)[0] code = """ def f%s(msg, non_ascii): raise RuntimeError(msg) f%s(msg, non_ascii) """ % (timestamp, timestamp) eval(compile(code, "str_eval", "exec")) # test non-ascii characters dumping non_ascii = u'\u0159' msg = "NOTABUG: testing exception handling" # raise exception from a separate thread # XXX: may create a circular dependency if imported globally from pyanaconda.threads import AnacondaThread, threadMgr threadMgr.add(AnacondaThread(name="AnaExceptionHandlingTest", target=raise_exception, args=(msg, non_ascii)))