# # dispatch.py: install/upgrade master flow control # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Erik Troan # import string from types import * import indexed_dict from constants import * from packages import doPostAction from packages import firstbootConfiguration from packages import setupTimezone from storage import storageInitialize from storage import storageComplete from storage.partitioning import doAutoPartition from bootloader import writeBootLoader from flags import flags from installmethod import doMethodComplete from sshd import doSshd from rescue import doRescue from backend import doPostSelection, doBackendSetup, doBasePackageSelect from backend import doPreInstall, doPostInstall, doInstall from backend import writeConfiguration from packages import doReIPL import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") class DispatchError(Exception): pass class Step(object): SCHED_UNSCHEDULED = 0 SCHED_SCHEDULED = 1 # will execute if not explicitly skipped SCHED_SKIPPED = 2 # is never going to execute SCHED_REQUESTED = 3 # will execute and can not be skipped SCHED_DONE = 4 # done is a final state sched_state_machine = [ # Table of allowed state changes, rows are the current state, columns # are what we want to transition into. False when such transition is not # allowed. # unsch sched skip req done [True , True , True , True , True ], # unscheduled [True, True , True , True , True ], # scheduled [False, False, True , False, False], # skipped [False, False, False, True , True ], # requested [False, False, False, False, True ]] # done def __init__(self, name, target = None): """ Dispatcher step object. Target is a callable that performs the step (direct step). It accepts a sole argument: the anaconda object. If target is None, user interface object is told to handle the step (i.e. indirect step). """ self._changes = {} # tracks changes (FROM, TO) in scheduling of other steps self.name = name self.target = target # None for dynamic target (e.g. gui view) self._sched = self.SCHED_UNSCHEDULED self.client_data = {} # used by the client code, not reset when # scheduling is reverted def _reschedule(self, to_sched, current_step): s_from = self.sched new_sched = self.sched_state_machine[self.sched][to_sched] if new_sched is False: raise DispatchError( "Can not reschedule step '%s' from '%s' to '%s'" % (self.name, self.namesched(self._sched), self.namesched(to_sched))) self._sched = to_sched # only track scheduling if we are in a step and if something changes: if current_step and s_from != self._sched: current_step.record_history(self, s_from, self.sched) @property def changes(self): return self._changes def clear_changes(self): self._changes = {} @property def direct(self): return self.target is not None def done(self, current_step): return self._reschedule(self.SCHED_DONE, current_step) def request(self, current_step): return self._reschedule(self.SCHED_REQUESTED, current_step) def unschedule(self, current_step): return self._reschedule(self.SCHED_UNSCHEDULED, current_step) def namesched(self, sched): return { self.SCHED_UNSCHEDULED : "unscheduled", self.SCHED_SCHEDULED : "scheduled", self.SCHED_SKIPPED : "skipped", self.SCHED_REQUESTED : "requested", self.SCHED_DONE : "done" }[sched] def record_history(self, step, s_from, s_to): """ Stores information about scheduling changes into self. step is a step where scheduling changed from s_from to s_to. the self object in this method should be the currently executing object. """ if step.name in self._changes: s_from = self._changes[step.name][0] self._changes[step.name] = (s_from, s_to) def revert_sched(self, s_from, s_to): assert(self.sched == s_to) self._sched = s_from @property def sched(self): return self._sched def schedule(self, current_step): return self._reschedule(self.SCHED_SCHEDULED, current_step) def skip(self, current_step): return self._reschedule(self.SCHED_SKIPPED, current_step) class Dispatcher(object): def __init__(self, anaconda): self.anaconda = anaconda self.anaconda.dir = DISPATCH_FORWARD self.step = None # name of the current step self.stop = False # step dictionary mapping step names to step objects self.steps = indexed_dict.IndexedDict() self.init_steps() def _advance_step(self): if self.step is None: # initialization log.info("dispatch: resetting to the first step.") self.step = self.steps[0].name elif self._step_index() < len(self.steps) - 1: i = self._step_index() if self.dir == DISPATCH_BACK: # revert whatever changed in the current step self._revert_scheduling(self.step) self.step = self.steps[i + self.dir].name if self.dir == DISPATCH_BACK: # revert whatever changed in the step we moved back to self._revert_scheduling(self.step) else: # advancing from the last step self.step = "_invalid_" self.stop = True def _current_step(self): if self.step: return self.steps[self.step] return None def _revert_scheduling(self, reverted_step): """ Revert scheduling changes that happened during reverted_step. """ for (step, (s_from, s_to)) in self.steps[reverted_step].changes.items(): self.steps[step].revert_sched(s_from, s_to) self.steps[reverted_step].clear_changes() def _step_index(self): return self.steps.index(self.step) def add_step(self, name, target = None): self.steps[name] = Step(name, target) def can_go_back(self): # Begin with the step before this one. If all steps are skipped, # we can not go backwards from this one. if self.step == None: return False i = self._step_index() - 1 while i >= 0: sname = self.steps[i].name if not self.step_is_direct(sname) and self.step_enabled(sname): return True i -= 1 return False #pylint: disable-msg=E0202 @property def dir(self): return self.anaconda.dir # pylint: disable-msg=E0102,E0202,E1101 @dir.setter def dir(self, dir): if dir not in [DISPATCH_BACK, DISPATCH_FORWARD, DISPATCH_DEFAULT]: raise RuntimeError("dispatch: wrong direction code") if dir in [DISPATCH_BACK, DISPATCH_FORWARD]: self.anaconda.dir = dir def done_steps(self, *steps): changes = map(lambda s: self.steps[s].done(self._current_step()), steps) def go_back(self): """ The caller should make sure can_go_back() is True before calling this method. """ self.dir = DISPATCH_BACK self.dispatch() def go_forward(self): self.dir = DISPATCH_FORWARD self.dispatch() def init_steps(self): # Note that not only a subset of the steps is executed for a particular # run, depending on the kind of installation, user selection, kickstart # commands, used installclass and used user interface. self.add_step("sshd", doSshd) self.add_step("rescue", doRescue) self.add_step("language") self.add_step("keyboard") self.add_step("filtertype") self.add_step("filter") self.add_step("storageinit", storageInitialize) self.add_step("findinstall") self.add_step("network") self.add_step("timezone") self.add_step("accounts") self.add_step("setuptime", setupTimezone) self.add_step("parttype") self.add_step("cleardiskssel") self.add_step("autopartitionexecute", doAutoPartition) self.add_step("partition") self.add_step("upgrademigratefs") self.add_step("storagedone", storageComplete) self.add_step("upgbootloader") self.add_step("bootloader") self.add_step("reposetup", doBackendSetup) self.add_step("tasksel") self.add_step("basepkgsel", doBasePackageSelect) self.add_step("group-selection") self.add_step("postselection", doPostSelection) self.add_step("install") self.add_step("preinstallconfig", doPreInstall) self.add_step("installpackages", doInstall) self.add_step("postinstallconfig", doPostInstall) self.add_step("writeconfig", writeConfiguration) self.add_step("firstboot", firstbootConfiguration) self.add_step("instbootloader", writeBootLoader) self.add_step("reipl", doReIPL) self.add_step("methodcomplete", doMethodComplete) self.add_step("dopostaction", doPostAction) self.add_step("complete") def request_steps(self, *steps): changes = map(lambda s: self.steps[s].request(self._current_step()), steps) def request_steps_gently(self, *steps): """ Requests steps and won't raise an error if it is not possible for some of them. """ for step in steps: try: self.request_steps(step) except DispatchError as e: log.debug("dispatch: %s" % e) def reset_scheduling(self): log.info("dispatch: resetting scheduling") for step in self.steps: try: self.steps[step].unschedule(self._current_step()) except DispatchError as e: log.debug("dispatch: %s" % e) log.info("dispatch: resetting finished.") def run(self): self.anaconda.intf.run(self.anaconda) log.info("dispatch: finished.") def schedule_steps(self, *steps): changes = map(lambda s: self.steps[s].schedule(self._current_step()), steps) def schedule_steps_gently(self, *steps): """ Schedules steps and won't raise an error if it is not possible for some of them. """ for step in steps: try: self.schedule_steps(step) except DispatchError as e: log.debug("dispatch: %s" % e) def step_data(self, step): return self.steps[step].client_data def step_disabled(self, step): """ True if step is not yet scheduled to be run or will never be run (i.e. is skipped). """ return not self.step_enabled(step) def step_enabled(self, step): """ True if step is scheduled to be run or have been run already. """ return self.steps[step].sched in [Step.SCHED_SCHEDULED, Step.SCHED_REQUESTED, Step.SCHED_DONE] def skip_steps(self, *steps): changes = map(lambda s: self.steps[s].skip(self._current_step()), steps) def step_is_direct(self, step): return self.steps[step].direct def dispatch(self): if self.step: log.info("dispatch: leaving (%d) step %s" % (self.dir, self.step)) self.done_steps(self.step) self._advance_step() while True: if self.stop: # installation has proceeded beyond the last step: finished self.anaconda.intf.shutdown() return if self.step_disabled(self.step): self._advance_step() continue log.info("dispatch: moving (%d) to step %s" % (self.dir, self.step)) if self.step_is_direct(self.step): # handle a direct step by just calling the function log.debug("dispatch: %s is a direct step" % self.step) self.dir = self.steps[self.step].target(self.anaconda) else: # handle an indirect step (IOW the user interface has a screen # to display to the user): rc = self.anaconda.intf.display_step(self.step) if rc == DISPATCH_WAITING: # a new screen has been set up and we are waiting for the # user input now (this only ever happens with the GTK UI and # is because we need to get back to gtk.main()) return elif rc == DISPATCH_DEFAULT: log.debug("dispatch: the interface chose " "not to display step %s." % self.step) else: self.dir = rc log.info("dispatch: leaving (%d) step %s" % (self.dir, self.step)) self.done_steps(self.step) self._advance_step()