# # partIntfHelps.py: partitioning interface helper functions # # Matt Wilson # Jeremy Katz # Mike Fulbright # Harald Hoyer # # Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # """Helper functions shared between partitioning interfaces.""" import string from translate import _ from constants import * import partedUtils import parted import fsset import iutil import partRequests from partitioning import containsImmutablePart, deleteAllLogicalPartitions def sanityCheckVolumeGroupName(volname): """Make sure that the volume group name doesn't contain invalid chars.""" badNames = ['lvm'] if not volname: return _("Please enter a volume group name.") # ripped the value for this out of linux/include/lvm.h if len(volname) > 128: return _("Volume Group Names must be less than 128 characters") if volname in badNames: return _("Error - the volume group name %s is not valid." % (volname,)) if string.find(volname, '/') != -1 or string.find(volname, ' ') != -1: return _("Error - the volume group name contains illegal characters " " or spaces.") return None def sanityCheckLogicalVolumeName(logvolname): """Make sure that the logical volume name doesn't contain invalid chars.""" badNames = ['group'] if not logvolname: return _("Please enter a logical volume name.") # ripped the value for this out of linux/include/lvm.h if len(logvolname) > 128: return _("Logical Volume Names must be less than 128 characters") if logvolname in badNames: return _("Error - the logical volume name %s is not " "valid." % (logvolname,)) if (string.find(logvolname, '/') != -1 or string.find(logvolname, ' ') != -1): return _("Error - the logical volume name contains illegal " "characters or spaces.") return None def doDeletePartitionByRequest(intf, requestlist, partition): """Delete a partition from the request list. intf is the interface requestlist is the list of requests partition is either the part object or the uniqueID if not a part """ if partition == None: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("You must first select a partition to remove.")) return 0 if iutil.getArch() == "s390" and type(partition) != type("RAID"): intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("DASD partitions can only be deleted " "with fdasd")) return if type(partition) == type("RAID"): device = partition elif partition.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("You cannot remove free space.")) return 0 else: device = partedUtils.get_partition_name(partition) ret = containsImmutablePart(partition, requestlist) if ret: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("You cannot remove this " "partition, as it is an extended partition " "which contains %s") %(ret)) return 0 # see if device is in our partition requests, remove request = requestlist.getRequestByDeviceName(device) if request: if request.type == REQUEST_PROTECTED: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("You cannot remove this " "partition, as it is holding the data for " "the hard drive install.")) return 0 if requestlist.isRaidMember(request): intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("You cannot remove this " "partition, as it is part of a RAID device.")) return 0 if request.type == REQUEST_LV: # temporary message intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("Removing logical volumes from the " "treeview is not currently supported.")) return 0 if requestlist.isLVMVolumeGroupMember(request): intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Remove"), _("You cannot remove this " "partition, as it is part of a LVM " "volume group.")) return 0 if confirmDeleteRequest(intf, request): requestlist.removeRequest(request) else: return 0 if request.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST: # get the drive drive = partedUtils.get_partition_drive(partition) if partition.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: deleteAllLogicalPartitions(partition, requestlist) delete = partRequests.DeleteSpec(drive, partition.geom.start, partition.geom.end) requestlist.addDelete(delete) else: # is this a extended partition we made? if partition.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: deleteAllLogicalPartitions(partition, requestlist) else: raise ValueError, "Deleting a non-existent partition" del partition return 1 def doEditPartitionByRequest(intf, requestlist, part): """Edit a partition from the request list. intf is the interface requestlist is the list of requests partition is either the part object or the uniqueID if not a part """ if part == None: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Edit"), _("You must select a partition to edit")) return (None, None) if type(part) == type("RAID"): request = requestlist.getRequestByID(int(part)) if request.type == REQUEST_RAID: return ("RAID", request) elif request.type == REQUEST_VG: return ("LVMVG", request) elif request.type == REQUEST_LV: return ("LVMLV", request) else: return (None, None) elif iutil.getArch() == "s390": intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("You must go back and use fdasd to " "inititalize this partition")) return (None, None) elif part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: request = partRequests.PartitionSpec(fsset.fileSystemTypeGetDefault(), start = partedUtils.start_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.disk.dev, part.geom.start), end = partedUtils.end_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.disk.dev, part.geom.end), drive = [ partedUtils.get_partition_drive(part) ]) return ("NEW", request) elif part.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: return (None, None) ret = containsImmutablePart(part, requestlist) if ret: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable To Edit"), _("You cannot edit this " "partition, as it is an extended partition " "which contains %s") %(ret)) return 0 name = partedUtils.get_partition_name(part) request = requestlist.getRequestByDeviceName(name) if request: if requestlist.isRaidMember(request): intf.messageWindow( _("Unable to Edit"), _("You cannot edit this partition " "as it is part of a RAID device")) return (None, None) return ("PARTITION", request) else: # shouldn't ever happen raise ValueError, ("Trying to edit non-existent partition %s" % (partedUtils.get_partition_name(part))) def checkForSwapNoMatch(intf, diskset, partitions): """Check for any partitions of type 0x82 which don't have a swap fs.""" for request in partitions.requests: if not request.device or not request.fstype: continue part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, request.device) if (part and (not part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE) and (part.native_type == 0x82) and (request.fstype and request.fstype.getName() != "swap") and (not request.format)): rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Format as Swap?"), _("/dev/%s has a partition type of 0x82 " "(Linux swap) but does not appear to " "be formatted as a Linux swap " "partition.\n\n" "Would you like to format this " "partition as a swap partition?") % (request.device), type = "yesno") if rc == 1: request.format = 1 request.fstype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("swap") if request.fstype.getName() == "software RAID": part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID, 1) else: part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID, 0) partedUtils.set_partition_file_system_type(part, request.fstype) def queryFormatPreExisting(intf): """Ensure the user intends to format a pre-existing partition.""" rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Format?"), _("You have chosen to format a pre-existing " "partition. This will destroy all data " "that was previously on it.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to do this?"), type = "yesno", default = "no") return rc def queryNoFormatPreExisting(intf): """Ensure the user wants to use a partition without formatting.""" txt = _("You have chosen to use a pre-existing " "partition for this installation without formatting it. " "Red Hat recommends that you format this partition " "to make sure files from a previous operating system installation " "do not cause problems with this installation of Linux. " "However, if this partition contains files that you need " "to keep, such as a users home directories, then you should " "continue without formatting this partition. \n\n" "Are you sure you want to continue without formatting" "the partition ?") rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Format?"), txt, type = "yesno", default = "no") return rc def partitionSanityErrors(intf, errors): """Errors were found sanity checking. Tell the user they must fix.""" rc = 1 if errors: errorstr = string.join(errors, "\n\n") rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Partitioning"), _("The following critical errors exist " "with your requested partitioning " "scheme. " "These errors must be corrected prior " "to continuing with your install of " "Red Hat Linux.\n\n%s") %(errorstr)) return rc def partitionSanityWarnings(intf, warnings): """Sanity check found warnings. Make sure the user wants to continue.""" rc = 1 if warnings: warningstr = string.join(warnings, "\n\n") rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Partitioning Warning"), _("The following warnings exist with " "your requested partition scheme.\n\n%s" "\n\nWould you like to continue with " "your requested partitioning " "scheme?") % (warningstr), type="yesno") return rc def partitionPreExistFormatWarnings(intf, warnings): """Double check that preexistings being formatted are fine.""" rc = 1 if warnings: labelstr1 = _("The following pre-existing partitions have been " "selected to be formatted, destroying all data.") labelstr2 = _("Select 'Yes' to continue and format these " "partitions, or 'No' to go back and change these " "settings.") commentstr = "" for (dev, type, mntpt) in warnings: commentstr = commentstr + "/dev/%s %s %s\n" % (dev,type,mntpt) rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Format Warning"), "%s\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (labelstr1, labelstr2, commentstr), type="yesno") return rc def confirmDeleteRequest(intf, request): """Confirm the deletion of a request.""" if request.device: if request.type == REQUEST_RAID: errmsg = _("You are about to delete a RAID device.\n\n" "Are you sure?") else: errmsg = _("You are about to delete the /dev/%s partition.\n\n" "Are you sure?" % request.device) else: errmsg = _("Are you sure you want to delete this partition?") rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Confirm Delete"), errmsg, type="yesno") return rc def confirmResetPartitionState(intf): """Confirm reset of partitioning to that present on the system.""" rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Confirm Reset"), _("Are you sure you want to reset the " "partition table to its original state?"), type="yesno") return rc