# # network.py - network configuration install data # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Matt Wilson # Erik Troan # Mike Fulbright # Brent Fox # David Cantrell # import string import shutil import isys import iutil import socket import struct import os import time import minihal import rhpl import dbus from flags import flags from rhpl.simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") class IPError(Exception): pass class IPMissing(Exception): pass def sanityCheckHostname(hostname): if len(hostname) < 1: return None if len(hostname) > 255: return _("Hostname must be 255 or fewer characters in length.") validStart = string.ascii_letters + string.digits validAll = validStart + ".-" if string.find(validStart, hostname[0]) == -1: return _("Hostname must start with a valid character in the ranges " "'a-z', 'A-Z', or '0-9'") for i in range(1, len(hostname)): if string.find(validAll, hostname[i]) == -1: return _("Hostnames can only contain the characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '-', or '.'") return None # Try to determine what the hostname should be for this system def getDefaultHostname(anaconda): isys.resetResolv() hn = None bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) nm_props_iface = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) active_connections = nm_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "ActiveConnections") # XXX: account for Ip6Config objects when NetworkManager supports them for connection in active_connections: active_connection = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, connection) active_connection_props_iface = dbus.Interface(active_connection, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) devices = active_connection_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Devices') for device_path in devices: device = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, device_path) device_props_iface = dbus.Interface(device, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) ip4_config_path = device_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Ip4Config') ip4_config_obj = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, ip4_config_path) ip4_config_props = dbus.Interface(ip4_config_obj, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) # addresses (3-element list: ipaddr, netmask, gateway) addrs = ip4_config_props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "Addresses")[0] try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[0]) ipaddr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) hinfo = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipaddr) if len(hinfo) == 3: hn = hinfo[0] else: continue except: continue if hn and hn != 'localhost' and hn != 'localhost.localdomain': return hn hn = anaconda.id.network.hostname if not hn or hn == '(none)' or hn == 'localhost' or hn == 'localhost.localdomain': hn = socket.gethostname() if not hn or hn == '(none)' or hn == 'localhost': hn = 'localhost.localdomain' return hn # return if the device is of a type that requires a ptpaddr to be specified def isPtpDev(devname): if (devname.startswith("ctc") or devname.startswith("iucv")): return True return False def _anyUsing(method): # method names that NetworkManager might use if method == 'auto': methods = (method, 'dhcp') else: methods = (method) try: bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) nm_props_iface = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) active_connections = nm_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "ActiveConnections") for path in active_connections: active = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, path) active_props_iface = dbus.Interface(active, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) active_service_name = active_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE, "ServiceName") active_path = active_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE, "Connection") connection = bus.get_object(active_service_name, active_path) connection_iface = dbus.Interface(connection, isys.NM_CONNECTION_IFACE) settings = connection_iface.GetSettings() # XXX: add support for Ip6Config when it appears ip4_setting = settings['ipv4'] if not ip4_setting or not ip4_setting['method'] or ip4_setting['method'] in methods: return True return False except: return False # determine whether any active at boot devices are using dhcp or dhcpv6 def anyUsingDHCP(): return _anyUsing('auto') # determine whether any active at boot devices are using static IP config def anyUsingStatic(): return _anyUsing('manual') # sanity check an IP string. def sanityCheckIPString(ip_string): if ip_string.strip() == "": raise IPMissing, _("IP address is missing.") if ip_string.find(':') == -1 and ip_string.find('.') > 0: family = socket.AF_INET errstr = _("IPv4 addresses must contain four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.") elif ip_string.find(':') > 0 and ip_string.find('.') == -1: family = socket.AF_INET6 errstr = _("'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address.") % ip_string else: raise IPError, _("'%s' is an invalid IP address.") % ip_string try: socket.inet_pton(family, ip_string) except socket.error: raise IPError, errstr def hasActiveNetDev(): try: bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) props = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) state = props.Get(isys.NM_SERVICE, "State") if int(state) == isys.NM_STATE_CONNECTED: return True else: return False except: return False class NetworkDevice(SimpleConfigFile): def __str__(self): s = "" s = s + "DEVICE=" + self.info["DEVICE"] + "\n" keys = self.info.keys() keys.sort() keys.remove("DEVICE") if "DESC" in keys: keys.remove("DESC") if "KEY" in keys: keys.remove("KEY") for key in keys: if key in ("NM_CONTROLLED"): continue # make sure we include autoneg in the ethtool line elif key == 'ETHTOOL_OPTS' and self.info[key].find("autoneg")== -1: s = s + key + """="autoneg off %s"\n""" % (self.info[key]) elif self.info[key] is not None: s = s + key + "=" + self.info[key] + "\n" return s def __init__(self, dev): self.info = { "DEVICE" : dev } if dev.startswith('ctc'): self.info["TYPE"] = "CTC" elif dev.startswith('iucv'): self.info["TYPE"] = "IUCV" class Network: def __init__(self): self.netdevices = {} self.ksdevice = None self.domains = [] self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.overrideDHCPhostname = False # populate self.netdevices devhash = isys.getDeviceProperties(dev=None) for dev in devhash.keys(): self.netdevices[dev] = NetworkDevice(dev) ifcfg_contents = self.readIfcfgContents(dev) # if NM_CONTROLLED is set to yes, we read in settings from # NetworkManager first, then fill in the gaps with the data # from the ifcfg file useNetworkManager = False if ifcfg_contents.has_key('NM_CONTROLLED'): if ifcfg_contents['NM_CONTROLLED'].lower() == 'yes' or ifcfg_contents['NM_CONTROLLED'] == '': useNetworkManager = True # this interface is managed by NetworkManager, so read from # NetworkManager first if useNetworkManager: props = devhash[dev] if isys.isDeviceDHCP(dev): self.netdevices[dev].set(('BOOTPROTO', 'dhcp')) else: self.netdevices[dev].unset('BOOTPROTO') bus = dbus.SystemBus() config_path = props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Ip4Config') config = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, config_path) config_props = dbus.Interface(config, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) # addresses (3-element list: ipaddr, netmask, gateway) addrs = config_props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Addresses')[0] try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[0]) ipaddr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) self.netdevices[dev].set(('IPADDR', ipaddr)) except: pass try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[1]) netmask = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) self.netdevices[dev].set(('NETMASK', netmask)) except: pass try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[2]) gateway = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) self.netdevices[dev].set(('GATEWAY', gateway)) except: pass self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # read in remaining settings from ifcfg file for key in ifcfg_contents.keys(): if key == 'GATEWAY': self.netdevices[dev].set((key, ifcfg_contents[key])) elif key == 'DOMAIN': self.domains.append(ifcfg_contents[key]) elif key == 'HOSTNAME': self.hostname = ifcfg_contents[key] elif self.netdevices[dev].get(key) == '': self.netdevices[dev].set((key, ifcfg_contents[key])) # now initialize remaining devices # XXX we just throw return away, the method initialize a # object member so we dont need to available_devices = self.available() if len(available_devices) > 0: # set first device to start up onboot oneactive = 0 for dev in available_devices.keys(): try: if available_devices[dev].get("ONBOOT") == "yes": oneactive = 1 break except: continue def readIfcfgContents(self, dev): ifcfg = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-%s" % (dev,) contents = {} try: f = open(ifcfg, "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or line == '': continue var = string.splitfields(line, '=') if len(var) == 2: var[1] = var[1].replace('"', '') contents[var[0]] = string.strip(var[1]) except: return {} return contents def getDevice(self, device): return self.netdevices[device] def available(self): ksdevice = None if flags.cmdline.has_key('ksdevice'): ksdevice = flags.cmdline['ksdevice'] # XXX: this should use NetworkManager for device in minihal.get_devices_by_type("net"): if device.has_key('net.arp_proto_hw_id'): if device['net.arp_proto_hw_id'] == 1: dev = device['device'] if not self.netdevices.has_key(dev): self.netdevices[dev] = NetworkDevice(dev); self.netdevices[dev].set(('HWADDR', device['net.address'])) self.netdevices[dev].set(('DESC', device['description'])) if not ksdevice: continue if ksdevice == 'link' and isys.getLinkStatus(dev): self.ksdevice = dev elif ksdevice == dev: self.ksdevice = dev elif ksdevice.find(':') != -1: if ksdevice.lower() == device['net.address'].lower(): self.ksdevice = dev return self.netdevices def getKSDevice(self): if self.ksdevice is None: return None try: return self.netdevices[self.ksdevice] except: return None def setHostname(self, hn): self.hostname = hn def setDNS(self, ns, device): dns = ns.split(',') i = 1 for addr in dns: addr = addr.strip() dnslabel = "DNS%d" % (i,) self.netdevices[device].set((dnslabel, addr)) i += 1 def setGateway(self, gw, device): self.netdevices[dev].set(('GATEWAY', gw)) def lookupHostname(self): # can't look things up if they don't exist! if not self.hostname or self.hostname == "localhost.localdomain": return None if not hasActiveNetDev(): log.warning("no network devices were available to look up host name") return None try: (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) = \ socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, None, socket.AF_INET)[0] (ip, port) = sockaddr except: try: (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) = \ socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0] (ip, port, flowinfo, scopeid) = sockaddr except: return None return ip def writeKS(self, f): devNames = self.netdevices.keys() devNames.sort() if len(devNames) == 0: return for devName in devNames: dev = self.netdevices[devName] if dev.get('bootproto').lower() == 'dhcp' or dev.get('ipaddr'): f.write("network --device %s" % dev.get('device')) if dev.get('MTU') and dev.get('MTU') != 0: f.write(" --mtu=%s" % dev.get('MTU')) onboot = dev.get("onboot") if onboot and onboot == "no": f.write(" --onboot no") if dev.get('bootproto').lower() == 'dhcp': f.write(" --bootproto dhcp") if dev.get('dhcpclass'): f.write(" --class %s" % dev.get('dhcpclass')) if self.overrideDHCPhostname: if (self.hostname and self.hostname != "localhost.localdomain"): f.write(" --hostname %s" % self.hostname) else: f.write(" --bootproto static --ip %s --netmask %s" % (dev.get('ipaddr'), dev.get('netmask'))) if dev.get('GATEWAY'): f.write(" --gateway %s" % (dev.get('GATEWAY'),)) dnsline = '' for key in dev.info.keys(): if key.upper().startswith('DNS'): if dnsline == '': dnsline = dev.get(key) else: dnsline += "," + dev.get(key) if dnsline != '': f.write(" --nameserver %s" % (dnsline,)) if (self.hostname and self.hostname != "localhost.localdomain"): f.write(" --hostname %s" % self.hostname) f.write("\n"); def hasNameServers(self, hash): if hash.keys() == []: return False for key in hash.keys(): if key.upper().startswith('DNS'): return True return False def write(self, instPath=''): if len(self.netdevices.values()) == 0: return tmpdest = "%s/.tmp" % (instPath,) if not os.path.isdir(tmpdest): iutil.mkdirChain(tmpdest) # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* for dev in self.netdevices.values(): device = dev.get('DEVICE') bootproto = dev.get('BOOTPROTO').lower() ipv6addr = dev.get('IPV6ADDR').lower() ipv6prefix = dev.get('IPV6PREFIX').lower() ipv6autoconf = dev.get('IPV6_AUTOCONF').lower() dhcpv6c = dev.get('DHCPV6C').lower() newifcfg = "%s/ifcfg-%s" % (tmpdest, device,) f = open(newifcfg, "w") if len(dev.get("DESC")) > 0: f.write("# %s\n" % (dev.get("DESC"),)) # if bootproto is dhcp, unset any static settings (#218489) # *but* don't unset if either IPv4 or IPv6 is manual (#433290) if bootproto == 'dhcp': dev.unset('IPADDR') dev.unset('NETMASK') dev.unset('GATEWAY') # handle IPv6 settings correctly for the ifcfg file dev.unset('IPV6ADDR') dev.unset('IPV6PREFIX') if ipv6addr == 'dhcp': dev.set(('IPV6INIT', 'yes')) dev.set(('DHCPV6C', 'yes')) elif ipv6addr != '' and ipv6addr is not None: dev.set(('IPV6INIT', 'yes')) if ipv6prefix != '' and ipv6prefix is not None: dev.set(('IPV6ADDR', ipv6addr + '/' + ipv6prefix)) else: dev.set(('IPV6ADDR', ipv6addr)) if dev.get('IPV6_AUTOCONF').lower() == 'yes': dev.set(('IPV6INIT', 'yes')) f.write(str(dev)) # write out the hostname as DHCP_HOSTNAME if given (#81613) if (bootproto == 'dhcp' and self.hostname and self.overrideDHCPhostname): f.write("DHCP_HOSTNAME=%s\n" %(self.hostname,)) if dev.get('DHCPCLASS'): f.write("DHCP_CLASSID=%s\n" % dev.get('dhcpclass')) if dev.get('MTU') and dev.get('MTU') != 0: f.write("MTU=%s\n" % dev.get('MTU')) if self.domains != ['localdomain'] and self.domains: searchLine = string.joinfields(self.domains, ' ') f.write("SEARCH=\"%s\"\n" % (searchLine,)) f.write("NM_CONTROLLED=yes\n") f.close() os.chmod(newifcfg, 0644) # move the new ifcfg in place destdir = "%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" % (instPath,) if not os.path.isdir(destdir): iutil.mkdirChain(destdir) destcfg = "%s/ifcfg-%s" % (destdir, device,) shutil.move(newifcfg, destcfg) # XXX: is this necessary with NetworkManager? # handle the keys* files if we have those if dev.get("KEY"): newkey = "%s/keys-%s" % (tmpdest, device,) f = open(newkey, "w") f.write("KEY=%s\n" % (dev.get('KEY'),)) f.close() os.chmod(newkey, 0600) destkey = "%s/keys-%s" % (destdir, device,) shutil.move(newkey, destkey) # /etc/sysconfig/network newnetwork = "%s/network" % (tmpdest,) destnetwork = "%s/etc/sysconfig/network" % (instPath,) f = open(newnetwork, "w") f.write("NETWORKING=yes\n") f.write("HOSTNAME=") # use instclass hostname if set(kickstart) to override if self.hostname: f.write(self.hostname + "\n") else: f.write("localhost.localdomain\n") if dev.get('GATEWAY'): f.write("GATEWAY=%s\n" % (dev.get('GATEWAY'),)) if dev.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW'): f.write("IPV6_DEFAULTGW=%s\n" % (dev.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW'),)) f.close() shutil.move(newnetwork, destnetwork) # /etc/hosts f = open(instPath + "/etc/hosts", "w") log.info("self.hostname = %s", self.hostname) # IP address ip = self.lookupHostname() if ip in [ "", "::1" ]: ip = None # fqdn and hostname if "." in self.hostname: fqdn = self.hostname hostname = self.hostname.split('.', 1)[0] else: fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self.hostname) hostname = self.hostname if fqdn in [ "localhost.localdomain", "localhost", "localhost6.localdomain6", "localhost6", hostname ] \ or "." not in fqdn: fqdn = None # domainname if fqdn: domainname = fqdn.split('.', 1)[1] if domainname in [ "localdomain", "localdomain6" ]: domainname = None else: domainname = None localline = "localhost.localdomain localhost" if not ip or not fqdn: # There is no ip or no fqdn, tie it to if fqdn: # add fqdn to localline += " " + fqdn if hostname and hostname != "localhost": # add short hostname to localline += " " + hostname f.write("# Do not remove the following line, or various programs\n") f.write("# that require network functionality will fail.\n") f.write("\t\t" + localline + "\n") f.write("::1\t\tlocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6\n") if ip and fqdn: # Add an extra entry for ip, fqdn and hostname f.write("%s\t\t%s %s\n" % (ip, fqdn, hostname)) f.close() # If the hostname was not looked up, but typed in by the user, # domain might not be computed, so do it now. if self.domains == ["localdomain"] or not self.domains: if domainname: self.domains = [domainname] # /etc/resolv.conf if (self.domains != ['localdomain'] and self.domains) or \ self.hasNameServers(dev.info): newresolv = "%s/resolv.conf" % (tmpdest,) destresolv = "%s/etc/resolv.conf" % (instPath,) f = open(newresolv, "w") if self.domains != ['localdomain'] and self.domains: f.write("search %s\n" % (string.joinfields(self.domains, ' '),)) for key in dev.info.keys(): if key.upper().startswith('DNS'): f.write("nameserver %s\n" % (dev.get(key),)) f.close() shutil.move(newresolv, destresolv) # /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if not instPath == '': if not os.path.isdir("%s/etc/udev/rules.d" %(instPath,)): iutil.mkdirChain("%s/etc/udev/rules.d" %(instPath,)) f = open(instPath + "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules", "w") f.write(""" # This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules # program run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file. # # You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single line. """) for dev in self.netdevices.values(): addr = dev.get("HWADDR") if not addr: continue devname = dev.get("DEVICE") basename = devname while basename is not "" and basename[-1] in string.digits: basename = basename[:-1] # rules are case senstive for address. Lame. addr = addr.lower() s = "" if len(dev.get("DESC")) > 0: s = "# %s (rule written by anaconda)\n" % (dev.get("DESC"),) else: s = "# %s (rule written by anaconda)\n" % (devname,) s = s + 'SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="%s", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="%s*", NAME="%s"\n' % (addr, basename, devname) f.write(s) f.close() # write out current configuration state and wait for NetworkManager # to bring the device up, watch NM state and return to the caller # once we have a state def bringUp(self): self.write() bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) props = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) i = 0 while i < 45: state = props.Get(isys.NM_SERVICE, "State") if int(state) == isys.NM_STATE_CONNECTED: isys.resetResolv() return True i += 1 time.sleep(1) state = props.Get(isys.NM_SERVICE, "State") if int(state) == isys.NM_STATE_CONNECTED: isys.resetResolv() return True return False