/* * nfsinstall.c - code to set up nfs installs * * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, * 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Author(s): Erik Troan * Matt Wilson * Michael Fulbright * Jeremy Katz */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "copy.h" #include "loader.h" #include "lang.h" #include "loadermisc.h" #include "kickstart.h" #include "log.h" #include "method.h" #include "nfsinstall.h" #include "net.h" #include "cdinstall.h" #include "windows.h" #include "../isys/imount.h" #include "../isys/iface.h" /* boot flags */ extern uint64_t flags; static int nfsGetSetup(char ** hostptr, char ** dirptr) { struct newtWinEntry entries[3]; char * buf; char * newServer = *hostptr ? strdup(*hostptr) : NULL; char * newDir = *dirptr ? strdup(*dirptr) : NULL; int rc; entries[0].text = _("NFS server name:"); entries[0].value = &newServer; entries[0].flags = NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL; if (asprintf(&entries[1].text, _("%s directory:"), getProductName()) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } entries[1].value = &newDir; entries[1].flags = NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL; entries[2].text = NULL; entries[2].value = NULL; if (asprintf(&buf, _("Please enter the server name and path to your %s " "installation image."), getProductName()) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } do { rc = newtWinEntries(_("NFS Setup"), buf, 60, 5, 15, 24, entries, _("OK"), _("Back"), NULL); } while (!strcmp(newServer, "") || !strcmp(newDir, "")); free(buf); free(entries[1].text); if (rc == 2) { if (newServer) free(newServer); if (newDir) free(newDir); return LOADER_BACK; } if (*hostptr) free(*hostptr); if (*dirptr) free(*dirptr); *hostptr = newServer; *dirptr = newDir; return 0; } char * mountNfsImage(struct installMethod * method, char * location, struct loaderData_s * loaderData) { char * host = NULL; char * directory = NULL; char * mountOpts = NULL; char * fullPath = NULL; char * url = NULL; enum { NFS_STAGE_NFS, NFS_STAGE_MOUNT, NFS_STAGE_DONE, NFS_STAGE_UPDATES } stage = NFS_STAGE_NFS; int rc; /* JKFIXME: ASSERT -- we have a network device setup when we get here */ while (stage != NFS_STAGE_DONE) { switch (stage) { case NFS_STAGE_NFS: logMessage(INFO, "going to do nfsGetSetup"); if (loaderData->method == METHOD_NFS && loaderData->stage2Data) { host = ((struct nfsInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->host; directory = ((struct nfsInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->directory; if (((struct nfsInstallData *) loaderData->stage2Data)->mountOpts == NULL) { mountOpts = strdup("ro"); } else { if (asprintf(&mountOpts, "ro,%s", ((struct nfsInstallData *) loaderData->stage2Data)->mountOpts) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } } logMessage(INFO, "host is %s, dir is %s, opts are '%s'", host, directory, mountOpts); if (!host || !directory) { logMessage(ERROR, "missing host or directory specification"); if (loaderData->inferredStage2) loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; loaderData->method = -1; break; } else { host = strdup(host); directory = strdup(directory); } } else { char *substr, *tmp; if (nfsGetSetup(&host, &directory) == LOADER_BACK) return NULL; /* If the user-provided URL points at a repo instead of a * stage2 image, fix that up now. */ substr = strstr(directory, ".img"); if (!substr || (substr && *(substr+4) != '\0')) { if (asprintf(&(loaderData->instRepo), "nfs:%s:%s", host, directory) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } if (asprintf(&tmp, "nfs:%s:%s/images/install.img", host, directory) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } setStage2LocFromCmdline(tmp, loaderData); free(host); free(directory); free(tmp); continue; } loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; } stage = NFS_STAGE_MOUNT; break; case NFS_STAGE_MOUNT: { char *buf; if (asprintf(&fullPath, "%s:%.*s", host, (int) (strrchr(directory, '/')-directory), directory) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } logMessage(INFO, "mounting nfs path %s", fullPath); if (FL_TESTING(flags)) { stage = NFS_STAGE_DONE; break; } stage = NFS_STAGE_NFS; if (!doPwMount(fullPath, "/mnt/stage2", "nfs", mountOpts, NULL)) { if (asprintf(&buf, "/mnt/stage2/%s", strrchr(directory, '/')) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } if (!access(buf, R_OK)) { logMessage(INFO, "can access %s", buf); rc = mountStage2(buf); if (rc == 0) { stage = NFS_STAGE_UPDATES; if (asprintf(&url, "nfs:%s:%s", host, directory) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } free(buf); break; } else { logMessage(WARNING, "unable to mount %s", buf); free(buf); break; } } else { logMessage(WARNING, "unable to access %s", buf); free(buf); umount("/mnt/stage2"); } } else { newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("That directory could not be mounted from " "the server.")); if (loaderData->method >= 0) loaderData->method = -1; if (loaderData->inferredStage2) loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; break; } if (asprintf(&buf, _("That directory does not seem to " "contain a %s installation image."), getProductName()) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), buf); free(buf); if (loaderData->method >= 0) loaderData->method = -1; if (loaderData->inferredStage2) loaderData->invalidRepoParam = 1; break; } case NFS_STAGE_UPDATES: { char *buf; if (asprintf(&buf, "%.*s/RHupdates", (int) (strrchr(fullPath, '/')-fullPath), fullPath) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } logMessage(INFO, "mounting nfs path %s for updates", buf); if (!doPwMount(buf, "/tmp/update-disk", "nfs", mountOpts, NULL)) { logMessage(INFO, "Using RHupdates/ for NFS install"); copyDirectory("/tmp/update-disk", "/tmp/updates", NULL, NULL); umount("/tmp/update-disk"); unlink("/tmp/update-disk"); } else { logMessage(INFO, "No RHupdates/ directory found, skipping"); } stage = NFS_STAGE_DONE; break; } case NFS_STAGE_DONE: break; } } free(host); free(directory); if (fullPath) free(fullPath); return url; } void setKickstartNfs(struct loaderData_s * loaderData, int argc, char ** argv) { char * host = NULL, * dir = NULL, * mountOpts = NULL; char *substr = NULL; poptContext optCon; int rc; struct poptOption ksNfsOptions[] = { { "server", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING, &host, 0, NULL, NULL }, { "dir", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING, &dir, 0, NULL, NULL }, { "opts", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING, &mountOpts, 0, NULL, NULL}, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; logMessage(INFO, "kickstartFromNfs"); optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, (const char **) argv, ksNfsOptions, 0); if ((rc = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) < -1) { startNewt(); newtWinMessage(_("Kickstart Error"), _("OK"), _("Bad argument to NFS kickstart method " "command %s: %s"), poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(rc)); return; } if (!host || !dir) { logMessage(ERROR, "host and directory for nfs kickstart not specified"); return; } loaderData->method = METHOD_NFS; substr = strstr(dir, ".img"); if (!substr || (substr && *(substr+4) != '\0')) { if (mountOpts) { if (asprintf(&(loaderData->instRepo), "nfs:%s:%s:%s", host, dir, mountOpts) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } } else { if (asprintf(&(loaderData->instRepo), "nfs:%s:%s", host, dir) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } } logMessage(INFO, "results of nfs, host is %s, dir is %s, opts are '%s'", host, dir, mountOpts); } else { loaderData->stage2Data = calloc(sizeof(struct nfsInstallData *), 1); ((struct nfsInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->host = host; ((struct nfsInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->directory = dir; ((struct nfsInstallData *)loaderData->stage2Data)->mountOpts = mountOpts; logMessage(INFO, "results of nfs, host is %s, dir is %s, opts are '%s'", ((struct nfsInstallData *) loaderData->stage2Data)->host, ((struct nfsInstallData *) loaderData->stage2Data)->directory, ((struct nfsInstallData *) loaderData->stage2Data)->mountOpts); } } int getFileFromNfs(char * url, char * dest, struct loaderData_s * loaderData) { char * host = NULL, *path = NULL, * file = NULL, * opts = NULL; char * chk = NULL, *ip = NULL; int failed = 0; iface_t iface; if (kickstartNetworkUp(loaderData, &iface)) { logMessage(ERROR, "unable to bring up network"); return 1; } /* if they just did 'linux ks', they want us to figure it out from * the dhcp/bootp information */ /* XXX: fixme NetworkManager integration */ /* if (url == NULL) { char ret[47]; ip_addr_t *tip; if (!(netCfg.dev.set & PUMP_INTFINFO_HAS_NEXTSERVER)) { logMessage(ERROR, "no bootserver was found"); return 1; } tip = &(netCfg.dev.nextServer); if (!(netCfg.dev.set & PUMP_INTFINFO_HAS_BOOTFILE)) { inet_ntop(tip->sa_family, IP_ADDR(tip), ret, IP_STRLEN(tip)); if (asprintf(&url, "%s:%s", ret, "/kickstart/") == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } logMessage(ERROR, "bootp: no bootfile received"); } else { inet_ntop(tip->sa_family, IP_ADDR(tip), ret, IP_STRLEN(tip)); if (asprintf(&url, "%s:%s", ret, netCfg.dev.bootFile) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } logMessage(INFO, "bootp: bootfile is %s", netCfg.dev.bootFile); } } */ /* get the IP of the target system */ if ((ip = iface_ip2str(loaderData->netDev, AF_INET)) == NULL) { logMessage(ERROR, "nl_ip2str returned NULL"); return 1; } logMessage(INFO, "url is %s", url); getHostandPath(url, &host, &path, ip); opts = strchr(host, ':'); if (opts && (strlen(opts) > 1)) { char * c = opts; opts = host; host = c + 1; *c = '\0'; } else { opts = NULL; } /* nfs has to be a little bit different... split off the last part as * the file and then concatenate host + dir path */ file = strrchr(path, '/'); if (!file) { file = path; } else { *file++ ='\0'; chk = host + strlen(host)-1; if (*chk == '/' || *path == '/') { if (asprintf(&host, "%s%s", host, path) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } } else { if (asprintf(&host, "%s/%s", host, path) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } } } logMessage(INFO, "file location: nfs:%s/%s", host, file); if (!doPwMount(host, "/tmp/mnt", "nfs", opts, NULL)) { char * buf; if (asprintf(&buf, "/tmp/mnt/%s", file) == -1) { logMessage(CRITICAL, "%s: %d: %m", __func__, __LINE__); abort(); } if (copyFile(buf, dest)) { logMessage(ERROR, "failed to copy file to %s", dest); failed = 1; } free(buf); } else { logMessage(ERROR, "failed to mount nfs source"); failed = 1; } free(host); free(path); if (ip) free(ip); umount("/tmp/mnt"); unlink("/tmp/mnt"); return failed; } int kickstartFromNfs(char * url, struct loaderData_s * loaderData) { return getFileFromNfs(url, "/tmp/ks.cfg", loaderData); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */