import string import os class LiloConfiguration: def __repr__ (self, tab = 0): s = "" for n in self.order: if (tab): s = s + '\t' if n[0] == '#': s = s + n[1:] else: s = s + n if self.items[n]: s = s + "=" + self.items[n] s = s + '\n' for image in self.images: (type, name, cl) = image s = s + "\n%s=%s\n" % (type, name) s = s + cl.__repr__(1) return s def addEntry(self, item, val = None): if not self.items.has_key(item): self.order.append(item) if (val): self.items[item] = str(val) else: self.items[item] = None def addImage (self, type, name, config): self.images.append((type, name, config)) def delImage (self, name): for entry in self.images: type, label, config = entry if label == name: self.images.remove (entry) def write(self, file): f = open(file, "w") f.write(self.__repr__()) f.close() os.chmod(file, 0644) def read (self, file): f = open(file, "r") image = None for l in f.readlines(): l = l[:-1] orig = l while (l and (l[0] == ' ' or l[0] == '\t')): l = l[1:] if (not l or l[0] == '#'): self.order.append('#' + orig) continue fields = string.split(l, '=', 1) if (len(fields) == 2): if (fields[0] == "image"): image = LiloConfiguration() self.addImage(fields[0], fields[1], image) args = None elif (fields[0] == "other"): image = LiloConfiguration() self.addImage(fields[0], fields[1], image) args = None else: args = (fields[0], fields[1]) else: args = (l,) if (args and image): apply(image.addEntry, args) elif args: apply(self.addEntry, args) f.close() def __init__(self): self.order = [] self.images = [] # more (type, name, LiloConfiguration) pair self.items = {} if __name__ == "__main__": config = LiloConfiguration () ('lilo.conf') print config config.delImage ('/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5-15') print '----------------------------------' print config config.delImage ('/dev/hda3') print '----------------------------------' print config