import iutil import isys import os from installclass import BaseInstallClass from installclass import FSEDIT_CLEAR_LINUX from installclass import FSEDIT_CLEAR_ALL import sys import string class Script: def __repr__(self): str = ("(s: '%s' i: %s c: %d)") % \ (self.script, self.interp, self.inChroot) return string.replace(str, "\n", "|") def __init__(self, script, interp, inChroot): self.script = script self.interp = interp self.inChroot = inChroot def run(self, chroot, serial): scriptRoot = "/" if self.inChroot: scriptRoot = chroot path = scriptRoot + "/tmp/ks-script" f = open(path, "w") f.write(self.script) f.close() os.chmod(path, 0700) if serial: messages = "/tmp/ks-script.log" else: messages = "/dev/tty3" iutil.execWithRedirect (self.interp, [self.interp, "/tmp/ks-script" ], stdout = messages, stderr = messages, root = scriptRoot) os.unlink(path) class KickstartBase(BaseInstallClass): def postAction(self, rootPath, serial): for script in self.postScripts:, serial) def doRootPw(self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'iscrypted' ]) isCrypted = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == '--iscrypted'): isCrypted = 1 if len(extra) != 1: raise ValueError, "a single argument is expected to rootPw" BaseInstallClass.doRootPw(self, extra[0], isCrypted = isCrypted) self.addToSkipList("accounts") def doFirewall(self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'dhcp', 'ssh', 'telnet', 'smtp', 'http', 'ftp', 'port=', 'high', 'medium', 'disabled', 'trust=' ]) dhcp = 0 ssh = 0 telnet = 0 smtp = 0 http = 0 ftp = 0 policy = 0 enable = -1 trusts = [] ports = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--dhcp': dhcp = 1 elif str == '--ssh': ssh = 1 elif str == '--telnet': telnet = 1 elif str == '--smtp': smtp = 1 elif str == '--http': http = 1 elif str == '--ftp': ftp = 1 elif str == '--high': policy = 0 enable = 1 elif str == '--medium': policy = 1 enable = 1 elif str == '--disabled': enable = 0 elif str == '--trust': trusts.append(arg) elif str == '--port': if ports: ports = '%s %s' % (ports, arg) else: ports = arg self.setFirewall(enable, policy, trusts, ports, dhcp, ssh, telnet, smtp, http, ftp) self.addToSkipList("firewall") def doAuthconfig(self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'useshadow', 'enablemd5', 'enablenis', 'nisdomain=', 'nisserver=', 'enableldap', 'enableldapauth', 'ldapserver=', 'ldapbasedn=', 'enablekrb5', 'krb5realm=', 'krb5kdc=', 'krb5adminserver=', 'enablehesiod', 'hesiodlhs=', 'hesiodrhs=' ]) useShadow = 0 useMd5 = 0 useNis = 0 nisServer = None nisDomain = None nisBroadcast = 0 useLdap = 0 useLdapauth = 0 ldapServer = None ldapBasedn = None useKrb5 = 0 krb5Realm = None krb5Kdc = None krb5Admin = None useHesiod = 0 hesiodLhs = None hesiodRhs = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == '--enablenis'): useNis = 1 elif (str == '--useshadow'): useShadow = 1 elif (str == '--enablemd5'): useMd5 = 1 elif (str == '--nisserver'): nisServer = arg elif (str == '--nisdomain'): nisDomain = arg elif (str == '--enableldap'): useLdap = 1 elif (str == '--enableldapauth'): useLdapauth = 1 elif (str == '--ldapserver'): ldapServer = arg elif (str == '--ldapbasedn'): ldapBasedn = arg elif (str == '--enablekrb5'): useKrb5 = 1 elif (str == '--krb5realm'): krb5Realm = arg elif (str == '--krb5kdc'): krb5Kdc = arg elif (str == '--krb5adminserver'): krb5Admin = arg elif (str == '--enablehesiod'): useHesiod = 1 elif (str == '--hesiodlhs'): hesiodLhs = arg elif (str == '--hesiodrhs'): hesiodRhs = arg if useNis and not nisServer: nisBroadcast = 1 self.setAuthentication(useShadow, useMd5, useNis, nisDomain, nisBroadcast, nisServer, useLdap, useLdapauth, ldapServer, ldapBasedn, useKrb5, krb5Realm, krb5Kdc, krb5Admin, useHesiod, hesiodLhs, hesiodRhs ) self.addToSkipList("authentication") def doLilo (self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'append=', 'location=', 'linear' ]) appendLine = None location = "mbr" linear = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--append': appendLine = arg elif str == '--linear': linear = 1 elif str == '--location': if arg == 'mbr' or arg == 'partition': location = arg elif arg == 'none': location = None else: raise ValueError, ("mbr, partition or none expected for "+ "lilo command") self.setLiloInformation(location, linear, appendLine) self.addToSkipList("lilo") def doLiloCheck (self, args): drives = isys.hardDriveDict ().keys() drives.sort(isys.compareDrives) device = drives[0] isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) fd ='/tmp/' + device, os.O_RDONLY) os.unlink('/tmp/' + device) block =, 512) os.close(fd) if block[6:10] == "LILO": sys.exit(0) def doTimezone(self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'utc' ]) isUtc = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--utc': isUtc = 1 self.setTimezoneInfo(extra[0], asUtc = isUtc) self.addToSkipList("timezone") def doXconfig(self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'server=', 'card=', 'monitor=', 'hsync=', 'vsync=', 'startxonboot', 'noprobe', 'defaultdesktop=' ]) if extra: raise ValueError, "unexpected arguments to xconfig command" server = None card = None monitor = None hsync = None vsync = None noProbe = 0 startX = 0 defaultdesktop = "" for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == "--noprobe"): noProbe = 1 elif (str == "--server"): server = arg elif (str == "--card"): card = arg elif (str == "--monitor"): monitor = arg elif (str == "--hsync"): hsync = arg elif (str == "--vsync"): vsync = arg elif (str == "--startxonboot"): startX = 1 elif (str == "--defaultdesktop"): defaultdesktop = arg self.configureX(server, card, monitor, hsync, vsync, noProbe, startX) self.setDesktop(defaultdesktop) self.addToSkipList("xconfig") def doInstall(self, args): self.installType = "install" def doUpgrade(self, args): self.installType = "upgrade" def doNetwork(self, args): # nodns is only used by the loader (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'bootproto=', 'ip=', 'netmask=', 'gateway=', 'nameserver=', 'nodns', 'device=', 'hostname=']) bootProto = "dhcp" ip = None netmask = "" gateway = "" nameserver = "" hostname = "" device = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--bootproto": bootProto = arg elif str == "--ip": ip = arg elif str == "--netmask": netmask = arg elif str == "--gateway": gateway = arg elif str == "--nameserver": nameserver = arg elif str == "--device": device = arg elif str == "--hostname": hostname = arg self.setNetwork(bootProto, ip, netmask, gateway, nameserver, device=device) if hostname != "": self.setHostname(hostname) def doLang(self, args): self.setLanguage(args[0]) self.addToSkipList("language") self.addToSkipList("languagesupport") self.addToSkipList("languagedefault") def doKeyboard(self, args): self.setKeyboard(args[0]) self.addToSkipList("keyboard") def doZeroMbr(self, args): if args[0] == "yes": self.setZeroMbr(1) def doMouse(self, args): mouseToMouse = { "alpsps/2" : "ALPS - GlidePoint (PS/2)", "ascii" : "ASCII - MieMouse (serial)", "asciips/2" : "ASCII - MieMouse (PS/2)", "atibm" : "ATI - Bus Mouse", "generic" : "Generic - 2 Button Mouse (serial)" , "generic3" : "Generic - 3 Button Mouse (serial)" , "genericps/2" : "Generic - 2 Button Mouse (PS/2)" , "generic3ps/2" : "Generic - 3 Button Mouse (PS/2)" , "geniusnm" : "Generic - 2 Button Mouse (PS/2)" , "geniusnmps/2" : "Genius - NetMouse (PS/2)" , "geniusnsps/2" : "Genius - NetScroll (PS/2)" , "thinking" : "" , "thinkingps/2" : "" , "logitech" : "Logitech - C7 Mouse (serial, old C7 type)" , "logitechcc" : "Logitech - CC Series (serial)" , "logibm" : "Logitech - Bus Mouse" , "logimman" : "Logitech - MouseMan/FirstMouse (serial)" , "logimmanps/2" : "Logitech - MouseMan/FirstMouse (PS/2)" , "logimman+" : "Logitech - MouseMan+/FirstMouse+ (serial)" , "logimman+ps/2" : "Logitech - MouseMan+/FirstMouse+ (PS/2)" , "microsoft" : "Microsoft - Compatible Mouse (serial)" , "msnew" : "Microsoft - Rev 2.1A or higher (serial)" , "msintelli" : "Microsoft - IntelliMouse (serial)" , "msintellips/2" : "Microsoft - IntelliMouse (PS/2)" , "msbm" : "Microsoft - Bus Mouse" , "mousesystems" : "Mouse Systems - Mouse (serial)" , "mmseries" : "MM - Series (serial)" , "mmhittab" : "MM - HitTablet (serial)" , "sun" : "Sun - Mouse" } (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'device=', 'emulthree' ]) mouseType = "none" device = None emulThree = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--device": device = arg elif str == "--emulthree": emulThree = 1 if extra: mouseType = extra[0] if mouseType != "none": self.setMouseType(mouseToMouse[mouseType], device, emulThree) self.addToSkipList("mouse") def doReboot(self, args): self.addToSkipList("complete") def doSkipX(self, args): self.addToSkipList("xconfig") def readKickstart(self, file): handlers = { "auth" : self.doAuthconfig , "authconfig" : self.doAuthconfig , "cdrom" : None , "clearpart" : self.doClearPart , "device" : None , "deviceprobe" : None , "driverdisk" : None , "firewall" : self.doFirewall , "harddrive" : None , "install" : self.doInstall , "keyboard" : self.doKeyboard , "lang" : self.doLang , "lilo" : self.doLilo , "lilocheck" : self.doLiloCheck , "mouse" : self.doMouse , "network" : self.doNetwork , "nfs" : None , "part" : self.definePartition , "partition" : self.definePartition , "raid" : self.defineRaid , "reboot" : self.doReboot , "rootpw" : self.doRootPw , "skipx" : self.doSkipX , "text" : None , "timezone" : self.doTimezone , "url" : None , "upgrade" : self.doUpgrade , "xconfig" : self.doXconfig , "xdisplay" : None , "zerombr" : self.doZeroMbr , } where = "commands" packages = [] groups = [] newSection = None for n in open(file).readlines(): args = isys.parseArgv(n) # don't eliminate white space or comments from scripts if where != "pre" and where != "post": if not args or args[0][0] == '#': continue if args and (args[0] == "%post" or args[0] == "%pre"): if where =="pre" or where == "post": s = Script(script, scriptInterp, scriptChroot) if where == "pre": self.preScripts.append(s) else: self.postScripts.append(s) where = args[0][1:] args = isys.parseArgv(n) scriptInterp = "/bin/sh" if where == "pre": scriptChroot = 0 else: scriptChroot = 1 script = "" argList = [ 'interpreter=' ] if where == "post": argList.append('nochroot') (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', argList) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--nochroot": scriptChroot = 0 elif str == "--interpreter": scriptInterp = arg elif args and args[0] == "%packages": if where =="pre" or where == "post": s = Script(script, scriptInterp, scriptChroot) if where == "pre": self.preScripts.append(s) else: self.postScripts.append(s) where = "packages" else: if where == "packages": if n[0] == '@': n = n[1:] n = string.strip (n) groups.append(n) else: n = string.strip (n) packages.append(n) elif where == "commands": if handlers[args[0]]: handlers[args[0]](args[1:]) elif where == "pre" or where == "post": script = script + n else: raise SyntaxError, "I'm lost in kickstart" self.setGroups(groups) self.setPackages(packages) # test to see if they specified to clear partitions and also # tried to --onpart on a logical partition if iutil.getArch() == 'i386' and self.fstab: clear = self.getClearParts() if clear == FSEDIT_CLEAR_LINUX or clear == FSEDIT_CLEAR_ALL: for (mntpoint, (dev, fstype, reformat)) in self.fstab: if int(dev[-1:]) > 4: raise RuntimeError, "Clearpart and --onpart on non-primary partition %s not allowed" % dev if where =="pre" or where == "post": s = Script(script, scriptInterp, scriptChroot) if where == "pre": self.preScripts.append(s) else: self.postScripts.append(s) def doClearPart(self, args): if args[0] == '--linux': clear = FSEDIT_CLEAR_LINUX elif args[0] == '--all': clear = FSEDIT_CLEAR_ALL self.setClearParts(clear) def defineRaid(self, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'level=', 'device=' ] ) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--level': level = int(arg) elif str == "--device": raidDev = arg mntPoint = extra[0] extra = extra[1:] self.addRaidEntry(mntPoint, raidDev, level, extra) def definePartition(self, args): # we just set up the desired partitions -- magic in our base class # does the actual partitioning (no, you don't want to know the # details) size = 0 grow = 0 maxSize = -1 device = None onPart = None fsopts = None type = 0 partNum = 0 primOnly = 0 active = 0 format = 1 (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'size=', 'maxsize=', 'grow', 'onpart=', 'ondisk=', 'bytes-per-inode=', 'usepart=', 'onprimary=', 'active', 'type=', 'asprimary', 'noformat']) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--size': size = int(arg) elif str == '--maxsize': maxSize = int(arg) elif str == '--grow': grow = 1 elif str == '--onpart' or str == '--usepart': onPart = arg elif str == '--ondisk': device = arg elif str == '--bytes-per-inode': fsopts = ['-i', arg] elif str == '--onprimary': partNum = int(arg) elif str == '--type': type = int(arg) elif str == "--active": active = 1 elif str == "--asprimary": primOnly = 1 elif str == "--noformat": format = 0 if len(extra) != 1: raise ValueError, "partition command requires one anonymous argument" if onPart: if extra[0] == 'swap': # handle swap filesystems correctly self.addToFstab(extra[0], onPart, 'swap',1) else: if format == 0: self.addToFstab(extra[0], onPart, reformat = 0) else: self.addToFstab(extra[0], onPart, 'ext2', 1) else: self.addNewPartition(extra[0], (size, maxSize, grow), (device, partNum, primOnly), (type, active), fsopts) def __init__(self, file, serial): BaseInstallClass.__init__(self) self.addToSkipList("bootdisk") self.addToSkipList("welcome") self.addToSkipList("package-selection") self.addToSkipList("confirm-install") self.addToSkipList("custom-upgrade") self.addToSkipList("network") self.setEarlySwapOn(1) self.partitions = [] self.postScripts = [] self.preScripts = [] self.installType = "install" self.readKickstart(file) for script in self.preScripts:"/", serial) def Kickstart(file, serial): f = open(file, "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() customClass = None passedLines = [] while lines: l = lines[0] lines = lines[1:] if l == "%installclass\n": break passedLines.append(l) if lines: newKsFile = file + ".new" f = open(newKsFile, "w") f.writelines(passedLines) f.close() f = open('/tmp/', "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() oldPath = sys.path sys.path.append('/tmp') from ksclass import CustomKickstart os.unlink("/tmp/") ksClass = CustomKickstart(newKsFile, serial) os.unlink(newKsFile) else: ksClass = KickstartBase(file, serial) return ksClass