# # kickstart.py: kickstart install support # # Copyright 1999-2004 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import iutil import isys import os from installclass import BaseInstallClass from partitioning import * from autopart import * from fsset import * from flags import flags from constants import * import sys import raid import string import partRequests import urlgrabber.grabber as grabber import lvm from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") KS_MISSING_PROMPT = 0 KS_MISSING_IGNORE = 1 class KickstartError(Exception): def __init__(self, val = ""): self.value = val def __str__ (self): return self.value class KickstartValueError(KickstartError): def __init__(self, val = ""): self.value = val def __str__ (self): return self.value class KSAppendException(KickstartError): def __init__(self, s=""): self.str = s def __str__(self): return self.str class Script: def __repr__(self): str = ("(s: '%s' i: %s c: %d)") % \ (self.script, self.interp, self.inChroot) return string.replace(str, "\n", "|") def __init__(self, script, interp, inChroot, logfile = None, errorOnFail = False): self.script = script self.interp = interp self.inChroot = inChroot self.logfile = logfile self.errorOnFail = errorOnFail def run(self, chroot, serial, intf = None): scriptRoot = "/" if self.inChroot: scriptRoot = chroot path = scriptRoot + "/tmp/ks-script" f = open(path, "w") f.write(self.script) f.close() os.chmod(path, 0700) if self.logfile is not None: messages = self.logfile elif serial: messages = "/tmp/ks-script.log" else: messages = "/dev/tty3" rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(self.interp, [self.interp,"/tmp/ks-script"], stdout = messages, stderr = messages, root = scriptRoot) # Always log an error. Only fail if we have a handle on the # windowing system and the kickstart file included --erroronfail. if rc != 0: log.error("Error code %s encountered running a kickstart %%pre/%%post script", rc) if self.errorOnFail: if intf != None: intf.messageWindow(_("Scriptlet Failure"), _("There was an error running the " "scriptlet. You may examine the " "output in %s. This is a fatal error " "and your install will be aborted.\n\n" "Press the OK button to reboot your " "system.") % (messages,)) sys.exit(0) os.unlink(path) class Kickstart(BaseInstallClass): name = "kickstart" def postAction(self, rootPath, serial, intf = None): log.info("Running kickstart %%post script(s)") for script in self.postScripts: script.run(rootPath, serial, intf) log.info("All kickstart %%post script(s) have been run") def doRootPw(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'iscrypted' ]) isCrypted = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == '--iscrypted'): isCrypted = 1 if len(extra) != 1: raise KickstartValueError, "a single argument is expected to rootPw" self.setRootPassword(id, extra[0], isCrypted = isCrypted) self.skipSteps.append("accounts") def doFirewall(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'dhcp', 'ssh', 'telnet', 'smtp', 'http', 'ftp', 'enabled', 'enable', 'port=', 'high', 'medium', 'disabled', 'disable', 'trust=' ]) enable = -1 trusts = [] ports = [] for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--ssh': ports.append("22:tcp") elif str == '--telnet': ports.append("23:tcp") elif str == '--smtp': ports.append("25:tcp") elif str == '--http': ports.extend(["80:tcp", "443:tcp"]) elif str == '--ftp': ports.append("21:tcp") elif str == '--high' or str == '--medium': log.warning("used deprecated firewall option: %s" %(str[2:],)) enable = 1 elif str == '--enabled' or str == "--enable": enable = 1 elif str == '--disabled' or str == "--disable": enable = 0 elif str == '--trust': trusts.append(arg) elif str == '--port': theports = arg.split(",") for p in theports: p = p.strip() if p.find(":") == -1: p = "%s:tcp" %(p,) ports.append(p) self.setFirewall(id, enable, trusts, ports) def doSELinux(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'disabled', 'enforcing', 'permissive' ] ) sel = 2 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--disabled": sel = 0 elif str == "--permissive": sel = 1 elif str == "--enforcing": sel = 2 self.setSELinux(id, sel) def doZFCP(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', ["devnum", "scsiid", "wwpn", "scsilun", "fcplun"]) devnum = None scsiid = None wwpn = None scsilun = None fcplun = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--devnum": devnum = id.zfcp.sanitizeDeviceInput(arg) elif str == "--scsid": scsiid = id.zfcp.sanitizeHexInput(arg) elif str == "--wwpn": wwpn = id.zfcp.sanitizeHexInput(arg) elif str == "--scsilun": scsilun = id.zfcp.sanitizeHexInput(arg) elif str == "--fcplun": fcplun = id.zfcp.sanitizeFCPLInput(arg) if id.zfcp.checkValidDevice(devnum) == -1: raise KickstartValueError, "Invalid devnum specified" if id.zfcp.checkValidID(scsiid) == -1: raise KickstartValueError, "Invalid scsiid specified" if id.zfcp.checkValid64BitHex(wwpn) == -1: raise KickstartValueError, "Invalid wwpn specified" if id.zfcp.checkValidID(scsilun) == -1: raise KickstartValueError, "Invalid scsilun specified" if id.zfcp.checkValid64BitHex(fcplun) == -1: raise KickstartValueError, "Invalid fcplun specified" if ((devnum is None) or (scsiid is None) or (wwpn is None) or (scsilun is None) or (fcplun is None)): raise KickstartError, "ZFCP config must specify all of devnum, scsiid, wwpn, scsilun, and fcplun" self.setZFCP(id, devnum, scsiid, wwpn, scsilun, fcplun) self.skipSteps.append("zfcpconfig") def doAuthconfig(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'useshadow', 'enableshadow', 'enablemd5', 'enablenis', 'nisdomain=', 'nisserver=', 'enableldap', 'enableldapauth', 'ldapserver=', 'ldapbasedn=', 'enableldaptls', 'enablekrb5', 'krb5realm=', 'krb5kdc=', 'krb5adminserver=', 'enablehesiod', 'hesiodlhs=', 'hesiodrhs=', 'enablesmbauth', 'smbservers=', 'smbworkgroup=', 'enablecache']) useShadow = 0 useMd5 = 0 useNis = 0 nisServer = "" nisDomain = "" nisBroadcast = 0 useLdap = 0 useLdapauth = 0 useLdaptls = 0 ldapServer = "" ldapBasedn = "" useKrb5 = 0 krb5Realm = "" krb5Kdc = "" krb5Admin = "" useHesiod = 0 hesiodLhs = "" hesiodRhs = "" useSamba = 0 smbServers = "" smbWorkgroup = "" enableCache = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == '--enablenis'): useNis = 1 elif (str == '--useshadow') or (str == '--enableshadow'): useShadow = 1 elif (str == '--enablemd5'): useMd5 = 1 elif (str == '--nisserver'): nisServer = arg elif (str == '--nisdomain'): nisDomain = arg elif (str == '--enableldap'): useLdap = 1 elif (str == '--enableldapauth'): useLdapauth = 1 elif (str == '--ldapserver'): ldapServer = arg elif (str == '--ldapbasedn'): ldapBasedn = arg elif (str == '--enableldaptls'): useLdaptls = 1 elif (str == '--enablekrb5'): useKrb5 = 1 elif (str == '--krb5realm'): krb5Realm = arg elif (str == '--krb5kdc'): krb5Kdc = arg elif (str == '--krb5adminserver'): krb5Admin = arg elif (str == '--enablehesiod'): useHesiod = 1 elif (str == '--hesiodlhs'): hesiodLhs = arg elif (str == '--hesiodrhs'): hesiodRhs = arg elif (str == '--enablesmbauth'): useSamba = 1 elif (str == '--smbservers'): smbServers = arg elif (str == '--smbworkgroup'): smbWorkgroup = arg elif (str == '--enablecache'): enableCache = 1 if useNis and not nisServer: nisBroadcast = 1 self.setAuthentication(id, useShadow, useMd5, useNis, nisDomain, nisBroadcast, nisServer, useLdap, useLdapauth, ldapServer, ldapBasedn, useLdaptls, useKrb5, krb5Realm, krb5Kdc, krb5Admin, useHesiod, hesiodLhs, hesiodRhs, useSamba, smbServers, smbWorkgroup, enableCache) self.skipSteps.append("authentication") def doBootloader (self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'append=', 'location=', 'lba32', 'password=', 'md5pass=', 'upgrade', 'driveorder=']) validLocations = [ "mbr", "partition", "none", "boot" ] appendLine = "" location = "mbr" password = None md5pass = None forceLBA = 0 upgrade = 0 driveorder = [] for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--append': appendLine = arg elif str == '--location': location = arg elif str == '--lba32': forceLBA = 1 elif str == '--password': password = arg elif str == '--md5pass': md5pass = arg elif str == '--upgrade': upgrade = 1 elif str == '--driveorder': driveorder = string.split(arg, ',') if location not in validLocations: raise KickstartValueError, "mbr, partition, or none expected for bootloader command" if location == "none": location = None elif location == "partition": location = "boot" if upgrade and not id.getUpgrade(): raise KickstartError, "Selected upgrade mode for bootloader but not doing an upgrade" if upgrade: id.bootloader.kickstart = 1 id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly = 1 if location is None: self.skipSteps.append("bootloadersetup") self.skipSteps.append("instbootloader") else: self.showSteps.append("bootloadersetup") self.setBootloader(id, location, forceLBA, password, md5pass, appendLine, driveorder) self.skipSteps.append("upgbootloader") self.skipSteps.append("bootloader") self.skipSteps.append("bootloaderadvanced") def doFirstboot(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', ['reconfig', 'enable', 'enabled', 'disable', 'disabled']) fb = FIRSTBOOT_SKIP for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--reconfig': fb = FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG elif str == '--enable' or str == "--enabled": fb = FIRSTBOOT_DEFAULT elif str == '--disable' or str == "--disabled": fb = FIRSTBOOT_SKIP id.firstboot = fb def doTimezone(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'utc' ]) isUtc = 0 for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--utc': isUtc = 1 self.setTimezoneInfo(id, extra[0], asUtc = isUtc) self.skipSteps.append("timezone") def doXconfig(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'server=', 'card=', 'videoram=', 'monitor=', 'hsync=', 'vsync=', 'resolution=', 'depth=', 'startxonboot', 'noprobe', 'defaultdesktop=' ]) if extra: raise KickstartValueError, "unexpected arguments to xconfig command" server = None card = None videoRam = None monitor = None hsync = None vsync = None resolution = None depth = None noProbe = 0 startX = 0 defaultdesktop = "" for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == "--noprobe"): noProbe = 1 elif (str == "--server"): server = arg elif (str == "--card"): card = arg elif (str == "--videoram"): videoRam = arg elif (str == "--monitor"): monitor = arg elif (str == "--hsync"): hsync = arg elif (str == "--vsync"): vsync = arg elif (str == "--resolution"): resolution = arg elif (str == "--depth"): depth = string.atoi(arg) elif (str == "--startxonboot"): startX = 1 elif (str == "--defaultdesktop"): defaultdesktop = arg self.configureX(id, server, card, videoRam, monitor, hsync, vsync, resolution, depth, noProbe, startX) self.setDesktop(id, defaultdesktop) self.skipSteps.append("videocard") self.skipSteps.append("monitor") self.skipSteps.append("xcustom") self.skipSteps.append("handleX11pkgs") self.skipSteps.append("checkmonitorok") self.skipSteps.append("setsanex") def doMonitor(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'monitor=', 'hsync=', 'vsync=' ]) if extra: raise KickstartValueError, "unexpected arguments to monitor command" monitor = None hsync = None vsync = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == "--monitor"): monitor = arg elif (str == "--hsync"): hsync = arg elif (str == "--vsync"): vsync = arg self.skipSteps.append("monitor") self.skipSteps.append("checkmonitorok") self.setMonitor(id, hsync = hsync, vsync = vsync, monitorName = monitor) def doUpgrade(self, id, args): self.installType = "upgrade" id.setUpgrade(True) def doNetwork(self, id, args): # nodns is only used by the loader (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'bootproto=', 'ip=', 'netmask=', 'gateway=', 'nameserver=', 'nodns', 'device=', 'hostname=', 'ethtool=', 'onboot=', 'dhcpclass=', 'essid=', 'wepkey=', 'notksdevice']) bootProto = "dhcp" ip = None netmask = "" gateway = "" nameserver = "" hostname = "" ethtool = "" essid = "" wepkey = "" onboot = 1 device = None dhcpclass = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--bootproto": bootProto = arg elif str == "--ip": ip = arg elif str == "--netmask": netmask = arg elif str == "--gateway": gateway = arg elif str == "--nameserver": nameserver = arg elif str == "--device": device = arg elif str == "--hostname": hostname = arg elif str== "--ethtool": ethtool = arg elif str == "--essid": essid = arg elif str == "--wepkey": wepkey = arg elif str== "--onboot": if arg == 'no': onboot = 0 else: onboot = 1 elif str == "--class": dhcpclass = arg self.setNetwork(id, bootProto, ip, netmask, ethtool, device=device, onboot=onboot, dhcpclass=dhcpclass, essid=essid, wepkey=wepkey) if hostname != "": self.setHostname(id, hostname, override = 1) if nameserver != "": self.setNameserver(id, nameserver) if gateway != "": self.setGateway(id, gateway) def doLang(self, id, args): self.setLanguage(id, args[0]) self.skipSteps.append("language") def doLangSupport (self, id, args): raise KickstartError, "The langsupport keyword has been removed. Instead, please alter your kickstart file to include the support package groups for the languages you want instead of using langsupport. For instance, include the french-support group instead of specifying 'langsupport fr'." def doKeyboard(self, id, args): self.setKeyboard(id, args[0]) id.keyboard.beenset = 1 self.skipSteps.append("keyboard") def doZeroMbr(self, id, args): self.setZeroMbr(id, 1) def doMouse(self, id, args): #Don't do anything with mice anymore return ## (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'device=', 'emulthree' ]) ## mouseType = "none" ## device = None ## emulThree = 0 ## for n in args: ## (str, arg) = n ## if str == "--device": ## device = arg ## elif str == "--emulthree": ## emulThree = 1 ## if extra: ## mouseType = extra[0] ## if mouseType != "none": ## self.setMouse(id, mouseType, device, emulThree) ## self.skipSteps.append("mouse") def doReboot(self, id, args): self.skipSteps.append("complete") def doSkipX(self, id, args): self.skipSteps.append("checkmonitorok") self.skipSteps.append("setsanex") self.skipSteps.append("videocard") self.skipSteps.append("monitor") self.skipSteps.append("xcustom") self.skipSteps.append("handleX11pkgs") self.skipSteps.append("writexconfig") if id.xsetup is not None: id.xsetup.skipx = 1 def doInteractive(self, id, args): self.interactive = 1 def doAutoStep(self, id, args): flags.autostep = 1 flags.autoscreenshot = 0 (xargs, xtra) = isys.getopt(args, '', ['autoscreenshot']) for n in xargs: (str, arg) = n if str == "--autoscreenshot": flags.autoscreenshot = 1 # read the kickstart config... if parsePre is set, only parse # the %pre, otherwise ignore the %pre. assume we're starting in where def readKickstart(self, id, file, parsePre = 0, where = "commands"): handlers = { "auth" : self.doAuthconfig , "authconfig" : self.doAuthconfig , "autopart" : self.doAutoPart , "cdrom" : None , "clearpart" : self.doClearPart , "ignoredisk" : self.doIgnoreDisk , "device" : None , "deviceprobe" : None , "driverdisk" : None , "firewall" : self.doFirewall , "selinux" : self.doSELinux , "harddrive" : None , "install" : None , "keyboard" : self.doKeyboard , "lang" : self.doLang , "langsupport" : self.doLangSupport , "bootloader" : self.doBootloader , "mouse" : self.doMouse , "network" : self.doNetwork , "nfs" : None , "part" : self.definePartition , "partition" : self.definePartition , "raid" : self.defineRaid , "volgroup" : self.defineVolumeGroup, "logvol" : self.defineLogicalVolume, "reboot" : self.doReboot , "poweroff" : self.doReboot , "halt" : self.doReboot , "shutdown" : self.doReboot , "rootpw" : self.doRootPw , "skipx" : self.doSkipX , "text" : None , "graphical" : None , "cmdline" : None , "timezone" : self.doTimezone , "url" : None , "upgrade" : self.doUpgrade , "xconfig" : self.doXconfig , "monitor" : self.doMonitor , "xdisplay" : None , "zerombr" : self.doZeroMbr , "interactive" : self.doInteractive , "autostep" : self.doAutoStep , "firstboot" : self.doFirstboot , "vnc" : None , "mediacheck" : None , } packages = [] groups = [] excludedPackages = [] script = "" scriptInterp = "/bin/sh" scriptLog = None errorOnFail = False if where == "pre" or where == "traceback": scriptChroot = 0 else: scriptChroot = 1 for n in open(file).readlines(): args = isys.parseArgv(n) # don't eliminate white space or comments from scripts if where not in ["pre", "post", "traceback"]: if not args or args[0][0] == '#': continue if args and (args[0] in ["%pre", "%post", "%traceback"]): if ((where =="pre" and parsePre) or (where in ["post", "traceback"] and not parsePre)): s = Script(script, scriptInterp, scriptChroot, scriptLog, errorOnFail) if where == "pre": self.preScripts.append(s) elif where == "post": self.postScripts.append(s) else: self.tracebackScripts.append(s) where = args[0][1:] args = isys.parseArgv(n) script = "" scriptInterp = "/bin/sh" scriptLog = None errorOnFail = False if where == "pre" or where == "traceback": scriptChroot = 0 else: scriptChroot = 1 argList = [ 'interpreter=', "log=", "logfile=", "erroronfail" ] if where == "post": argList.append('nochroot') (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', argList) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == "--nochroot": scriptChroot = 0 elif str == "--interpreter": scriptInterp = arg elif str == "--log" or str == "--logfile": scriptLog = arg elif str == "--erroronfail": errorOnFail = True elif args and args[0] == "%include" and not parsePre: if len(args) < 2: raise KickstartError, "Invalid %include line" else: # read in the included file and set our where appropriately where = self.readKickstart(id, args[1], where = where) elif args and args[0] == "%packages": if ((where =="pre" and parsePre) or (where in ["post", "traceback"] and not parsePre)): s = Script(script, scriptInterp, scriptChroot, scriptLog, errorOnFail) if where == "pre": self.preScripts.append(s) elif where == "post": self.postScripts.append(s) else: self.tracebackScripts.append(s) # if we're parsing the %pre, we don't need to continue if parsePre: continue if len(args) > 1: for arg in args[1:]: elif arg == "--excludedocs": id.excludeDocs = 1 elif arg == "--ignoremissing": self.handleMissing = KS_MISSING_IGNORE elif arg == "--nobase": self.addBase = 0 where = "packages" self.skipSteps.append("package-selection") else: # if we're parsing the %pre and not in the pre, continue if parsePre and where != "pre": continue elif where == "packages": #Scan for comments in package list...drop off #everything after "#" mark try: ind = string.index(n, "#") n = n[:ind] except: #No "#" found in line pass if n[0] == '@': n = n[1:] n = string.strip (n) groups.append(n) elif n[0] == '-': n = n[1:] n = string.strip(n) excludedPackages.append(n) else: n = string.strip (n) packages.append(n) elif where == "commands": if handlers.has_key(args[0]): if handlers[args[0]] is not None: handlers[args[0]](id, args[1:]) else: # unrecognized command raise KickstartError, "Unrecognized ks command: %s\nOn the line: %s" % (args[0], n) elif where in ["pre", "post", "traceback"]: script = script + n else: raise KickstartError, "I'm lost in kickstart" self.groupList.extend(groups) self.packageList.extend(packages) self.excludedList.extend(excludedPackages) # test to see if they specified to clear partitions and also # tried to --onpart on a logical partition # # XXX # #if iutil.getArch() == 'i386' and self.fstab: #clear = self.getClearParts() #if clear == FSEDIT_CLEAR_LINUX or clear == FSEDIT_CLEAR_ALL: #for (mntpoint, (dev, fstype, reformat)) in self.fstab: #if int(dev[-1:]) > 4: #raise RuntimeError, "Clearpart and --onpart on non-primary partition %s not allowed" % dev if ((where =="pre" and parsePre) or (where in ["post", "traceback"] and not parsePre)): s = Script(script, scriptInterp, scriptChroot, scriptLog, errorOnFail) if where == "pre": self.preScripts.append(s) elif where == "post": self.postScripts.append(s) else: self.tracebackScripts.append(s) return where def doClearPart(self, id, args): type = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE drives = None initAll = 0 (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'linux', 'all', 'drives=', 'initlabel', 'none']) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--linux': type = CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX elif str == '--all': type = CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL elif str == '--drives': drives = string.split(arg, ',') elif str == '--initlabel': initAll = 1 elif str == '--none': type = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE self.setClearParts(id, type, drives, initAll = initAll) # this adds a partition to the autopartition list replacing anything # else with this mountpoint so that you can use autopart and override / def addPartRequest(self, partitions, request): if not request.mountpoint: partitions.autoPartitionRequests.append(request) return for req in partitions.autoPartitionRequests: if req.mountpoint and req.mountpoint == request.mountpoint: partitions.autoPartitionRequests.remove(req) break partitions.autoPartitionRequests.append(request) def doAutoPart(self, id, args): # sets up default autopartitioning. use clearpart separately # if you want it self.setDefaultPartitioning(id, doClear = 0) id.partitions.isKickstart = 1 self.skipSteps.append("partition") self.skipSteps.append("partitionmethod") self.skipSteps.append("partitionmethodsetup") self.skipSteps.append("fdisk") self.skipSteps.append("autopartition") self.skipSteps.append("zfcpconfig") def defineLogicalVolume(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'vgname=', 'size=', 'name=', 'fstype=', 'percent=', 'maxsize=', 'bytes-per-inode=', 'grow', 'recommended', 'noformat', 'useexisting', 'fsoptions=']) mountpoint = None vgname = None size = None name = None fstype = None percent = None grow = 0 maxSizeMB = 0 format = 1 recommended = None preexist = 0 bytesPerInode = None fsopts = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--vgname': vgname = arg elif str == '--size': size = int(arg) elif str == '--name': name = arg elif str == '--fstype': fstype = arg elif str == '--percent': percent = int(arg) elif str == '--maxsize': maxSizeMB = int(arg) elif str == '--bytes-per-inode': bytesPerInode = int(arg) elif str == '--grow': grow = 1 elif str == '--recommended': recommended = 1 elif str == "--noformat": format = 0 preexist = 1 elif str == "--useexisting": preexist = 1 elif str == "--fsoptions": fsopts = arg if extra[0] == 'swap': filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet('swap') mountpoint = None if recommended: (size, maxSizeMB) = iutil.swapSuggestion() grow = 1 else: if fstype: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet(fstype) else: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGetDefault() mountpoint = extra[0] # sanity check mountpoint if mountpoint is not None and mountpoint[0] != '/': raise KickstartError, "The mount point \"%s\" is not valid." % (mountpoint,) if not vgname: raise KickstartError, "Must specify the volume group for the logical volume to be in" if not size and not percent and not preexist: raise KickstartError, "Must specify the size of a logical volume" if percent and percent <= 0 or percent > 100: raise KickstartValueError, "Logical Volume percentage must be between 0 and 100 percent" if not name: raise KickstartError, "Must specify a logical volume name" vgid = self.ksVGMapping[vgname] for areq in id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: if areq.type == REQUEST_LV: if areq.volumeGroup == vgid and areq.logicalVolumeName == name: raise KickstartValueError, "Logical volume name %s already used in volume group %s" % (name,vgname) if not self.ksVGMapping.has_key(vgname): raise KickstartValueError, "Logical volume specifies a non-existent volume group" request = partRequests.LogicalVolumeRequestSpec(filesystem, format = format, mountpoint = mountpoint, size = size, percent = percent, volgroup = vgid, lvname = name, grow = grow, maxSizeMB=maxSizeMB, preexist = preexist, bytesPerInode = bytesPerInode) if fsopts: request.fsopts = fsopts self.addPartRequest(id.partitions, request) def defineVolumeGroup(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', ['noformat','useexisting', 'pesize=']) preexist = 0 format = 1 pesize = 32768 vgname = extra[0] for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--noformat' or str == '--useexisting': preexist = 1 format = 0 elif str == "--pesize": pesize = int(arg) pvs = [] # get the unique ids of each of the physical volumes for pv in extra[1:]: if pv not in self.ksPVMapping.keys(): raise KickstartError, "Tried to use an undefined partition in Volume Group specification" pvs.append(self.ksPVMapping[pv]) if len(pvs) == 0 and not preexist: raise KickstartError, "Volume group defined without any physical volumes" if pesize not in lvm.getPossiblePhysicalExtents(floor=1024): raise KickstartError, "Volume group specified invalid pesize: %d" %(pesize,) # get a sort of hackish id uniqueID = self.ksID self.ksVGMapping[extra[0]] = uniqueID self.ksID = self.ksID + 1 request = partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec(vgname = vgname, physvols = pvs, preexist = preexist, format = format, pesize = pesize) request.uniqueID = uniqueID self.addPartRequest(id.partitions, request) def defineRaid(self, id, args): (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'level=', 'device=', 'spares=', 'fstype=', 'noformat', 'useexisting', 'fsoptions='] ) level = None raidDev = None spares = 0 fstype = None format = 1 uniqueID = None preexist = 0 fsopts = None for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--level': level = arg elif str == "--device": raidDev = arg if raidDev[0:2] == "md": raidDev = raidDev[2:] raidDev = int(raidDev) elif str == "--spares": spares = int(arg) elif str == "--noformat": format = 0 preexist = 1 elif str == "--useexisting": preexist = 1 elif str == "--fstype": fstype = arg elif str == "--fsoptions": fsopts = arg if extra[0] == 'swap': filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet('swap') mountpoint = None elif extra[0].startswith("pv."): filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet("physical volume (LVM)") mountpoint = None if self.ksPVMapping.has_key(extra[0]): raise KickstartError, "Defined PV partition %s multiple times" % (extra[0],) # get a sort of hackish id uniqueID = self.ksID self.ksPVMapping[extra[0]] = uniqueID self.ksID = self.ksID + 1 else: if fstype: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet(fstype) else: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGetDefault() mountpoint = extra[0] # sanity check mountpoint if mountpoint is not None and mountpoint[0] != '/': raise KickstartError, "The mount point \"%s\" is not valid." % (mountpoint,) raidmems = [] # get the unique ids of each of the raid members for member in extra[1:]: if member not in self.ksRaidMapping.keys(): raise KickstartError, "Tried to use an undefined partition in RAID specification" if member in self.ksUsedMembers: raise KickstartError, "Tried to use the RAID member %s in two or more RAID specifications" % (member,) raidmems.append(self.ksRaidMapping[member]) self.ksUsedMembers.append(member) # XXX this shouldn't have to happen =\ if raid.isRaid0(level): level = "RAID0" elif raid.isRaid1(level): level = "RAID1" elif raid.isRaid5(level): level = "RAID5" elif raid.isRaid6(level): level = "RAID6" if not level and preexist == 0: raise KickstartValueError, "RAID Partition defined without RAID level" if len(raidmems) == 0 and preexist == 0: raise KickstartValueError, "RAID Partition defined without any RAID members" request = partRequests.RaidRequestSpec(filesystem, mountpoint = mountpoint, raidmembers = raidmems, raidlevel = level, raidspares = spares, format = format, raidminor = raidDev, preexist = preexist) if uniqueID: request.uniqueID = uniqueID if preexist and raidDev is not None: request.device = "md%s" %(raidDev,) if fsopts: request.fsopts = fsopts self.addPartRequest(id.partitions, request) def definePartition(self, id, args): # we set up partition requests (whee!) size = None grow = None maxSize = None disk = None onPart = None fsopts = None type = None primOnly = None format = 1 fstype = None mountpoint = None uniqueID = None start = None end = None badblocks = None recommended = None bytesPerInode = None label = None (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'size=', 'maxsize=', 'grow', 'onpart=', 'ondisk=', 'bytes-per-inode=', 'usepart=', 'type=', 'fstype=', 'asprimary', 'noformat', 'start=', 'end=', 'badblocks', 'recommended', 'ondrive=', 'onbiosdisk=', 'fsoptions=', 'label=']) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--size': size = int(arg) elif str == '--maxsize': maxSize = int(arg) elif str == '--grow': grow = 1 elif str == '--onpart' or str == '--usepart': onPart = arg elif str == '--ondisk' or str == '--ondrive': disk = arg elif str == '--onbiosdisk': disk = isys.doGetBiosDisk(arg) if disk is None: raise KickstartValueError, "Specified BIOS disk %s cannot be determined" %(arg,) elif str == '--bytes-per-inode': bytesPerInode = int(arg) # XXX this doesn't do anything right now elif str == '--type': type = int(arg) elif str == "--active": active = 1 elif str == "--asprimary": primOnly = 1 elif str == "--noformat": format = 0 elif str == "--fstype": fstype = arg elif str == "--start": start = int(arg) elif str == "--end": end = int(arg) elif str == "--badblocks": # no longer support badblocks checking log.warning("--badblocks specified but is no longer supported") elif str == "--recommended": recommended = 1 elif str == "--fsoptions": fsopts = arg elif str == "--label": label = arg if len(extra) != 1: raise KickstartValueError, "partition command requires one anonymous argument" if extra[0] == 'swap': filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet('swap') mountpoint = None if recommended: (size, maxSize) = iutil.swapSuggestion() grow = 1 # if people want to specify no mountpoint for some reason, let them # this is really needed for pSeries boot partitions :( elif extra[0] == 'None': mountpoint = None if fstype: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet(fstype) else: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGetDefault() elif extra[0] == 'appleboot': filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet("Apple Bootstrap") mountpoint = None elif extra[0] == 'prepboot': filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet("PPC PReP Boot") mountpoint = None elif extra[0].startswith("raid."): filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet("software RAID") if self.ksRaidMapping.has_key(extra[0]): raise KickstartError, "Defined RAID partition %s multiple times" % (extra[0],) # get a sort of hackish id uniqueID = self.ksID self.ksRaidMapping[extra[0]] = uniqueID self.ksID = self.ksID + 1 elif extra[0].startswith("pv."): filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet("physical volume (LVM)") if self.ksPVMapping.has_key(extra[0]): raise KickstartError, "Defined PV partition %s multiple times" % (extra[0],) # get a sort of hackish id uniqueID = self.ksID self.ksPVMapping[extra[0]] = uniqueID self.ksID = self.ksID + 1 # XXX should we let people not do this for some reason? elif extra[0] == "/boot/efi": filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet("vfat") mountpoint = extra[0] else: if fstype: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGet(fstype) mountpoint = extra[0] else: filesystem = fileSystemTypeGetDefault() mountpoint = extra[0] if (size is None) and (not start and not end) and (not onPart): raise KickstartValueError, "partition command requires a size specification" if start and not disk: raise KickstartValueError, "partition command with start cylinder requires a drive specification" if disk and disk not in isys.hardDriveDict().keys(): raise KickstartValueError, "specified disk %s in partition command which does not exist" %(disk,) request = partRequests.PartitionSpec(filesystem, mountpoint = mountpoint, format = 1, fslabel = label, bytesPerInode = bytesPerInode) if size is not None: request.size = size if start: request.start = start if end: request.end = end if grow: request.grow = 1 if maxSize: request.maxSizeMB = maxSize if disk: request.drive = [ disk ] if primOnly: request.primary = 1 if not format: request.format = 0 if uniqueID: request.uniqueID = uniqueID if badblocks: request.badblocks = badblocks if onPart: # strip spurious /dev if onPart.startswith("/dev/"): onPart = onPart[5:] request.device = onPart for areq in id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: if areq.device is not None and areq.device == onPart: raise KickstartValueError, "Partition %s already used" %(onPart,) if fsopts: request.fsopts = fsopts self.addPartRequest(id.partitions, request) id.partitions.isKickstart = 1 self.skipSteps.append("partition") self.skipSteps.append("partitionmethod") self.skipSteps.append("partitionmethodsetup") self.skipSteps.append("fdisk") self.skipSteps.append("autopartition") self.skipSteps.append("zfcpconfig") def doIgnoreDisk(self, id, args): # add disks to ignore list drives = [] (args, extra) = isys.getopt(args, '', [ 'drives=' ]) for n in args: (str, arg) = n if str == '--drives': drives = string.split(arg, ',') self.setIgnoredDisks(id, drives) def setSteps(self, dispatch): if self.installType == "upgrade": from upgradeclass import InstallClass theUpgradeclass = InstallClass(0) theUpgradeclass.setSteps(dispatch) # we have no way to specify migrating yet dispatch.skipStep("upgrademigfind") dispatch.skipStep("upgrademigratefs") dispatch.skipStep("upgradecontinue") dispatch.skipStep("findinstall", permanent = 1) dispatch.skipStep("language") dispatch.skipStep("keyboard") # dispatch.skipStep("mouse") dispatch.skipStep("welcome") dispatch.skipStep("betanag") dispatch.skipStep("installtype") else: BaseInstallClass.setSteps(self, dispatch) dispatch.skipStep("findrootparts") if self.interactive or flags.autostep: dispatch.skipStep("installtype") dispatch.skipStep("partitionmethod") dispatch.skipStep("partitionmethodsetup") dispatch.skipStep("fdisk") dispatch.skipStep("autopartition") dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") # because these steps depend on the monitor being probed # properly, and will stop you if you have an unprobed monitor, # we should skip them for autostep if flags.autostep: dispatch.skipStep("checkmonitorok") dispatch.skipStep("monitor") return dispatch.skipStep("bootdisk") dispatch.skipStep("welcome") dispatch.skipStep("betanag") dispatch.skipStep("confirminstall") dispatch.skipStep("confirmupgrade") dispatch.skipStep("network") dispatch.skipStep("installtype") for n in self.skipSteps: dispatch.skipStep(n) for n in self.showSteps: dispatch.skipStep(n, skip = 0) def setInstallData(self, id, intf = None): BaseInstallClass.setInstallData(self, id) self.setEarlySwapOn(1) self.postScripts = [] self.preScripts = [] self.tracebackScripts = [] self.installType = "install" self.id = id self.id.firstboot = FIRSTBOOT_SKIP # parse the %pre try: self.readKickstart(id, self.file, parsePre = 1) except KickstartError, e: raise KickstartError, e log.info("Running kickstart %%pre script(s)") for script in self.preScripts: script.run("/", self.serial, intf) log.info("All kickstart %%pre script(s) have been run") # now read the kickstart file for real try: self.readKickstart(id, self.file) except KickstartError, e: log.critical("Exception parsing ks.cfg: %s" %(e,)) if intf is None: raise KickstartError, e else: intf.kickstartErrorWindow(e.__str__()) def runTracebackScripts(self): log.info("Running kickstart %%traceback script(s)") for script in self.tracebackScripts: script.run("/", self.serial) # Note that this assumes setGroupSelection() is called before # setPackageSelection() def setPackageSelection(self, hdlist, intf): for n in self.packageList: # allow arch:name syntax if n.find(".") == -1: name = n else: fields = n.split(".") name = string.join(fields[:-1], ".") arch = fields[-1] found = 0 if hdlist.pkgnames.has_key(name): pkgs = hdlist.pkgnames[name] for (nevra, parch) in pkgs: if parch == arch: hdlist.pkgs[nevra].select() found = 1 break if found: continue if hdlist.has_key(n): hdlist[n].select() continue if self.handleMissing == KS_MISSING_IGNORE: log.warning("package %s doesn't exist, ignoring" %(n,)) continue rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Missing Package"), _("You have specified that the " "package '%s' should be installed. " "This package does not exist. " "Would you like to continue or " "abort your installation?") %(n,), type="custom", custom_buttons=[_("_Abort"), _("_Continue")]) if rc == 0: sys.exit(1) else: pass def setGroupSelection(self, grpset, intf): grpset.unselectAll() if self.addBase: grpset.selectGroup("base") for n in self.groupList: try: grpset.selectGroup(n) except KeyError: if self.handleMissing == KS_MISSING_IGNORE: log.warning("group %s doesn't exist, ignoring" %(n,)) else: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Missing Group"), _("You have specified that the " "group '%s' should be installed. " "This group does not exist. " "Would you like to continue or " "abort your installation?") %(n,), type="custom", custom_buttons=[_("_Abort"), _("_Continue")]) if rc == 0: sys.exit(1) else: pass for n in self.excludedList: # allow arch:name syntax if n.find(".") == -1: name = n else: fields = n.split(".") name = string.join(fields[:-1], ".") arch = fields[-1] if grpset.hdrlist.pkgnames.has_key(name): pkgs = grpset.hdrlist.pkgnames[name] found = 0 for (nevra, parch) in pkgs: if parch == arch: grpset.hdrlist.pkgs[nevra].unselect(isManual = 1) found = 1 break if found: continue if grpset.hdrlist.has_key(n): pkgs = grpset.hdrlist.pkgnames[n] for (nevra, parch) in pkgs: grpset.hdrlist.pkgs[nevra].unselect(isManual = 1) else: log.error("%s does not exist, can't exclude" %(n,)) def __init__(self, file, serial): self.serial = serial self.file = file self.skipSteps = [] self.showSteps = [] self.interactive = 0 self.addBase = 1 self.packageList = [] self.groupList = [] self.excludedList = [] self.ksRaidMapping = {} self.ksUsedMembers = [] self.ksPVMapping = {} self.ksVGMapping = {} # XXX hack to give us a starting point for RAID, LVM, etc unique IDs. self.ksID = 100000 # how to handle missing packages self.handleMissing = KS_MISSING_PROMPT BaseInstallClass.__init__(self, 0) # see if any vnc parameters are specified in the kickstart file def parseKickstartVNC(ksfile): try: f = open(ksfile, "r") except: raise KSAppendException("Unable to open ks file %s" % (ksfile,)) lines = f.readlines() f.close() usevnc = 0 vnchost = None vncport = None vncpasswd = None for l in lines: args = isys.parseArgv(l) if args: if args[0] in ("%pre", "%post", "%traceback", "%packages"): break if args[0] != 'vnc': continue else: continue idx = 1 while idx < len(args): if args[idx] == "--password": try: vncpasswd = args[idx+1] except: raise KickstartError, "Missing argument to vnc --password option" idx += 2 elif args[idx] == "--connect": try: connectspec = args[idx+1] except: raise KickstartError, "Missing argument to vnc --connect option" cargs = string.split(connectspec, ":") vnchost = cargs[0] if len(cargs) > 1: if len(cargs[1]) > 0: vncport = cargs[1] idx += 2 else: raise KickstartError, "Unknown vnc option %s" % (args[idx],) usevnc = 1 break return (usevnc, vncpasswd, vnchost, vncport) # # look through ksfile and if it contains a line: # # %ksappend # # pull down and append to /tmp/ks.cfg. This is run before we actually # parse the complete kickstart file. # # Main use is to have the ks.cfg you send to the loader be minimal, and then # use %ksappend to pull via https anything private (like passwords, etc) in # the second stage. # def pullRemainingKickstartConfig(ksfile): try: f = open(ksfile, "r") except: raise KSAppendException("Unable to open ks file %s" % (ksfile,)) lines = f.readlines() f.close() url = None for l in lines: ll = l.strip() if string.find(ll, "%ksappend") == -1: continue try: (xxx, ksurl) = string.split(ll, ' ') except: raise KSAppendException("Illegal url for %%ksappend - %s" % (ll,)) log.info("Attempting to pull second part of ks.cfg from url %s" % (ksurl,)) try: url = grabber.urlopen (ksurl) except grabber.URLGrabError, e: raise KSAppendException ("IOError: %s" % e.strerror) else: # sanity check result - sometimes FTP doesnt # catch a file is missing try: clen = url.info()['content-length'] except Exception, e: clen = 0 if clen < 1: raise KSAppendException("IOError: -1:File not found") break # if we got something then rewrite /tmp/ks.cfg with new information if url is not None: os.rename("/tmp/ks.cfg", "/tmp/ks.cfg-part1") # insert contents of original /tmp/ks.cfg w/o %ksappend line f = open("/tmp/ks.cfg", 'w+') for l in lines: ll = l.strip() if string.find(ll, "%ksappend") != -1: continue f.write(l) # now write part we just grabbed f.write(url.read()) f.close() # close up url and we're done url.close() return None