# # timezone_gui.py: gui timezone selection. # # Copyright 2000-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import string import gtk import gtk.glade import gtk.gdk import gui import gobject import zonetab import pango import sys from timezone_map_gui import TimezoneMap from rhpl.translate import _, textdomain from iw_gui import * try: import gnomecanvas except ImportError: import gnome.canvas as gnomecanvas textdomain("system-config-date") class TimezoneWindow(InstallWindow): def __init__(self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__(self, ics) # Need to set the custom handler before loading the glade file or # this won't work. gtk.glade.set_custom_handler(self.custom_widget_handler) # Set the default now. We'll fix it for real in getScreen. self.default = "America/New_York" self.zonetab = zonetab.ZoneTab() # Pull in a bunch of widgets. self.xml = gtk.glade.XML("/usr/share/system-config-date/system-config-date.glade", domain="system-config-date") self.vbox = self.xml.get_widget("tz_vbox") self.utcCheckbox = self.xml.get_widget("utc_check") self.notebook = self.xml.get_widget("notebook") self.tzActionLabel = self.xml.get_widget("tzActionLabel") # Need to set this after we've pulled in the glade file. self.tz.tzActionLabel = self.tzActionLabel self.tz.setActionLabelToMap() ics.setTitle(_("Time Zone Selection")) ics.setNextEnabled(1) ics.readHTML("timezone") def custom_widget_handler(self, xml, function_name, widget_name, str1, str2, int1, int2): if hasattr(self, function_name): handler = getattr(self, function_name) return handler(str1, str2, int1, int2) else: # Lame. return gtk.Label() def timezone_widget_create (self, str1, str2, int1, int2): mappath = "/usr/share/system-config-date/pixmaps/map1440.png" regionspath = "/usr/share/system-config-date/regions" if gtk.gdk.screen_width() < 1024: viewportWidth = 480 else: viewportWidth = 600 self.tz = AnacondaTZMap(self.zonetab, self.default, map=mappath, regions=regionspath, viewportWidth=viewportWidth) self.tz.show_all() return self.tz def getNext(self): newzone = self.tz.getCurrent().tz self.timezone.setTimezoneInfo(newzone, self.utcCheckbox.get_active()) return None # TimezoneWindow tag="timezone" def getScreen(self, instLang, timezone): self.timezone = timezone (self.default, asUTC, asArc) = self.timezone.getTimezoneInfo() if not self.default: self.default = instLang.getDefaultTimeZone() asUTC = 0 if (string.find(self.default, "UTC") != -1): self.default = "America/New_York" # Now fix the default we set when we made the timezone map widget. self.tz.setCurrent(self.zonetab.findEntryByTZ(self.default)) self.utcCheckbox.set_active(asUTC) self.notebook.remove(self.vbox) return self.vbox # Only populate the combo box with cities that are in the zoom area or are # currently selected. def tzFilterFunc (model, iter, user_data): (longmin, latmin, longmax, latmax) = user_data.get_shown_region_long_lat() curlat = model.get_value(iter, 2) curlong = model.get_value(iter, 3) if curlat >= latmin and curlat <= latmax and curlong >= longmin and curlong <= longmax: return True elif user_data.currentEntry == None: if model.get_value(iter, 1) == "America/New_York": return True else: return False elif model.get_value(iter, 1) == user_data.currentEntry.tz: return True else: return False class AnacondaTZMap(TimezoneMap): def status_bar_init(self): self.status = None def load_entries (self, root): iter = self.tzStore.get_iter_first() for entry in self.zonetab.getEntries(): if entry.lat is None or entry.long is None: continue x, y = self.map2canvas(entry.lat, entry.long) marker = root.add(gnomecanvas.CanvasText, x=x, y=y, text=u'\u00B7', fill_color='yellow', anchor=gtk.ANCHOR_CENTER, weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD) self.markers[entry.tz] = marker if entry.tz == "America/New_York": #In case the /etc/sysconfig/clock is messed up, use New York as default self.fallbackEntry = entry iter = self.tzStore.insert_after(iter, [_(entry.tz), entry.tz, entry.lat, entry.long]) def timezone_list_init (self, default): self.hbox = gtk.HBox() self.tzStore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT) root = self.canvas.root() self.load_entries(root) # Add the ListStore to the sorted model after the list has been # populated, since otherwise we end up resorting on every addition. self.tzSorted = gtk.TreeModelSort(self.tzStore) self.tzSorted.set_sort_column_id(0, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.tzFilter = self.tzSorted.filter_new() self.tzCombo = gtk.ComboBox(model=self.tzFilter) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.tzCombo.pack_start(cell, True) self.tzCombo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) self.tzFilter.set_visible_func(tzFilterFunc, self) self.tzCombo.connect("changed", self.selectionChanged) self.hbox.pack_start(self.tzCombo, False, False) # Label for the comment (if there is one) self.commentLabel = gtk.Label() self.hbox.pack_start(self.commentLabel, True, True, padding=5) self.pack_start(self.hbox, False, False) def selectionChanged(self, widget, *args): iter = widget.get_active_iter() entry = self.zonetab.findEntryByTZ(widget.get_model().get_value(iter, 1)) self.setCurrent(entry) def overviewPressEvent(self): TimezoneMap.overviewPressEvent(self) self.tzFilter.refilter() def zoomMoveEvent(self, event): x1, y1 = self.canvas.root ().w2i (event.x, event.y) long, lat = self.canvas2map (x1, y1) r = self.region longmin, latmin, longmax, latmax = self.get_shown_region_long_lat () last = self.highlightedEntry self.highlightedEntry = self.zonetab.findNearest(long, lat, longmin, latmin, longmax, latmax) if self.highlightedEntry: x2, y2 = self.map2canvas(self.highlightedEntry.lat, self.highlightedEntry.long) self.arrow.set(points=(x1, y1, x2, y2)) self.arrow.show () else: self.arrow.hide () def zoomPressEvent(self, event): TimezoneMap.zoomPressEvent(self, event) if event.button == 1: self.tzFilter.refilter() def updateTimezoneList(self): # Find the currently selected item in the combo box and update both # the combo and the comment label. iter = self.tzCombo.get_model().get_iter_first() while iter: if self.tzCombo.get_model().get_value(iter, 1) == self.currentEntry.tz: self.tzCombo.set_active_iter(iter) if self.currentEntry.comments != None: self.commentLabel.set_text(self.currentEntry.comments) else: self.commentLabel.set_text("") break iter = self.tzCombo.get_model().iter_next(iter)