#!/usr/bin/python # # release_notes.py - "I can't believe it's not a web browser." # # David Cantrell # # Copyright 2006 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import sys import os import signal import gtk import gtkhtml2 import urllib import urlparse import gui from rhpl.translate import _, N_ class ReleaseNotesViewer: def __init__(self, anaconda): self.currentURI = None self.htmlheader = "
		self.htmlfooter = "
" self.doc = gtkhtml2.Document() self.vue = gtkhtml2.View() self.opener = urllib.FancyURLopener() # FIXME: these do not work, disabling for FC6 --dcantrell #self.doc.connect('request_url', self.requestURLCallBack) #self.doc.connect('link_clicked', self.linkClickedCallBack) #self.vue.connect('request_object', self.requestObjectCallBack) self.topDir = None self.width = None self.height = None self.is_showing = False self.anaconda = anaconda self.load() self.resize() self.setupWindow() def getReleaseNotes(self): langs = self.anaconda.id.instLanguage.getCurrentLangSearchList() + [ "" ] suffixList = [] for lang in langs: if lang: suffixList.append("-%s.html" % (lang,)) suffixList.append(".%s" % (lang,)) for suffix in suffixList: fn = "RELEASE-NOTES%s" % (suffix,) try: tmpfile = os.path.abspath(self.anaconda.dispatch.method.getFilename(fn, destdir="/tmp", retry=0)) if tmpfile is None: continue # Just because we got a filename back doesn't # mean it's a valid file. Check that it's not # zero length too. st = os.stat(tmpfile) if st.st_size == 0L: os.remove(tmpfile) continue self.topDir = os.path.dirname(tmpfile) return tmpfile except: continue return None def resize(self, w=None, h=None): sw = gtk.gdk.screen_width() (step, args) = self.anaconda.dispatch.currentStep() if w is None: if sw >= 800: self.width = 800 else: self.width = 640 else: self.width = int(w) # if we are at the installation progress bar step, make the # release notes window smaller so the progress bar is still # visible...otherwise, consume the entire screen if h is None: if sw >= 800: if step == "installpackages": self.height = 445 else: self.height = 600 else: if step == "installpackages": self.height = 300 else: self.height = 480 else: self.height = int(h) # FIXME: replace with logger from anaconda_log (fix exec first) def log(self, string): print string def load(self, uri=None): def loadWrapper(baloney): self.doc.open_stream('text/html') self.doc.write_stream(self.htmlheader) self.doc.write_stream(baloney) self.doc.write_stream(self.htmlfooter) if uri is None: uri = self.getReleaseNotes() if uri is not None: if os.access(uri, os.R_OK): try: f = self.openURI(uri) except OSError: self.log("Failed to open %s" % (link,)) return if f is not None: self.doc.clear() headers = f.info() mime = headers.getheader('Content-type') if mime: self.doc.open_stream(mime) self.doc.write_stream(f.read()) else: loadWrapper(f.read()) self.doc.close_stream() f.close() self.currentURI = self.resolveURI(uri) else: loadWrapper(_("Release notes are missing.\n")) self.doc.close_stream() self.currentURI = None else: loadWrapper(_("Release notes are missing.\n")) self.doc.close_stream() self.currentURI = None def isShowing(self): return self.is_showing def hide(self): if self.textWin is not None: self.textWin.hide_all() self.is_showing = False def setupWindow(self): self.vue.set_document(self.doc) self.textWin = gtk.Window() self.textWin.connect("delete-event", self.closedCallBack) mainbox = gtk.VBox(False, 6) self.textWin.add(mainbox) table = gtk.Table(3, 3, False) mainbox.pack_start(table) mainbox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), False, False) bb = gtk.HButtonBox() bb.set_property("layout-style", gtk.BUTTONBOX_END) b = gtk.Button(stock="gtk-close") b.connect("clicked", self.closedCallBack) bb.pack_start(b) mainbox.pack_start(bb, False, False) vbox1 = gtk.VBox() vbox1.set_border_width(10) frame = gtk.Frame("") frame.add(vbox1) frame.set_label_align(0.5, 0.5) frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) self.textWin.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_NONE) self.textWin.set_gravity(gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST) if self.vue is not None: sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) sw.add(self.vue) sw.show_all() vbox1.pack_start(sw) a = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1.0, 1.0) a.add(frame) self.textWin.set_default_size(self.width, self.height) self.textWin.set_size_request(self.width, self.height) # we want the release notes dialog to be the same # size as the main installer window so it covers it # up completely. this isn't always the same size # as the root window, so figure out our northwest # origin point and then move the window if gtk.gdk.screen_width() == self.width: self.textWin.move(0, 0) else: # the width will always be fixed, but our # height changes depending on the installation # stage, so do the origin point calculations # using what would be the full height if self.width == 800: fullh = 600 elif self.width == 640: fullh = 480 left = (gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self.width) / 2 top = (gtk.gdk.screen_height() - fullh) / 2 self.textWin.move(left, top) table.attach(a, 1, 2, 1, 2, gtk.FILL | gtk.EXPAND, gtk.FILL | gtk.EXPAND, 5, 5) self.textWin.set_border_width(0) gui.addFrame(self.textWin, _("Release Notes")) else: self.textWin.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) label = gtk.Label(_("Unable to load file!")) table.attach(label, 1, 2, 1, 2, gtk.FILL | gtk.EXPAND, gtk.FILL | gtk.EXPAND, 5, 5) self.textWin.set_border_width(0) gui.addFrame(self.textWin) def view(self): self.textWin.show_all() # set cursor to normal (assuming that anaconda set it to busy # when it exec'd this viewer app to give progress indicator # to user). root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR) root.set_cursor(cursor) self.is_showing = True def resolveURI(self, link): parts = urlparse.urlparse(link) if parts[0] or parts[1]: return link else: # FIXME: does not work right now #return urlparse.urljoin(self.currentURI, link) return link def openURI(self, link): try: ret = self.opener.open(self.resolveURI(link)) except IOError: ret = None return ret def closedCallBack(self, *args): self.textWin.hide_all() self.is_showing = False def linkClickedCallBack(self, document, link): if link[0] == '#': self.log("jump to anchor: %s" % (link,)) self.vue.jump_to_anchor(link) else: self.load(link) def requestURLCallBack(self, document, url, stream): try: f = self.openURI(url) stream.write(f.read()) except: # we'll try local from self.topDir url = os.path.abspath(self.topDir + '/' + url) try: f = self.openURI(url) stream.write(f.read()) except: self.log("requested url not found: %s" % (url,)) def requestObjectCallBack(self, *args): self.log("request objects call back: %s" % (args))